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This paper quantifies the effect of the Chinese Hukou (household registration) on expected wage of nannies in urban China. Using a novel data set with detailed individual information of nannies from 12 Chinese cities during 2015–2016, this study finds that a 1% increase in Hukou Index, a measure of inter-regional migration restrictions, leads to a 0.05% increase in expected wage of nannies. The effect is heterogeneous for sub-categories of Hukou policies and among different types of nannies. Migration networks also play a significant role, and the effects are different for migration networks of different sizes. These findings reveal the unexpected consequences of China’s tight control of internal migration and the change in wages of a relatively low-skill service sector.  相似文献   

China is facing slowing growth rates, slowing rates of rural to urban migration and resistance to reforms that would liberalize internal migration restrictions (Hukou). We use a two sector Ramsey growth model and show that, allowing for endogenous capital accumulation, labour reallocation has accounted for approximately one fifth of China's per capita GDP growth over the last 30 years, and that Hukou reform could generate a significant boost to China's per capita GDP growth over the next decade. Our results contrast with conclusions drawn from the traditional growth accounting literature on labour reallocation effects in China because our simulation method allows for endogenous capital accumulation dynamics.  相似文献   

城乡人口空间迁移模式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村移民过度集聚不利于城市化可持续发展。文章利用第六次全国人口普查数据的研究结果显示,农村移民表现出显著的单向迁移特征,空间分布高度集中化。但城镇移民双向迁移特征更为明显,空间分布更为均衡。从劳动力市场条件的角度解释认为:户籍制度约束使得农村人口迁移仅基于经济因素考虑,因而空间集聚度很高。而城镇人口由于能够免受此类约束,迁移决策不仅基于经济因素,而且基于社会、文化、环境等多因素考虑,因而空间分布更为均衡。文章认为,建立一种相对均衡的农村移民空间迁移模式,关键是要彻底改革户籍制度,使农村移民享有与城镇居民同等的公共服务获取权。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively evaluates the potential impacts of removing China's Hukou system on the world economy. By denying migrant workers the right to health benefits and housing, China's Household Registration (Hukou) system presents a significant distortion to the Chinese labor market that discourages the reallocation of its labor from agriculture to non-agriculture. I find that the elimination of Hukou could increase China's real income per capita by about 4.7%. Moreover, although for most countries the impact of removing Hukou is modest (less than 1% changes in real income per capita), substantial changes in real income could take place for China's small neighboring economies. For example, the decreases in real GDP per capita are 2.7%, 3.2%, and 4.1% for Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, while Thailand stands to enjoy a 3.8% increase in its income.  相似文献   

This paper documents the patterns of return migration and labor mobility constraints in China using two unique data: the 2017 China Household Finance Survey and a newly developed urban Hukou registration index. The size of return migrants is larger than that of migrants without local Hukou registration. Majority of return migrants move from more developed region back to their less developed home town where they have Hukou registration. Empirical results show that Hukou registration barrier, typically higher in more developed cities, leads to a higher probability of returning among low-skilled migrant workers, and such an effect only exits among migrants moving across provinces and migrants with rural Hukou.  相似文献   

我国创新人口管理的探索,取得了明显成效,但与快速发展的城市化还不相适应,存在着重管理,轻服务;重户籍人口,轻外来人口等问题.应在借鉴国际经验的基础上,不断解放思想,完善法律体系,建立面向全体居民的管理服务体制,改革户籍制度,完善社会保障制度,理顺高效有序的工作机制,充分发挥社会各方面的积极性和创造性.  相似文献   

In many countries, regional income inequality has followed an inverted U‐shaped curve, growing during industrialization and market integration and declining thereafter. By contrast, Sweden's regional inequality dropped from 1860 to 1980 and did not exhibit this U‐shaped pattern. Accordingly, today's regional income inequality in Sweden is lower than in other European countries. We note that the prime mover behind the long‐run reduction in regional income differentials was structural change, whereas neoclassical and technological forces played a relatively less important role. However, this process of regional income convergence can be divided into three major periods. During the first period (1860–1940), the unrestricted action of market forces, particularly the expansion of markets and high rates of internal and international migration, led to the compression of regional income differentials. During the next period (1940–80), regional convergence was even more intense. In this period, institutional arrangements favoured the reduction of productivity differentials across industries and successive governments aided the reallocation of the workforce from declining to thriving regions and economic sectors. During the last period (1980–2000), when regional incomes diverged, internal migration and structural change slowed. Furthermore, the development of knowledge‐intensive service industries favoured economic growth in the main metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

