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封闭型刮刀的办法提供均匀 的墨膜厚度 曼罗兰与其客户及其供应伙伴合作,在1993年开发出封闭型刮刀的方法,这种方法确保了上光涂层的厚度极为均匀。有着不同承载量的网纹辊,能够保证获得准确的上光量,并且可以重复地进行。辊所承载的涂料量因不同的工作而不同,正常的规定是每平方米在6至30立方厘米之间。  相似文献   

In spite of a growing trend of foreign research and development (R&;D) investment in China and India, academic research in this field has not kept pace. To what extent are opportunities and challenges of managing R&;D different in these countries from those in the West? By drawing on academic literature as well as press articles on this topic, we compare and contrast what the conventional wisdom suggests and what the realities are in China and India. We suggest that multinational corporations (MNCs) should not forget the conventional wisdom of managing their innovative R&;D policies but should also learn from the unique challenges and capabilities in China and India.  相似文献   

碳汇两种概念的辨析及碳汇市场的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络上对碳汇的概念有两种解释:一种解释为碳的聚集,另一种则解释为碳排放交易制度。根据《京都议定书》而引伸出的定义,应为后者,而国内大都翻译成了前者。这将导致人们对碳汇定义的误解。只有采用碳排放交易制度的定义才能更好地理解碳汇市场的诞生与发展。按照《京都议定书》的规定,目前的碳排放权交易可以划分为两种类型:一种是以项目为基础的减排量交易;二是以配额为基础的交易。碳排放权交易还有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

信用风险附加模型与信贷组合模型是两种现代信用风险度量模型。本文主要论述这两种模型基本结构,分析其优缺点,然后探讨其在我国信用风险预测中的适用性。  相似文献   

This study has attempted to explain how the flow of engineers into the profession responded to market forces during the 1950–1965 period. The conventional explanation consists of two steps. The difference between the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded, at prevailing salaries, causes salary variation. Then, relative salary variations are supposed to cause supply variations. But in the case of the engineering labor market, while supplies vaned considerably, relative salaries did not. Consideration of the behavior of individuals has led us to believe that the second step of the conventional theory may be unnecessary. In a pervasively employment-conscious culture, variations in the availability of jobs seem to be a principal determinant af supply. This finding is actually quite consistent with economic theory which postulates supply as a function of expected earnings. It does suggest, however, that some consideration be given to changing the traditional emphasis from variations in earnings to variations in expectations.  相似文献   

目前,中国个人征信主要通过人民银行的"个人信用信息基础数据库"查询,并且信用报告主要用于贷款审查审批的依据。但是由于目前该系统还有很多不完善的地方,未能发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Credit Availability and the Structure of the Homebuilding Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the role of disruptions to the structure of the homebuilding industry due to fluctuations in the availability of bank credit. We find a sustained decline in the large private homebuilder market share series over the period from 1988 to 1993 when many banks with deteriorated health reduced their lending in order to raise capital ratios. Regression analysis at the metropolitan statistical area level supports the hypothesis that, in areas where banks were less well capitalized and had more problem construction loans, the market shares of large private homebuilders that relied primarily on bank credit to finance their production suffered at the expense of the public homebuilders that had better access to external funds, in large part due to their direct access to public capital markets.  相似文献   

Borrower Credit and the Valuation of Mortgage-Backed Securities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We study the valuation of mortgage-backed securities when borrowers may have to refinance at premium rates because of their credit. The optimal refinancing strategy often results in prepayment being delayed significantly relative to traditional models. Furthermore, mortgage values can exceed par by much more than the cost of refinancing. Applying the model to an extensive sample of mortgage-backed security prices, we find that the implied credit spreads that match these prices closely parallel borrowers' actual spreads at the origination of the mortgage. These results suggest that models that incorporate borrower credit into the analysis may provide a promising alternative to the reduced-form prepayment models widely used in practice.  相似文献   

Various states and other local jurisdictions have enacted laws intending to reduce predatory and abusive lending in the subprime mortgage market. These laws have created substantial geographic variation in the regulation of mortgage credit. This article examines whether these laws are associated with a higher or lower cost of credit. Empirical results indicate that the laws are associated with at most a modest increase in cost. However, the impact depends on the product type. In particular, loans with fixed (adjustable) rates are associated with a modest increase (decrease) in cost.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the trade‐off decision that consumers face when choosing between a product that is perceived to be more sustainable (i.e., more socially and environmentally responsible) and another product that instead is perceived to offer superior functional performance. Prior research has demonstrated that consumers often believe that there is a trade‐off between sustainability and performance, and in some cases, this trade‐off may be real and not just perceived. The objectives of the current research are to understand the mediators and moderators of this trade‐off choice and to illustrate one specific way in which to use this understanding to promote the consumption of relatively more sustainable products despite a perceived performance trade‐off. Two separate studies were conducted. The first employed a student‐based sample, whereas the second employed a nationally representative online sample. In both studies, participants were presented with a choice between two consumer products. One product was depicted as having superior sustainability characteristics (and average functional performance), and the other product was depicted as having superior functional performance (and average sustainability characteristics). Participants were asked to imagine that they were leaning toward choosing one product over the other, and then rated the degree to which they were feeling a set of possible emotions. Following these ratings, participants chose one of the products. The results suggest that consumers presented with such a trade‐off will tend to choose the product with superior functional performance over the product with superior sustainability characteristics, due to feelings of distress, until a minimum threshold of functional performance is achieved. The current research also shows that choice given this trade‐off depends upon the degree to which consumers value sustainability that, in turn, is mediated by consumers’ feelings of confidence and guilt. Further, based on an understanding of the emotions mediating choice in this context, the authors demonstrate how the effective use of product aesthetic design can improve the relative choice likelihood of sustainable products. Specifically, the authors demonstrate that superior aesthetic design has a disproportionately positive effect on the choice likelihood of sustainability‐advantaged (versus performance‐advantaged) products due to the effect that superior aesthetic design has on overcoming the potential lack of confidence in sustainable products. These findings highlight the specific value of aesthetic product design in the context of marketing sustainable products and suggest that it is especially important for firms interested in marketing sustainable products to also develop market‐leading product aesthetic design capabilities.  相似文献   

