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刘娣 《适用技术市场》2011,(14):145-147
王昭君是中国古代四大美女之一。能选入四大美女,不仅仅是因为她的美貌被推上政治舞台;不仅仅是帝王的工具而名垂千史;更不会仅仅是因时势而成。然而从唯物辩证法的观点不难看出,内因是事物变化发展的根据,外因是事物变化发展的条件,外因通过内因起作用。王昭君的智慧、胆识和她为汉匈和平做出贡献的决心是她成为英雄的根本原因。  相似文献   

唯物辩证法认为,事物因自身内外部的原因而运动发展。内因与外因作为事物自我运动发展的动力相互依存、互为存在的前提条件;既不存在孤立内因起作用的情况,也不存在孤立外因起作用的情况。因此,精神作为推动事物运动的动力也必然是内因与外因的辩证统一。有精神内因作用也必有精神外因作用;有精神外因作用也必有精神内因作用;孤立精神内因或孤立精神外因单独起作用的情况根本不可能存在。  相似文献   

陈军 《市场研究》2010,(4):51-54
<正>全球持续蔓延的金融危机给世界各国企业造成沉重打击。就我国企业而言,也不可避免地纷纷出现订单下降、销量下滑、利润降低、出口受阻、裁员、降薪、破产、倒闭等现象,在外向型企业中尤为严重。但不要忘记,任何事物的发展都有内因和外因两方面的因素。外因只是条件,仅起  相似文献   

本文在前沿理论研究的基础上,认为企业社会责任是政策法规、伦理道德、利益相关等众多因素驱动的结果,可以概括为外部压力(外因)和内部驱动(内因)两个部分,并由此建立企业社会责任动因研究模型,以佛山市顺德区企业为调研对象,从调研分析和实证研究入手,探讨企业承担社会责任的动因和实现条件,并总结提出相关保障机制建议。  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记指出:"建设好毕节试验区,不仅是毕节发展、贵州发展的需要,对全国其他贫困地区发展也有重要示范作用。希望有关方面继续关心支持毕节发展;希望试验区进一步深化改革,锐意创新,埋头苦干,同心攻坚,努力实现人口、经济与资源环境协调发展,为贫困地区全面建成小康社会闯出一条新路子,同时也在多党合作服务改革发展实践中探索新经验。"唯物辩证法认为,内因是事物变化发展的内在依据,外因是事物变化  相似文献   

20世纪 80年代以来我国加工贸易经历了一个快速发展的时期 ,我国加工贸易发展的外因是新兴工业国家和地区向外转移劳动密集型工业 ,而内因是我国的改革开放政策以及低廉的劳动力。随着全球经济一体化的推进和我国逐步融入世界经济的循环 ,我国加工贸易发展的内因与外因也随之变化 ,使得我国加工贸易产业由劳动密集型向资本、技术密集型产业升级。  相似文献   

改变国有企业目前的现状,外因是条件,内因是根据,关键在领导。 “九五”企业领导怎么当,对于争创外因条件、创新内因根据将起关键的作用。因此,研究“九五”企业领导的当法,具有很现实的意义。 ’97国有企业到底怎么搞?中央经济工作会议明确提出,要“突出抓好国有企业领导班子整顿和建设”。对此,笔者结合一些企业现实状况.概括性地谈“三个基本思路”。  相似文献   

从战败的1945年到1971年,日本经济经历了三个阶段,"败战经济"到"自立经济",再到"国际经济",战后初期,日本经济处于瘫痪状态,1955年以后,日本经济进入了高速增长时期,可以说是历史性的蓬勃期,日本的国际地位有了明显的提升。日本战后经济高速增长是由于多种因素的影响,但是其中文化产业的发展、国民素质的提升是不可忽视的重要因素,在世界经济全球化的今天,我国也应积极发展文化产业,促进国家经济发展。本文就日本经济高速增长时期与日本文化、文学之间的联系进行分析,并提出对我国文化经济发展的建议。  相似文献   

日本的企业并购活动为日本的经济发展产生了重要的作用。经过分析便可发现,日本企业并购的动因在不同的年代具有较大的变化性。本文就战后日本企业在不同经济发展阶段并购动因的变化情况进行了详细而深入的剖析,并在此基础上,我们得出了分析的结论及相关的启示。  相似文献   

中国入世五年以来,中国经济发生了一系列深刻的结构性变化,而中国银行体系的变化更是显著,在许多方面甚至超出了人们当初最为乐观的预期。中国银行改革在短短五年内之所以取得突破性的进展,内因主要是中国自身发挥主观能动性,迎难而上,锐意改革;外因则是WTO五年过渡期与2006年底银行业的全面对外开放,这些因素客观上大大加速了中国银行业改革的进程。  相似文献   

说明数字化,仿形和数控的功能,分析微机闭环控制系统,提出对微型计算机的要求.  相似文献   

数控仿形铣床,广泛用于航空、航天、交通等工业部门,也是模具加工的关键设备。由微机参与控制的具有数字化功能的数控仿形技术体现了当今机电一体化水平。本文介绍了计算机数控仿形系统中的数字化功能及其数据处理方法。  相似文献   

