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This paper focuses on the increased pressure for corporations to engage in corporate sustainability (CS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to address the current crisis of confidence in business, align their activities with the needs and expectations of a broader set of stakeholders, and help tackle the world's grand challenges. We argue that human resource management (HRM) has a potentially vital role to play in contributing to a firm's CS/CSR efforts, but so far has failed to deliver. We explore the reasons for this failure and discuss ways for HRM to play a more prominent role in the design and implementation of a firm's CS/CSR strategy. Building on earlier attempts to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into the HRM performance construct, we propose a multidimensional, multi-stakeholder approach to sustainable HRM that encompasses activities aimed both at avoiding harmful consequences for stakeholders and contributing to positive outcomes along the triple bottom line (i.e., people, planet, and prosperity). We discuss implications for research and develop a set of propositions and guidelines for future research.  相似文献   

Thirty years on from the seminal works on human resource management (HRM) by Beer et al., we examine how the subject has developed. We offer a normative review, based on that model and critique the assumption that the business of HRM is solely to improve returns to owners and shareholders. We identify the importance of a wider view of stakeholders to practitioners and how academic studies on the periphery of HRM are beginning to adopt such a view. We argue that the HRM studies so far have given us much valuable learning but that the subject has now reached a point where we need to take a wider, more contextual, more multilayered approach founded on the long‐term needs of all relevant stakeholders. The original Beer et al. model remains a valuable guide to the next 30 years of HRM. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Meaningful work has been defined as work that is personally enriching and that makes a positive contribution. There is increasing interest in how organizations can harness the meaningfulness of work to enhance productivity and performance. We explain how organizations seek to manage the meaningfulness employees experience through strategies focused on job design, leadership, HRM and culture. Employees can respond positively to employers' strategies aimed at raising their level of experienced meaningfulness when they are felt to be authentic. However, when meaningfulness is lacking, or employees perceive that the employer is seeking to manipulate their meaningfulness for performative intent, then the response of employees can be to engage in “existential labor” strategies with the potential for harmful consequences for individuals and organizations. We develop a Model of Existential Labor, drawing out a set of propositions for future research endeavors, and outline the implications for HRM practitioners.  相似文献   

Sustainable human resource management (HRM), perceived as challenging the dominant models of strategic HRM, concerns the adoption of HRM strategies and practices to achieve simultaneously financial, social, environmental, and HR regeneration goals, to satisfy diverse stakeholders' competing demands and, increasingly, national legislative requirements of sustainability performance reporting. Tensions are placed at the centre of sustainable HRM's analysis, as stakeholders demands are contrasting, when seen individually, but yet interrelated, as part of an integrated whole. The paradox perspective of sustainable HRM is useful in identifying several HRM paradoxes and proposing different coping strategies. However, the role of organizational actors, their cognition and strategy-making action, has been completely ignored in a highly conceptual paradoxical analysis of sustainable HRM. Drawing on the cognitive theory (and cognitive framing) and the practice theory (and strategy-as-practice), this paper contributes by bringing organizational actors back into the analysis, proposing three interrelated processes, namely, activating individual cognitive frames, creating collective dominant frames, and strategizing through enacting strategy-making activities, to address the theoretical gaps and extend the paradox perspective of sustainable HRM.  相似文献   

We are delighted that our article on the value of human resource (HR) certification (Lengnick-Hall & Aguinis, 2012) has generated so much interest. In this brief response, we identify two key similarities across all of the articles published in this special issue (including our own). First, all commentators care deeply about the field of human resource management (HRM). Second, all commentators believe that additional empirical research is needed to assess the value of HR certification for stakeholders inside and outside of the field of HRM. We offer a concrete course of action. Specifically, we issue the following challenge to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation: Issue a call for proposals for empirical research on the value of HR certification. Such a call would provide funding so that teams including both researchers and practitioners are encouraged to conduct research on this topic. Moreover, such a collaborative approach involving the SHRM Foundation, the HRM scholarly community, and the HRM practitioner community is likely to elevate the field of HRM and produce valuable knowledge about the value of HR certification for stakeholders inside and outside of the field, which in turn will also help narrow the much-lamented science–practice gap.  相似文献   

