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Deplaning naturally occurs row by row down the length of an aircraft. Using simulation and optimization, we design deplaning strategies (e.g., deplane by group and/or column) that significantly reduce the overall unstructured deplaning time. The evaluations derived from a combination of optimization and simulation were tested across several equipment types using data gathered through field observations for calibration.  相似文献   

We describe a new method to assign seats and to board passengers on an airplane that minimizes the total time to board. Steffen (2008) presents an optimum boarding method that assigns passengers to a specific numerical position in line that depends upon their ticketed seat location. Our method builds upon Steffen by assigning individual passengers to seats based on the amount of luggage they carry. Our heuristic method assigns passengers to seats so that their luggage is distributed evenly throughout the plane. Simulation results indicate that with our method, the total time to board all passengers on a fully loaded airplane is shorter than that of Steffen.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the airplane passengers’ seat assignment problem while practicing social distancing among passengers. We proposed a mixed integer programming model to assign passengers to seats on an airplane in a manner that will respect two types of social distancing. One type of social distancing refers to passengers being seated far enough away from each other. The metric for this type of social distancing is how many passengers are seated so close to each other as to increase the risk of infection. The other type of social distancing refers to the distance between seat assignments and the aisle. That distance influences the health risk involved in passengers and crew members walking down the aisle. Corresponding metrics for both health risks are included in the objective function. To conduct simulation experiments, we define different scenarios distinguishing between the relative level of significance of each type of social distancing. The results suggest the seating assignments that best serve the intention of the scenarios. We also reformulate the initial model to determine seat assignments that maximize the number of passengers boarding an airplane while practicing social distancing among passengers. In the last part of this study, we compare the proposed scenarios with the recommended middle-seat blocking policy presently used by some airlines to keep social distancing among passengers. The results show that the proposed scenarios can provide social distancing among seated passengers similar to the middle-seat blocking policy, while reducing the number of passengers seated close to the aisle of an airplane.  相似文献   

The increase of air travel puts tremendous burden on airline companies. A time saving boarding strategy is required to improve the utilization of airplane boarding time and explore flexible time management strategies. Firstly, an improved boarding strategy is introduced by assigning individual passengers to seats based on the number of luggage they carry. Passengers with the most luggage board onto the plane first. To test the behavior of boarding strategies under different conditions, a sophisticated simulation environment based on cellular automata model is designed. Simulation results indicate that the improved boarding strategy shows an excellent efficiency and robustness comparing with other strategies.  相似文献   

Increased efficiency of airplane boarding via the jetway is achieved by sequencing passengers at the airport terminal. Various strategies have been developed and implemented at airports. However, even the best strategy can be distorted by the airlines priority fare. Priority passengers board in a random order which destroy the desired boarding sequence. This causes the aircraft aisle to be blocked in different locations. The article analyses the sensitivity of most common boarding strategies to the number of priority passengers. The article gives an example for Airbus A320 with single aisle cabin, configured in 30 rows of 6 seats each. To investigate this issue an original simulation model was developed, which allows to estimate the impact of the number of passengers with priority on the implementation of selected boarding strategies. The results obtained are astonishing. Such distortions have a negative impact on some strategies, while for some strategies better results are obtained. This discrete event based simulation model allows the process manager to choose the appropriate strategy or to abandon the jetway and use the airport stairs to avoid or reduce delaying the aircraft.  相似文献   

