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Aiming the stabilisation of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at 450 ppm, a strong climate policy in the EU-27 will be required. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and the building up of a CO2 pipeline system will be one option to avoid climate change. The analysis of the potential CO2 storage options in Europe shows a huge potential in the North Sea and their neighbouring countries and only less potentials in the southern European countries. A scenario analysis using the European energy system model TIMES PanEU shows that the installation of CO2 transport pipelines for cross boarder exchange of CO2 from power plants located next to the boarder could be one possible infrastructure solution. This solution is a cost efficient option which will be used mainly by the North Sea neighbouring countries (Germany, UK, the Netherlands, Denmark) and Poland. A central pipeline grid in the North Sea for the usage of huge storage options like the Utsira formation will be important in the future for countries with limited CO2 storage capacities (like Belgium or the Netherlands). If cheap storage options like onshore Aquifers are not available, the design of central CO2 pipeline grids has a strong impact on the power plant structure, the electricity and CO2 certificate price. Based on a limited availability of onshore CO2 storages the electricity price will increase by up to 16 € 2007/MWh and the CO2-certificate price will rise by additional 35 € 2007/t CO2 in 2050.  相似文献   

利用CO_2提高原油采收率是EOR中发展较快的一项工艺技术,它能达到比水驱更好的驱油效果.在实施CO_2单井吞吐及CO_2驱时,注入液态CO_2与注入气态CO_2相比具有工艺简单、成本低等优点.工艺实施中,CO_2的注入量是影响增油效果及经济效益的一个敏感性因素.而准确计量CO_2的注入量,尤其是驱油试验中各个不同周期的注入量,达到油藏工程设计要求,获得最佳增油效果,是工艺中至关重要的环节,同时也是CO_2吞吐及CO_2驱工艺后评估中解决经济评价的手段.  相似文献   

Cogeneration is a promising technology in the energy transition amongst other things in view of its energy efficiency and its broad applicability in the household, tertiary and industry sectors. For the promotion of cogeneration technologies, support schemes are in place in German energy policy. Amongst other things the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Act serves as the main instrument for the promotion since 2002. In the new version of the CHP Act of 2016 the German Federal Government strives towards a more market-oriented design resulting in significant amendments featuring inter alia a highly case-dependent tariff design with modified levels and durations of remuneration. It is therefore the aim of the present study to assess these modifications with respect to technical, economic and ecological aspects in a model-based approach by means of selected use cases at different levels of spatial aggregation for residential buildings. Results point to an economic advantageousness for cases of the medium energy consumption level (streets and blocks of houses) under the new regime as well as the reversal of this attractiveness for objects of high consumption (neighbourhoods, districts). Particularly, CHP plants tend be dimensioned comparatively smaller with a greater number of full-load hours under the new regime. Furthermore, implications with regard to technical and ecological aspects are shown in this contribution.  相似文献   

铁木1井是青海油田的高纯度二氧化碳井,本文通过对铁木1井试二氧化碳过程中存在的危险、安全防护措施及施工中存在问题等方面的分析,制定了行之有效的施工技术措施,达到了预期施工目的,为二氧化碳等有毒有害的气体的试气提供了宝贵的技术实践;文中简要介绍了二氧化碳在工业、民用以及石油开采方面的用途与价值,指出试CO2具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

美国Georgia技术研究院研究人员开发了一种新的低成本材料,可用于从燃煤电厂和其他温室气体发生源的烟气中捕集二氧化碳。这种新材料采用简单的一步法化学过程生产,组合了高吸附能力、易于合成、低成本和可循环利用等优点,可望实现工业规模应用。这种新材料称之为超支链氧化铝硅(HAS),研究得到美国能源部国家能源技术实验室的支持。  相似文献   

The analysis attempts to estimate the revenue potential from the provision of tertiary reserve capacity in the Swiss electricity control area based on publicly available data on historic tenders (June 2010–December 2013). A series of bidding strategies is defined for this purpose and backtested over the available time frame. We compare deterministic strategies derived from the observed price distribution of the previous day or week on the one hand with a model-based strategy on the other hand. The latter is implemented as a random forest regression model that takes into account, amongst other factors, the fill level of reservoir lakes in Switzerland. The results suggest that the model-based strategy be favoured over the deterministic strategies as it captures a higher amount of potential revenues and, most importantly, as it is more efficient. With the simplifying assumption that only a relatively small reserve capacity is offered and thus the results of the historic tenders are not affected, we get an average revenue potential of between 6 and 8 CHF/MW/h for negative tertiary reserve capacity and between 3 and 4 CHF/MW/h for positive tertiary reserve capacity.  相似文献   

