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Unit prices are a ubiquitous phenomenon. The respective legal norms leave a certain freedom of choice with regard to the reference unit. However, research on the impact of alternative measurement units on consumer behaviour is still in its infancy and its findings are inconclusive. Moreover, this influence has so far only been measured directly. Investigating the product category bottled beer (with its essential product attributes ‘brand’, ‘price’, ‘alcohol content’ and ‘size of packaging unit’), a Choice Based Conjoint experiment provides empirical evidence that a large (per 1 L) compared to a small (per 100 mL) size unit of measurement leads to a significant shift of importance towards the product attribute ‘price’ at the expense of the ‘brand’. In addition, consumers react more sensitively to price changes. At the strategic level, retailers can use these insights to sharpen their positioning through a suitable unit price measure. When making operational decisions, retailers should bear in mind that the reference unit influences the likelihood of purchase, the scope for price increases and the opportunities for up-selling.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical assumptions that counteroffers are generated through an anchoring-and-adjustment process and that offers are perceived as gains or losses relative to a reference point, predictions were made of how, in a price negotiation, the size of counteroffers vary with proposed selling prices and reservation prices. The predictions were confirmed in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 64 undergraduate students of business administration playing the role of buyers of condominiums were presented proposed selling prices and asked to give a counteroffer which a hypothetical seller would accept or reject. A reference point was induced by telling subjects their reservation price. Before giving a counteroffer subjects were asked to indicate whether it was higher or lower than an arbitrary anchor point. In four different groups of subjects, high vs. low reference point was crossed with high vs. low anchor point. The results showed as expected that the counteroffers were higher for a high than for a low anchor point, and higher for a high reference point when the anchor point was perceived as a gain than for a low reference point when the anchor point was perceived as a loss. In Experiment 2 in which another 48 undergraduate students of business administration participated, the anchor points were the proposed selling prices and the reference point (reservation price) was manipulated by providing estimates of the market price. The results were as predicted, thus suggesting that the proposed selling prices operated as anchor points and that the estimated market prices affected the reservation prices (reference points) so that the selling prices and estimated market prices jointly affected the counteroffers.  相似文献   

利用扩展线性支出系统模型(ELES),并借助SPSS13.0统计软件对2009年我国农村居民消费需求价格弹性进行实证分析。结果发现农村居民人均年纯收入与各项消费支出高度相关;农村居民各项消费需求自价格弹性都为负值,位居前三位的分别是交通通讯、居住、文教娱乐用品及服务;农村居民各项消费需求互弹性都小于0,互价格弹性绝对值小于自价格弹性绝对值;各类消费品价格变动对交通通讯需求量影响最大;食品价格变动对其他各类消费品需求量影响最大。最后提出降低交通通讯、居住、文教娱乐用品及服务价格、调整食品价格,使食品价格保持在合理水平、提高农村居民收入等建议。  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):171-193
Using highly comparable local retail prices of 146 goods and services across 18 Asian countries over 1990–2014, we analyse price dispersion and test convergence to the law of one price (LOP ) for these prices around three price benchmarks—Asia‐average, Japan and China prices—to gain insight about market integration in overall Asia as well relative integration of Asian economies to Japan and China. Cross‐Asia price dispersion around China‐price benchmark, for both tradables and non‐tradables, diminishes significantly over the sample period whereas that around Japan‐price benchmark increases considerably, particularly after the 2008 crisis. There is convergence to the LOP for about half of goods and services in China‐ and Asia‐average price benchmarks. The percentage of convergent prices is significantly smaller in Japan‐price benchmark. Direct estimates of the convergence speed parameter also confirm these observations. Overall, our results show evidence of increasing economic integration in Asia in the last two decades. The process of price convergence appears to be driven by the emergence of China as the centre of economic gravity in the region. There is much room for improvement as economic integration in Asia is still far below that in Europe in the 1990s or USA in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This article examines how the price knowledge of Finnish consumers has changed since the adoption of the euro. Our study measures price knowledge by comparing consumers’ price estimations with actual market prices at two points in time: before (October 2001) and after (March 2002) the changeover to the euro. Furthermore, we study potential differences between three different age groups. We approach the issue using four determinants, namely (1) response percentage (the percentage of respondents who were able to give a price estimate); (2) the difference between the median of the market prices and the median of the price evaluations; (3) the difference between the average of the market prices and the average of the price evaluations; and (4) the average of the absolute deviations between the average of product prices and consumer price evaluations. Our results indicate that, on average, consumers know the prices of grocery products quite well despite the prevailing dispersion of actual prices in the market. Price knowledge was found to be rather good both before and after the introduction of the euro. Nevertheless, the good price knowledge after the changeover was probably because consumers remembered the prices asked in the old currency and converted them to euros. The majority of respondents were able to give price estimates that were within the range of actual price dispersion in stores. The results also show some deterioration in price knowledge after the advent of the euro. There was variation between different age groups, and it seems that the introduction of the euro has affected various groups differently. Consumers aged 30–50 years knew prices best both before and after the euro, whereas the ability to estimate prices had declined most among consumers above 50 years after the euro changeover.  相似文献   

