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This paper investigates hub carriers’ airlines-within-airlines (AinA) strategies, intended to establish low-cost divisions offering nonstop flights on rim routes. An initial hub-spoke network is optimal if passenger differentiation between one-stop and nonstop services and via-hub time cost are small. If differentiation is substantial, a mixed one-stop and nonstop (point-to-point) network under AinA is optimal when via-hub time cost is small (large). Low-cost rivals on rim routes weaken AinA adoption and enhance welfare from a monopoly mixed network. In a perfect-substitute case, hub carriers may have excessive incentive to adopt AinA from a welfare viewpoint, especially, when low-cost rivals exist.  相似文献   

Opaque Web practices among low-cost carriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low-cost airlines' adoption of Web technologies to facilitate direct sales has accelerated their market penetration. However, some low-cost carriers are increasingly using Websites to create distance between themselves and their consumers in specific areas of their operations, while simultaneously developing excellence in sales transaction completion via self-service. The ‘opaque’ practices many low-cost carriers employ appear to be intentional design features and are contrary to the ethos of designing a ‘good system’ to facilitate the full spectrum of customer service. As a result, the low-cost sector has come under increased scrutiny for engaging in unfair practices and violating consumer protection law.  相似文献   

The paper makes uses of cognitive mappings developed from personal interviews with a number of European airline executives to examine the differences in managerial attitudes of low-cost and transitional carriers. In particular it explores the extent to which there is a convergence of views regarding the ways various airline models will develop in the future.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the low-cost carrier (LCC) sector in China, Japan, and South Korea. It is the first paper that documents LCC contributions to the passenger traffic and cheaper fares in Northeast Asia (NEA)'s intra-markets. We argue that a single aviation market can facilitate the growth of the LCC sector, which in turn will make a significant contribution to the NEA connectivity, mobility, and integration. In addition, with a single aviation market, NEA countries can adopt a proactive, unified approach in negotiating air transport agreements with the major aviation partners to maximize the interests of this region as a whole, which will further provide valuable growth opportunities for the LCCs.  相似文献   

In the post-liberalization period, competition has increased in airline markets. In this context, network carriers have two alternative strategies to compete with low-cost carriers. First, they may establish a low-cost subsidiary. Second, they may try to reduce costs using the main brand. This paper examines a successful strategy of the first type implemented by Iberia in the Spanish domestic market. Our analysis of data and the estimation of a pricing equation show that Iberia has been able to charge lower prices than rivals with its low-cost subsidiary. The pricing policy of the Spanish network carrier has been particularly aggressive on less dense routes and shorter routes.  相似文献   

This study analyses the ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM) policy to be introduced by the end of 2015. We conduct a scenario study to estimate the impact of low-cost carrier (LCC) network expansion under liberalized air transport policies in the ASEAN region. Establishing joint ventures is a possible way for foreign carriers to expand the network in this region, even after starting ASAM. This is unique as joint ventures are not only subsidiaries of the full-service carriers, as is the case in the United States and Europe. We also apply a quantitative air transport market model to estimate the policy impact of the entry of new LCCs on routes from three ASEAN hub airports to Manila airport, which covers the impact on the whole network. The model produces several significant results, including that the entry of one LCC on one route may affect the fare, frequency, and profitability of related competitive routes for the entire network.  相似文献   

The pricing of low-cost carriers (LCCs) compared with traditional airlines has been extensively investigated since their inception in the air transport market. Abundant empirical evidence attests that, on average, LCCs' fares (per km) are lower than those usually offered by full-service carriers (FSCs). Such literature, however, paid virtually no attention to the conditions under which LCCs lose their convenience compared to traditional airlines. The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurrence of LCCs sometimes offering higher fares than FSCs on competing flights. By using a dataset expressly collected for this purpose, we are able to quantify its frequency and suggest some possible explanations. These findings concur to cast some questions on the widely held preconception of vertical differentiation between LCCs' and FSCs’ offered services. Further research will be needed in order to understand the relative weight of the suggested factors.  相似文献   

Low cost carriers entered the Serbian air travel market after Serbia joined the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) in 2006, prompting the development of healthy competition among airlines and resulting in significant traffic increase at Belgrade Airport. The aim of this paper is to examine the characteristics of passengers traveling on low-cost carriers (LCC) in comparison with those traveling on traditional airlines by using cluster analysis, and to provide practical implications to airport management in tailoring their strategies to meet growing demand. A comprehensive passenger survey was recently conducted at Belgrade Airport on the routes where competition between traditional and LCC carrier exists. The results reveal that emigrants, primarily encouraged by favorable fares, constitute a substantial portion of LCC passengers. Affordable service offered by LCC has also been a positive stimulus for emigrants, who purchase tickets for their friends and relatives to visit them in their host countries. On the other hand, passengers using traditional airlines could be generally classified into two segments, those who fly on business and those who fly for leisure purposes, and each had specific needs when choosing their airline.  相似文献   

