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Over time, researchers have explored and used diverse methodologies and innovative techniques to gain a better understanding of consumer behaviour. The laddering technique, in particular, has drawn considerable interest in recent years. Scholars across various fields have produced valuable findings using the Association Pattern Technique (APT) as a hard laddering technique. Compared to soft laddering, however, its potential to uncover consumers’ behavioural processes has not yet been optimised, probably due to several misconceptions. Following a systematic review of APT studies, prevailing issues are highlighted and an interactive electronic APT is proposed as a useful guideline for expanding future consumer behaviour research with actionable implications across different disciplines, including retailing.  相似文献   

Organizations tend to evolve in ways that are inherently resistant to entrepreneurship. Yet, entrepreneurship is instrumental for ensuring the long-term sustainability of any enterprise. The key to maintaining relatively high levels of entrepreneurship within a company lies in understanding the basic nature of the entrepreneurial experience, recognizing the inherent entrepreneurial potential of all employees, and creating work climates that allow employees to act on that potential. Five primary design elements are identified for facilitating such climates. Underlying these design elements is a set of seemingly conflicting properties. The challenge to companies is to achieve a balance between these properties whereby they are allowed to co-exist. Approaches to implementing this balance are addressed herein.  相似文献   

Sudden Stops are associated with increased volatility in relative prices. We introduce a model based on information acquisition to rationalize this increased volatility. An empirical analysis of the conditional variance of the wholesale price to consumer price ratio using panel ARCH techniques confirms the relevance of Sudden Stops and potential balance sheet effects as key determinants of relative price volatility, where balance sheet effects are captured by the interaction of a proxy for potential changes in the real exchange rate (linked to the degree of external leverage of the absorption of tradable goods) and a measure of domestic liability dollarization.  相似文献   

This paper surveys recent empirical evidence on the determinants of the currency composition of debt, and on the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on economic activity. It suggests that Latin American firms tend to partially match the composition of their debt with the currency composition of their income stream but the liability dollarization can reduce or possibly reverse the typical Mundell–Fleming result of expansionary devaluations.  相似文献   

为实施国家"走出去"战略,许多中国公司到俄罗斯境内建立独资或合资企业,为了提高俄语译员的综合能力和素质,本文从俄译汉的角度来分析如果准确翻译一份俄罗斯企业的资产负债表.  相似文献   

为实施国家走出去战略,许多中国公司到俄罗斯境内建立独资或合资企业,为了提高俄语译员的综合能力和素质,本文从俄译汉的角度来分析如果准确翻译一份俄罗斯企业的资产负债表.  相似文献   

Computer-mediated technologies have resulted in a proliferation of the omni-channel consumer (OCC) who shops for products and services using mobile, online, and traditional retail channels. While OCCs may have greater access to information, they do not necessarily have access to accurate information; hence the salesperson has both a challenge as well as an opportunity to use adaptive selling techniques when selling to the OCC. To better understand under what circumstances the salesperson can best be utilized to bring about the sale with the OCC, this research develops and evaluates a model of adaptive selling behaviors when selling to omni-channel consumers around the globe. Adaptive selling behaviors are conceptualized as having two dimensions, non-interactive and interactive adaptation. The efficacy of these two types of adaptive selling behaviors depends upon product type (utilitarian, hedonic) and OCCs' perceived control over the buying situation. To test the hypotheses, survey data was collected from global OCCs in four different countries and evaluated using path analysis. Results suggest salesperson’s influence depends upon product type and salesperson's adaptive selling behavior.  相似文献   

A sia-Pacific Research Center of the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Instituteunder the Ministry of Commerce hasrecently completed a research report. Iteliminates some worries about setting up aChina-Japan-ROK free trade zone. It holdsthat the rapid development of the threecountries‘ trilateral economic and traderelations and the recent prosperous “10 3”and “10 1” cooperation patterns have laida solid foundation for a closer economic andtrade tie within them. The time is basicallyripe to set up a China-Japan-ROK free tradezone.  相似文献   

