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The present paper uses a modified version of the Service Brand Verdict (SBV) model. The objective of the study is to incorporate service brand loyalty as an ultimate dependent measure seen as the outcome of consumers' evaluation of various service brand dimensions and communication, and test the generalizability of the modified SBV model in two different service sectors and cultural settings. Two studies using on-line survey data were conducted in Denmark and Norway in two different service industries (airlines and banks respectively). Previous findings suggesting that brand evidence significantly influences consumer satisfaction, attitude and behavioural loyalty towards service brands were confirmed. Moreover, contrary to previous findings, controlled communication elements (i.e. advertising and promotions) did not have any influence on customer satisfaction with service brands. However, the same communication elements directly and significantly shaped customers' perceptions of the various brand dimensions and their overall attitude towards the brand.  相似文献   

Although retail atmospherics has been an active area of study, a glance around a typical mall indicates many retailers still do not actively differentiate their retail environment from competitors. This is likely due to retailers considering the atmospheric elements (lighting, music, etc.) individually and making decisions regarding the elements based on what is “standard” for their customers, merchandise, and format. This approach leads to very little differentiation and fails to consider that today’s consumer is often expecting a more multi-sensory, interactive, and holistic shopping experience. This paper considers an alternative approach, where a brand dictated “theme” is used to guide the manipulation of the atmospheric elements. This allows retail brands to break free from standard design to create a more interactive, immersive, and authentic environment. Outcomes include increases in shopping enjoyment, positive brand attitudes, and brand loyalty. T-tests are utilized to compare the two approaches within both the apparel (Study 1) and restaurant (Study 2) industries.  相似文献   

Customer participation is growing into a widespread phenomenon in the service context. Despite the inherent significance of customer expectations to service failures in the high-participation service context, scant research exists on studying the links among customer participation, customer expectation of service recovery, and service outcomes (e.g., word-of-mouth or WOM). Even more pressing is the lack of research on the type of service recovery that can countervail the inflated customer expectation of service recovery and restore service outcomes. This research demonstrates that high contribution of customers in the beginning of service provision procedure leads to high recovery expectations and low satisfaction. The results also support that co-created service recovery (CCS-R), as contrasted to firm and customer recoveries, has a greater positive effect on satisfaction. Further, the contrasting impacts of each service recovery type on positive and negative WOM are presented. An experiment was conducted using service failure and recovery scenarios. Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The current research has some important implications for scholars and managers who wish to effectively recover failed high-participation service encounters.  相似文献   

Service firms have turned their attention to the design and development of multisensory brand experiences to positively influence customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. However, the role of brand usage and the application of effective sensory evaluation techniques have been overlooked when designing multisensory brand experiences. The current research addresses this gap by conducting sixteen interviews employing the multi-sensory sculpting (MSS) technique with heavy and light customers (classified based on the extent of brand usage) of a restaurant. The results show that it is important to consider how heavy and light users receive, select and ascribe meaning to sensory experiences to design effective multisensory brand strategies. Moreover, the MSS technique is recommended as an effective means to understand consumers’ perceptions of multisensory brand experiences.  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly use intelligent personal assistants for shopping, given their advantages of being hands-free and voice-controlled, enabling individuals to multi-task during interactions, and identifying users through voice printing. Members of Generation Z (Gen Z), the world's most populous generation, who focus on experiences and innovation and are familiar with using the internet, are increasingly using smart technologies. However, the factors that influence Gen Z consumers' purchase intentions as they use intelligent personal assistants (IPAs) are unknown. Drawing on the computers are social actors (CASA) paradigm, this paper explores how the intelligent features of IPAs affect Gen Z consumers' purchase intentions and investigates the moderating effect of brand credibility. Using structural equation modeling on a sample of 428 Gen Z consumers who use IPAs, the results show that personalization and a conversational tone have significant positive effects on informational support and emotional support. Autonomy and responsiveness have significant positive effects on informational support. Informational support and emotional support have a positive impact on purchase intentions. Brand credibility positively moderates the relationships between informational support and purchase intentions and between emotional support and purchase intentions. This study deepens our understanding of the antecedents of purchase intentions that affect Gen Z's use of IPAs and provides practical guidance for the development of IPAs. In addition, the results could help companies develop strategies to improve brand credibility to increase the purchase intentions of Gen Z consumers.  相似文献   

Brand-extension strategies enhance success chances of new products, even though they expose brand image to dilution risks. The present work analyzes how brand-extension evaluation can affect the current brand image and proposes a theoretical model formed by five main factors related to brand associations, extension congruency and extension attitude. The model estimation includes structural equation analysis using data from 699 surveys developed under market conditions. The results verify that extension attitude influences brand image, whereas initial brand associations and perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products (category fit) or the brand image (image fit) are able to strengthen consumer attitude. The study also explains the role of consumer innovativeness as a moderating factor, suggesting that the characteristics of consumer personality could be more important than expected.  相似文献   