This study determines traveler preferences and acceptability levels for a range of airline ancillary products and services by employing an on-line passenger survey to examine booking preferences as well as attitudes toward a selection of air and non-air travel components sold by the airlines. The survey results are combined with expert opinions collated from a recent international conference, along with secondary data, to generate an acceptance ranking which can be used by a range of airlines to formulate their ancillary revenue strategies. It is found that airport car parking and checked baggage charges proved to be the most accepted commission based and unbundled products for airlines to sell respectively. Despite the recent focus and successes in ancillary revenues, however, it can also observed that none of the ancillary products and services examined in this study achieved a high take up rating suggesting that airlines can do much more to convince travelers of the benefit and value in airlines selling non-core products and services to them.  相似文献   

Low-cost carriers (LCCs) are assumed to adopt a certain business model in which an important element is the concentration of services at secondary and regional airports. Yet, evidence suggests that increasingly LCCs also establish themselves in what can be considered the major airports. This raises the question of whether LCCs are changing their business model and adopting practices associated with the traditional, incumbent airlines, and if so what might cause such change. Based on categorization of airports and using OAG flight data the US and European markets are investigated. Focusing on several LCCs, with more attention given to Southwest and Ryanair, their profile of operation with respect to the type of airports used is analysed for a period of between 15 and 25 years and up to 2015. The results clearly indicate that LCCs are increasing their operations from major airports, while generally continuing their growth and expansion strategy. The main implication of which is the increase in direct competition between LCCs and traditional airlines while the impacts of this change on the smaller airports are not clear yet and need to be investigated further.  相似文献   

Without sustainable competitive advantage firms have limited economic reasons to exist and will decline. Competitive advantage concerns the factors which provide competitive strength. This paper is based upon the resource-based view which considers firm resources to be heterogeneous and which believes that firms only have a small bundle of core resources irrespective of their overall performance. This research establishes the role of 36 intangible resources for 49 Asian airlines across three business models: network airlines; low-cost subsidiaries from network airlines; and low-cost carriers. It uses the VRIN framework which examines whether resources are valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable. Research participants distribute points between their chosen seven resources according to their perceived role in firm performance. Resources which meet all four requirements of VRIN are considered core competences and sources of sustained advantage. Across all 49 Asian airlines, the top-three most important resources of advantage are slots, brand, and product/service reputation. While these core resources are predictable, they have not previously been proven within the context of airlines, let alone geographically and by airline model. Results show that the core bundle of resources vary for each model, which helps to explain the difference in performance across models, and that some resources which were expected to be high-ranking, such as organisational culture and customer focus, were not.  相似文献   

The selection of airport is an important consideration for low-cost carriers (LCCs) to remain cost competitive. The objective of this study is to identify and rank the airport selection criteria of LCCs. Based on reviewing the existing literature, five main factors comprising 16 sub-factors were developed. The factors were first validated by three industry experts from the aviation industry. Thereafter, a survey questionnaire requiring a comparison of the factors was administered on 28 executives who were involved in the strategy planning and formulation of LCCs based in China or Korea. The collected data were analysed using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). In descending order of their importance, the main factors influencing LCCs' selection of airport are (1) airport charges, (2) airport performance, (3) airport growth opportunities, (4) catchment area and (5) airport infrastructure. The top three sub-factors are airport costs, demand for LCC services and passenger throughput. The research contributes to academic research by providing a holistic assessment of the key considerations influencing LCCs' selection of airport. In addition, it implicates policy formulation of LCCs by providing a framework for assessment of airports that are suitable for LCCs’ operations.  相似文献   

Between 2001 and 2005, the US airline industry faced financial turmoil while the European airline industry entered a period of substantive deregulation. Consequently, this opened up opportunities for low-cost carriers to become more competitive in the market. To assess airline performance and identify the sources of efficiency in the immediate aftermath of these events, we employ a bootstrap data envelopment analysis truncated regression approach. The results suggest that at the time the mainstream airlines needed to significantly reorganize and rescale their operations to remain competitive. In the second-stage analysis, the results indicate that private ownership, status as a low-cost carrier, and improvements in weight load contributed to better organizational efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an explorative analysis related to the involvement of low-cost carriers (LCCs) in codesharing agreements. Our goals are to evaluate the diffusion of the phenomenon across countries, and to identify the determining features of companies with regards to the codesharing propensity of LCCs. We analyzed the worldwide scheduling of LCCs in 2011, revealing that one-third of LCCs were involved in codesharing arrangements in 2011. Yet, only 25% of LCCs are involved in codesharing with carriers to whom they are not hierarchically linked. The spread of this phenomenon varied by geographical area, with LCCs in Europe, Australia–New Zealand, Asia, and North America being most likely to codeshare. The airline size, the hybridization of the carrier's business model and an airline network concentration affect the likelihood to codeshare.  相似文献   