We compare and explain effectiveness assessments of two HR stakeholders: line managers and trade union representatives. We examine whether they have the same preferences regarding the roles the HR department has to fulfil (Ulrich 1997). Next, we test which strong HRM system characteristics (Bowen and Ostroff 2004) are decisive in determining the perceived effectiveness of the HR department in the preferential roles. With these analyses we examine whether the HR roles and strong HRM system characteristics are equally important to different stakeholders. Results show that the perceived effectiveness of the HR department in its operational roles is decisive in trade union representatives' general HR effectiveness assessment. For line managers, process-oriented roles are crucial. Next, if the HR department scores high on strong HRM system characteristics, it is perceived as more effective in its HR roles. Yet, the importance of specific HRM system characteristics depends on the role and stakeholder.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the current use of action research in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM), and assess its potential contribution to the field. We show that action research is very suitable for theory development and excels in developing scholarly knowledge that informs practitioners and is relevant for specific contexts. Although only a handful of HRM papers label their research as action research (from our review of nine journals between 2000 and 2019), they substantially contribute to HRM by explaining the role of context and the dynamic nature of HRM design, implementation and evaluation and by showing the effectiveness of systemic interventions. We offer guidelines for conducting HRM action research projects, emphasizing the importance of involving relevant stakeholders, rigorously making field notes of the research process and reflexivity on the interests of both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Many authors have studied how the HRM function has evolved. A fundamental recurring theme in the literature centres upon the role HRM should play to ensure it adds real value to organisations. This article seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding the HRM role by reporting findings from case study research carried out in an organisation that has recently restructured its HRM function towards the Human Resource Business Partnership model. Through interviewing key stakeholders in the organisation, our aim was to understand the roles which HRM professionals play and the key stakeholders with whom they have relationships. Evidence suggests that, as a result of the restructuring, the HRM function has a more strategic and integrated position with many viewing HRM professionals and advisors as valued business partners. However, we also noted some important ambiguities, tensions and role conflicts amongst the key parties involved in the partnership, which suggests that further work is required to fully clarify the role of the HRM function in this organisation and to ensure that relationships continue to evolve successfully.  相似文献   

Talent and performance management are becoming a key strategic HRM issue for universities. This study adds to our knowledge by critically examining recruitment and selection practices for junior and senior academic talent in the Netherlands. We show that academic subfields differ in terms of how appointments are organised, how candidates are sought and identified and how performance indicators play a role in recruitment. We identify three key dilemmas in talent and performance management for universities: (a) transparency versus autonomy, (b) power of HR versus power of academics, (c) equality versus homogeneity. This article challenges the view of an academic world where the allocation of rewards and resources is governed by the normative principles of transparency and objective performance systems, and it highlights the distance between these HRM instruments and the actuality of social interaction in academic recruitment practices.  相似文献   

Most HRM research over recent decades has concentrated on ‘change’, charting ever more fragmented, individualised and unitarist employment relationships. This is equally true of public sector HRM, where the emphasis has been on neo‐liberalism and marketisation. However, in many countries and sectors, collective, pluralist approaches to HRM and industrial relations have proved remarkably resilient. This article uses Neo‐Institutional theory to explain the ‘continuity’ of one such HRM system: national collective bargaining in English local government (1979–2007). We argue that this survives because it manages the political and managerial processes that link central government and central–local relations and acts as a conduit between institutional stakeholders to deliver services to the public. By understanding the ‘passive consensus’ that holds the collectivist HRM system together, we can anticipate the forces that might pull it apart.  相似文献   

