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This paper examines the impact of recent financial reforms in China on the financing constraints and investment of publicly-listed Chinese firms. Two continuous indices are constructed to measure the evolution and intensity of financial reforms: a financial liberalization index and a capital control index. Dynamic panel GMM method is used to estimate firms' financing constraints in an Euler-equation investment model. Based on panel data of listed firms for 1996–2007, we find that large firms face no credit constraints and smaller firms display significant constraints. However, the sensitivity of large firms' investment to their cash holdings is heightened as more financial reforms take place. It appears that reforms that gradually eliminate preferential treatments to large firms, primarily state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China, have subjected these firms' investment decisions to stricter market-based discipline and therefore raised their financing constraints. No significant change in the financing constraint is detected for smaller firms in China. This is interpreted as financial reform in China has not been substantial enough for its benefits to reach smaller firms.  相似文献   

This article explores whether and how regional corruption determines private firms' survival in transition economies from a political favoritism perspective. We argue that regional corruption facilitates the likelihood of private firms' survival, but the magnitude to which private firms' survival responses to corruption is contingent on not only officials' power and power stability but also firms' power. Building on firm-level data and regional registered cases of corruption from 1998 to 2012, the findings confirm that corruption has a positive effect on private firms' likelihood of survival in China. Our studies also demonstrate that the positive effect is strengthened before the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2002, in the case of regulated industry, regional leadership stability, large size, low export and privatized firms. Asset turnover and credit are viewed as the channels through which corruption fosters private firms' likelihood of survival.  相似文献   

This study examines how firms with heterogeneous human capital quality respond differently to a welfare policy shock. In 2002, China expanded pension mandates from state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to private enterprises. Based on data covering all median and large manufacturers in China (around 250,000 firms), we find that their compliance rates varied widely across firms and increased in the average education level of employees. Utilizing these heterogeneous responses at the firm level, we estimate that the pension reform might have increased the return to education of employees by 8.75%. To address endogeneity in firms' human capital levels, we exploit the historical scale of local university as an instrumental variable. Moreover, we use SOEs as a control group, which was not directly affected by the policy shock. We find our empirical estimates robust to both measures.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of market potential on Chinese firms' exports and profit by using data from the Chinese industrial enterprise database and The China City Statistical Yearbooks during 1998–2007. We find that international market potential has positive effects on firm exports, but negative effects on firm profit, while domestic market potential has opposite impacts. This finding suggests that Chinese firms' profit mainly stems from the domestic market. Moreover, the adverse impact of international market potential on firm profit diminishes with the increase of firm productivity, and some firms with higher productivity may benefit from the expansion of foreign markets.  相似文献   

This study examines how the foreign experience of local officials affects firms' exports in China. Using a matched sample from 2000 to 2012, we found that the foreign experience of municipal Party secretaries had a significant impact on the promotion of firms' exports, especially for private firms. This positive impact was more pronounced when officials went abroad at a younger age, stayed abroad for a longer period, returned to China for a longer time, and had greater promotion incentives. We found that officials' foreign experience helped to mitigate the negative impact of institutional distance and provided firms with better access to export subsidies, both of which could promote exporting. There was also a complementary effect when officials and executives both had foreign experience. Overall, our study provides some insights into the economic outcomes of officials' foreign experience and sheds light on the export performance of Chinese firms.  相似文献   

