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Little is known about the form and or magnitude of compensation provided university-based scientists working on firm R&D. This is unfortunate, given the important role that university-based scientists play in R&D, and the growing literature concerning compensation and innovation. This paper sheds some light on these issues by examining the compensation of university-based scientists involved with 52 biotech firms that made an initial public offering between March of 1990 and November of 1992. Although the stock holdings of the university scientists are of particular interest, additional forms of compensation received by the scientists are also examined.We find that approximately 10 percent of the university-based scientists affiliated with these companies hold sufficient options or stock to require disclosure at the time of the public offering. A far larger proportion has an equity position in the firm. In many instances the scientists also receive consulting fees or salary from the firm and enter into licensing agreements with the firm. In addition to providing information concerning the compensation of university-based scientists, the empirical work suggests that the rewards to science can be significantly greater than previous work would suggest.  相似文献   

为探索全球经济危机背景下商贸集群形成与发展的机制,文章从区位优势、公共服务、产业互动、发展困境与战略选择四个方面对山东临沂和浙江义乌两个典型的商贸集群进行比较研究,发现商贸集群产生发展具有循环结构;其根本动力源于战略性政府和创业型企业的持续有效协同;集群主导力量在各个主要阶段围绕商贸流通采取有效方式整合资源,保障了集群的发展;需要提高集群微观主体综合素质和实现集群环境的再造;集群组织结构具有渐进性,集群发展是动态的区域化和国际化.  相似文献   

Technologies can be not only contentious—overthrowing existing ways of doing things—but also morally contentious—forcing deep reflection on personal values and societal norms. This article investigates that what may impede the acceptance of a technology and/or the development of the field that supports or exploits it, the lines between which often become blurred in the face of morally contentious content. Using a unique dataset with historically important timing—the United States Biotechnology Study fielded just 9 months after the public announcement of the successful cloning of the first mammal (i.e., Dolly the sheep)—we find that microlevel factors (i.e., conservative Christianity) predict unfavorable judgments of the technology-field intersection while macrolevel representations [i.e., exposure to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines and media coverage] predict more favorable judgments.  相似文献   

The development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has caused worldwide debate and has required us to reevaluate theories of social responsibility. This article, first, briefly discusses the progressive stages of social responsibility that scholars have outlined as they examine the history of businesses. Next an overview of the development of the DuPont corporation in the United States is presented, tracing DuPont’s transformation from an explosives and chemicals company into a life-science corporation and demonstrating how outside factors influenced this change. The article then turns to the activities of the DuPont corporation in Brazil, a country with one of the world’s largest agricultural economies – and examines how the debate on GMOs is unfolding within the Brazilian context. It discusses how differing interest groups have taken part in this debate, the limits of their arguments, and the need to develop means for providing open collaborative efforts in evaluating new technologies. Margaret Griesse holds a Ph.D. in Education and International Development from the University of Frankfurt. She is currently Coordinator of the Martha Watts Cultural Center at the Methodist University of Piracicaba, Brazil.  相似文献   

概述了国内外生物技术的现状及发展趋势,有针对性提出了生物技术发展中存在的问题,并阐述了今后发展应采取的对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe cooperation practices observed in competitors companies in a furniture cluster in Brazil. The literature refers to it as coopetition. The research method was the multiple case study. The main research technique was the semi-structured interviews with practitioners of the cluster. The study created a theoretical framework for cooperative practices in industrial clusters formed by four types of practices: logistics, marketing and sales, formation of the workforce, and innovation and technology. The study investigates these four types of cooperation in five large companies that compete in the same market, the anchor companies of the cluster. The only entirely complied type of collaboration is the formation of the workforce of the cluster. In the other practices, cooperation involving competitors is lower than reported in the literature. The main reason for this low cooperation is excessive rivalry and mutual distrust in the cluster, and competition by differentiation, which partially prevent the gain of scale provided by cooperative actions.  相似文献   


The regional clusters have an important position in the modern world. One of the most prominent clusters in the Nordic area (Scandinavia, Baltic region and Russia) has been formed in the wood and forest industries. The aim of this study is to investigate the dual impact of regional clusters on the development of local clustering and networking ties. In this respect the positive impact in terms of technology transfers, financial support and market access are analysed alongside potentially more detrimental aspects, such as replacing local value-adding processes with roundwood and paperwood exports and limiting the international marketing options of the acquired producers. The results indicate that regional clustering has several positive influences on the development of local/domestic wood and forest clusters in terms of technology transfer and foreign market access, but dominant intra-corporate networks can also lead to centralised operations that set a lower value on local supply chain relationships.  相似文献   

郭永辉 《商业研究》2013,(6):102-107
集群创新文化因素是产业集群创新发展的内在动力,也是集群间创新能力差异的重要根源。本文从产业集群视角分析了集群创新文化的内涵,提出集群创新文化包括价值创新文化、制度创新文化和环境创新文化,并从宏观和微观两个层面分析了集群创新文化对集群创新的内在作用机制,以及产业集群创新对创新文化的作用机制,探讨了集群创新文化与产业集群创新的协同发展路径。  相似文献   

传统产业集群与专业化市场发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,传统产业集群与现代流通业特别是专业化市场之间具有明显的互动效应,传统产业集群催育专业化市场,专业化市场推进传统产业集群。在地方经济发展过程中,要注意产业发展与贸易发展的相互协调和相互配合,形成传统产业集群与专业化市场发展的协调机制。集群与企业方面,要进一步采取措施加快产品和技术创新,通过等级市场、商务网络等不断获取外部市场的信息,加强革新,改进产业和产品结构;专业化市场在建设方面,要稳步推进体制改革,走市场化道路;政府和商会方面,要转变管理职能,增强服务职能,大力营造有利于集群与流通业协调发展的环境和条件,推进市场、集群和企业的改革与创新,通过专业化市场形成基于集群的区位品牌。  相似文献   

