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本文探讨的是如何优化公司治理制度中领导者的行为。公司的领导者也就是公司治理的主体,由于公司治理的主体是随着公司不同的发展阶段而变化的,因而本文的亮点在于具体分析了公司治理制度中的领导者行为。本文的研究思路是:首先,在借鉴前人对公司治理制度理论研究成果的基础上,对公司治理制度主体中的经营者,也就是领导者,进行分析;其次,本文对公司治理制度中的领导者行为和领导者行为可能产生的问题进行了探讨;最后,针对这一问题,提出了解决公司治理制度中领导者问题的对策。  相似文献   

本文从公司治理的视角分析了我国上市公司控股大股东实施"隧道行为"的原因、方式及其危害,并从公司治理入手找到适合防范与治理"隧道行为"的措施,以期在一定程度上抑制控股大股东的"隧道行为",保护广大中小股东和上市公司的利益。  相似文献   

管理层薪酬激励制度的建立对调动管理层积极性、完善公司治理结构、推动上市公司可持续发展具有重要作用,不过管理层也存在运用盈余管理操控公司业绩以提升自身薪酬水平的动机。考虑到我国上市公司大股东控制可能会产生利益侵占效应或利益趋同效应,有必要对大股东的存在及其在公司治理层面的作用机制进行深入研究。鉴于此,可从大股东治理视角出发分析大股东控制程度对管理层薪酬激励与盈余管理关系的影响机制和内在机理,并以中国A股上市公司2009—2017年数据为样本实证检验管理层业绩薪酬激励与盈余管理行为之间的关系,进而结合我国股权结构现状探究大股东控制程度对两者关系的影响机理。研究结果发现,我国上市公司已经普遍建立了与企业业绩相关联的管理层薪酬激励制度,该制度能够在很大程度上限制管理层盈余管理行为,且在大股东控制程度较高的上市公司,其管理层业绩薪酬激励机制降低管理层盈余管理行为的效果更加明显。这表明,我国上市公司管理层业绩薪酬激励机制确实能够在公司治理方面产生积极效应,且伴随着大股东与企业利益的趋同,大股东会借助自身所拥有的对企业的控制权对管理层实施有效监督和约束,从而增强薪酬激励机制对管理层机会主义行为的治理作用,即大股东控制与管理层业绩薪酬激励机制在约束管理层盈余管理行为方面存在互补效应。  相似文献   

大量上市公司隧道行为的存在,其根本原因就是公司治理结构的缺失。本文分析了隧道行为的表现及发生原因,提出了实现股权全流通、健全内部治理机制、培育积极的机构投资者、完善法律法规体系、改革独立审计委托模式、加强诚信建设等公司治理的思路和对策。  相似文献   

徐虹  林钟高 《财贸经济》2006,(12):41-45
公司治理作为规范企业经营者行为的正式制度安排,直接影响经营者在企业决策制定与执行中的行为表现.本文在解析公司治理与企业经营者行为关系的基础上,以企业契约对经营者的绩效要求和时间结构两个维度,划分了企业经营者的四种行为模式;通过对不同公司治理模式下企业经营者行为特征的比较分析,从中国究竟应该选择怎样的公司治理模式、如何在公司治理中发挥文化对企业经营者的塑造和行为引导作用以及现有的治理框架下如何评判企业经营者的行为效率三个方面,提出完善公司治理、提升企业经营者行为效率的若干值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

陈伟民 《商业研究》2006,(14):81-83
公司资产和利润被转移到其控制性股东手中的“隧道行为”普遍存在,在我国资本市场上,由于特殊的制度背景,这种控制性股东剥夺中小股东利益的现象表现得更为突出。治理我国上市公司“隧道行为”应依靠一套严密的规则,包括以立法和政府管制为主导的关联交易的监管;充分和严格的信息披露;尊重独立董事的意见和建立股东派生诉讼制度等。  相似文献   

实践来看,金字塔结构在世界各国普遍存在。金字塔结构终极控股股东的"侵占效应"和"激励效应"也成为学术热点,最主要地表现为"隧道挖掘"(tunneling)和"反向支撑"(prop-ping)。而公司治理模式的差异在实践中同样存在,并广泛影响到公司治理的各个方面。本文在理论归纳的基础上,依据公司治理模式差异,对不同公司治理模式下金字塔终极控股股东的行为进行了简单推理,以期加深对不同国家、地区终极控股股东行为的理解。  相似文献   

