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三门核电一期工程常规岛由业主自主招标,整个项目合同模式复杂、接口复杂、供货方众多,极易在设计进度、配合设计、变更处理等方面出现问题。文章主要从三门核电自主采购设备变更控制入手,阐述了引起设备变更的原因,围绕如何有效做好设备变更管理的发起,审查和执行。对如何做好在建项目的自主采购设备变更管理进行了探讨,希望能为各在建项目提供一些参考。  相似文献   

工作压力与心理授权:工作—家庭支持的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作—家庭支持是影响员工心理授权的重要因素。既有文献认为工作压力应与工作—家庭支持相匹配,但对"如何匹配"研究较少。文章分析组织支持、领导支持、情感支持和工具性支持等工作—家庭支持要素对工作压力与员工心理授权之间关系的调节作用,提出若干研究命题并构建出概念模型。  相似文献   

由于建设工程项目的复杂性、长期性、动态性等特点,工程变更是不可避免的,工程变更会影响到工程项目的三大指标:质量、进度、成本。而传统的工程变更管理存在信息化手段落后等问题,不利于工程变更的管理,通过结合建筑信息模型—BIM技术对传统工程变更管理进行优化和改进,消减工程变更带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

浅析软件开发项目管理流程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王正影 《活力》2010,(10):85-85
一、我国软件开发项目的现状目前,中国的软件企业正处于高速发展、急需规范管理并以项目为主导的环境中。大多数的软件企业依然处在一个需求一开发一需求一变更一需求一再变更……交付一变更……的可怕流程当中,过程缺乏有效的项目管理、质量控制、变更管理、发布管理、知识管理……正是管理流程的混乱导致了软件开发项目的失控.乃至失败。尽管近年来我国的软件产业保持高速的成长态势.然而在繁荣火爆的市场背后也隐藏着相当的危机,具体体现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

李萍 《企业活力》2011,(8):83-87
需求变更的管理不善往往会导致信息系统开发项目的失控。如何对需求变更加以有效的管理,便成为信息系统开发中一个迫切需要解决的问题。度量是管理的基础,可以将度量的方法引入需求变更管理中。CMMI指导下的信息系统需求变更度量框架的构建有助于变更管理的规范化,但该框架对应用的条件是有要求的。  相似文献   

本文以建筑信息模型在建设工程项目造价工作中实践应用的视角出发,梳理了国内外关于BIM技术应用研究的文献,提出了基于BIM技术下以模型为信息传递核心的BIM-5D平台建设、模型深度维护、变更动态管理、进度-投资管控关键技术路径,形成建设工程项目应用BIM情境下项目成员间协同实施工程管理及造价控制的工作模式,为类似新建项目提供参考。  相似文献   

P3软件产品设计用于满足需要同时管理大量项目的组织管理需求。集成应用程序使用项目组合管理(PPM),以支持组织的不同地点和不同层次项目团队的管理需求。在项目管理中起到指引管理方向,对项目控制、协调提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

本评价以秀山县大溪乡河西村土地整治项目为例,通过实地调研获取工程施工数量、质量和预算执行情况,项目管理"五制"执行情况,项目助推贫困村脱贫、贫困户脱贫和扶贫可持续成效数据。通过分析发现:一是项目虽然存在变更,但其施工数量和质量均能得到有效保障,满足验收要求,符合验收标准;二是简化项目管理程序依然能保障工程质量,并且符合以"五制"为核心的项目管理要求;三是无论贫困村还是贫困户均能实现脱贫,且脱贫具有可持续性。  相似文献   

合同交底是项目合同执行中非常重要的一环,通过合同交底可以使项目部全体成员提高合同意识、 熟悉合同的工作内容和范围、 了解合同双方的责任和风险,是项目执行团队正确履行义务、 保护自身合法利益的前提.工程项目的合同管理工作包括了变更与索赔管理,计量与成本管理,进度与计划管理等重要内容.合同交底也是一个建立和明确合同管理组织和管理制度,落实合同管理程序的重要基础.本文对笔者参与建设多个EPC总承包项目从项目合同执行者的角度,总结了对计划合同交底工作执行中的一些体会,以供其他国际工程项目执行借鉴.  相似文献   

随着我国电网改革的推行,电力工程的不断发展,我国的电力施工管理也取得了较大的发展和进步。下文中笔者将结合自己的工作经验,对电力施工管理过程中的需求变更管理的有关问题进行分东西,文中笔者将从电工施工中引起需求变更的主要因素、对需求变更的控制策略、需求变更的控制流程等几个方面,谈谈自己的认识,诸多不足,还望批评指正。  相似文献   

李越  吴国强 《价值工程》2012,31(20):132-133
工作投入在近30年已成为人力资源管理实践关注的热点,但现有对处于工作压力状态下,员工工作投入进行干预的研究在国内外还处于起始阶段。本文分析了工作压力、应对策略与工作投入与工作倦怠之间的关系,从积极心理学角度提出员工工作投入的干预模型,并对增进员工工作投入提出相应改进措施。  相似文献   

王楠 《价值工程》2013,(14):284-286
本文主要采用描述统计、Cronbach a检验的方法,进行了编制适合陕西省高校教师进行工作满意度测评的问卷的调查。设计了陕西高校教师满意度问卷的模型,并最终确立了最后的问卷。它其中包括五个维度,有工作压力、职称晋升、学校管理、福利待遇、职业兴趣等几个方面。主要通过KMO和Bartlett检验、因子分析、效信度检验来完成的这项工作。调查最后的结果,是为了给实际的工作提供更为直接的指导意义,它对现实具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   


