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400万尾中国对虾苗被投放在位于赣榆县境内的江苏省首个人工鱼礁区内,此举标志着江苏省2006年度近海渔业资源增殖放流活动正式拉开序幕。据在场的专家介绍,通过2005年的增殖放流活动以及人工鱼礁建设,已使近海放流区的渔业资源修复取得初步成效,对虾、黑鲷、带鱼等鱼类资源明显增加,甚至让已中断了十年的鱼汛在海州湾再次形成。据了解,为了进一步巩固和扩大增殖放流效果,修复近海渔业资源,2006年“江苏近海海洋渔业资源增殖放流”活动经国家财政部、农业部批准后,江苏省海洋与渔业局“增殖放流办公室”组织省海洋渔业指挥部、省海洋水产研究…  相似文献   

论文根据河北省海洋与水产科学研究院增殖放流调查与研究数据,总结了河北省"十一五"期间增殖放流工作的成效。结果显示,河北省"十一五"期间主要增殖放流品种有中国对虾、三疣梭子蟹、海蜇、牙鲆、梭鱼、半滑舌鳎、真鲷、毛蚶和杂色蛤等;累计放流各类苗种43.42亿尾;累计投入资金4975万元。增殖放流效果评估结果表明,"十一五"期间,河北省渔业增殖放流工作已取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益。论文还对放流地点、放流品种、放流规格和放流时间等主要关键技术进行了阐述。在文章最后,提出了河北省增殖放流存在的主要问题及建议。  相似文献   

南海北部放流物种选择和主要种类最适放流数量估算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以1964~1965年南海北部近海没有捕捞过度的渔业资源状况作为原始资源结构,根据2002~2004年对分散于南海北部近海的16座人工鱼礁区投礁前进行的渔业资源本底调查结果,研究了南海北部近海渔业种类的资源变动,结合有关资料,提出了南海北部可供选择的增殖放流种类,估算了广东海域主要种类的最适放流数量.  相似文献   

随着增殖放流种类及数量的增加,为评估增殖放流的效果,各种标志技术日渐发展成熟,DNA分子标记作为一种新型的标记手段,在国外的增殖放流中已经开始逐渐使用。本文将以分子标记在日本褐牙鲆增殖放流中的应用为例,阐述如何将分子标记成功地应用于增殖放流,以期为将分子标记技术成功引入中国的渔业资源增殖放流效果评估中提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

山东省渔业资源增殖放流现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文根据山东省海洋捕捞生产管理站增殖放流资料,全面总结了山东省20多年来增殖放流工作的成效.结果显示,早期的增殖品种主要是中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis),1990年之后逐渐开始增殖鱼类、贝类及海珍品等品种.2005年,"山东省渔业资源修复行动计划"正式启动,大规模的增殖放流活动开始实施.迄今为止,增殖品种已达18余种,其中以甲壳类占绝对优势.经过大规模增殖放流,山东省渔业资源增殖放流工作已取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益.在文章最后,总结了国内外增殖放流的发展趋势,并提出了产业发展需求及发展目标.  相似文献   

近期,我市在白龙珍珠湾海域开展防城港市举行2019年度水生生物资源(真鲷苗)增殖放流活动,项目编号:FCZC2019-J1-10032-KLZB。市农业农村局组织执法人员、技术专家与渔民群众一起参与放流活动,他们端起一桶桶鲜活的真鲷苗,小心翼翼倒入港口区东湾海域中。  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源增殖放流效果的主要影响因素及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业资源增殖放流的效果是渔业行政主管部门、渔业生产者和渔业科研单位共同关注的问题,也是增殖放流实践中的重要内容。基于国内外研究现状、多年海洋渔业资源增殖放流实践和水生生物增殖放流相关标准,对影响增殖放流效果的苗种质量、生态容纳量、放流策略、放流后期管理等4个主要因素进行了分析,探讨了各因素的影响程度、影响范围以及后果等问题,提出解决对策,指出在海洋渔业资源增殖放流实施过程中应该以理论指导实践,以实践验证理论,使我国增殖放流工作建立起科学的长效机制和一套完善的体系。  相似文献   

<正>3月27日,洪泽湖韩桥水域首次实施标志放流,共放流鲢、鳙鱼种1.88万公斤计56万多尾,其中标志放流鱼种5000尾。此次洪泽湖标志放流,是参与中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心(江苏无锡)实施的"长江下游水生生物增殖放流研究及  相似文献   

人工放流增殖是把人工培养的生物种苗投入适宜的渔业资源水域,达到提高该水域的渔业资源量和改善该水域渔业资源结构的目的。我国自20世纪80年代以来,人工放流发展较快,据有关资料表明2004年,全国共放流鱼类、对虾类、贝类等共计近200亿尾(只),渔业增殖放流资金共投入约1.5亿元,内陆流域放流数量约135亿尾(只),放流资金投入9107万元。农业部和环保总局2004年度《中国渔业生态环境状况公报》显示,人工增殖放流成为渔业部门实施渔业生态环境生态修复的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