会计信息质量对资本市场的健康发展起着至关重要的作用,而公司治理结构又是会计信息质量的主要影响因素。在健全完善的治理结构下,公司提供的会计信息才会具有真实性、可靠性、完整性。以万福生科为例,分析造假行为产生的原因,提出优化股权结构、健全监事会和独立董事制度以及完善内部审计制度等改善上市公司治理结构的建议,并希望通过改善上市公司治理结构,提高会计信息质量,以促进国内资本市场健康、稳定地发展。  相似文献   

叶飞  谢玲 《市场论坛》2004,(10):30-32
公司治理是美国资本主义经济的基石,公司治理结构是在一定的制度环境下逐渐演变而成.本文介绍了美国公司治理模式的特征,并分析介绍了这种特质的历史文化渊源及制度环境,指出美国公司治理模式是在特有的文化背景下产生的、与特定制度相适应的结果.  相似文献   

李静 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(15):37-38
公司治理与会计信息披露都是现代公司制度的重要组成部分,公司治理与会计信息披露相辅相成,既相互制约又互相促进,构成了企业微观经济运行不可或缺的组成部分。公司治理是会计信息披露的基础,会计信息通过影响企业管理者以及企业利益相关者的决策行为对公司治理产生重大影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, due to the important influence of corporate governance on corporate financial behaviors and from an angle of corporate governance, we develop six hypotheses based on overseas and home relevant researches and data of Chinese listed companies from 1999 to 2003, and then we do hypotheses testes with regression models to examine the impact of share percent of the top 5 shareholders and counterbalance mechanism among blockholders on cash dividend distribution of listed companies, and to explore influence and counterbalance mechanisms in tunneling of cash dividend which derived from the special phenomena of “same shares same rights but different price”. We find that share percent of top 5 shareholders, control ability (or combined control ability) and balance degree (or combined balance degree) of blockholders have important influence on tunneling of cash dividend distribution. Lastly, the paper proposes five suggestions to restrict controlling shareholders to enlist private benefits from tunneling of cash dividend and to protect rights and interests of small and medium shareholders.  相似文献   

以企业的投资效率为研究视角,考察非控股股东网络权力这一外部治理机制对企业行为的影响。研究发现:非控股股东网络权力的投资角色主要表现为"治理",在对非效率投资行为进行细分后发现,网络权力高的非控股股东可以缓解投资不足并抑制企业的投资过度;影响机制的检验显示,非控股股东网络权力主要通过抑制控股股东掏空、经理人过度投资行为以及投资机会的控制来缓解投资不足,从而提升投资效率;在企业股权融资风险较高、信息和法律环境较差时,非控股股东网络权力对企业投资行为的治理作用更突出。以上结论不仅丰富了非控股股东网络权力这一新兴学术领域的认知,对投资者和监管者也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

We show foreign strategic investors provide monitoring protection, by reducing tunneling through intercorporate loans. Further, foreign strategic investors mitigate minority shareholders expropriation through controlling excessive borrowing, whereas firms without foreign-founders channel excessive borrowing to controlling shareholders using intercorporate loans. The monitoring benefits are greater when corporate governance is weaker, and when foreign strategic investors are from English common law countries. Compared to foreign investor proxies typically used in Chinese studies, we use foreign-founder shareholders. As foreign-founders are long-term investors facing high liquidity risk, they are highly motivated to actively monitor and influence firm behaviours.  相似文献   

Bank loans can convey information about the borrowing firms that have proper corporate governance systems. Using a sample of bank loan announcements in China, we find that the market reaction is positive after the split share structure reform in 2005, which aligns the interests of large shareholders and minority shareholders, government and public investors, and alleviates their tunneling incentives. We also find that this effect is more pronounced for private firms as the reform mainly enhances corporate governance for private firms. The signaling role of bank loans is less pronounced for firms with less severe information asymmetry after the reform, e.g. higher shareholdings of mutual funds and higher proportion of independent directors. Related party transactions decrease when they obtain bank loans after the reform, which reflects the alleviation of tunneling after the reform.  相似文献   

