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美国休斯敦当地联邦法院作出裁定,宣告弗朗泰克(Frontech)公司对英威达1,4-丁二醇(BDO)技术无所有权,并禁止弗朗泰克许可任何包含英威达氢化技术的技术。这一裁定是基于英威达与弗朗泰克及弗朗泰克的所有者MingWan就弗朗泰克涉嫌非法使用英威达专有技术的法律纠纷达成的和解方案。  相似文献   

罗克韦尔自动化公司作为专业致力于提供自动化控制系统解决方案的跨国公司,在世界各地都有分支机构,全球年销售额达40多亿美元,公司工业控制产品和成套控制产品广泛应用于中国的各工业领域。恩泰克,无论作为独立的公司(2000年之前)还是作为罗克韦尔自动化的一个产品部门(2000年被罗克韦尔自动化收购),始终以提供高质量的预测性维修软硬件著称:包括振动数据采集器、自动巡检式在线监测系统、高速在线监测诊断系统和机械设备故障分析软件等。多年来恩泰克产品得到了众多用户的支持和爱护,用户的成功应用是恩泰克发展壮大的根本动力。结合罗克…  相似文献   

王晓 《汽车观察》2021,(2):50-52
2月2日,康明斯在年度媒体会上分享了2020年中国区市场销量数据,并预告了2021年关键业务举措. 尽管2020年的整体市场环境颇具挑战,但得益于核心市场的增长及康明斯定制化产品技术的成功,康明斯中国区全年发动机销售量突破67万台,同比增长24%,创下公司自1975年进入中国市场以来最高记录.在国六领域,康明斯业绩表现...  相似文献   

问:贵公司2017财年的业绩情况如何? 平冈:销售额将如预期一样与上一年持平或略增,利润则实现增长.这几年努力减少滞留库存,获得了很大进展.还不能说已经一扫而空,但库存得到顺利处理.从销售对象来看,中国内销占到了近60%,已经反超对日销售.  相似文献   

问:2017年的内销情况如何? 泷:内销整体是情况严峻的一年,男装面料和ODM的减少造成了影响.另一方面,日本女装面料的内销保持旺盛,和去年相比销售增长了两位数百分比. 女装品牌正在变得追求差别化,对当地无法生产的高附加值日本面料的需求增长.另外在店铺销售严峻的情况下,订单变得更加慎重,需要短交货期的现货储备商品,对于现货储备销售有优势的我们来说有推动作用.  相似文献   

台湾地区的钢铁工业到1988年为止,其从业人员达6.2万余人.台湾钢铁企业的特点是数量较多,而规模较小.近年来建成了一个较大的钢铁企业——中钢公司,它不仅在生产规模和技术上处于领先地位,而且在管理方法上亦居领先地位.该公司于1988年粗钢产量达84万吨(占整个台湾省粗钢产量的70.28%).钢铁工业用电容量达68万瓦,预计在短期内电力需求可达80万瓦.一般预料,如果台电公司针对用电量较大的钢铁工业采取限电措施以后.将对钢铁工业的生产造成较大的影响.  相似文献   

问:请问2014年中国销售情况如何? 宇仁:成立第二年的小纹工房贸易(北京)公司情况极好.成立第二年其规模已经是小纹贸易(上海)公司的两倍.小纹贸易(上海)公司则较为艰苦,正在重建之中.两家公司合计的中国内销整体业绩也获得增长.本公司经营的商品全部都是日本生产的面料.在日元贬值人民币升值的情况下,销售要是不增长就奇怪了.随着日元贬值,面料价格已经非常适合中国成衣厂商购买.  相似文献   

问:中国法人双日奔时代(上海)贸易公司2014年的业绩情况如何? 长田:主力的对日出口事业由于受到日元贬值的影响而陷入苦战.为此,预计销售额和利润的减少不可避免.对日出口全年减少了约20%.加上从日本进口面料单价由于人民币升值而降低. 对日出口很艰苦,但中国国内销售和2013年相比增长了三成左右.由于对日出口的减少,两年前曾占到销售额七成的对日出口现在下降到了六成.而中国国内销售则在最旺盛的9~12月甚至达到了六成.  相似文献   

国际玩具巨头——HGA娱乐公司(MGAEntertainment,inc.),旗下拥有:bratz(贝兹娃娃)、fflOXle等等国际知名品牌,并于2006年收购了有40年多历史的小家伙公司iL1tt]eT1kes),小家伙公司持有品牌小泰克L1tt]etlkes,致力于设计生产各类户内。户外游乐设施及儿童玩具,其产品色彩鲜艳、  相似文献   

