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Smooth convergence in the binomial model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we consider a general class of binomial models with an additional parameter λ. We show that in the case of a European call option the binomial price converges to the Black–Scholes price at the rate 1/n and, more importantly, give a formula for the coefficient of 1/n in the expansion of the error. This enables us, by making special choices for λ, to prove that convergence is smooth in Tian’s flexible binomial model and also in a new center binomial model which we propose. Ken Palmer was supported by NSC grant 93-2118-M-002-002.  相似文献   

We develop an approach to optimal hedging of a contingent claim under proportional transaction costs in a discrete time financial market model which extends the binomial market model with transaction costs. Our model relaxes the binomial assumption on the stock price ratios to the case where the stock price ratio distribution has bounded support. Non-self-financing hedging strategies are studied to construct an optimal hedge for an investor who takes a short position in a European contingent claim settled by delivery. We develop the theoretical basis for our optimal hedging approach, extending results obtained in our previous work. Specifically, we derive a no-arbitrage option price interval and establish properties of the non-self-financing strategies and their residuals. Based on the theoretical foundation, we develop a computational algorithm for optimizing an investor relevant criterion over the set of admissible non-self-financing hedging strategies. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach using both simulated data and real market data.  相似文献   

We model claim arrival and loss uncertainties jointly in a doubly-binomial framework to price an Asian-style catastrophe (CAT) option with a non-traded underlying loss index using the no-arbitrage martingale pricing methodology. We span these uncertainties by benchmarking to the shadow price of a one-claim bond and the premium of a reinsurance contract. We implement a stochastic time change from calendar time to claim time to more efficiently price the CAT option as a random sum – a binomial sum of claim time binomial Asian option prices. This choice of the operational time dimension allows us to incorporate different patterns of catastrophe arrivals by adjusting the claim arrival probability. We demonstrate this versatility by incorporating a mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck intensity arrival process. Simulation results verify our model predictions and demonstrate how the claim arrival probability varies with the expected claim arrival intensity.  相似文献   

We introduce the optimal-drift model for the approximation of a lognormal stock price process by an accelerated binomial scheme. This model converges with order o(1/N), which is superior compared to today??s benchmark methods. Our approach is based on the observation that risk-neutral binomial schemes converge to the lognormal limit independently of the choice of the drift parameter. We verify the improved order of convergence by an asymptotic expansion of the binomial distribution function. Further, we show that the above result on drift invariance implies weak convergence of the binomial schemes suggested by Tian (in J. Futures Mark. 19, 817?C843, 1999) and Chang and Palmer (in Finance Stoch. 11, 91?C105, 2007).  相似文献   

We use a regression model to test observed price changes with Greeks as regressors. Greeks are computed using implied volatility, price-change implied volatility and historical volatility. We find sufficient evidence to reject model Greeks as unbiased responses to underlying price as well as sufficient evidence that the American version of binomial model results in biased estimates of price changes. We use options on the S&P 500 futures contracts and their underlying. We also evaluate the frequency of “wrong signs.” Call prices and their underlying move in the opposite direction almost 10 percent of the time.  相似文献   

We study the cross-sectional performance of option pricing models in which the volatility of the underlying stock is a deterministic function of the stock price and time. For each date in our sample of FTSE 100 index option prices, we fit an implied binomial tree to the panel of all European style options with different strike prices and maturities and then examine how well this model prices a corresponding panel of American style options. We find that the implied binomial tree model performs no better than an ad-hoc procedure of smoothing Black–Scholes implied volatilities across strike prices and maturities. Our cross-sectional results complement the time-series findings of Dumas et al. [J. Finance 53 (1998) 2059].  相似文献   

We present simple and fast algorithms for computing very tight upper and lower bounds on the prices of American Asian options in the binomial model. We introduce a new refined version of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (1979) binomial lattice of stock prices. Each node in the lattice is partitioned into nodelets, each of which represents all paths arriving at the node with a specific geometric stock price average. The upper bound uses an interpolation idea similar to the Hull-White (1993) method. From the backward-recursive upper-bound computation, we estimate a good exercise rule that is consistent with the refined lattice. This exercise rule is used to obtain a lower bound on the option price using a modification of a conditional-expectation based idea from Rogers-Shi (1995) and Chalasani-Jha-Varikooty (1998). Our algorithms run in time proportional to the number of nodelets in the refined lattice, which is smaller than n4/20 for n > 14 periods.  相似文献   