As businesses experience greater pressures from a variety of stakeholders concerned with promoting a balanced approach to managing the competing demands for increased profitability, improved social conditions, and restoring the health of planet earth, new opportunities arise for HRM scholars and professionals to contribute to the pursuit of sustainability. However, the foundational logic of sustainability diverges significantly from the dominant perspective in today's business environment. Building upon the institutional theory literature, we introduce the concept of HRM institutional entrepreneurship to examine the paradoxes and emerging opportunities associated with the urgent need for more sustainable approaches for managing business organizations. As a guide to future work, we describe how the actions of HRM scholars and professionals can stimulate evolution from an HRM philosophy that relies on financial indicators to assess effectiveness towards an HRM philosophy that promotes a tripartite approach to sustainability, showing equal concern for economic, environmental and social performance. Focusing on organizational changes that improve environmental performance, we apply the concept of HRM institutional entrepreneurship to consider ways for HRM professionals to engage internal and external stakeholders in order to create value in organizations pursuing sustainability. Ultimately, activities that constitute HRM institutional entrepreneurship for sustainable business drive the development of capabilities that characterize ambidextrous organizations.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2007,31(1):35-48
This paper examines the relationship between international capital flows and the opacity of recipient countries. We use the Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) [Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2001. The Opacity Index: A Project of the Price Waterhouse Coopers Endowment for the Study of Transparency and Sustainability] opacity index for the year 2000 and investigate its influence on three types of net international capital flows: foreign direct investment, portfolio capital and international bank lending. We find support for higher opacity leading to a reduction in capital inflows, in general. More interestingly, however, in some cases we find counterintuitive results of more capital flows when opacity relating to specific business climate increases—accounting and regulations for foreign direct investment flows, corruption and regulation for portfolio flows, and corruption and economic opacities for international lending flows. This may be because of potentially higher profit opportunities that may be present due to the greater role unofficial channels of investment practices play as these opacity indices rise. Also, we find international bank lending, in general, responded very differently from foreign direct investment and portfolio flows.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices, business strategy and firm performance. We examined the following HRM practices: training and development; teamwork; compensation/incentives; HR planning; performance appraisal; and employment security. We surveyed 236 managers working at steel firms in Taiwan to explore their perceptions on the impact of HRM practices and business strategy on firm performance. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) HRM practices will be positively related to firm performance; (2) there is a close linkage between HRM practices and business strategy; (3) business strategies will be positively related to firm performance; (4) integrating HRM practices with business strategies will be positively related to firm performance.  相似文献   

Research in this special issue converges around important HRM challenges that will shape the direction of academic research in the future. We argue that the nature of these challenges, such as balancing global and local HRM approaches, focusing on people while aiming at performance and, in general, managing in a hybrid cultural and economic system, requires reframing strategic HR in terms of social contract theories. Such theories consider multiple stakeholders and focus research on the employment relationship as unit of analysis, which fits well with the pre-eminence of person-centred management over merely profit-centred goals. We propose theoretically anchored research to guide strategic HRM practices, taking into account Latin America's culture-specific humanistic approach and its labour market institutions.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework capable of analysing the contributions made by strategic human resources management (SHRM) to firm sustainability and competitiveness. Specifically, we identify different sustainable corporate strategies and the way in which they are supported by coherent sustainable HRM strategies. We propose different sustainable employment relationships considering two dimensions: inducements offered by an organisation and expected employee behaviours in order to comply with sustainable HRM strategies. All the above also necessitates a system of HRM practices (content of the employment relationship) that should be well defined and oriented towards sustainability. Accordingly, we suggest associations of specific systems of HRM practices, depending on the type of employment relationship and sustainable HRM strategy, in order to promote the expected ‘Triple Bottom Line’, and which also improve firm competitiveness.  相似文献   

This study proposes the ‘duality of algorithmic management’ as a conceptual lens to unravel the complex relationship between human resource management (HRM) algorithms, job autonomy and the value to workers who are subject to algorithmic management. Against tendencies to present algorithmic management as having predetermined, undesired consequences (e.g. restriction of job autonomy, poor financial compensation and deteriorating working conditions), our ‘duality of algorithmic management’ perspective offers two amendments to the dominant thinking on HRM algorithms and their outcomes to workers. First, we showcase how algorithmic management simultaneously restrains and enables autonomy and value to workers – with the latter referring to both use (i.e. non-monetary benefits) and exchange value (i.e. monetary benefits) that workers derive from working (under algorithmic management). In doing so, we make the case that the desired consequences of HRM algorithms to workers co-exist alongside the undesired consequences that the literature has mostly reported on. Second, we argue that algorithmic management is shaped by, as much as it shaping, the autonomy and value to workers. We do so by highlighting the ‘recursivity’ of algorithmic management that occurs when software designers and/or self-learning algorithms reinforce or limit worker acts for (re)gaining job autonomy and/or creating value out of HRM algorithms. We conclude this paper with the presentation of avenues for future research into the duality of algorithmic management, which sets the stage for a future line of inquiry into the complex interrelationships among HRM algorithms, job autonomy and value.  相似文献   