国外渔业资源增殖放流状况及其对我国的启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在水生生物资源养护和水域生态保护方面,增殖放流已成为许多国家通常采用的重要做法之一.本文研究了国外增殖放流活动的主要原因与动机,综述了目前国外增殖放流的基本状况,探讨了主要国家增殖放流的机构体系和管理模式,分析了增殖放流应考虑的社会和生态风险.最后,提出了我国开展增殖放流应当建立科学的管理机制、重视放流对生态的影响、加强放流技术与跟踪监测研究以及建立一套完善的增殖放流体系四点建议.  相似文献   

中国城市工业用地配置的空间错位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:本文以中国345个地级以上城市为空间分析单元,构建了工业用地配置与工业经济发展的空间错位指数,探索2000—2018年中国城市工业用地配置空间错位的时空格局变化及影响因素。研究方法:空间自相关、地理探测器。研究结果:(1)全国城市工业用地配置空间错位指数呈波动下降趋势。(2)各城市工业用地配置空间错位指数贡献度的差异减小,总体呈现从沿海城市向内陆递减的特征;正向错位区域增加,分布从东部沿海扩张到中西部地区;负向错位区域减少,零星分布在西部和东北地区。(3)城市工业用地配置空间错位呈现集聚格局,且集聚格局变化较大;高值集聚区在长三角和环渤海区域加强,低值集聚区由四川周边城市集聚转变为以四川为中心的周边省市集聚的格局。(4)土地利用政策、市场规模以及区域经济发展水平对城市工业用地配置空间错位的影响变强,而劳动力规模、交通条件、技术创新对城市工业用地配置空间错位影响变弱。研究结论:城市工业用地配置与工业经济发展存在空间错位现象,土地利用政策、市场规模以及区域经济发展水平对城市工业用地配置空间错位存在较强影响。  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for a comprehensive institutional understanding pertaining to ecosystem services (ESs) in coastal and marine fields. This paper develops a systematic framework to inform coastal and marine governance about the integration of ES concepts. First, as a theoretical basis, we analyze the generic rules that are part of the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. Second, by an extensive literature review, we formulate a set of ES-specific rules and develop an evaluative framework for coastal and marine governance. Third, we examine this evaluative framework in a specific action situation, namely coastal strategic planning concerning Qingdao, China. Results from the literature review and the case study reveal that when designing ES-specific rules for coastal and marine governance, there are several socio-spatial and economic aspects that should be taken into account: (1) conceive of stakeholders as ES users, (2) capture the effect of ecological scaling, (3) understand ES interactions and clarify indirect impacts and causalities, (4) account for ES values, and (5) draw on economic choices for use rights to deal with ES issues.  相似文献   

利用ISM方法构建我国沿海地区陆海经济有序度评价指标体系,建立陆海经济协同发展模型和陆海经济协同度模型,结合序参数方程平衡解的分析,对2005-2013年我国沿海地区陆域经济与海洋经济发展的有序度和协同度进行测算;通过分析陆域经济有序度与海洋经济有序度对海陆经济协同的影响程度,对陆海统筹规划提供定量的参考;最后,文章选取山东半岛蓝色经济区为研究对象,进行海陆经济协同度典型剖析。结果表明,山东省与我国陆海经济协同结果类似,陆域经济有序度的增长速度大于海洋经济有序度的增长速度,2010年后陆海经济协同度呈上升趋势,海洋经济与陆域经济两个子系统相互促进、协同共进。  相似文献   

国内外旅游扶贫效应文献量化分析与研究综述(2000~2016年)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]旅游扶贫效应研究是衡量旅游扶贫工作效果的关键内容,梳理其阶段性成果对后续相关政策措施优化以及理论研究深化尤为重要.[方法]基于CNKI核心期刊、CSSCI以及外文SSCI数据库,运用CiteSpace软件对2000~2016年旅游扶贫效应文献进行统计量化分析.并从效应评估分析和影响因子两方面,采用多角度、 全面系统地评述旅游扶贫效应研究内容,归纳总结其现有定性和定量研究方法.[结果]国内旅游扶贫效应研究相对欠缺,热点关注旅游开发、 旅游资源、 生态旅游、 乡村旅游等内容,研究区域集中于民族地区、 西部地区等;国外研究相对成熟,且较为重视生态旅游、 生态保护以及社区旅游等内容,大体聚焦于非洲、 肯尼亚等欠发达国家.综合而言,国内外旅游扶贫效应评估从评价对象和评价效果两个角度研究,前者面向区域展开宏观效应分析,分为经济、 社会、 文化和生态效应或经济影响和非经济影响;面向贫困人口展开微观效应分析,包括贫困人口的旅游扶贫感知和态度、 社区参与度、 扶贫权力等;后者主要研究旅游扶贫存在的正效应和负效应.旅游扶贫效应影响因子研究多从利益相关群体的角度全面或单一详细分析,抑或选取案例地并建立指标体系定量化针对性分析.研究方法上,国内以定性研究为主,缺乏创新性的微观模型和定量计算方法;国外侧重宏观的定量研究,虽然研究方法多元化,但缺乏系统化、 规范化的研究成果.[结论]旅游扶贫效应研究应从城市贫困和旅游精准扶贫等方面考虑拓展贫困问题、 加强中观与微观层面研究、 注重旅游扶贫政策研究以及定性与定量结合实证分析等.  相似文献   