Financial constraint is a significant obstacle for firm growth, especially in developing countries where credit is scarce. This paper explores the role of tax policy in relaxing firms' financial constraints by exploiting China's value-added tax (VAT) reform that was initiated in 2004 and completed in 2009. We use a quasi-experimental method and Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF) data from 2000 to 2009 to estimate the VAT reform's policy effects on financial constraints. We show that the VAT reform significantly improves firms' external financing capacity by decreasing borrowing costs and promoting commercial credit. The findings are robust to alternative specifications but show heterogeneity across ownerships, firm sizes, regions, and between export and non-export firms. Our analysis suggests tax deduction is useful to relax firms' financial constraints.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the financial system on firms' investment efficiency in China. For this purpose, we employ country level data of capital markets and financial institutions along with financial data from 2797 Chinese firms in the period from 1998 to 2015. The firms are priori classified into four groups, by high and low values of financial constraints and agency problems. Results show that financial development influences firms' investments positively either directly or by reducing cash flow sensitivity. The impact remains the same for all types of firms. Moreover, the financial structure has an impact on investment efficiency of firms; this result also remains the same even after controlling levels of financial development. Study contributes that capital market based financial structure impacts investment decisions by reducing financing constraints and agency issue due to its strong monitoring ability.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of political agreements on regional financial integration (RFI) on financial market development and access to and cost of finance in Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Our results suggest that RFI positively affects financial development – measured very broadly as ratio of liquid liabilities to gross domestic product (GDP) – when combined with a sufficient level of institutional quality. If institutional quality is below a threshold level, RFI apparently has negative effects on financial development. However, we cannot find any significant effects of RFI on the ratio of private credit to GDP or on the efficiency of the banking sector. Regarding the effects of RFI on access to and costs of finance of enterprises in SSA, our results are mixed. We can find no significant effect of RFI on access to finance for all firms in the aggregate, but the results indicate that RFI actually impedes small firms' access to finance. Furthermore, there is a significant positive influence of foreign bank involvement on the severity of the credit constraint for small enterprises, while we do not find such an influence for large enterprises. These results provide some support for the foreign bank barrier hypothesis in the context of RFI.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the impact of access to credit on farmland rental market participation of rural households. The study uses a nationally representative survey data of China Family Panel Studies and an endogenous switching probit model that accounts for selection bias for both observed and unobserved factors. Findings reveal that access to credit stimulates farmers' decisions to participate in farmland rental markets by increasing the likelihood of renting in and renting out farmland by about 10% and 20%, respectively. Results also reveal that the impact of access to credit on farmland rental market participation is heterogeneous when it comes to the age of the operator and and geographic locations of farmers. We show that younger credit users have a higher probability of renting in farmland, while their older counterparts have a higher probability of renting out farmland. Besides, credit users residing in central China have a higher probability of renting in farmland, while those living in eastern China have a higher likelihood of renting out farmland. Our findings highlight the importance of improving farmers' access to credit in facilitating the development of rural farmland rental markets.  相似文献   

Using new firm-level data from the Emerging Multinationals' Events and Networks DATAbase (EMENDATA), this paper investigates the effects on Chinese firms of Outward FDI (OFDI) into advanced European countries. Propensity score matching is combined with a difference-in-difference (DiD) estimator to reduce the problem of self-selection of treated firms in foreign markets, and to eliminate time-invariant and unobservable differences between those firms and the controls. The results provide robust evidence supporting the view that China's OFDI so far have had a positive impact on domestic activities in enhancing firms' productivity and scales of operation, measured by sales and employment. When we distinguish among investments on the basis of entry mode, accounting for endogeneity in the selection process, acquisitions facilitate early access to intangible assets, but are detrimental to financial performance, while greenfield investments have a stronger impact on the scale and productivity of Chinese multinationals investing in Europe.  相似文献   

We study the role of excessive employment as a selection criterion for initial public offerings (IPOs) in China. Using a large dataset of firms that are eligible for a public offering, we find that firms' that have more excess employment – that is, firms that hire too many people – are more likely to be selected for an IPO. This correlation is stronger for the private sector than for the state sector, suggesting that stock market capital is used to direct capital flows to private firms that comply with politicians' preferred labor practices. A third set of results corroborates the inefficiency of this selection rule by showing that firms with more excess labor underperform after the IPO. We conclude that a political system known for its interventionistic government policies uses its influence over the stock market to signal preferred employment practices.  相似文献   

Informal and Formal Credit Markets and Credit Rationing in Cote d'Ivoire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper endeavours to shed light on the respective rolesof the formal and the informal credit markets in developingcountries. We use survey data for manufacturing firms in Côted'Ivoire, documenting their access to informal credit markets,their investments, and their financing. We confront these datawith a simple moral-hazard model of credit rationing. Becauseof socio-cultural effects, the magnitude of moral-hazard problemsand the cost of credit can be different in the informal creditmarket. We offer a structural econometric estimation of thismodel. Our empirical results point at severe moral-hazard problemsfor all firms, and reduced cost of credit in the informal market.Our point estimate suggests that moral-hazard problems can bealleviated in the informal credit market. Policy implicationsof our results are sketched.  相似文献   

China's split-share reform of 2005 (the Reform) converts the previously restricted shares held by founding shareholders to shares tradable on the open market. Against this backdrop, we study how underwriter-affiliated analysts and firms' large shareholders interact in the event of the latter's sales of restricted shares. We document that recommendations made by affiliated analysts are significantly more optimistic when firms' large shareholders plan to sell their restricted shares. This optimism, however, is associated with negative post-sale stock returns, suggesting large shareholders profit from share sales. Furthermore, large shareholders sell more restricted shares through the affiliated brokerages for which analysts have issued more optimistic recommendations and firms under their control are more likely to appoint such brokerages as lead underwriters when they refinance in the future. The affiliated analysts also conduct more site visits to the firms after the share sales, thereby improving their earnings-forecast accuracy. Our analysis shows how conflicts of interest by financial intermediaries arise following the Reform and lead to large shareholders' extraction of rents from public investors.  相似文献   

