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以云南省180个农户调查问卷为样本,采用描述性统计分析方法和二元Logistic方法分析了农户核桃交易现状和农户契约链参与意愿的影响因素。研究表明,农户核桃种植规模较大,核桃销售方式以中间商为主,核桃销售的交易成本和风险较高,农户核桃销售的社会化服务需求强烈;户主个人特征变量对农户契约链参与意愿的影响不显著,家庭劳动力数对农户契约链参与意愿有显著负向影响,亲朋好友是否从事相关工作对农户契约链参与意愿有显著正向影响,人际关系资产专用性、交易风险和交易成本对农户契约链参与愿意有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

王寅  任亮  王崴  张彬 《水利经济》2019,37(4):39-41
为进一步明确合同节水量参与水权交易的路径与方法,根据直接取用水户与间接取用水户的用水特点,从制度基础、交易方式等方面进行水权交易可行性分析。直接取用水户能够开展区域、取水权与灌溉用水户等类型水权交易;若能明确间接取用水户的取用水处置权以及专业节水公司的合同节水量收储权,间接取用水户也有较大水权交易潜力。在分析相关参与方利益诉求的基础上,提出水权制度建设与配套资金支持是相关政策的设计要点,应围绕水资源使用权的确权、赋权与易权设计水权制度,从增加政府资金投入、引导社会资本参与、降低企业税负三方面开展配套资金支持政策设计。  相似文献   

This study examines the influences of risk, transaction costs, autonomy, size, farm demographics, and socioeconomic characteristics on the choice of four business arrangements by U.S. hog producers. Data for this analysis were obtained from a national survey of U.S. hog producers. This research supports other studies that discuss the role of risk in the advent of contracting and transaction costs in the selection of business arrangements. The study results suggest that those who value autonomy less are currently adopters of contracts.  相似文献   

区块链作为比特币的底层技术,随着比特币的大热进入了大众视野。被称为第四次工业革命发动机的区块链技术有着普适性的底层框架,以其独特的技术方式对世界交易模式产生深刻影响。区块链合同以电子合同为蓝本,实践了智能合约的构想,由代码搭载当事人建立特定法律关系的意思表示,通过自动履行机制保证约定法律关系效力,应属合法合同。而在区块链合同的执行过程中,自动履行机制这一核心优势虽可降低合同履行成本、促进交易、取代传统信任,但亦存在技术、法律层面的瓶颈,现阶段区块链合同仍需慎行,在涉及复杂交易结构的金融应用场景中不妨辅之以传统书面合同。  相似文献   

The participation of intermediaries in either public policy or private markets can be justified on the basis of efficiency gains. With respect to private insurance companies and the crop insurance program, efficiency gains may arise from either decreased transaction costs through better established delivery channels and/or the revelation of asymmetric information. However, anecdotal evidence indicates that delivery costs are excessive and it appears that for political economy reasons, rates have and will not be adjusted in response to new information. In conclusion, the value-added of private insurance companies is questioned in light of the current political economy and thus should serve as a caution to other countries wishing to emulate the U.S. system.  相似文献   


This exploratory study is intended to analyze the differences in the organization of export marketing channels to developing and developed countries from the perspective of exporters in a developed country. Our evidence seems to suggest that despite high transaction costs, U.S. seafood exporters are not interested in vertical forward integration of the Japanese and Western European seafood distribution channels. The U.S. seafood industry is geared toward providing raw materials to foreign re-processors than exporting value added products. Thus, lack of management commitment to foreign end-users makes vertical forward integration difficult. Hence, unlike in developing countries, the choice of an efficient transaction governance structure for the U.S. seafood export business depends on factors derived from transaction cost theory and management commitment to foreign markets. The study found that resources are not a problem to U.S. seafood exporters.  相似文献   

