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In this study, we investigate the impact of the seaport on host city’s economic development. Based on data from 41 major port cities in China over the period 2003–2010, our econometric analysis shows that port cargo throughput has a positive effect on the economic growth of the host city. In addition, the competing ports in the neighborhood have an even larger positive association with the local port city. Through examining some of the most dynamic ports in the world, this study provides a renewed understanding of the economic importance of seaports.  相似文献   

Based on a comprehensive data set of German railway customers we analyze consumers’ choices and particularly subsequent changes of two-part pricing contracts (loyalty cards). In a competing risks framework, we simultaneously estimate effects on three types of contractual events: cancellations, upgrades, and downgrades. Focusing on customer relationship management (CRM) practices, we find several factors affecting these events, some of which railway companies can influence to their advantage. Intuitively, installing auto-renewal procedures for loyalty cards decreases cancellation hazards. However, automated electronic mailings (e.g., reminders and account statements) and advertising (e.g., ticket offers) can be counterproductive and increase the risk of cancellation.  相似文献   

Based on a case study involving passengers from Lufthansa, Croatia Airlines and Germanwings, we examine the determinants of passenger loyalty among users of traditional full-service airlines and of low-cost carriers. In particular, using formative modeling the study analyzes the effects of service quality and price on carrier choice and loyalty.  相似文献   

Road traffic noise is one of the most detrimental environmental nuisances for the population. Prolonged exposure to high road noise levels can lead to various problems in people's health and well-being. The objective of this article is to determine whether the groups most vulnerable to road noise, that is, children under 15 years old, people 65 years old and over, and the groups most likely to experience high nuisance levels, visible minorities and low-income individuals, are affected by an environmental inequity related to this nuisance. The method of estimating this nuisance employed in the study is based on a combination of several elements: that is, average traffic flows, road geometries, normal atmospheric conditions, and the characteristics of the urban environment. All of these parameters were considered for the 14 boroughs that make up the central portion of the Island of Montreal. Modelling was used to calculate the maximum daily road noise, based in part on the LimA software predictive model and according to the XPS 31-133 computation method. The results obtained from three different statistical tests and spatial regression analyses show that, on the one hand, the groups chosen on the basis of age are not affected by any environmental inequity related to the phenomenon of road traffic noise. On the other hand, low-income individuals and visible minorities live in city blocks marked by road traffic noise levels that are slightly higher than those experienced by the rest of the population.  相似文献   

Daily mobility of disadvantaged social groups, particularly low-income people, has gained increasing interest since the daily life of these people may encounter significant constraints that lead to certain social issues such as social exclusion and segregation. The concept and measure of activity space have been applied to measure the spatial barriers and inequalities faced by the low-income group in their daily life. However, research on how the daily mobility of different social strata has evolved over a longer period in parallel with urban development has been very limited. This study aims to address these gaps by investigating the activity space of the low-income group in comparison with other income groups in Hong Kong from 2002 to 2011, a period when several subway lines were opened. Four indicators were employed to capture the spatial extent and diversity of activity space. Propensity score matching was used to compare the activity space and mobility of the low-income group with those of the below-average and higher-income groups, while controlling for several confounding factors. The findings indicate that the activity space of the low-income people has not improved over the decade, despite some marked expansion of public transport infrastructure and urban development. In addition, a persistent gap in activity space between the low-income group and other income groups has remained stark in both urban areas and the new towns. Policy recommendations are put forward with a view to improving the daily mobility of the low-income group, with avenues for future research identified as well.  相似文献   

Linear concepts such as the corridor have a long history in spatial and urban planning. The recent megacorridor or eurocorridor concept, proposed in the context of discussion on European territorial development, strives to integrate policies on infrastructure, urbanisation and economic development. As is shown by the example of the Netherlands, the corridor concept can count on a hostile reception from spatial planners. As an analytical concept the corridor can hardly be denied its legitimacy. Several urgent policy issues can be attached to corridor developments that together require an improved coordination between policy domains at different spatial levels.  相似文献   