信用关系的建立和维护已经成为经济生活中非常重要的一部分,作为这几年新兴的市场交易形式--第四方物流,在目前这样一个尚不成熟的阶段更需要对建立和维护各个主体之间信用关系的机制构建进行研究。第四方物流运作中各主体之间信用机制的构建对于实现信息资源共享,有效降低交易成本,建立相对稳定的第四方物流市场有着十分重要的作用。本文运用博弈论的方法提出基于合同预付或抵押的信用保障机制,并给出相应行为的奖惩措施,以宁波在第四方物流市场上信用信息平台的建设为例,得出要建立和维护主体之间良好的信任关系应该注意的几个重要因素和相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

Self-Selection and Discrimination in Credit Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article we make two contributions toward a better understanding of the causes and consequences of discrimination in credit markets. First, we develop an explicit theoretical model of loan underwriting in which lenders use a simple Bayesian updating process to evaluate applicant creditworthiness. Using a signal correlated with an applicant's true creditworthiness and their prior beliefs about the distribution of credit risk in the applicant pool, lenders are able to evaluate an applicant's expected or "inferred" creditworthiness to determine which loans to approve and which to deny. Second, we explicitly model the self-selection behavior of individuals. Because these decisions shape lenders' prior beliefs about the distribution of credit risk, they also affect the Bayesian posterior from which lenders compute an applicant's inferred creditworthiness, implying that statistical discrimination can arise endogenously. As an example, we show that in a market in which only some lenders have Beckerian tastes for discrimination there are conditions under which lenders without racial animus will also discriminate. Our model's flexibility makes it ideal for analyzing a wide variety of empirical and policy questions.  相似文献   

结合做学生工作几年来的切身体会,笔者探讨了如何在学分制下用有效的管理来增强大学生自律意识的问题,着重分析了其中自由与自律的辨正关系,并就促进学风建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Growth in the number and complexity of "new technology" agreements has led some observers to suggest that companies and unions are entering a new era of bargaining. Key features of the emerging model appear to be formal cooperation around the content and the process, as well as the impacts, of technological change. This paper evaluates these expectations against case study data on technological change in a major unionized firm. Even with a formal commitment to a new approach, intervening factors—intra-organizational power struggles, resource competition, and technical uncertainties—appear to severely limit union involvement and represent major obstacles to a new era of bargaining over technology.  相似文献   

Current Wealth and Tenure Choice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper argues that a central implication of tenure transition models is that the timing of a household's initial switch to ownership is particularly dependent upon its current net worth. In contrast, permanent income, largely derived from human capital, is assumed to be the dominant component of the relevant household budget constraint in conventional tenure choice models. These contending propositions are tested using a Canadian micro database. Consistent with the tenure transition approach, current nonhuman wealth is found to have the primary budgetary role in tenure mode decisions of young households.  相似文献   

提起最佳印刷设备,人们往往想到的就是用最高档的配置、最完善的功能、最齐全的配件、辅机、行业中最知名的品牌,实际上,这是人们思维中的一个误区。在选择印刷设备前,首先应该确定我们的客户是什么样的客户,准备生产什么样的产品,确立我们的市场定位,然后根据产品选择最合适的印刷设备,使设备、资金发挥最佳效益。也就是说,在满足产品功能的要求下,在确保设备可靠性的前提下,用最少的资金购置最合适的印刷设备,满足市场的需求。卷筒料凹版印刷机分为薄膜型和纸张型。薄膜型凹印机主要用于食品、洗涤用品、药品的包装印刷,纸张…  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of the market for commercial real estate loans based on the variables used by investors and lenders in property decision-making: the income capitalization (cap) rate, the debt-coverage ratio and the loan-to-value ratio. Empirical results for aggregate United States real estate originations and commitments for 1970–93 indicate that loan demand is sensitive to the cap rate and to building permit issuance. The dominant criterion used by lenders is the debt-coverage ratio as opposed to the loan-to-value ratio, a finding which may have implications for underwriting standards and credit policy.  相似文献   

荣成 《华北电业》2002,(11):35-36
2001年第6期的《最高人民法院公报》刊登了“广东直通电讯有限公司诉洪分明电话费纠纷案”一文,广州市中级人民法院经审理认定被上诉人电讯公司在《广州市数字移动电话(GSM)安装申请卡》的用户须知第10条规定“停机三个月后,本营业处有权将该用户号码转给别人使用,一律不予退还所有入网费用”是以合同格式条款的形式出现,只强调了自己的权利,忽视了用户的利益,损害了上诉人洪分明的财产权益,违背了公平原则,该格式条款应属无效。  相似文献   

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