Understanding what factors passengers consider when selecting an airline is critical, as airlines can utilize this information in market segmentation and marketing strategies. However, few studies have explored how passenger demographics and the nationality/type of carrier (full service or low-cost; regional or international) affect the choice factors of passengers when selecting airlines. The main objective of this study was to explore the airline choice factors considered by passengers, compare the choices of passengers with different demographics, and analyze which factors are emphasized by passengers from Taiwan and China when selecting airlines. We conducted a questionnaire survey of outgoing passengers at Kaohsiung International Airport in relation to 22 factors underlying their choice of airline. Using factor analysis, we identified the five factors: ground services, convenience, in-flight services, price, and travel availability. We then utilized cluster analysis to identify four groups, each concerned with price, comfort, convenience, and ground services, respectively. Nationality, age, income, flying frequency, and purpose of travel lead to differences in deciding which factors were considered by cross-strait passengers. Passengers of different nationalities concerned with different factors when selecting airlines. Our findings can add to the completeness of existing research as well as provide airlines with reference in developing marketing strategies for different customer groups.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the factors influencing a potential air passenger shift to autos due to the completion of the Trans Java Toll Road and an increase in airfares. The study focuses on intercity trips for nonbusiness purposes. A face-to-face interview survey of 751 air passengers was conducted in three main airports on Java Island, Indonesia. Both the theory of planned behavior and the discrete choice model were applied to understand the factors for influencing toll road use among air passengers. The empirical results reveal that psychological factors, consisting of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived moral obligations significantly influenced intentions to use the toll road. Meanwhile, perceived control of external resources was essential for airline passengers in their intention to use toll roads. Sociodemographic factors such as age, gender, income, frequency of airplane use, travel time, and cost also significantly influenced the decision to drive. Female, older passengers, high-income passengers, and frequent flyers were more likely to continue flying. The finding confirms that the Trans Java Toll Road affected a decline in air demand on Java Island. However, traveling with family members, rather than airfare hikes, became a more substantial reason for air passengers to switch to driving the toll roads. This research found that air passengers were inelastic related to changes in travel time, while 6% were willing to switch due to airfare increases of 10%.  相似文献   

The risk of being involved in an airplane accident is largely ignored in air passengers’ choice models. The reason presumably is that it is hard to operationalize, because objective safety indicators often involve extremely low probabilities that are hard to grasp and interpret by passengers. In this paper, we propose an operationalization that is based on the perception of safety, which is easy to understand and resonates that perceptions often influence decisions stronger than objective variables. We conceptualize that passengers form a safety perception score of a particular flight based on their perception of airline and route attributes and that this score in turn is traded-off against other flight attributes, such as ticket costs, to arrive at a flight choice. In line with this conceptualization, two stated preference experiments are conducted. In a first experiment, combinations of airline and route attributes are evaluated in terms of safety that is captured on a rating scale. In a second experiment, safety perception is treated as an attribute and traded-off against other flight attributes to arrive at a flight choice. The paper presents the results of a regression and a Panel Mixed Logit model estimated from responses obtained from a convenience sample of 161 air passengers recruited in the Netherlands. The results of both models are then combined to calculate the willingness to pay values for improvements made to a range of airline and route attributes, taking into account socio-demographic variables and psychological traits. As expected, the results indicate that the willingness to pay for improving safety decreases with higher initial safety levels.  相似文献   

This study examines the passengers perceptions of Tom Jobim International Airport – RIOgaleão branding strategies and its impact to their experiences in light of the airport branding elements proposed by the literature. To achieve these aims it was conducted a semi-structured interview with the airport's branding manager and a questionnaire with the passengers (n = 92). The findings showed that the airport's new management company has been employing tourist branding strategies using a mix of elements, but it is possible that these actions have had the main objective of raising the airport to international service standards, whereby the operation of terminals by large companies is a trend. It was also concluded that some of the airport branding elements (i.e. logos and slogans) are well developed and represent a higher impact on passenger experience, while others (i.e. retail pricing strategies) require further attention and new approaches in order to improve passenger experience in the terminal.  相似文献   

We propose a new method of modeling the relationship between on-time performance and market share in the airline industry. The idea behind the method is that the passengers’ decision to remain (use same airline) or switch (use other airlines) at time t depends on whether they have experienced flight delays at time t−1 or not. More specifically, we posit that the passengers who experienced flight delays are more likely to switch airlines for the subsequent flight than those passengers who did not experience delays. To capture such effect, we develop an aggregate-level Markovian type model that estimates the transition probability matrices separately for the passengers who experienced flight delays at time t−1 and for those who did not experience delays. The model was calibrated with the US DOT data. The study results imply that, once experiencing flight delays, passengers are more likely to switch airlines. The results also imply that on-time performance affects a carrier’s market share primarily through the passengers’ experience, and not though the “advertisement” of performance.  相似文献   