This study aims to offer a more fine-grained approach to our understanding of the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Building on organisational theory and Job Demand-Control model, we investigated an important institutional characteristic – organisational ownership – as an additional moderator to influence the interactive effects of job demands and control upon job satisfaction. Using data collected from 1838 Chinese retail sector employees, we found that this three-way interaction was strongest for employees working in foreign-invested firms, who experienced higher employee involvement at work and perceived a high level of challenge-related stress. The relationship was weakest for employees in state-owned enterprises who reported low levels of both employee involvement and challenge-related stress. Our study constitutes an early attempt to assess the impact of institutional characteristics such as ownership on aspects of human resources management, and highlights the need for further research to recognise the importance of such characteristics as contextual factors that influence the effect of organisational practices and the work environment upon individual work-related outcomes. The paper’s concluding sections elaborate on the contributions our research makes both to theory as well as to the practicalities faced by human resource managers in contexts such as China.  相似文献   

Based on the logic of the job demands-resources model, we argue that work-related factors that demand workers’ resources, such as job overload and organizational constraints, may lead to work–family conflict through emotional exhaustion. Other work-related factors that generate resources for workers, such as job autonomy and task significance, may lead to work–family facilitation through job satisfaction. Analyzing survey data collected from different sources among professional nurses in Taiwan, we use structural equation modeling technique to find support for our hypotheses. Our study complements the work and family literature by demonstrating the mechanisms through which work-related factors may demand or provide workers with resources that lead to work–family conflict and work–family facilitation, respectively.  相似文献   

To identify a set of broad factors that reflect the constructs measured in three content models of employee turnover, we hypothesized 19 scales would reduce to five factors related to employee job‐search behavior and actual turnover decisions: one's affect toward the organization, work environment, instrumental attachment, extraorganizational ties, and sense of obligation. Using a sample of 888 staff members from a large university, the factor structure was confirmed. Multivariate regression results also indicated one's work environment, instrumental attachment, and sense of obligation were significantly and negatively related to both job search and turnover, with work environment and instrumental attachment exhibiting the strongest effects. Extraorganizational ties were only significantly and negatively related to job search. Interestingly, affect toward the organization was not significantly related to either job search or turnover. Path analyses indicated the effects of four of the factors on turnover were fully mediated by job search, with instrumental attachment the sole factor that was only partially mediated. Our model provides a foundation for future researchers to test the uniqueness of new predictors of turnover, as well as guidance to practitioners regarding where resources might be best utilized in curbing turnover.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of the use of work–nonwork supports on well-being. It first develops hypotheses regarding how a reduction in job demands, and an increase in both job control and supportive management may explain this relationship. We then test these hypotheses using data from Britain’s Workplace Employee Relations Survey of 2011. The research reveals that the use of work–nonwork supports has a positive association with job control and supportive supervision. These in turn mediate a relationship between the use of supports and three dimensions of employee well-being, job satisfaction, anxiety-contentment and depression-enthusiasm, some of the effect being through their reducing work–to–nonwork conflict. Use of work–nonwork supports is, however, positively associated with job demands, but this effect of use on job demands does not affect well-being. Since job autonomy and supportive supervision are major mediators, and have a direct influence on work–nonwork conflict and well-being, policy should focus on integrating job quality and work–life balance issues.  相似文献   

This study was conducted on the human resource management response of ten manufacturing companies in the Philippines to the financial crisis that affected the country. Instead of implementing manpower reduction, the companies adopted either flexitime or working-week reduction. The study tried to capture the effects of this approach on employees' job satisfaction and work stress. The study deduced that the change of work schedule affected the level of job satisfaction significantly but did not elicit the same effect in the area of work stress. The results negated the expectations of the management. Employees' perception of their work schedule is among the different factors that affect their job satisfaction.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors used a within‐person design to examine the relationship between job insecurity and employee in‐role and extra‐role performance, and the buffering role of time‐varying work‐based support (i.e., supervisor and colleague support) in this relationship. Weekly diary data gathered over the course of three weeks from 56 employees confronted with organizational restructuring and analyzed with a hierarchical linear modeling approach showed that weekly fluctuations in job insecurity negatively predicted week‐level in‐role performance. As predicted, supervisor support moderated the intra‐individual relationship between job insecurity and in‐role performance, so that employees' in‐role performance suffered less from feeling job insecurity during weeks in which they received more support from their supervisor. No relationship between job insecurity and extra‐role performance was observed. This within‐person study contributes to research on job insecurity that has primarily focused on inter‐individual differences in job insecurity and their associations with job performance. Theoretical and practical implications for human resource management are discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although theory and research from the domains of organizational behavior and human resource management suggest that individuals’ perceived organizational support (POS) plays a crucial role in enhancing job satisfaction and in reducing turnover intentions, there is a lack of research applying Organizational Support Theory to the realm of project management. Project-based organizations have an increasing demand for highly qualified project managers who feel supported by their employing organization and intend to remain in their positions. Therefore, the primary objective of the present study was to investigate predictors of project managers’ POS (both from a career management and from a project portfolio management perspective) and to examine how this variable related to their job satisfaction and intention to quit their project manager position. Using a sample of 541 project managers and 135 project portfolio coordinators nested in 135 firms, the analysis revealed that POS related positively to project managers’ job satisfaction and negatively to their turnover intention. A career path for project managers was positively associated with POS, especially when it was accompanied by adequate qualification opportunities. Results further stress the significance of top management involvement and the support of project management offices for project managers’ POS.  相似文献   

实施工程成本控制能为落实工程成本管理目标,实现工程成本计划提供保障,因此公路工程成本控制工作有着十分重大的现实意义。文章阐述了成本控制的概念、目标、原则,并对项目成本费用的控制与核算进行了探讨,供同行参考。  相似文献   

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