This paper examines some methodological issues in the design and execution of food price surveys, and presents findings from a recent survey of fifty-eight grocery stores in the Cardiffarea. The methodology discussed includes the design of samples of goods to be surveyed (the ‘shopping basket’), of shops in which grocery prices are to be measured, and derivation of the shop-price matrices to be used in analyses of grocery pricing strategies. The empirical results show, as expected, significantly cheaper prices in multiple and co-operative stores compared with independent and affiliated. No significant difference is found between the latter categories of store. There is limited support for the hypothesis that the larger the store the lower the prices. Prices measured in the Cardiff area are also compared with average ‘shopping basket’prices derived from a national survey carried out concurrently by the Consumers' Association. Finally, the value to the researcher of ‘one-off’ price surveys is assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the drivers of export demand in the peripheral economies of the Euro Area, namely Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain (GIIPS), for the period between 1980 and 2012. Recently, several authors have pointed out that changes in trade export shares are not associated with major terms of trade disturbances; rather, they are the result of other underlying factors commonly defined as ‘non‐price competitiveness’. Starting from this premise, the study extends the traditional imperfect substitute trade model to include a measure of non‐price competitiveness: real capital stock. The latter is a measure of a country's total resource base and captures the presence of product differentiation and product innovation. The results show a significant link between export demand and cumulative investments. In the short‐term, GIIPS exports are dominated by the movements of worldwide real income, while changes in price and non‐competitiveness take longer to affect export performance. In the long‐run, all three variables play a significant role in pushing exports.  相似文献   

This paper inspects the asymmetric effect of oil price on prices level in Qatar. To achieve that, we proceed by employing a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach on data during the period 1990Q1–2014Q4. The estimation results show evidences of an incomplete and asymmetric influence of oil price on price level in the long term. Moreover, we find that price responses to negative changes in oil price is greater than its response to positive changes. Given Qatar’s economic features, a decrease in oil price could cause lower imports and production prices and consequently a substantial influence on domestic prices level. However, the lower effect of positive oil price changes on consumer prices can be explained by the subsidies system, the consumption patterns, and the exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

基于农产品“最后一公里”流通模式的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为加快农产品流通、减少流通环节,降低农产品终端零售价格,解决"卖难买贵"的难题,最近各地推出了"平价商店"和"平价市场"两种新的农产品流通模式。在客观分析"平价商店"对抑制农产品价格效果的基础上,指出其存在的不足,并提出建立公益性农产品直销"零收费平价市场"流通模式的设想以及配套措施的建议。  相似文献   

To assure price admissibility—that all bond prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive—we show how to control the state variables within the class of arbitrage‐free linear price function models for the evolution of interest rate yield curves over time. Price admissibility is necessary to preclude cash‐and‐carry arbitrage, a market imperfection that can happen even with a risk‐neutral diffusion process and positive bond prices. We assure price admissibility by (i) defining the state variables to be scaled partial sums of weighted coefficients of the exponential terms in the bond pricing function, (ii) identifying a simplex within which these state variables remain price admissible, and (iii) choosing a general functional form for the diffusion that selectively diminishes near the simplex boundary. By assuring that prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive with tractable diffusions for the physical and risk‐neutral measures, an obstacle is removed from the wider acceptance of interest rate methods that are linear in prices.  相似文献   