Facing the challenge of environmental degradation in Vietnam, a growing number of firms have begun to integrate environmental management systems into their business strategies and develop green product diversification strategies. On the basis of the stakeholder theory, this paper attempts to explore the influences of stakeholders on the implementation of horizontal and vertical green product diversification. Empirical results show that foreign customers play a significant role in driving companies to adopt strategy of green product diversification. For foreign‐invested enterprises, the effect is limited to the adoption of horizontal green product diversification. It further reveals that institutional weakness, lack of transparency, community stakeholders, and regulatory stakeholders have no significant effect on the corporate green product strategy.  相似文献   

International management research has tended to approach the transfer of human resource management (HRM) practices by examining the one-way transfer from parent companies to their subsidiaries, their adaptation to the subsidiaries’ local context and, more recently, the reverse transfer of HRM practices from subsidiaries to their headquarters. This article aims to analyse the transfer of HRM practices from headquarters to their foreign subsidiaries through the process of hybridization. Although numerous studies focus on the transfer of HRM practices between economically developed countries or from these countries to transitional economies, few have considered French multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in ex-colonized countries. This paper addresses the ways in which the HRM hybridization process is implemented in two French subsidiaries operating in Tunisia. It focuses on the dual perspectives of managerial staff at headquarters and subsidiaries as well as shop floor employees in the subsidiaries. A range of HRM practices (recruitment and selection, compensation, performance appraisal and career management) is analysed from their transfer to their reinterpretation. The results show the importance of the concept of hybridization on HRM practice transfer through a multi-level analysis of the strategies used by various stakeholders during the hybridization process. The paper also provides useful insights into the factors of hybridization that may foster or inhibit the transfer and adoption of HRM practices by foreign subsidiaries. These include the relational context, the type of practices transferred, the interests of different professional categories and their social interactions. Based on these factors, several hybridizations are identified. The study points out the specificity of the Tunisian context and shows that institutional factors have less influence on the transfer of HRM practices in ex-colonized countries than cultural factors that have a transversal influence on different HRM practices. Key cultural factors constraining the transfer include emotional relationships and interpersonal trust. Moreover, the international transfer of HRM practices from MNCs to ex-colonized transitional countries requires taking into account the post-colonialism and fascination effects.  相似文献   

Firms' Stakeholders and the Costs of Transparency   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We develop a model of a firm whose production process requires it to initiate and nurture a relationship with its stakeholders. Because there are spillover benefits of being associated with a "winner," the perceptions of stakeholders and potential stakeholders can affect firm value. Our analysis indicates that while transparency (i.e., generating information about a firm's quality) may improve the allocation of resources, a firm may have a higher ex ante value if information about its quality is not prematurely generated. Transparency costs arise because of asymmetric information regarding the extent to which stakeholders benefit from having a relationship with a high-quality firm. These costs are higher when firms can undertake noncontractible innovative investments that enhance the value of their stakeholder relationships. Stakeholder effects of transparency are especially important for younger firms with less established track records.  相似文献   

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) emerged as a dominant approach to human resource management (HRM) policy during the past 30 years. However, during the last decade, a new approach to HRM has evolved. This approach has been labelled sustainable human resource management (sustainable HRM). It is an approach that seeks to link HRM and sustainability. The term sustainability is fraught with semantic difficulties, as is conceptualising its relationship to HRM. Consequently, sustainable HRM is viewed in a variety of ways. This paper examines the major features of SHRM, some of the meanings given to sustainability and the relationship between sustainability and HRM. It then outlines the major characteristics of sustainable HRM. Although there are a diversity of views about sustainable HRM, this approach has a number of features which differentiate it from SHRM. It acknowledges organisational outcomes, which are broader than financial outcomes. All the writings emphasise the importance of human and social outcomes. In addition, it explicitly identifies the negative as well as the positive effects of HRM on a variety of stakeholders; it pays further attention to the processes associated with the implementation of HRM policies and acknowledges the tensions in reconciling competing organisational requirements. Such an approach takes an explicit moral position about the desired outcomes of organisational practices in the short term and the long term. Sustainable HRM can be understood in terms of a number of complimentary frameworks.  相似文献   

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