在火爆的中国汽车市场中,东南汽车正打造一批"钻石精英",来兑换数字增长背后的掌声。2009年东南汽车实现了全年近9万辆的销量,同比增长104%。2010年全年设在12万辆的销售目标,最后一季度,东南继续发力。在2010年初的北京车展上,东南汽车首次公布了三年战略规划,力争到2012年,产销达到30万辆。要实现这个目标,它们已在产能上做好准备。目前东南汽车厂房三期建设已进入实质阶段,预计明年初将启动建设,在产能突破的同时如何实现销量翻番,除核心产品外,销售人员能否突破性地完成既定目标显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

In today's highly competitive environment, many firms make the decision to outsource a business process on the well-established idea that it is better to contract for services that are not within the scope of a company's core set of competencies. While outsourcing was once limited to peripheral firm activities such as advertising, firms are expanding the types of functions they outsource. For instance, many firms have begun to outsource their sales force, or at a minimum, have begun to consider ‘renting’ a sales force rather than ‘owning’ their own sales force. Being a recent trend, very little is known about what prompts firms to outsource their sales forces, nor the consequences of doing so. As such, this research explores the factors associated with determining whether a firm should outsource their sales force as well as the value to be had by engaging in such a decision. Most importantly, we offer that beyond the standard cost-based analysis, there are numerous issues that deserve consideration and examination before a firm elects to outsource its sales force.  相似文献   

微软的Xbox 360和索尼的PlayStation 3与IBM、Sun和Dell最新推出的多处理器服务器、以及奔驰、宝马和其他汽车中采用的网络系统之间有什么共同之处?由于在硅昌绝缘体晶片(SOI wafer)的硅表层之下是薄薄的玻璃或二氧化硅绝缘层,因此采用这种晶片的芯片,在提供更快的交换速度、消耗较少的能量、产生较小的电流漏泄的同时,也使其所用的组件能更紧密地结合在一起。尽管由于高昂的成本,迄今为止绝缘硅(SOI)的用途主要还限于那些追求高性能或低能量消耗的任务,但这项技术  相似文献   

Differences between management and salespeople in their perceptions of a new technology can affect the acceptance and implementation of that technology. For sales force automation (SFA) systems, the differences in the perceptions held by management and salespeople toward the SFA can affect the successful adoption and implementation of the system by the organization. This paper reports the results of an investigation that focused on the differences in perceptions held by the United States Army's recruiting force and its higher level management toward the Army's newly adopted SFA system, the Army Recruiting Information Support System (ARISS). The results of the study indicate that significant differences exist between the perceptions held by the recruiting force and higher level management toward ARISS, the SFA system. The results offer important insights into managing SFA system deployment and gauging user expectations.  相似文献   

The personal selling field has witnessed the emergence of various sales strategies, including relationship, value, key account, and solution selling. Despite claims about their effectiveness, recent work challenges the relevance of existing sales strategies across buying contexts. Specifically, emerging sales strategies often focus on the user in the customer organization, without being explicitly aligned with the increasingly important purchasing function. To define the critical role of the purchasing function for sales effectiveness, this study collects data from 32 firms in two markets; their purchasing departments reveal four stages of purchasing evolution: passive (price focused), independent (cost-focused), supportive (solution/innovation focused), and integrative (strategy focused). The research demonstrates that each stage of purchasing evolution then requires distinct sales strategies by selling firms and any mismatch of purchasing evolution and sales strategy may be detrimental to sales. This novel view and the supported findings offers several implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

Effective sales forecasting has become a prerequisite for successful management. Unfortunately, recognition of the need for more effective forecasts has not produced better results. It appears that forecast error is increasing rather than decreasing. This paper reports the findings of a study of forecasting systems in manufacturing firms. The importance of forecasting to firms, users and preparers of forecasts, forecasting techniques employed, use of macroeconomic data, treatment of inflation, forecasting error, and management of forecasting systems are covered in the paper. Conclusions and recommendations for improvement of forecasting systems are developed from the findings of the study.  相似文献   

The field sales manager is an important member of any organization that has a field sales force. Field sales managers are critical from an operations and human relations point of view [14]. It is at this position that marketing plans meet field implementation. In addition, field sales managers embody management to the salesmen and in turn represent the salesmen to top management. Because of the boundary nature of this position, it is essential to have field sales managers who work harmoniously with both organizational levels. The man-in-the-middle nature of the position makes the field sales manager susceptible to the performance expectations of two diverse groups—sales and managerial personnel.  相似文献   

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