This research extends the binomial option-pricing model of Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) and Rendleman and Barter (1979) to the case where the up and down percentage changes of stock prices are stochastic. Assuming stochastic parameters in the discrete-time binomial option pricing is analogous to assuming stochastic volatility in the continuous-time option pricing. By assuming that the up and down parameters are independent random variables following beta distributions, we are able to derive a closed-form solution to this stochastic discrete-time option pricing. We also derive an upper and a lower bounds of the option price.  相似文献   

This research presents a method for estimating the parameters of the binomial option pricing model necessary to appropriately price calls on assets with asymmetric end-of-period return distributions. Parameters of the binomial model are shown to be a function of the mean, variance, and skewness of the underlying return distribution. It is also shown that failure to incorporate skewness results in the mispricing of the call.  相似文献   

We develop a bivariate binomial model to price Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSRs). Our model is an improvement over previous MSR pricing models by explicitly incorporating the realistic assumptions that there are additional costs involved in servicing delinquent loans. In addition to the Hilliard et al. mortgage-pricing tree, we extend additional sub-branches to model the borrower's decision of prepayment, cure, and foreclosure after a loan becomes delinquent. We then investigate how the value of the Mortgage Servicing Right varies with interest rate volatility, house price volatility, delinquency options, deficiency judgments, default penalties, forbearance periods, and speed of adjustments factors. JEL Classification: C15, G21  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose and price a new type of adjustable-rate mortgage: the FIREARM (Falling Interest Rate Adjustable-Rate Mortgage). The interest payments on this mortgage adjust downward whenever interest rates decline, while remaining stable when interest rates increase. The FIREARM is alternatively priced as a prepayable and non-prepayable mortgage with a spread over the short-term interest rate. We price these two instruments and contrast their prices with those of fixed-rate mortgages using the parsimonious assumptions of a non-stationary arbitrage-free binomial term structure model.  相似文献   

We propose a model for pricing both European and American Asian options based on the arithmetic average of the underlying asset prices. Our approach relies on a binomial tree describing the underlying asset evolution. At each node of the tree we associate a set of representative averages chosen among all the effective averages realized at that node. Then, we use backward recursion and linear interpolation to compute the option price.  相似文献   

Nontraded asset valuation with portfolio constraints: a binomial approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We provide a simple binomial framework to value American-stylederivatives subject to trading restrictions. The optimal investmentof liquid wealth is solved simultaneously with the early exercisedecision of the nontraded derivative. No-short-sales constraintson the underlying asset manifest themselves in the form of animplicit dividend yield in the risk-neutralized process forthe underlying asset. One consequence is that American calloptions may be optimally exercised prior to maturity even whenthe underlying asset pays no dividends. Applications to executivestock options (ESO) are presented: it is shown that the valueof an ESO could be substantially lower than that computed usingthe Black-Scholes model. We also analyze nontraded payoffs basedon a price that is imperfectly correlated with the price ofa traded asset.  相似文献   

We discuss here an alternative interpretation of the familiar binomial lattice approach to option pricing, illustrating it with reference to pricing of barrier options, one- and two-sided, with fixed, moving or partial barriers, and also the pricing of American put options. It has often been observed that if one tries to price a barrier option using a binomial lattice, then one can find slow convergence to the true price unless care is taken over the placing of the grid points in the lattice; see, for example, the work of Boyle & Lau [2]. The placing of grid points is critical whether one uses a dynamic programming approach, or a Monte Carlo approach, and this can make it difficult to compute hedge ratios, for example. The problems arise from translating a crossing of the barrier for the continuous diffusion process into an event for the binomial approximation. In this article, we show that it is not necessary to make clever choices of the grid positioning, and by interpreting the nature of the binomial approximation appropriately, we are able to derive very quick and accurate pricings of barrier options. The interpretation we give here is applicable much more widely, and helps to smooth out the ‘odd-even’ ripples in the option price as a function of time-to-go which are a common feature of binomial lattice pricing.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a parameterization of the normal mixture diffusion (NMD) local volatility model that captures only a short-term smile effect, and then extends the model so that it also captures a long-term smile effect. We focus on the ‘binomial’ NMD parameterization, so-called because it is based on simple and intuitive assumptions that imply the mixing law for the normal mixture log price density is binomial. With more than two possible states for volatility, the general parameterization is related to the multinomial mixing law. In this parsimonious class of complete market models, option pricing and hedging is straightforward since model prices and deltas are simple weighted averages of Black–Scholes prices and deltas. But they only capture a short-term smile effect, where leptokurtosis in the log price density decreases with term, in accordance with the ‘stylised facts’ of econometric analysis on ex-post returns of different frequencies and the central limit theorem. However, the last part of the paper shows that longer term smile effects that arise from uncertainty in the local volatility surface can be modeled by a natural extension of the binomial NMD parameterization. Results are illustrated by calibrating the model to several Euro–US dollar currency option smile surfaces.  相似文献   