自创业板市场建立以来,上市公司粉饰业绩,违规披露信息等行为时有发生。万福生科虚构收入、伪造业绩、隐藏重大事项等财务会计信息造假行为,折射出我国现行证券监管机制的低效,反映出上市公司内部失控,证监部门未尽职责、中介机构不能有效作为等一系列问题。完善创业板上市公司的会计信息披露监管,政府应以深化金融证券体制改革为重心,加大对上市公司信息造假的惩治力度,建立民事损害赔偿制度;加强上市公司的内部控制,提高中介机构的职业水平,完善媒体和社会公众监督机制,以保护投资者的利益,构建有益于创业板市场规范健康发展的市场监管体系和制度安排。  相似文献   

河北省第三产业作为华北地区经济发展的领头羊,经济增长速度处于我国前列。但近些年河北省第三产业整体发展水平与层次相对偏低、缺少适宜的制度环境,且内部结构不合理。新常态背景下,河北省应发挥自身优势,积极发展第三产业;完善社会保障体系,促进居民消费需求;合理规范政府职能,创建良好制度环境;拓展第三产业层次与深度,促进可持续发展;规范第三产业市场,促进均衡发展。  相似文献   

聂淼 《中国市场》2008,(2):110-111
介绍了农业产业集群在郑州市的发展现状,并从全球供应链的角度对郑州市有代表性的农业产业集群开展案例研究。  相似文献   

食品生物技术专业对应的产品种类繁多,生产过程中实践性和操作性强,决定了生产实际教学案例库建设的必要性。生产实际教学案例库以产品的实际生产过程为主线,由企业工程师与专业教师双向进行交流与合作,从实际生产中提炼确定企业生产案例。通过对食品生物技术专业人才培养方案及相关职业标准研究分析,结合确定的企业生产案例,将企业生产案例转化为教学案例,结合其他学习材料,构建食品生物技术专业生产实际教学案例库。  相似文献   

单个企业由于人才、资金、技术等方面的缺陷往往在激烈的市场竞争中难以立足,于是在各生态因子的逼迫和促进下,企业与相关企业联合,形成产业集群,以增强竞争力。产业集群的形成可以促进产业升级,提高产业竞争力。产业集群内企业的协调管理及其与外部环境的协同进化是集群可持续发展的关键,为实现产业集群可持续发展的目标,必须借用生态学理论对产业集群内部进行协调管理,提高其对周围环境的适应能力,使之随着环境的变化进行相应调整,协同进化,与周边环境达到生态平衡,进而提高产业集群的整体竞争力,促进产业集群和区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

众多专家认为内陆地区发展小城镇应该向沿海发达地区学习经验,即发展产业集群。然而,在研究和调查中发现,沿海等地区的小城镇在产业专业化发展的同时,伴随着严重的环境污染问题。因此,为避免湖北小城镇走"先污染再治理"这样的老路,同时兼顾经济的发展,分析大中城市污染转移的问题,能源供应紧张与资源利用率低的问题坚持"绿色产业集群"发展思路。  相似文献   

王尧艺 《价格月刊》2012,(9):87-89,94
旅游购物对一国旅游收入的增长具有重要作用,也是发展潜力最大的领域之一。发展旅游购物对于一个国家的旅游经济发展而言至关重要。了解旅游购物的发展规律,总结成功经验,对于希望通过发展旅游购物,带动旅游经济增长的地区和国家而言至关重要。  相似文献   

集群竞争理论与我国中小企业发展模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小企业集群的发展是一个逐渐演进和深化的过程,主要经历了三个发展阶段,即产品生产的专业化阶段、生产工艺专业化阶段和生产服务专业化阶段,发展模式有产业性集群模式、价值链集群模式、高新技术集群模式和生态集群模式等,其中生态模式是最高水平的,要求原料、能源、三废和各种环境要素之间形成立体环流结构,能源、资源在其中往复循环获得最大限度的利用,使废弃物资源化,并实现再生增值,它必将成为我国企业集群发展的目标。  相似文献   

In the past, communication strategies aimed at facilitating consumer acceptance of genetically modified foods have focused on technology-driven, top-down practices. The utility of these practices in influencing the extent to which consumers accept specific GM foods was tested in attitude change experiments involving 1655 consumers from Denmark, Germany, Italy, and the UK. Different information strategies were tested against a control group for their ability to change consumer attitudes. No attitude change occurred. Rather, results indicate that all strategies had a uniform attitude activation effect that significantly decreased consumers' preferences for GM foods as compared to the control group. The discussion focuses on why technology-driven information strategies have failed to convince consumers of the merits of GM foods, and relates these results to recent changes in consumer policy that are aimed at engaging consumers in the debate about innovation processes rather than attempting to align their views with those held by expert communities.  相似文献   

当前,苏州物流集聚区存在的问题主要体现在同质化竞争现象普遍,集约化程度低,功能整合模式创新不足,物流集聚结构不协调等方面。苏州市应加强物流集聚区的统筹和联动发展,构建供应链模式的物流服务体系;加快物流设施与服务资源的整合,实现集约化管理;引导物流集聚区向综合商贸和电子商务枢纽型的物流集聚区转型升级;大力发展城乡和商贸配送物流集聚区,从而促进苏州物流业更好更快地健康发展。  相似文献   

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