Multi-channel retailers face the challenge of coordinating marketing variables across their channels. In this respect, one of the main issues arising is whether to differentiate or integrate prices. Our study examines the impact of three multi-channel price differentiation instruments on perceived price fairness, customer confusion, and their consequences. In a scenario-based online experiment, we use a 2 x 2 × 2 between-subjects design and manipulate product price differentiation, online promotion and online shipping fees. The results indicate that price differentiation has an impact on fairness evaluations and customer confusion. Product price differentiation and online promotion are perceived as more unfair and lead to more confusion than price parity. Price fairness perceptions of shipping fees depend on product price differentiation. Customers perceive shipping fees as fairer than no shipping fees when prices are cheaper online but perceive shipping fees as less fair when prices are integrated. These results suggest that customers expect a consistent consideration of channel cost advantages and disadvantages and that shipping fees might serve as a cue for customers to consider the retailer’s channel costs. We further show that price fairness and customer confusion mediate effects of pricing instruments (in particular online promotion) on attitudinal and behavioral consequences.  相似文献   

Despite its relevance to retailers, studies of consumers’ deal knowledge have been few. This study explores consumers’ deal knowledge before, during, and after the store visit applying a between-subjects field-study design with 1204 respondents. In particular, the authors investigate perception of deal price status, typical deal price knowledge, and deal-spotting ability. Results show reasonably stable knowledge of typical deal prices, while knowledge of deal price status and deal-spotting ability improves significantly during grocery shopping. Surprisingly, consumers’ deal knowledge is not conditional on purchasing a special thus indicating that most consumers, consciously or unconsciously, scan for promotion signals when shopping groceries. In addition, the results suggest consumers are not easily fooled, as the vast majority is able to spot ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deals, while also possessing typical deal price knowledge. Furthermore, the findings suggest that consumers store internal reference deal prices. Retailers are therefore well advised to consider mixed depth and creative discount patterns to prevent ‘perfect’ perceptions of typical deal prices.  相似文献   

基于我国粮食价格与化肥价格变动趋势的分析,运用2006年~2017年省际动态面板数据模型和系统GMM方法,实证检验了化肥价格变动对粮食价格的影响。结果表明:化肥价格变动对粮食价格存在显著的正向影响,在考虑化肥价格影响下,农业生产服务、种子等农资价格对粮食价格也存在显著的正向影响,机械化农具和农药价格对粮食价格不显著,"价补分离"政策对粮食价格存在显著负向影响。因此,在化肥减量行动背景下,适度调控化肥价格,避免化肥价格上升挤占粮农利润,大力发展农业生产性服务业和种子业,继续实行"价补分离"政策,提高补贴精准性,减少农民投入成本。  相似文献   

随着中国石油、铁矿石及粮食等大宗商品对外依存度的上升,国际大宗商品价格波动加剧不仅对国内市场价格水平造成了很大冲击,还严重危及中国宏观经济运行的稳定。鉴于此,国家在制定调控物价的相关政策和措施时,应特别注意国际大宗商品价格波动对国内价格水平的影响,尤其是要关注国际原材料价格的波动,及时采取有效措施,重视防范通胀。  相似文献   

The United States grants preferential (tariff‐ and quota‐free) market access to a list of products from eligible countries in sub‐Saharan Africa through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). We analyse the increase in prices received by apparel exporters who benefited from AGOA preferences. In the presence of competitive markets, export prices should increase as much as the tariff which was previously collected by the US government. We refer to this price increase as the ‘tariff preference rent’ since exporters receive this income as the rent for their preferential status. The results show that exporters receive only one‐third of this rent and smaller exporters receive less than larger and established ones. We then provide evidence that suggests this may be due to the degree of market power enjoyed by US importers when facing African exporters.  相似文献   