Accurate clustering of airports enables airport authorities and operators to precisely position themselves in the competitive market, facilitates airlines to efficiently allocate resources, and empowers the research community with credible data for new discoveries. Existing clustering studies largely use traffic volume, network connectivity, or operational efficiency to group airports into hierarchical clusters or parallel partitions. Developing a different perspective, this study focuses upon a key bottleneck of outbound passenger movements in airport terminals, the security checkpoints, and uses the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Customer Throughput/Wait Times Reports to cluster hub airports of the United States. With the input data structured as univariate time-series, k-shape, a clustering algorithm that is robust to time axis distortion and computationally efficient, is selected to analyze the similarity of time-series using shape-based distance. The clustering results are validated by examining the raw and z-normalized data of selected airport clusters on six sampled dates. Analysis results indicate that k-shape is competent and efficient to process and cluster time-series data used for this specific research. This study offers a fresh perspective to cluster commercial airports using an infrequently employed dataset. The clustering results reveal how the geographical location, hub status in airlines' operational network, and destination type of an airport affect the movement of outbound passengers through terminals  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic overview of the environmental impacts of new average diesel and petrol cars from a life cycle perspective. An analysis of different technical and non-technical improvement options that could be achieved at each stage of a car’s life cycle was performed. The consequences of the adoption of these options on the environment were estimated. The results show that some of the options analysed could have a major positive impact on the vehicle efficiency and induce large improvements of the environmental profile of passenger cars. The highest improvements are achievable through more efficient power trains (including hybrid car), and through lightweight cars. For some options, burden shifts from one car life cycle phase to another, or from one environmental problem to another, can occur. The results show that besides the purely technological options, those that imply behavioural changes by the driver may also reduce the environmental burden substantially.  相似文献   

After several years of New Public Management reforms within public transport, coordination seems to receive increased attention. With examples of actual as well as suggested changes taken from Denmark, Sweden and the UK the aim of the article is to analyse and classify the mechanisms utilized and suggested to increase coordination between core stakeholders within passenger railway services and bus services. Four distinctive mechanisms of coordination are suggested, namely organisational coordination, contractual coordination, partnership coordination and discursive coordination. Each coordination mechanism has its strengths and failures. The article also debates to what extent the mechanisms conflict with three core characteristics of New Public Management: Unbundling of the public sector into corporatized units; more contract-based competitive provision; and greater emphasis on output controls.  相似文献   

There has been considerable discussion about the extent to which motor-vehicle use in the US is “subsidized,” making petroleum-based motor vehicle use more attractive than other transportation modes. Estimates of these subsidies vary widely, and in many cases can be criticized on methodological grounds. In this paper we estimate corporate-income-tax, sales-tax, property-tax, and personal-income-tax subsidies related to motor-vehicle use. Whereas previous estimates of sales-tax and corporate-income-tax subsidies have been built piecemeal, tax provision by tax provision, we offer an alternative method, based on the difference between actual tax payments of the motor vehicle industry compared to other industries. We estimate that the total “tax subsidy” to motor-vehicle users in the US may be in the range of $19–64 billion (109) per year, or $0.11–0.37 per gallon ($0.03–0.10 per liter) of motor fuel. However, the amount of the subsidy, and hence the magnitude of its effect, depends greatly on the tax baseline with respect to which the subsidy is estimated. (The property-tax subsidy is particularly uncertain.) We emphasize that without doing a full equilibrium analysis, we cannot say how eliminating these subsidies would affect social welfare.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2004,11(1):43-53
This paper investigates the statistical relationship between actual and estimated costs of road construction using data from Norwegian road construction over the years 1992–1995. Based on this data a regression model is developed. The findings reveal a discrepancy between estimated and actual costs, with a mean cost overrun of 7.9% ranging from −59% to +183%. In absolute terms, cost overruns amounted to a formidable 519 million Norwegian kroners. One particular new finding that has not been shown before in previous studies is that cost overruns appear to be more predominant among smaller projects as compared to larger ones. This observation, for the Norwegian road sector in particular, leads us to assert that the greatest potential for cost savings lies in exerting pressure on smaller projects to control their costs. Other factors found to influence the size of cost overruns include completion time of the projects and the regions where projects are situated. Surprisingly, neither project type nor work force type seems to influence the level of cost overrun. Finally, the paper proposes some policy implications.  相似文献   

Examination of mode choice behavior is an important step in accurately predicting future travel demand. Despite having somewhat unique travel needs and challenges, there is a lack of knowledge in understanding the mode use behavior of university student population. The existing studies on university populations relied on a relatively smaller sample in investigating the behavior. Therefore, using world's largest university student's travel database, this study examines the factors affecting the mode choice behavior of a diverse university student population with student samples from four universities and their seven campuses located across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Canada. Additionally, stratifying this diverse population using their attitudinal responses towards numerous travel modes, this study also estimates three additional mode choice models to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of how students in different markets, with different latent attitudes towards transportation, vary in terms of sustainable mode choice. A cluster analysis based on fourteen attitudinal responses, was conducted to stratify the sample whereas the popular multinomial logit approach was used to estimate the mode choice models. This study finds transit pass and bike ownership as important determinants that govern sustainable mode choice among the students in the region. The findings of this study could facilitate the sustainability offices at the four universities in making an informed policy decision in shifting the mode use behavior of students towards sustainable modes.  相似文献   