陆铭 《南方经济》2011,29(6):23-37
中国的农村劳动力在城乡和地区间的流动是在全球市场一体化和国内市场分割的背景下出现的。规模日益庞大的流动劳动力以流向东南沿海城市的制造业和服务业为主,但由于户籍、土地等制度的制约,劳动力流动短期特征明显,但趋势又是长期化,因此,形成了城市内部的“新二元结构”。早期的实证研究注重从个人特征、家庭特征和政策环境的角度来研究劳动力流动,较新的研究从人力资本外部性和规模经济的角度研究劳动力流动的方向,为劳动力流动的动因提供了新的见解。但是,如果要解释中国劳动力流动中的一些特殊现象,就需要在制度约束和信息不充分的条件下研究社会互动对于劳动力流动的影响。基于这些研究,有效推进劳动力流动和城市化进程的政策应该包括以提高教育为主的经济政策、以促进信息交流为主的社会政策,以及推进城乡融合为主的制度变革。  相似文献   

随着经济发展,营销腐败蔓延到各个行业和阶层,对社会、企业、顾客产生了巨大的负面影响。企业内部营销腐败是在企业内部发生的营销腐败,它对企业影响更直接,危害更大。从当前的商业环境出发,通过对企业内部营销腐败表现形式、产生的原因和危害分析,探讨性提出了防范和治理企业内部营销腐败的措施。  相似文献   

This article addresses the neglected question of what happens to development when migration goes into decline. It examines two villages in the Eastern Cape, South Africa's poorest province and long dependent on mine migration, which is now burdened with returning ex-miners because of retrenchments in the mining industry. It describes the negative effect on ex-migrants' psychological wellbeing and standing in the community, and other effects such as the emergence of women as the new migrants as ex-miners fail to cope in other sectors or to apply mine skills at home; an increase in poverty through loss of wages; lack of money for education; a decline in investment in agriculture; the conversion of farmland to grazing; lack of business development; and dependence on pensions and child welfare grants. The article concludes that although migration did not provide a route out of poverty, its absence is making the poor a lot worse off.  相似文献   

FLEXIBLE work-hours and surplus labour in agriculture are incorporatedinto the Harris-Todaro model. Migration equilibrium is characterizedby equality of expected welfare rather than expected incomein the two sectors. Increase in expected wage still causes outnugrationfrom agriculture, but if the commodity-price ratio is exogenous,outmigration occurs when minimum wage is raised even when expectedurban wage is constant. Moreover, migration flows are largerthan in a closed economy with fixed work-hours. Implicationsof these results for determining shadow wage rate of labourand designing economic policy are also discussed.  相似文献   

The ascension to urban citizenship and assimilation into urban life for rural to urban migrant workers is a pressing mission during the current process of rapid urbanization in developing China. However, the issue of how self-employed migrants, who account for up to 25 percent of total migrant workers in 2009 (Meng, 2012), acquire urban citizenship remains understudied. Using a unique sample from the 2009 Rural to Urban Migrants in China (RUMiC) survey, this paper explores whether self-employment choice contributes to migrant workers' ascension to urban citizenship and integration, and uncovers the underlying mechanisms. We find that although self-employed migrants are capable of earning a higher income, and improving their living conditions, their tendency to reside permanently in the city is not significantly different from their counterparts of wage workers. We argue that self-employed migrants, who are less covered by urban social securities and are more discriminated against by current urban household registration (Hukou) system, tend to lose faith in ascension to urban citizenship. It implies that a social security system with self-employed migrants being covered as well as an urban Hukou admission system favoring diverse human capital (especially taking into account entrepreneurship) would help accelerate the urbanization process.  相似文献   

In the past decades, China has been experiencing a huge mass of internal migration with rapid economic development. Using the 2005 Census data, our paper empirically explores how migration experiences affect entrepreneurship heterogeneously. The “falling” migration experiences, from a relatively developed place to a developing place, could enhance the human capital accumulation of migrant workers and assist them to become entrepreneurs. Moreover, we find that migrant entrepreneurs are more likely to engage in the industry with a comparative advantage in their original residential places. That is, technology diffuses with migration.  相似文献   