Production Contracts and Productivity in the U.S. Hog Sector   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article measures the impact of contracting on partial and total factor productivity and the production technology of U.S. hog operations. A sample selection model accounts for the fact that unobservable variables may be correlated with both the operators' decision to contract and farm productivity. Results indicate that the use of production contracts is associated with a substantial increase in factor productivity, and represents a technological improvement over independent production. Results also identify determinants of farmers' decisions to contract and other factors influencing farm productivity.  相似文献   

This article provides an economic explanation regarding why the share of U.S. pork raised on company-owned farms with hired management (integration) is increasing relative to production through independently owned-and-operated contract growers (contracting). The article develops a property rights model that shows how in certain circumstances production contracts do not transfer sufficient control over the use of production assets to intermediaries. On the other hand, integration removes certain grower incentives, with the result that production on company farms tends to be relatively costly. Practical examples of factors that influence the likelihood of full integration are emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide empirical evidence relating to theimportance of contract enforcement for development. Survey dataon Hungarian farms are used to estimate the impact of contracthold-ups on investment. We find that investment is affectedby a variety of factors. Contract breaches in the form of delayedpayments have a non-linear effect on investment: at high levels,they significantly deter the investment, but not at low levels.  相似文献   

生物质能源林基地中原料供应模式选择的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用契约经济学的观点对原料供应模式问题进行了探讨,建立了"交易成本和管理成本"及"交易特性影响因素"2个理论分析模型。在对影响生物质能源林原料供应模式的有关因素进行详细分析的基础上,提出了原料供应模式的选择建议。  相似文献   

The linkage between macroeconomic policies and agricultural commodity trade has become an important research issue of agricultural economists. This paper investigates the macroeconomic linkage of soybean trade competition between the exporting countries of the United States, Brazil, and Argentina in the EC-12 and Japan import markets. It is argued that U.S. monetary growth may have important impacts on the competitive position of U.S. soybean exports through exchange rates. Two relationships are investigated: (a) the effects of U.S. monetary growth on the agricultural trade weighted exchange rates, and (b) the responsiveness of agricultural commodity prices and U.S. exports to exchange rate movements. Results indicate that a weak dollar increases imports of soybeans and soymeal significantly which serves to increase the equilibrium world price and increase both U.S. and Brazil/Argentina exports in the long run. However, during periods of more expansionary U.S. monetary policy there is little evidence of significant increases in market share position for U.S. soybeans and soymeal in world markets.  相似文献   

Although many have proposed theories explaining trade promotion (TP) behavior by manufacturers, lack of data has prevented empirical assessment. We employ survey data to explore the effect of manufacturer and retailer bargaining power on the allocation of TPs in the U.S. food sector. The survey respondents consist of retailers controlling 40% of retail sales in U.S. supermarkets. Retailer bargaining power increases the allocation of funds to off-invoice TPs through higher share of private label and retailer size. Manufacturer bargaining power decreases the allocation of funds to off-invoice TPs by establishing formal policies of negotiation.  相似文献   

To analyze U.S. consumers' brand choices for cheese purchases, we derive a set of discrete-choice models from dynamic utility maximization. ACNielsen Homescan Survey data on U.S. households is used to estimate a dynamic probit model for each of the top brands for cheddar, shredded, and sliced cheese in four U.S. regions. We find that households have strong brand inertia, a result robust across alternative specifications. Predicted probabilities confirm greater inertia in the top brands and consumers are more likely to switch into them. Brand inertia is relatively larger in cheddar and sliced cheese especially in the Central and Southeast regions.  相似文献   

Healthy workers are productive. When firms could not pay according to worker's health preventative effort levels due to asymmetric information, they provide an incentive contract to cope with the moral hazard problem. We test the existence of ex ante moral hazard in the U.S. hog farms. Using a national employee survey data in 1995 and in 2000, we find that even though employers provide protective devices to reduce the negative effects of poor environmental conditions on employees’ respiratory health, many employees do not wear the devices, which is consistent with the moral hazard behaviours. The probability of using a protective device is 10 per cent lower in the farms with an agency problem than in family farms without an agency problem, even after we control for medical insurance provision types. Reducing pollutants, providing protective devices and instilling the importance of using masks help to alleviate moral hazard incidences.  相似文献   