The entry of low cost airlines has thrown out a challenge to all airlines to find ways of attracting passengers, through a mix of fare discounting, greater frequency, improved flight times and no-frill's levels of on-board service. These competitive strategies have an impact on cost recovery. As airlines seek business in an increasingly heterogeneous passenger market, a greater understanding of what matters to potential passengers in choosing an airline grows in importance. Traditional studies of passenger airline choice assume that all attributes matter, but some to a lesser extent. What happens to the empirical evidence on willingness to pay when specific attributes are totally ignored by particular passengers? In this paper, we examine the impact of individual-specific attribute processing strategies (APS) on the inclusion/exclusion of attributes on the parameter estimates and behavioural outputs of models of airline service and fare level choice. Modelling practice assumes that whilst respondents may exhibit preference heterogeneity, they employ a homogenous APS with regards to how they process the presence/absence of attributes of stated choice (SC) experiments. We demonstrate how information collected exogenous of the SC experiment on whether respondents either ignored or considered each attribute of the SC task may be used in the estimation process, and how such information may be used to provide outputs that are attribute processing strategies segment specific.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to understand the relative importance of airline selection attributes that are considered important by passengers when selecting an airline. Specifically, we analyzed how the attribute selections differed based on airline types, a Full Service Carrier (FSC) and a Low Cost Carrier (LCC). For this purpose, a Delphi analysis was performed with 34 Korean aviation experts and 32 overseas aviation experts as the target sample groups. Statistical tests including Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, were used to analyze the selection attributes. In the case of FSCs, safety, flight schedule, cabin interior, and fast check-in processes were considered to be important selection attributes whereas for LCCs, air fare level, flight safety, the convenience of air ticket purchasing procedures, and additional charges were considered to be the important selection attributes. Additionally, there was a difference in the importance of airline selection attributes depending on whether it was a Korean or overseas aviation market. The result of these findings may be utilized as basic data in establishing a marketing strategy for an airline company to attract more passengers.  相似文献   

Passengers go through different handling processes inside airport terminal buildings. The quality of these processes is usually measured by the time passengers require and by the level of comfort experienced by them. We present an analysis of behavioural patterns in queues at check-in desks and security controls, which are two of the most critical processes regarding passenger service. The passengers' flow is simulated to obtain queue lengths at one busy European airport between 2014 and 2016, supported by real flight data. Simulation is designed as a store-and forward cell-based system, whose parameters have been tuned and validated with real data from observations and empirical capacity and demand studies within the airport. Random Forest algorithms are then implemented to develop different models for each parameter prediction, after a data analysis stage based on statistical and visualization methods. Feature analysis techniques between dependent variables and the target outputs (queue lengths) determine which are the fundamental elements to explain queue behaviour and to predict target variables. We provide a method to forecast behavioural patterns at check-in desks and security controls, to help airport operators to implement adequate response policies. Queue behavioural patterns are captured by Machine Learning models, which can be used to offer improved passenger services (such as real-time predictions for expected waiting time at queues), or can be considered in a dynamic approach for terminal services design (as the entire progress of terminal handling depends on the stochastic behaviour of passengers). This could be a key tool for managing passengers demand and optimise the infrastructure's capacity through resource allocation.  相似文献   

Airline carriers, airports and passengers have common interests in expediting the aircraft boarding process for economical, operational, and customer satisfaction reasons respectively. Several boarding strategies have been proposed in the literature aiming to reduce the boarding time. Several theoretical models were able to achieve near optimum performance, but ignored the important aspect of allowing family and groups to board together in cliques. Some other models achieved top performance by pre-assigning passengers to seats, which deprived them from the essential privilege of choosing their own seats. The Dynamically Optimized Boarding strategy is proposed to shorten the boarding time, reduce on-board interferences, and allow passengers' cliques to proceed together to their reserved seats. Passengers are sequenced in a boarding queue based on their seats' positions, associated cliques, and the possibility of interferences, immediately after the last check-in. They are required to board the aircraft according to their positions in the queue. A technology-aided announcement process can help in guiding batches of passengers to a small pre-boarding area in order to aggregate before boarding the aircraft. A simulation-based study showed that the proposed strategy achieved a near-optimum performance without breaching the passengers' right to walk in cliques to their preferred seats.  相似文献   