<正> 一、制定外贸出口产业政策的意义国家产业政策的定义是,以发展为目标,以改革为特征,包括国家产业结构、地区产业结构、企业组织结构的调整政策和协调价格、税收、金融、财政、外贸、外汇、计划等调控手段的政策体系。当前,我国已进入全面深化改革的时期,拟采取的综合性重大措施,都要依据国家产业政策进行协调,以达到结构优化,  相似文献   

数字化仿形数控系统的核心部分是微型计算机硬件和软件。本文从平均曲率的概念出发,介绍在微型计算机上实现的一种数字化算法。  相似文献   

本文采用微型计算机测试技术,设计了一种测试机床对仿形精度影响的方案,用数据和图形揭示机床与仿形精度的关系,涉及的数据实时记录,事后数据处理和计算机绘图等技术为今后测试和分析机床动态特性提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   

The illegal copying of easily reproducible goods (audio and video tape copying, photocopying publications, and duplicating computer software) has received considerable attention by the industries concerned. Each area has also drawn limited attention from economists, who have debated the merits of stifling creativity by allowing copying (lessening creators' rewards) versus lowering productivity by preventing copying, over the past decade. While the copying problem is common to all of these media, the economic welfare consequences and justifications for prohibitions are quite different. This is because several of the products involved are primarily consumer goods, while others may be considered capital goods (e.g., software), and yet others (e.g., photocopied journals) are employed to improve the stock of human capital. This paper surveys and synthesizes the economic literature on reproducible goods and derives policy conclusions that differ as a function of the purposes and uses of the goods being reproduced or copied. It is proposed, for example, that because of widespread copying, professional journals should price discriminate among university libraries, with price a direct function of the number of students and faculty at the institution. Another conclusion is that enforcement of copy protection schemes on computer disks puts the enforcing nation (e.g., the European Community), at a clear competitive disadvantage against nations that do not attempt to enforce such laws.  相似文献   

财务控制是企业财务管理的重要内容,国有企业财务管理模式经历了由政府主导型向市场主导型的转变。从企业主体财务的角度看,国有企业财务控制在改革中秉承了计划经济时期成本管理的传统,并越来越注重风险控制,但在这过程中也存在着许多问题。完善我国国有企业财务控制的对策:加强预算控制;改变成本控制模式;健全内部控制体制;完善企业绩评价体系;处理好集权与分权的关系。  相似文献   

在当今网络时代的大环境下,私人复制已成为社会生活的常见行为,给予私人复制行为的合法性和复制权的基础地位,在印刷时代和电子时代似乎并不引人注目。然而,在网络环境下,由于复制的快捷性和批量性等新技术特点,使原来的"合理使用"论受到了前所未有的质疑和挑战。结合我国立法司法现状,需要重新界定网络环境下私人复制的性质,对私人复制加以法律规制,即将三步检验法纳入到《著作权法》中;将个人欣赏性质由合理使用变为法定许可。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on incubation practices in Chinese equity funds and examines the profitability of copying funds. The empirical findings are as follows. First, the incubation practice is evident among Chinese equity funds. Second, our findings exclude the profitability of copycat funds. An advisory company's fund incubation makes it harder to free-ride on new funds than to free-ride on old funds. Third, the logit analysis shows that copying could be successful for those funds with low performance or low turnover ratios. Finally, incubation is generally undertaken for new funds in a bullish market.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between widespread unauthorized copying of microcomputer software (also known as software piracy) and level of moral judgment is examined through analysis of over 350 survey questionnaires that included the Defining Issues Test as a measure of moral development. It is hypothesized that the higher one's level of moral judgment, the less likely that one will approve of or engage in unauthorized copying. Analysis of the data indicate a high level of tolerance toward unauthorized copying and limited support for the hypothesis. The most plausible explanation for these findings is that software copying is perceived as an issue of low moral intensity. This study calls into question the software industry's strategy of concentrating exclusively on institutional compliance with copyright rules, rather than working to raise the perceived moral intensity about software piracy at the individual level. As long as the issue remains low in moral intensity, the industry cannot expect significant shifts in copying behaviors. Individuals must become more aware of and concerned about the nature and magnitude of harm to society and to the rightful copyright owners from unauthorized copying before their attitudes and behaviors come to reflect higher levels of moral judgment.Jeanne M. Logsdon is an Associate Professor in the Policy and Planning Area in the Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico. Her research has recently appeared in theJournal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Computer Information Systems, andBusiness and Society.Judith Kenner Thompson is an Associate Professor of Business and Society at the Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico. Professor Thompson's work has appeared in theJournal of Economic Issues, Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy, Business Forum, and theJournal of Small Business Management.Richard A. Reid is a Professor in Management Science at the Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico. His recent research has been published inInterfaces, Operations Research, Journal of Systems Management andProduction and Inventory Management Journal.  相似文献   

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