The pricing of commodity futures contracts is important both for professionals and academics. It is often argued that futures prices include a convenience yield, and this article uses a simple trading strategy to approximate the impact of convenience yields. The approximation requires only three variables—underlying asset price volatility, futures contract price volatility, and the futures contract time to maturity. The approximation is tested using spot and futures prices from the London Metals Exchange contracts for copper, lead, and zinc with quarterly observations drawn from a 25‐year period from 1975 to 2000. Matching Euro‐Market interest rates are used to estimate the risk‐free rate. The convenience yield approximation is both statistically and economically important in explaining variation between the futures price and the spot price after adjustment for interest rates. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:1005–1017, 2002  相似文献   

当前,稳定物价、保障民生是政府价格主管部门的中心工作。新余市价格工作围绕"促生产、畅流通、增储备、建机制、保民生",综合运用多种调控手段,为保持价格总水平基本稳定,保障人民基本生活,做了大量工作,成效明显。  相似文献   

2020年二季度,中国与澳大利亚的贸易关系出现恶化。将中国对澳大利亚进口煤炭的制裁政策作为一次准自然实验,将2018—2020年的进口煤炭、国内煤炭价格作为研究对象,利用双重差分与三重差分回归模型,着重研究了制裁政策对相关进口煤炭的价格效应。结果发现:进口制裁政策对澳大利亚5500大卡煤炭价格产生了负向价格效应,负向价格效应在制裁政策发布当期最显著,随后影响逐渐消退;制裁政策不会对澳大利亚出口其他国家的煤炭价格产生影响;在控制了煤炭消费、汇率等因素的影响后,新冠肺炎疫情对国内外煤炭价格产生的冲击并无显著差异。  相似文献   

This paper reports estimates of the productivity premium of German firms exporting to the Euro‐zone and beyond, controlling for unobserved time‐invariant firm‐specific effects. Furthermore, it tests for self‐selection of more productive firms into exporting beyond the Euro‐zone. The main contribution of the paper is to correct a serious flaw in hitherto published studies that ignore the potentially disastrous consequences of extreme observations, or outliers. The paper shows that estimates of the exporter productivity premium by destination are driven by a small share of outliers that comprises some five per cent of all firms. These outliers are identified by a recently developed highly robust estimator for models with fixed effects. Using a ‘clean’ sample without these outliers, the estimated productivity premium of firms that export to the Euro‐zone only is no longer statistically different from zero at a conventional error level, and the estimated premium of firms exporting beyond the Euro‐zone, too, over firms that serve the German market only is tiny. Furthermore, an ex‐ante differential that is statistically significant and large only shows up for enterprises that exported to the Euro‐zone already and start to export to countries outside the Euro‐zone. These conclusions differ considerably from those based on non‐robust standard regression analyses.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(2):356-372
In recent years, a trend in retail pricing has been to give consumers greater autonomy in setting their own prices, be it through auctions or other forms of participative pricing. Such consumer pricing autonomy often requires the seller to set limits in the form of price floors and price ceilings. Price floors and ceilings in our auction settings are referred to as reserve prices (RP) and Buy It Now (BIN) prices, respectively. We examine the effect of RP and BIN presence and magnitude on the number of bidders and ending price. Using auctions, we uncover consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) through bids. WTP is malleable through reference cues. Our focus is on two such cues: BINs and RPs. Results of two field studies, augmented with a laboratory study, show that both BINs and RPs result in lower bidder entry, but have an overall positive effect on ending price. Furthermore, results show that RP is more effective than a comparable BIN magnitude and that these two pricing cues are substitutes. The study design allows the authors to rule out alternative explanations. Open RP and BIN's effect on ending price is due to a reference point effect rather than a price truncation effect. Thus, retailers can increase WTP through changing these reference cues and exploit a richer choice set over which to shape a malleable WTP. The quantification of the interaction between RP and BIN gives managers the ability to jointly take advantage of both RP and BIN.  相似文献   

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