This study adds to the understanding of China "s innovation prospects by examining how variations in institutional quality within China impact on the R &D efforts of firms located in different provincial regions. In the process of identifying the effect of institutional quality, the roles of other factors such as ownership types and market structures are revealed, which provides interesting insight into firms " R&D behavior. The key findings suggest that institutional quality positively affects the decision offirms to engage in R&D activities. Once firms start to engage in R &D, the subsequent expansion of firm-level R &D intensity depends on factors such as market structure. Therefore, strengthening domestic institutional quality is the first critical step towards the goal of building a knowledge-intensive economy in China. Efforts to nurture market development are also important for achieving this goal.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of monetary policy on net sales of publicly traded firms in various sectors of the U.S. economy. We find that monetary policy has a heterogeneous effect on firms in different industries, with the strongest effect on firms in Retail and Wholesaling. Balance sheet characteristics, especially size, influence the impact of policy. Larger firms in several industries are able to mitigate the effect of policy. We find mixed results for firms' working capital, short‐term debt ratio, and leverage ratio with respect to the operation of the credit channel of monetary transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

Pension contributions are usually non-trivial labor costs for firms in formal sectors. This paper aims to examine the heterogeneous effects of employer pension contribution rates on employment by exploiting temporal and spatial variations in the statutory pension contribution rates of the Basic Old-Age Insurance (BOAI) in urban China. We refer to the China’s Urban Household Survey (UHS) (2002–2009), in order to demonstrate that increasing the employer statutory pension contribution rates leads to a decrease in employment in state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and an increase in employment in private enterprises. Overall, the pension contribution rates for employers has no obvious effects on total employment. Our results highlight that private sector employment can be an important mechanism to absorb displaced workers produced by labor market policies.  相似文献   

Using a survey of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) conducted during 2005–2013, this paper examines the process of applying for a formal loan and the level of satisfaction (credit needs) obtained by SMEs. The empirical results show that banking relationships and the business environment are important factors when applying for and obtaining formal credit. However, positive measures of firms' financial performance, such as a high return on assets score and sales growth, did not have a significant influence on whether firms obtained credit. Formal financial institutions in Vietnam were found to depend too much on collateral assets in assessing whether to supply credit to an SME.  相似文献   

Using a unique micro-level data set over the period 1998–2005 on Chinese firms, this paper presents empirical findings on the presence of credit constraints. Our findings are threefold. Firstly, private Chinese firms are credit constrained while state-owned firms and foreign-owned firms in China are not; Secondly, the geographical and sectoral presence of foreign capital alleviates credit constraints faced by private Chinese firms. Thirdly, geographical and sectoral presence of state firms aggravates financial constraints for private Chinese firms (“crowding out”).  相似文献   

The paper develops and implements a methodology for assessing the role of energy prices and new investment in reducing energy intensity in Chinese industry. Analysing a unique panel data set which reports firm-level energy consumption and price from 1997 to 2004, the paper finds: the energy prices, not only the current but also the past energy prices, are key factors that driving down firms' energy intensity for all three types of firms: state-owned enterprises (SOEs), domestic non-SOEs (NSOEs) and foreign-funded firms (FFEs); furthermore, SOEs exhibit a robust price-investment channel: responding to rising energy prices, SOEs tend to invest in new energy-efficient capital, through which SOEs reduce energy intensity; the same price-investment channels are less robust for non-SOEs or foreign-funded firms.  相似文献   

Do unions really matter in China? Using a dataset containing more than 110 thousand Chinese private manufacturing firms, this paper is the first attempt to examine how unions' bargaining power affects firms' capital structures. We find that: (1) the firms' debt levels are often positively associated with their unions' bargaining powers; (2) when a firm is in financial distress, the management is more likely to issue more debt to strengthen its bargaining power against the union and increase its residual income; (3) compared with long-term debt, short-term debt is a better option for the management to increase its bargaining power and residual income. Our research indicates that the unions of private Chinese firms are an important policy instrument for the management rather than useless decorations, which provides valuable insights for us to understand the employee–employer relations and firms' capital structures in emerging economies.  相似文献   

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