Photovoltaics are one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world. Despite high costs and a limited energy yield, attractive support schemes particularly the German renewable energy law have paved the way for the strong market growth of this technology within the last decade. Here the question arises as to when photovoltaics will reach a competitive level in Germany without the support of subsidies. The prominent grid parity approach is simple and considered critical in this discussion. It is critical because of the different references regarding the costs of electricity generated by a newly installed PV system and the electricity price of private households, which consists of electricity generation, distribution, sales as well as taxes and duties on the one hand. On the other hand, there are different time references in the calculation of electricity generation costs and electricity prices of private households. Transferring the approach of Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE) to all power generation plants within the energy mix means a redefinition of the grid parity of photovoltaics will be carried out. Here the electricity generation costs of photovoltaics as well as the energy mix will be calculated in the same way. The LCOE calculation refers to the whole life cycle of every power generation plant. That is why a balance between the high investment costs of photovoltaics and the increasing operation costs of fossil fuelled power plants is made. It can be shown that the reaching of competitiveness of photovoltaics in Germany depends on structural changes in electricity generation and it is to be realized within the anticipated time frame until the year 2020.  相似文献   

分析设备故障原因,制定纠正预防措施,避免故障再次发生。总结维修经验,提高维保人员技能水平。  相似文献   

CO_2吸收塔进料预热器E-202腐蚀是振动磨损和介质腐蚀的共同结果,可以通过改善加工工艺或添加防冲板的措施来进行有效防护,帮助装置实现较长周期的安全生产。  相似文献   

2001年3月28日美国政府对“京都议定书”说“不”,招来世界一片谴责声。 上世纪末各国CO2排放量情况 a.美国CO2排放量超过13.5亿吨,占全球CO.2排放量的25%。 b.挪威 CO2排放超过 1000万吨。 c.澳大利亚超过1.21亿吨。 d.英国保持 1990年水平。 e.荷兰、丹麦从1990年水平下降4%到8%。 f.德国 1990年排放CO22.76亿吨,计划到2005年可以减少5%。 g.日本在1994年排放CO23.4亿吨.超过了1990年的3.2亿吨,但日已承诺要采取措施.保证在200…  相似文献   

超临界CO2萃取的工业化之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超临界流体革取技术是现代科学的先导。——钱信忠一项世界瞩目、争相开发应用的新一代化工分离技术——超临界C0c革取(Supe。itricalC02nxtrac。non,以下简称SCE)在祖国的城市和山村悄然兴起。它以其提取率高。产品纯度好、过程能耗低和无毒、无三废、无易燃易爆危险等诸多传统分离技术不可比拟的优势,被国内外公认为是生产高品质绿色产品的最佳方法,而为广大科技工作者和城乡企业家所青睐。我国开发SCE技术已有近20年的历史,特别是90年代以来,我国在工程技术和设备上取得了可喜的成果,目前已进入工业化的初始阶段。由于它是以…  相似文献   

文章介绍了煤炭燃烧CO2排放因子获取的物料平衡法和烟气监测法,及煤炭分类体系对排放因子的影响。综述了当前国际煤炭燃烧CO2排放因子的主要进展和热点问题。两种煤炭燃烧CO2排放因子获取方法的不确定性和排放因子数据体系是当前研究亟须解决的问题。提出煤炭排放因子对我国碳排放的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

2011年,是十二五开局之年,中国电力发展面临着低碳发展等若干新的课题.低碳,是当下一个热点话题,也是一种新的国际语境,但究竟如何科学评价电力行业的CO2减排总体效果,到底应如何设置经济技术指标,也是一个新的课题.而指标的明晰与量化,才是实现科学决策的基础.  相似文献   

In Germany there are four control areas that are operated by four independent system operators. Up to November 2008 there occurred antipodal use of secondary balancing power. Because this is inefficient, the market for secondary balancing power had been harmonized step by step. Since May 1st, 2010, harmonization is complete and no antipodal use occurs, so secondary balancing power should be used in an efficient way. This paper starts with an analysis of the auction data from May 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2010. Total costs are computed as well. In the next step, total costs are computed. Subsequently, a comparison with the data before the harmonization process is made. On the one hand, major efficiency gains have been achieved. On the other hand, bids have strongly increased, which may be due to a different market environment, but also due to strategic bid submission.  相似文献   

王占英 《化工管理》2015,(5):201+203
现代工业排放了大量的CO2,为了缓解CO2造成的温室效应,对CO2进行捕获并进行处置是减少CO2排放量的一个有效可行的措施。本文主要介绍了CO2的盐岩处置和海洋处置及在采油和采天然气中的资源化利用。  相似文献   

我国浓香型大曲酒优质品率很低,一般在40%以下。浓香型白酒酿制过程中产生大量黄水和底锅水,内含丰富的有机物质及呈香物质,经过特殊技术提取后,可作为调酒香料,将低档白酒提高到优质酒的水平。连续逆流超临界CO2萃取技术可以直接从黄水及底锅水中浓缩和提纯这些呈香物质,作为调香原料,为制酒业带来可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

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