With the growing use of robots in the service industry, service failures have increased. This study applies the Communication Accommodation Theory to examine how robot employees' communication style can foster perceived intimacy, reducing customer anger and negative word-of-mouth. The study also tests if this relationship varies based on failure severity. Results show that an informal communication style significantly reduces negative word-of-mouth through intimacy, but only for low severity failures. These findings offer valuable insights for service providers using robots, emphasizing the need to adapt communication styles based on failure severity to effectively manage negative customer experiences.  相似文献   

面对经济的快速发展,曾经在中华大地上风光无限的一些"中华老字号"品牌逐步走向衰弱。老字号品牌日渐式微究竟是出自内因还是出自外因呢?本项目组为了了解老字号品牌的生存现状,替老字号把脉并探寻重振之路,以老字号集中度较高的北京"中华老字号"作为研究对象,针对消费者进行了问卷调查。从认知、消费、偏好、品牌传播等方面出发,试图发掘出针对新时代消费者的老字号品牌重振方略。  相似文献   

This research assesses the relative impact of a long-term brand management instrument (brand personality) and a short-term marketing mix instrument (sales promotions) on brand equity formation. The authors measure consumer perceptions of promotional intensity and brand personality and model their impact on brand equity. They find a positive impact of brand personality and a negative impact of sales promotion intensity on brand equity at the aggregate level. In line with research that identifies varying consumer responses to promotional deals, this study posits that the relative impact of the two elements varies across consumer groups. Three homogeneous consumer groups differ according to the relative impact of brand personality and consumer promotions on brand equity, following an application of a finite mixture partial least squares procedure.  相似文献   

Endeavors to address issues surrounding service failure have centered mainly on the topic of service recovery. In particular, perceived fairness and organizational responses to service failures are highly popular topics in the literature. Yet the vast majority of customers fail to voice their dissatisfaction to the firm. Consequently, it is important to understand how consumers process service failures regardless of the recovery outcome. This study examines the impact of perceived controllability over service failures and service quality expectations on customer reactions to those failures. Findings indicate that customers react quite negatively when they believe the service firm could have easily prevented the failure. Conversely, when customers feel partly responsible for the failure or are ambiguous about its cause, the negative effects of poor performance are somewhat mitigated. Finally, high service quality expectations also buffer the firm from the negativity effect. Managerial implications of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Proficient brand management, including retail brands, is crucial for the success of the firms or retailers. One area of interest is consumers’ negativity towards brands (e.g., hate) due to negative consumer-brand relationships. The present article examines the relationships between brand anxiety, brand hatred and obsess, and illustrates the impacts of age and brand affection on these relationships. Data were collected through an online survey, and partial least squares path modelling was used to test the proposed paths on a sample of 416 consumers. The findings revealed that brand anxiety influenced obsess directly and indirectly through brand hatred. It was also evident that age moderated the path between brand anxiety and brand hatred, while brand affection strengthened the relationship between brand hatred and obsess. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed subsequently.  相似文献   

The impact of ethical cues on customer satisfaction with service   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the effects of ethical and unethical cues on customers’ evaluations of the ethics of a service provider and their subsequent satisfaction with the service. The results of a disguised, laboratory experiment are used to suggest that customers respond to unethical cues in the environment through lower ethical assessments and satisfaction ratings, but that ethical cues may not necessarily increase satisfaction scores when compared to a neutral situation. The implications suggest that ethical cues and an honest service provider may be the expected norm, and thus will lead to (or maintain) satisfaction with the service encounter, while unethical cues will create dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of a luxury limited-edition offer in the face of core brand image dilution of a luxury brand. Through utilizing two millennial subgroups (college- vs. post-college age) as research participants in two studies, the findings suggest that in a brand dilution condition, the limited-edition product enhances consumers’ attitudes toward the luxury brand and that these effects are more pronounced for consumers with a higher self-presentation motive. We also find that college-age millennials are more strongly influenced by social influences than post-college age millennials. The implications for academic researchers and luxury brand retail managers are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the interactions between brand and customer assets over the long-term. Through the application of a new behavioural measure called the brand health index (BHI) we examine the impact of brand health on customer equity, and its mediating impact on the advertising-customer equity relationship. Three services industries, department stores, airlines, and banking, were studied from 2001 to 2012. The results show that brand health has a positive impact on customer equity, although the magnitude of the BHI impact varies across different industries. Moreover it was demonstrated that brand health mediates the impact of advertising on customer equity.  相似文献   