The long-term goal of containing average warming below the 2 °C limit requires deep cuts in emissions from all sectors. The fast growing global aviation industry has committed to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting is an integral element of the sector's strategy. Already, airlines offer voluntary carbon offsetting to those customers who wish to mitigate the impact of their travel. To ensure carbon offsetting can make a meaningful and credible contribution, this paper first discusses the science behind ‘carbon offsetting’, followed by the associated policy perspective. Then, against the context of different aviation emissions pathways, the paper provides empirical evidence of current airline practices in relation to offsetting mechanisms and communication. Building on these insights, the challenges of reducing aviation emissions and using carbon credits to compensate for ongoing growth are discussed. The paper concludes by proposing five principles of best practice for carbon offsetting that airlines can use as a basis to develop credible emissions strategies, and that could inform the sectoral framework currently being developed by leading aviation organisations.  相似文献   

The growing and continued popularity of light rail transit systems in major United States metropolitan areas is leading to growing research on land use impacts, value generation, and contributions to gentrification. While various studies explore the fiscal and environmental influences of light rail transit development in the Denver Metropolitan Area, only recently have scholars turned their attention to gentrification and social influences. This paper analyzes how one station shapes residents' sense of place, providing more nuanced understandings of the role light rail and transit-oriented development affects perceptions of neighborhood character and place attachment. We argue that gentrification can be measured and understood not only quantitatively, but also by how people feel light rail influences their attachment to place. Residents within half a mile of the Evans Light Rail Station were randomly and anonymously surveyed with a series of demographic questions and asked to provide their experiences, observations, and opinions. With 166 household responses, we examine residents' perceptions of Evans Station and sense of place to investigate relationships between factors such as race, age, income, education, length of residency, and walking distance from the light rail station. Analysis of their responses creates a more nuanced understanding of the ways that light rail contributes to positive, neutral, and negative emotions associated with gentrification ranging from appreciation of increased accessibility, younger residents, increased property values, and new commercial development to complaints about increased density, higher rents, traffic, noise, and loss of community.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons for different levels of environmental engagement among small firms in tourism. Drawing on theories of motivation, notably Social Cognitive Theory, Motivation Systems Theory and Goal Orientation Theory, as well as the literature on environmental sensitivity, it proposes a novel conceptual framework that is subsequently used to inform an empirical study. The findings of the research suggest that varying levels of environmental engagement may be explained by differences in worldviews, self‐efficacy beliefs, context beliefs and goal orientation. The paper concludes by considering the policy implications of the results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the tourism industry is increasingly globalising, empirical research on the accompanying foreign direct investment (FDI) is surprisingly lacking. Furthermore, the nexus of political risk, violent political unrest and tourism FDI has been relatively neglected. Using Egypt as a heuristic case study and adopting a qualitative methodology, this paper explores the question of how political risk and violent political unrest influence tourism FDI. Surprisingly, the results are not able to corroborate a clear relationship between the two. In contrast, these results indicate that the role of stability and security for tourism FDI in developing countries has largely been overestimated in the past. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes factors explaining supply and demand of local public transportation. Together with variables related to traditional economic factors and mobility, we consider variables reflecting institutional characteristics and geographical patterns. Being a political capital increases supply and demand of local public transportation, inequality is associated with higher supply, and contracting out reduces supply. Furthermore, our regional analysis allows us capturing the effect of geographical characteristics and different traditions of government intervention. In all, we provide first evidence on the role played by institutional and regional characteristics useful to achieve a better understanding of local public transportation supply and demand.  相似文献   

The benefits of cycling as a healthier and more sustainable transportation alternative to private automobile is emphasized in both literature and policy. One key policy challenge in improving cycling rates is the significant gender gap in cycling that exists across urban regions in North America. In this study, travel behavior of >10,000 students attending four universities in Toronto, Canada, was analyzed to explore gender-based differences in cycling uptake. The mode share for cycling was higher for non-commute trips (9%) when compared to commuting trips to universities (7.6%). In addition, men had higher cycling rates than women, for both commute and non-commute trips. Results from binomial logistic regression models indicate that the built environment-related correlates were different between male and female students, and between commute and non-commute trips. Access to bicycle lanes or cycle tracks was found to increase the odds of female commuter cycling. This effect, however, was moderate in the neighborhoods with higher land use mix. Further, high-speed traffic was a significant barrier to cycling among female commuters. Noticeably, our analysis did not find major gender-based differences in the coefficients relating to travel attitudes and preferences. The findings provide a Canadian comparison to the limited international research on this topic, as well as offer new insights particularly relating to cycling for non-commute trips. The results identify potential avenues for policy intervention regarding the promotion of healthy and sustainable travel behavior among post-secondary students, and more broadly, the millennial generation.  相似文献   

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