Service quality of the airline industry is still unexplored, if compared to the public transport service quality literature. In this paper, we propose an analysis of the services provided by an Italian airport based on an SEM approach. Specifically, we propose a SEM-MIMIC ordinal Probit capturing the heterogeneity in perceptions of air transport passengers and identify groups of passengers with similar assessments of the services. Results suggest the presence of four constructs affecting the overall satisfaction at the terminal, namely information, control, environment, and food service. Results also suggest that there are two different user-types: accessory user (who uses ticket office, luggage trolleys, and escalator lifts), and technology user (who uses charging stations, airport website, and airport wi-fi).  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 1014 passengers of five European airlines, this paper reveals differences between passengers on the Turkish domestic airline and those on four foreign airlines on the same flight destinations with respect to demographic profiles, behavioral characteristics, understanding of airline service dimensions, and satisfaction levels. Differences between the two passenger groups are highlighted in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, sector affiliation, location of domicile, travel purpose, travel frequency, service expectations, and satisfaction levels. It is concluded that the differences in consumer profiles and expectations are valuable clues for domestic and foreign airline firms in understanding their consumers and in designing their marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Growing cashless services in the Sydney metropolitan region are motivated by the clear supply-side benefits associated with the prepayment of public transport fares. This paper examines the effect on prepay following the ‘MyZone’ fare and ticket reform in New South Wales introduced in April 2010. ‘MyZone’, introduced two new discounted and standardised prepay products, including a new, multimode ticket. Whilst these changes had implications for all public transport providers in the Sydney Metropolitan area, it had significant ramifications for the many private bus operators who, for the first time, could provide and accept tickets, which integrated their services with the state-run rail, ferry and bus network.With empirical data collected from two surveys of passengers of a private bus operator in northern Sydney this study analyses the ticket purchasing behaviour of passengers both before the fare reform, when passengers only had access to operator-specific prepay products, and post-MyZone, when the new standardised prepay products were available. The results clearly show there are significant differences in the characteristics of passengers using multi-modal versus pay-as-you-go tickets and that this difference is driven largely by age, income and whether or not the journey involved interchange. Prior to MyZone, prepay users were easily predicted and the fare and ticket reform was successful in transitioning some cash users to prepay but prepay users were no longer predictable unless separated into prepay product groups. This suggests that a policy designed to exploit the supply-side benefits associated with cashless services needs to consider that introducing only one prepay product will not address the market need of frequent users. Passengers who continued to pay cash after the fare and ticket reform showed high sensitivity to public transport cost and are those passengers with the lowest incomes. This raises policy questions of how to mitigate against the upfront costs often associated with prepay to transition less affluent, but frequent passengers, onto cashless ticketing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates business traveller heterogeneity using data from a survey carried out amongst airline passengers. Traditional methods employed are usually based on mean responses, thus providing an incomplete picture of what business travellers perceive to be the main sources of differentiation in the airline industry. Factor analysis was used to find types of travellers through grouping of preferred attributes. Then, ordered discrete response methods were used to assess which attributes are perceived in a different way by the two types of travellers identified by factor analysis, controlling for route and passenger characteristics. The results show that a substantial portion of business travellers, who previously did not fly for business reasons, use low-cost air services. Furthermore, after having experienced the low-cost product, business passengers tend to reassess the valuation of some attributes in a way which is more favourable to the LCC. Hence, we conclude that LCC marketing strategies should be aimed at getting business travellers to experience the low-cost product.  相似文献   

The quest for efficient aircraft boarding strategies continues to generate lots of business and scientific discussions. Boarding strategies define rules and procedures aimed to reduce boarding time and operational cost. Most of the proposed strategies do not account for passengers’ non-compliance with boarding rules. Non-compliance is one of the major non-deterministic problems that can degrade any performance improvement to be expected from adopting a boarding strategy. To that, it is of paramount interest to shed light on this problem and introduce approaches for mitigating any related performance degradation in the boarding process. Although some recent research investigations considered the effect of non-compliance on the overall boarding time under different strategies, there was a lack of remedial actions. This paper dissects the operational characteristics of the non-compliance activity, proposes two different intervention approaches to deal with non-complying passengers, and analyzes the resulting impact under different categories of boarding strategies using a cellular-automaton-based simulation.  相似文献   

The mobile preschool, a form of preschool practice in a bus, is a new and growing phenomenon in Swedish preschool education. Combining theories of time-spatial organisation and mobility, we critically investigate the implications of transforming traditional stationary preschool practice into a mobile preschool. Our findings show that the social order of the mobile preschool is ‘being on the move’ and that the travelling shapes the time-spatial organisation, with major implications for daily routines and activities. In our analyses we show how constant travelling characterises the mobile preschool as a social practice with (i) logistics and choice of place prevailing over daily planning, (ii) creation of time and space for embodied habits, (iii) teachers as attendants and children as passengers, and (iv) walking in lines. However, mobility and time-spatial constraints are also co-constructed and intimately connected with the participants’ agency, since both children and teachers are actively ‘doing time’ and ‘creating space’ within the dominant structure of ‘being on the move’.  相似文献   

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