Climate change will be one of the main global challenges in the future. In this context cities play a key role. If, on the one hand, cities cause climate change, on the other hand, they are the places where climate change impacts are most evident, as it deeply affects the quality of life of its inhabitants. Climate change impacts are particularly relevant for coastal areas. These are characterized by a higher concentration of buildings and people in comparison to inland areas. In particular, one of the forecasted effects of climate change in these areas is the increase in coastal flooding due to rising sea levels and storm surges. The implementation of strategies and actions for the adaptation of urban areas to the impacts of coastal flooding is essential to ensure the liveability of coastal communities. Urban planning plays a key role in cities’ adaptation. However, even though the interest in this topic has been increasing, operative support and tools for planning urban adaptation in cities are in short supply, especially in coastal cities. In light of this, it has become necessary to focus on the definition of new tools responding to the needs of urban planning.Based on these observations, this paper, starting from the existing literature on coastal vulnerability indices, has developed a new index: the Coastal Resilience Index (CoRI). Thanks to the CoRI and to the use of technological innovations applied to urban planning (in particular, Geographic Information Systems), a decision support tool has been developed to identify adaptation measures aiming to reduce the impacts of coastal flooding, caused by rising sea levels and storm surges.  相似文献   

本文简要概括了中国沿海区域范围内海岸带生态系统和沿海资源管理方法的现状。为今后海岸带可持续发展管理项目的实施提供一定的参考。全文由两大部分组成:第一部分是对海岸带的生态健康状况,人类发展、活动所带来的环境威胁以及其背后的驱动因素的描述。第二部分主要是分析问题后所提出的几点参考对策及方法。  相似文献   

牙鲆、半滑舌鳎、黄盖鲽和石鲽等比目鱼类味道鲜美,营养价值高,经济效益好,历来是我国渤海地区重要的海水鱼类捕捞品种。然而,近些年生态环境恶化以及过度捕捞导致资源衰退严重,因此,通过增殖放流提高和恢复资源量对产业发展、渔民增收和生态环境改善均具有十分重要的意义。本文从技术、经济、生态等多角度对渤海经济比目鱼类资源增殖放流进行分析,指出该项活动中现存以及未来可能面临的各种问题,并提出相应的管理建议。  相似文献   

Intensification of agriculture and industry in salinized areas poses a risk of secondary salinization. Thus, comprehensive and spatially explicit assessments are needed to assist government in developing ecologically sound policies. Few assessments have comprehensively quantified the impacts of multiple anthropogenic activities on salinization as environmental interferences and salinity autocorrelation are largely neglected. This study tried to perform such an assessment by identifying the nature of human impacts on salinization from three aspects in the Yellow River Delta (YRD) of China. A versatile GIS-based spatial autoregression (SAR) was applied to nine selected explainable variables in six sub-region models. Sub-region model was verified as an effective tool of normalizing environmental interferences because more useful spatial information was provided compared to the whole region model. GIS-SAR model fit better and performed better in quantifying human activities, compared to the conventional ordinary least square regression (OLSR) model, as SAR can deal with spatial autocorrelation in soil salinity. Among the well-defined key determinants, oil exploitation and saline aquaculture were aggregative to salinization but only in originally highly saline sub-regions, such as coastal zone and Gleyic Solonchaks (coastal saline moisture soil) area. Two agricultural activities, crop plantation and fertilization, were mainly ameliorators in most sub-regions. The most effective salinization alleviation occurred in moderately saline sub-regions, such as floodplain and Salic Fluvisols (saline moisture soil) area, which benefitted from the development of agroforests and farm ponds. The SAR sub-region model is spatially explicit for spotting the hazardous areas and some suggestions were also provided for the policy makers.  相似文献   

Natural disasters affect economic activities and welfare of small-scale producers in developing countries, but may also offer opportunities to reinvest in productive asset, economic capital, and new technologies for future economic prospects. This paper investigates the impacts of a livelihood recovery project that provided access to finance and rehabilitated communal infrastructures in the coastal communities of Tamil Nadu, India which were severely affected by the 2004 tsunami. We replicate the project's eligibility criteria to build the counterfactual to identify control households based on the validation of secondary data and administrative records. Using data from a carefully designed primary survey, we estimate the impacts of providing access to finance and rehabilitating communal infrastructures on economic and livelihood outcomes. Results indicate positive and significant impacts on income, asset and food security. These impacts are mainly driven by improved access to finance provided and participation in groups. Findings highlight the importance of ensuring access to finance for sustainable economic recovery among small-scale producers, particularly in the aftermath of natural disasters.  相似文献   

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