杜善重 《财贸经济》2022,43(2):68-82
非家族股东治理能够有效助力家族企业实现可持续发展与现代化转型的目标,因而提升非家族股东治理水平具有重要意义。数字金融作为传统金融发展模式的重要创新,能够实现“金融服务实体经济”的目标,促使非家族股东积极参与家族企业治理。基于此,本文以代理理论与社会情感财富理论为基础,探讨了数字金融对非家族股东治理的影响。实证检验发现,随着数字金融的发展,非家族股东治理水平不断提升。其作用机制在于,数字金融能够通过缓解代理冲突、弱化家族控制与强化传承意愿,提升非家族股东治理水平。拓展性分析发现,对于非创业型、融资约束较强、位于金融监管程度较强地区的家族企业来说,数字金融对非家族股东治理的积极效应更显著;数字金融对异质性非家族股东制衡度存在差异化影响,即相较于外资股东与机构股东制衡度,数字金融能够强化国有股东与民营股东对家族股东的制衡;数字金融能够通过提升非家族股东治理水平促进家族企业可持续发展。本文从数字金融视角探究非家族股东治理的动机,丰富了数字金融与非家族股东治理的相关研究。  相似文献   

One of the most commonly used ways to restructure big and medium-sized state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China is through shareholding reform. This article classifies the shareholding reform into four modes and explores the relationship among these modes, in terms of the degree of control over controlled listed companies and governance efficiency. Using data of 285 SOEs during 1997–2000 (three years after their IPO), we find that restructuring modes affect the degree of control by controlling shareholders over listed companies. Furthermore, the controlling shareholder of incompletely restructured enterprises prefers a higher degree of control. In addition, the higher the degree of control, the more serious the problems of related trading and tunneling behaviors. We also find that restructuring modes affect the governance structure of listed companies, which in turn affect the degree of related trading and tunneling behaviors. These findings reveal that incomplete restructuring of SOEs before their listing is likely to make these enterprises be vulnerable to external control and thus negatively affects their governance efficiency.  相似文献   

South Korean industrial conglomerates (chaebols) are discussed in the context of value-based management (VBM). Recent economics and finance literature on the diversion of corporate resources from the firm to the controlling shareholders (tunneling), for which chaebols are notoriously known, is discussed. Chaebols have engaged in empire building and expropriation of minority shareholders, distorting the process of efficient resource allocation in South Korea, and became the root cause of the 1997 financial crisis. We argue that the 1997 crisis should be viewed as a consequence of chaebols’ systematic deviation from the guiding principles of VBM. We use tunneling within chaebols as an example of the need to directly address prohibition of the expropriation of minority shareholders as a primary postulate of VBM. We argue that VBM should require that the value generated by the firm not be expropriated from minorities, or any stakeholders, by dominant shareholders. We also examine moral and ethical considerations and present explanations as to why the unethical practice of tunneling has been tolerated by the South Korean public. We show that public opinion on tunneling is changing and that the treatment of minority shareholders by chaebols’ controlling families is becoming increasingly unacceptable to South Koreans.  相似文献   

外部审计对大股东利用担保对上市公司进行掏空的行为是否发挥了应有的治理作用一直备受社会的关注。运用Logistic回归方法,以2006年中国上市公司的对外担保为视角,研究了对外担保与非标准审计意见的相关性,探讨外部审计的治理效应。研究表明:对外担保越多的公司越有可能被出具非标准审计意见;注册会计师对上市公司为除控股子公司以外的公司提供担保反应敏感;注册会计师对上市公司为股东、实际控制人及其关联方提供担保反应显著;高风险担保金额越大,上市公司被出具非标准审计意见的概率越高。  相似文献   

Although several studies have examined the economic consequences of large shareholders' tunneling behavior, little attention has been paid to the negative effects of tunneling on firms' extreme events. In this article, we investigate how tunneling behavior affects firm-level stock price crashes. The findings indicate that the probability of stock price crashes is positively associated with the extent of tunneling behavior by large shareholders. The positive relationship is more pronounced after the split of share structure reform and is moderated by the firm's financial conditions. This study contributes to the emerging body of literature focusing on the economic consequences of tunneling and stock price crashes. The conclusions drawn from the study also provide a frame of reference for investor protection and investment portfolios based on large shareholders' tunneling behavior in China.  相似文献   

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