The monetary approach uses monetary rather than multiplier and market stability tools. It differs from the `elasticities,' `Keynesian multiplier,' `absorption,' and `economic policy' approaches in introducing stocks as well as current expenditure flows into the adjustment process so that payments disequilibria are transitory and conditional on domestic monetary policy. The development of the approach is sketched, and some policy implications briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Though practitioners have relied on tempo as a criterion to design in-store music, scant attention has been devoted to the mode of musical selections, and no consideration has been given to the potential for the interactive effects of low-level structural elements of music on actual retail sales. The current research reports a field experiment wherein the positive main effect of slow tempo on actual sales reported by Milliman (J Marketing 46 (3):86–91, 1982, J Cons Res 13 (2):286–289, 1986) is qualified by musical mode. A significant interaction between tempo and mode was evidenced, such that music in a major mode did not vary in effectiveness by tempo while music in a minor mode was significantly more effective when accompanied by a slow tempo. That is, the Milliman effect was eliminated for music in a major mode. Implications of our findings and directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

在奶粉生产过程中,喷雾干燥塔排风温度过高会使奶粉色泽变深,严重时还会使奶粉发生褐变产生焦粉导致蛋白质变性,这一现象在奶粉生产过程中比较多见.文中对喷雾干燥塔排风温度高的原因进行了分析,提出了解决方法.  相似文献   


Consumption of processed organic food is on the rise while fresh organic food still dominates organic food market. Drawing from the literature on authenticity and construal level theory, this study aims to investigate the role of perceived authenticity and message construal level in consumers’ evaluations of two types of organic food (fresh vs. processed). Two experiments were conducted among college students (N = 129, Study 1) and adults 18–70 (N = 249, Study 2). Our findings suggest that consumers’ evaluations of organic food are fully mediated by perceived authenticity of each organic food type. Specifically, compared to processed organic food, consumers perceive fresh organic food more authentic, which leads to more favorable attitudes and higher purchase intention. This research further demonstrates that the indirect effect of organic food type via perceived authenticity is moderated by construal level of marketing messages. That is, when messages are construed at a low level, consumers tend to have more positive attitudes and higher purchase intention toward fresh than processed organic food. By contrast, product type makes no difference when messages are construed at a high level. These findings have clear implications on message development strategy when promoting processed organic food, in particular. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

知识产权是在一定社会生产关系下知识生产过程中与生俱来的,是天生的,不是在流通或扩散中产生的,更不是国家凭空法定创制的。完整复位知识财产权是客观规律。知识流通或扩散中的垄断不是由财产权引起的,而正是由财产权得不到应有尊重和保护造成知识投资、生产和供给不足所造成的。与知识产权代价论、对价论和利益平衡论试图以法权强行限制、对价和平衡知识产权根本不同,知识产权天生论以马克思主义思想方法为指导,认为知识产权既不是对社会公众的代价,也不是法权按一定对价条件衡平或按利益平衡原则所创制的产物,而是由知识生产劳动过程创造的对社会发展所必要的财富的一部分。  相似文献   

This article examines how feature additions and removals affect consumers' preferences and the attributions they make regarding why these changes occurred. In two experiments, using a range of hypothetical and real products, we find that consumers' preferences for current product formulations are influenced by prior formulations and that changes in consumer preference are more extreme for feature removals than for feature additions. We further find that consumers attribute feature additions to causes that are more external to the firm and more stable over time than those for feature removals. Consumers' product evaluations are more negative when the cause of a feature removal is attributed more internally to the firm. However, consumers' product evaluations are not significantly affected by their attributions for feature additions. Finally, the degree to which the changing feature is linked to a brands' equity moderates these findings.  相似文献   

When a physician employment relationship terminates, the physician–patient relationship may also be terminated by enforcement of a covenant not to compete, which typically forces the physician to leave the geographic area for a period of time. This gives rise to several ethical dilemmas. The public interest is compromised when enforcement of these covenants contributes to the shortage of physicians in the community, and individual patients are harmed when their physicians are no longer available. The authors undertook a unique study to explore physician perspectives concerning the ethics of banning a physician from practice and the impact of the ban on both the physician and the physician’s patients. The results identified harmful effects that have not been raised in prior scholarly articles or reported court opinions. After reviewing the legal background of covenants not to compete, this paper presents the results of that study and concludes that resorting to the legal system for enforcement of covenants not to compete is not always the ethical course of action.  相似文献   

我国寿险业在这次金融危机中受到一定影响,但没有造成全局性、系统性风险。金融危机对我国寿险业来说是一个调整契机:业务结构调整应当突出寿险业作为提供风险管理和风险保障者安身立命的行业特性,引导行业首先要保持和发挥自身的行业特性,重回寿险业独立的核心价值定位;避免降息对利差损造成的风险;积极改变投资策略,减少资本市场风险带来的收益波动;加强监管,避免系统性风险。  相似文献   

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