The impact of sales encounters on brand loyalty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaining and sustaining brand loyalty is a key challenge in increasingly competitive markets. Many marketing researchers as well as practitioners emphasize the critical role of the interpersonal interaction between the customer and the salesperson in influencing customer satisfaction, generating favorable brand attitudes and strengthening the bond between the customers and the brand. So far, empirical research that investigates how sales encounters impact brand loyalty by enhancing customer satisfaction with the sales encounter is lacking. Using data from 154 dyads of customers and salespersons of a large automobile brand, this study shows the perceptions of both the customer and the salesperson regarding the impact of sales encounter performance on satisfaction. Sales encounter satisfaction, in turn, leads to brand loyalty by enhancing brand attitude and salesperson loyalty.  相似文献   

Brand crises, defined as well-publicized claims of unsubstantiated or false brand propositions can do severe damage to brands. Yet, the damaging effects of brand crises may not always be uniform. In other words, the effects of crises may be subject to moderators such as the relevance of the crisis to the brand and brand familiarity. We propose a framework that helps us understand the effects of brand crises on consumers' brand evaluations. We test the hypotheses that crisis relevance interacts with familiarity in its effect on brand evaluations, and that this effect is mediated by perceptions of the seriousness of the crisis. Results from two experiments support these predictions.  相似文献   

Over time, scholars have argued that consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) models are less suitable for service-dominant brands, mainly because the role of customer experience with services is often disregarded. Also, the absence of two essential components, brand consistency and perceived value, signals a lack of depth in creating service brand equity. To address these gaps, we examine service-branding theory by conceptualizing and validating a consumer-based service brand equity (CBSBE) model in Sarker et al. (2019) in the context of airlines. Airline service direct experience and brand consistency are highly important aspects for strengthening brand equity components of services. Subsequently, maximizing perceived value, followed by creating favorable brand meaning are the nucleus of branding services. Using the most advanced PLS-SEM techniques, our CBSBE model is highly robust in explaining the theoretical notion of creating service brand equity. Thus, achieving a pleasant and desirable experience and maintaining consistency across direct service touchpoints would be an effective strategy for service organizations.  相似文献   

The increasing globalization of business provides a compelling reason for understanding the cultural context of consumer behavior. The research reported here examines the impact of culture on consumers’ perceptions of service recovery efforts. In particular, we studied in an experimental setting, across East-West cultures, the combined effects of explanation and compensation in shaping customers’ attributions and post-recovery perceptions in a medium contact service—a restaurant setting. Our findings show that the differential sensitivity of East Asian and American consumers to situational constraints influence their attributions for service failures, and thus moderate their satisfaction with service recovery process. More specifically, the results suggest that a causal explanation for service failure decreases the likelihood of US consumers falling prey to the fundamental attribution error. Conversely, among East Asians, an explanation had minimal influence in attributional processes. Finally, our results indicate that attributional processes influence customer perceptions of employee effort, which in turn is linked to post-recovery satisfaction.  相似文献   

Antecedents of residents' city brand attitudes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
City branding is a relatively new area of academic research in marketing. Earlier research focuses on city brand images and particularly the contrast in brand image between cities. Essentially that attention reflects the interest of policy makers in developing sound competitive brand positions, with the aim of achieving a competitive advantage. The current paper shifts the focus to explaining the brand attitudes that residents have of a particular city. What are the key antecedents (city attributes) influencing city brand attitudes? The paper reports on a quantitative survey of a sample of 878 residents of the Gold Coast City. The findings show that the major antecedents are social bonds, a sun and surf brand personality, and creative business. Safety, nature and cultural activities are also influential attributes. Apart from insight into how city brand attitudes are shaped, the paper provides a framework for public policy intervention to improve the urban environment.  相似文献   

The current research is concerned with identifying and testing the role of three main predictors: consumer involvement, consumer participation, and self-expressive brand on the customer brand engagement (CBE). The customer brand engagement is treated in the current study as multidimensional constructs comprising three main aspects: cognitive processing (CP), affection (AF), and activation (AC). It was also proposed a direct influence for these three aspects of CBE on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). Using online surveys, we gathered data from fans/followers of mobile phone service providers, via Facebook fan pages in Jordan. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling. Based on structural equation modelling analyses (SEM), it was supported that CBE aspects were largely predicted by the role of consumer involvement (INV), consumer participation (COP), and self-expressive brand (SEB). However, we find that activation impact one dimension of the CBBE dimensions, namely, brand loyalty. Further, we find that brand awareness/associations affect perceived quality but not brand loyalty. To validate the CBE scale, future studies could investigate the impact of the scale using other social media platforms for different brands. The limited amount of empirical research on CBE was the motivation behind this research. In particular, there is no study that has investigated the main predictors of CBE and its consequences over developing context by proposing and testing the association between the antecedents of CBE with the dimensions of CBE, which in turn affect the dimensions of CBBE.  相似文献   

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