Classical option pricing theories are usually built on the law of one price, neglecting the impact of market liquidity that may contribute to significant bid-ask spreads. Within the framework of conic finance, we develop a stochastic liquidity model, extending the discrete-time constant liquidity model of Madan (2010). With this extension, we can replicate the term and skew structures of bid-ask spreads typically observed in option markets. We show how to implement such a stochastic liquidity model within our framework using multidimensional binomial trees and we calibrate it to call and put options on the S&P 500.  相似文献   

This paper applies an option approach to search for the threshold rice price toward the sustainable paddy field management under rice price stochasticity. Rice price is assumed to follow geometric Brownian motion. The management model for paddy fields is a discrete stochastic dynamic programming model with binomial approximation for geometric Brownian motion, where a control variable is a decision to sustain or terminate paddy yield management. Our computational experiments indicate that an increase in rice price volatility could lower the threshold rice price for farmers to continue rice production. It is also shown that depending on the degree of rice price volatility, even under a lower price level than production costs, maintaining the management could become beneficial. Considering an option to terminate production could make the higher expected value of rice production than without it. Using 12 sets of time series data on voluntarily marketed rice produced in Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukui, Ibaragi, Chiba, Niigata, Toyama and Nagano, the minimum threshold rice price of 6,700 Yen/60 kg was found in Chiba with the largest volatility, and the maximum of 7,250 Yen/60 kg in Ibaragi with the smallest volatility. If the market price becomes lower than the threshold rice price, some policy measures would be necessary toward sustainable paddy field management by covering the difference between them.  相似文献   

We provide empirical evidence that quoted secondary market mortgage yields conform to the predictions of option theory. We compare Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac origination yields offered in the secondary market from 1985 to 2003 with the predictions of a two‐state binomial mortgage option valuation model. Our two‐state approach considers a mean‐reverting interest rate process as well as a stochastic housing price. Using predictions from option simulations, we find strong links between market practice and mortgage option prepayment and default factors over time. We also find cross‐sectional differences that are consistent with the institutional structure of the markets.  相似文献   

What is the catastrophe risk a life insurance company faces? What is the correct price of a catastrophe cover? During a review of the current standard model, due to Strickler, we found that this model has some serious shortcomings. We therefore present a new model for the pricing of catastrophe excess of loss cover (Cat XL). The new model for annual claim cost C is based on a compound Poisson process of catastrophe costs. To evaluate the distribution of the cost of each catastrophe, we use the Peaks Over Threshold model for the total number of lost lives in each catastrophe and the beta binomial model for the proportion of these corresponding to customers of the insurance company. To be able to estimate the parameters of the model, international and Swedish data were collected and compiled, listing accidents claiming at least twenty and four lives, respectively. Fitting the new model to data, we find the fit to be good. Finally we give the price of a Cat XL contract and perform a sensitivity analysis of how some of the parameters affect the expected value and standard deviation of the cost and thus the price.  相似文献   

Option pricing models based on an underlying lognormal distribution typically exhibit volatility smiles or smirks where the implied volatility varies by strike price. To adequately model the underlying distribution, a less restrictive model is needed. A relaxed binomial model is developed here that can account for the skewness of the underlying distribution and a relaxed trinomial model is developed that can account for the skewness and kurtosis of the underlying distribution. The new model incorporates the usual binomial and trinomial tree models as restricted special cases. Unlike previous flexible tree models, the size and probability of jumps are held constant at each node so only minor modifications in existing code for lattice models are needed to implement the new approach. Also, the new approach allows calculating implied skewness and implied kurtosis. Numerical results show that the relaxed binomial and trinomial tree models developed in this study are at least as accurate as tree models based on lognormality when the true underlying distribution is lognormal and substantially more accurate when the underlying distribution is not lognormal.  相似文献   

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