我国工程界和理论界常将工程总承包与固定总价合同及其简单的治理结构相关联,制约了工程总承包在政府投资、"现场数据"不确定性较大的水利建设项目上的推广应用。分析了工程总承包的本质内涵,指出工程总承包的最大优势在于将工程设计和施工整合发包给一个承包商,为承包商优化工程提供动力、平台和空间,进而使项目增值;水利建设项目实行工程总承包应创新相应交易模式,以适应水利工程特殊性,发挥水利工程总承包的增值优势。分析了工程总承包在国内外推行应用状况,凝练了我国水利工程总承包模式创新的关键科学问题,主要包括:水利工程总承包项目识别、水利工程总承包范围设计、水利工程总承包项目交易增值分配以及"业主"和合同两个层面的治理体系优化。  相似文献   

Graphing procedures for evaluating power or interaction terms in binary logit and probit models are illustrated in an application to hog producers’ decisions based on transaction cost economics’ hypothesised positive effect of the interaction of uncertainty and asset specificity on contract use. Results support the hypothesis, particularly for producers that are otherwise on the cusp (near the 50/50 probability) of choosing either contract or spot transactions based on their responses for other variables. Such insights may not be drawn without use of the demonstrated graphing procedures.  相似文献   

We explain the interplay of law and economics in the successful WTO challenge by Canada of U.S. mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) measures for beef and pork, which hinged on origin of livestock used in U.S. meat production. Canada mounted a successful legal and economic strategy to convince WTO adjudicating bodies that the United States had violated specific WTO provisions. Canada's economic evidence shows that through costs of segregation the COOL measure harmed the competitive position of Canadian cattle and hogs in the U.S. market. Economic evidence was built into the strategy and cited by the WTO Panels in support of their legal findings that the COOL measure violated U.S. obligations under WTO agreements. Canada was awarded rights to more than one billion Canadian dollars in retaliation and the United States responded by eliminating the offending COOL measure. The COOL case demonstrates how economic and econometric evidence can be used in complex dispute settlement proceedings dealing with technical trade barriers. Economics is especially valuable in the initial stage of framing the effects at issue, in the intermediate stages of documenting empirical causation and in the final stage of litigation, which was to calculate and defend the amount of retaliation.  相似文献   

采用规范分析与演绎推导的方法从契约利益主体关系和集中契约内生属性两个层面厘清林地规模化转出的集中契约内生威胁,探究集中契约的稳定治理措施。研究表明:集中契约中的利益主体关系演变会打破铁三角的均衡关系,降低契约的有效性与稳定性;利益主体在履约过程中由于价值观变化、心理契约失衡和契约内容不够灵活与完备致使集中契约长期稳定存在一定威胁。为此,从契约利益主体间权利、义务和责任以及契约治理两个层面提出增强林地规模流转集中契约的稳定性对策,以巩固和深化林权改革,促进林地规模化经营与产业化发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the economics of input decision under production uncertainty. The article develops a methodology to specify and estimate cost-minimizing input decisions under a state-contingent technology. The analysis is applied to time series data on U.S. agriculture. It finds strong empirical evidence that expected output alone does not provide an appropriate representation of production uncertainty. The results provide empirical support for an output-cubical technology. This indicates that an ex post analysis of stochastic technology appears appropriate. The analysis also provides evidence that the cost of facing production risk has declined in U.S. agriculture over the last few decades.  相似文献   

Past empirical evidence on supply response by size of farm in the U.S.A. provides no clear basis to conclude that supply elasticities vary systematically with farm size. In this paper, the central hypothesis that no systematic relationship exists between production response to price and size of farm is rejected. U.S. farms are disaggregated into nine economic size categories and own-price supply elasticities are measured for per farm and total agricultural output. Empirical results from this study suggest that supply response does vary systematically by farm size, with smaller farms exhibiting greater elasticities than midsized farms.  相似文献   

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