京津冀地区大气污染协同治理的实践困境及其破解路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李珒  包晓斌 《改革》2021,(2):146-155
协同治理是跨越单一主体边界的治理活动。京津冀地区大气污染协同治理有效利用了先决条件,确立了协同驱动因素与主体衔接机制,构建了职责明晰的内部治理结构,实现了中央政府主导的横向合作的协作过程。同时,也存在着如下问题:协同组织的结构性效能发挥有限;协同主体的多元参与和协同形式的多样性不够;协同主体致力于协同的主动性不足;协同治理效果的可持续性有所欠缺。为推动京津冀地区大气污染协同治理,应推进京津冀经济社会发展一体化,优化协同环境;充分利用京津冀地区的区位优势,突出协同治理特色;优化协同结构,强化整体功能;创新协同形式,提高协同效率。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new regional database on real wages for Spain from 1850 to 1930. This evidence is used to analyze the evolution of wages across regions and occupations. Substantial wage convergence occurred from 1850 to 1914, despite low rates of internal migration. World War I and the subsequent globalization backlash were associated with a spectacular increase in wage differentials. However, real wage convergence across Spanish provinces resumed during the 1920s, this time accompanied by high rates of internal migration.  相似文献   

The polytomous logistic model is applied to unpublished census data from Kenya to test recent theoretical advances in migration theory. In addition to reporting econometric results for interregional migration in Kenya, the accumulated knowledge on the key determinants of migration, as reported in some 20 econometric studies on internal migration in developing countries, are summarized.  相似文献   

陈伟鸿 《改革与战略》2011,27(6):154-156
文章指出,区域迁移作为民营企业扩张的一条重要途径,已为越来越多的民营企业所接受和实施。企业迁移是企业决策者综合考虑企业各种内部和外部因素之后做出的战略选择。根据企业迁移的需要,存在着生存型、机会型和政策追逐型迁移等类型,通过采取成本领先型、差异型、群聚型以及多元化等各种企业迁移策略,可以谋求企业新的竞争优势。  相似文献   

This study investigates the internal migration of black males in South Africa over the period after the formal end of Apartheid using the 1996 census data. The two issues of our primary interests are the following: (i) whether migration patterns of black individuals are consistent with the income‐maximising hypothesis as related to the destination choice; and (ii) whether the redistribution of human capital is detected in internal migration. The results from conditional logit regressions on choices among individuals in 318 districts show that individuals prefer districts with higher expected wages, conditional on other regional characteristics. In addition, there exist differing preferences on the share of population with post‐secondary education by individuals with commensurate educational attainments. Black individuals with post‐secondary education tend to migrate into areas with a higher share of population with post‐secondary education and vice versa, which confirms the divergence of human capital levels across districts.  相似文献   

Labor migration is institutionally restricted within China under the hukou system, China registration system. However, what is the pecuniary impact of labor immobility on interregional wage inequality? To answer this question, we derive a simple wage gap equation including educational attainment, market potential and provincial border indicators. The regressions based on city and sector-level data show that, other things being equal, the wage dispersions within Chinese provincial borders are significantly less pronounced than those among provinces. Such border effects on spatial wage differentials, which have been shown to pervasively exist in all sectors considered in the present paper, reflect the distortions generated by migration controls. Finally, we show that despite the recent hukou reforms aimed at relaxing the restrictions on population movement, border effects appear to persisted over the period 2003-2005.  相似文献   

Large internal migration flows are typically viewed as evidence of flexible U.S. labor markets adjusting to asymmetrical regional demand shocks. Yet, amenity-induced migration flows suggest that they may not necessarily facilitate adjustment to demand shocks and instead may be destabilizing. This paper employs a structural vector autoregression model with long-run identifying restrictions to account for both labor-demand and labor-supply shocks in examining the role of migration in U.S. regional labor-market fluctuations. The results reveal that less than one-half of innovations in state migration flows are responses to labor-demand shocks. It is not until the third period that migrants fill a majority of demand-induced jobs in a typical state, while it takes about 7 to 8 years for migration flows to fully adjust to labor-demand shocks. The extent of the migration response also has implications for how much state and local economic development policies benefit original residents.  相似文献   

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