Low-cost carriers are an increasingly important part of the European aviation industry. Airport choice is a crucial factor in determining their success or failure. While research has been conducted into airport choice factors, their relative rankings have not previously been investigated. This paper addresses this through an exploratory survey of eight European low-cost airlines. The paper finds that demand for low-cost services is the most important choice factor, with aeronautical charges ranked fourth. Further analysis reveals different requirements depending upon airline characteristics. This implies that airport managers need to tailor their service offering to individual low-cost airlines rather than treating the sector uniformly.  相似文献   

This paper studies the price effect of de-hubbing, which occurs when an airline ceases hub operations at an airport. We develop a simple theoretical model to study the impact of de-hubbing on prices and quantities of direct flights at the hub airport. Using an event study of seven cases of de-hubbing between 1993 and 2009, we analyze how average airfares change following de-hubbing. Consistent with the theoretical implications, the empirical results suggest that airfares decrease when there is a low-cost carrier presence at the de-hubbed airport, whereas airfares increase when the de-hubbed airport is not serviced by a low-cost carrier.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the role of regional airports in the Spanish economy have focused on calculating efficiency using air traffic as the output and airport infrastructure data as the input. We present an alternative quantitative analysis based upon the geographical structure within the airport's market basin. We formulate a ‘geographical efficiency’ model that considers territorial variables within the airport hinterland. Input data for our model include the socio-economic structure of the population, intermodal transport links, industrial and tourism potential and existing leisure-related services. The output is the annual number of passengers associated with such constraints. The result is a relative efficiency estimate that shows uneven patterns of geographical efficiency amongst Spain's regional airports and also provides insights into opportunities for expanding some of these critical items of infrastructure. They suggest that some of Spain's regional airports may be better placed than others to compete in a liberalized market that exhibits a clear tendency in favor of coastal, tourism-based airports.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the capacity utilization and cost gap between actual and global long-run minimum costs. Based on the data for thirteen low-cost carriers around the world for the year 2010, an input-oriented data envelopment analysis model is used to estimate the physical capacity utilization and cost gap between actual and global long-run minimum costs. The empirical results show that more than half of low-cost carriers should improve their capacity utilization, and all low-cost carriers should enhance their market efficiency and reduce their excess costs. Of the thirteen low-cost carriers, three should improve their technical efficiency, four should re-distribute the mix of variable inputs, all thirteen should pay lower prices for all variable inputs, and ten should enhance the utilization rate of their fixed factors.  相似文献   

The effects of “low cost carriers” (LCCs) such as Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways on the competitive landscape of the U.S. airline industry have been thoroughly documented in the academic literature and the popular press. However, the more recent emergence of another distinct airline business model—the “ultra low cost carrier” (ULCC)—has received considerably less attention. By focusing on cost efficiencies and unbundled service offerings, the ULCCs have been able to undercut the fares of both traditional network and low-cost carriers in the markets they serve.In this paper, we conduct an analysis of ULCCs in the U.S. aviation industry and demonstrate how these carriers' business models, costs, and effects on air transportation markets differ from those of the traditional LCCs. We first describe the factors that have enabled ULCCs to achieve a cost advantage over traditional LCCs and network legacy carriers. Then, using econometric models, we examine the effects of ULCC and LCC presence, entry, and exit on base airfares in 3,004 U.S. air transportation markets from 2010 to 2015. We find that in 2015, ULCC presence in a market was associated with market base fares 21% lower than average, as compared to an 8% average reduction for LCC presence. We also find that while ULCC and LCC entry both result in a 14% average reduction in fares one year after entry, ULCCs are three times as likely to abandon a market within two years of entry than are the LCCs. The results suggest that the ULCCs represent a distinct business model from traditional LCCs and that as the ULCCs grow, they will continue to play a unique and increasingly important role in the U.S. airline industry.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the strategies of US airlines have led to a convergence of unit costs between the network legacy carriers and low-cost carriers. We develop a methodology for breaking down operating cost data reported by the airlines and argue that certain cost categories must be excluded to make a valid comparison between the carrier groups. We find significant evidence of convergence in unit costs excluding fuel and transport-related expenses, and labor unit costs in particular. While network legacy carriers have improved cost efficiency through dramatic labor cost reductions and longer stage length flying, low-cost carriers labor unit costs continue to increase as these former new entrant airlines mature.  相似文献   

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