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在对产业集群竞争优势形成的理论基础进行梳理的基础上,以迈克尔·波特的"钻石模型"为分析工具,从"企业战略、结构和竞争对手"、"相关产业和支持产业"、"生产要素条件"、"需求状况"四个方面比较浙江产业集群与台湾产业集群的差异,并对浙江省产业集群的发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

运用产业集群竞争力GEM模型构建常州旅游产业集群竞争力评价模型,并通过实地调查和层次分析法定量分析旅游产业集群竞争力的影响因素,包括"资源"、"设施"、"供应商和相关辅助产业"、"企业的结构战略和竞争"、"本地市场"、"外部市场"。提出进一步完善常州旅游产业集群的基础环境、提升旅游产业价值链的关联性、加强集群内旅游企业间的协同竞争、注重旅游人力资源开发、政府加强旅游集群促销和制定相关政策、积极推进区域集群合作等对策,从而提升常州旅游产业集群经营能力,以保证常州旅游产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

略论产业转移推动城乡统筹发展的机制和策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七届三中全会强调"促进生产要素在城乡之间自由流动,统筹城乡产业发展,引导城市资金、技术、人才、管理等生产要素向农村流动",国家"十一五"规划提出"促进生产要素在区域问自由流动,引导产业转移".本文认为,城镇不再具有比较优势的产业可以转移到乡村,成为乡村相对比较优势的产业,城镇集中发展高端产业,乡村以"后发优势"尽快提高产业层次,实现"城乡双赢",促进城乡产业结构优化和经济发展.  相似文献   

本文以滁州市居民为调查对象,以"3D产业了解程度"、"3D产业需求程度"、"经济承受能力"以及"3D产业的现有问题"为线索,了解居民对3D产业相关问题的回答,使企业在创造经济效益的同时满足消费者的需求。为3D产业的布局和发展及进一步的扩大3D产业市场,吸引消费者,提供现实依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

承接产业转移是欠发达地区顺应产业发展趋势、把握经济发展机遇、实现地区综合实力"弯道超车"的有效路径。文章对于安徽承接产业转移的条件进行分析,并探究其积极承接产业转移的对策。研究显示:区域、政策、产业配套存在优势,加之国家"一带一路"与长江经济带建设进程加快是安徽承接产业转移的优势与机遇,开放程度低、高端人才不足、行政壁垒存在是其劣势与威胁;因此,文章提出要落实"一带一圈"规划、加速"简政放权"改革、采取"优中选优"策略、贯彻"人才30条"政策四大完善安徽承接产业转移的政策建议。  相似文献   

行业八大产业纳入高技术产业发展规划《高技术产业发展"十一五"规划》日前正式出炉,该规划明确了"十一五"高技术产业发展的指导思想、发展原则、发展目标、八大产业、三大区域发展重点、九大专项工程、五大保障措施。"十一五"时期,我国高技术产业发展的总体目标是要  相似文献   

"一带一路"是中国对外开放的国家战略,将会引领中国产业"走出去"。本文对"一带一路"战略背景下中国产业"走出去"的机遇进行了分析,"一带一路"将会给交通运输业、基建业、能源业、信息产业、文化旅游业的发展带来巨大的机遇,进而提出了加快中国产业"走出去"的路径。  相似文献   

"候鸟式"休闲养老产业不仅是海南面向老龄社会、休闲时代、互联网背景的一种产业发展选择,更是立足海南品牌资源,对接国际旅游岛品牌战略的一种理性判断。为了让"候鸟式"休闲养老产业发展成为海南的品牌产业,我们必须清醒地认识到产业品牌之路的制约因素,牢固树立与时俱进的"大旅游"理念;虚心借鉴佛罗里达产业发展经验;建立健全"法律政策—各级政府—社会力量"立体式养老产业扶持体系;积极探索"长期休闲养老""分时度假休闲"等具有海南特色的"候鸟式"休闲养老模式。  相似文献   

四产融合就是以养老产业为核心,以房地产业为平台,以旅游产业为路径,以金融、保险产业为保障,将四产有机融合以促进养老产业的多元化发展。"旅居养老"是将旅游产业和养老产业融合的养老模式,完善了"居住在家中、生活在社区、照护于机构、乐游在全球"的养老生活产品的体系。大连是全国著名的旅游城市,气候宜人,四季分明,具有"旅居养老"良好的基础。  相似文献   

流通产业定位研究进展及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,关于流通产业定位的观点主要有"流通基础产业论"、"流通先导产业论"和"流通战略产业论"等几个方面.文章在对现有流通产业定位的观点进行归纳分析的基础上,从六个方面提出流通产业定位的研究趋势,即科学界定和区分基础产业、先导产业和战略产业等概念;结合各地区经济发展实际对流通产业进行定位;经济发展的不同阶段流通产业也应该重新定位;流通产业中不同具体行业的定位应当有所区别;在同一经济发展阶段流通产业可能有着不同的定位;运用实证分析、定量分析以及比较分析等方法界定流通业地位等.  相似文献   

文章基于渠道行为与嵌入理论,探讨了营销渠道中的经济型影响策略(组织间强制性影响策略和非强制性影响策略)与社会型影响策略(组织间人际影响策略)对企业间关系质量的影响。通过对152家制造商的调查数据分析发现:企业在治理渠道关系时,使用组织间强制性影响策略会降低它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量;使用组织间非强制性影响策略对它与合作伙伴之间关系质量的影响不显著;使用组织间人际影响策略则有助于提高它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量。此外,组织间人际影响策略还会减弱组织间强制性影响策略对企业间关系质量的负面影响。  相似文献   

The current socio‐economic scenarios have generated several challenges for any organization. Regional authorities have designed policies that combine supply–demand needs and innovative entrepreneurship programs. The alignment between regional and business strategies has become critical to ensure the necessary resources, skills and capabilities in the region. This article analyses the alignment of regional strategies (entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems) and business strategies (development of new entrepreneurial innovations). By adopting mixed theoretical approaches, we proposed a conceptual model to understand the role of institutional strategies on the definition of business strategies. Given the nature of this study, our methodological design combines a case study approach and an action research approach. Our results provide insights into the positive outcomes generated when regional strategies and business strategies are aligned.  相似文献   

Weak institutions, endemic market failures and low trust permeate the Tanzanian business environment. Nevertheless, some local enterprises overcome these challenges. Based on case studies of Tanzanian food processing enterprises, this paper identifies a number of coping strategies that contrasts markedly with the strategies traditionally emphasized by the strategic management literature: Instead of focus strategies, Tanzanian enterprises diversify; Instead of competitive strategies, Tanzanian enterprises adopt network strategies; And instead of internationalizing based on strengths, Tanzanian enterprises internationalize to overcome weaknesses. The paper traces these strategies back to specificities of the Tanzanian institutional environment and discusses implications for the strategic management literature.  相似文献   

Retailers offer a variety of products either per unit or per weight. Depending on the product category, consumers may find either one of these pricing strategies typical and the default. Especially online retailers are increasingly using unit-based prices, which is the non-default for many produce categories. So far, consequences resulting from non-default pricing strategies are unclear. This study addresses the questions of whether and how pricing strategies affect consumer behavior. In a series of four experiments, we show that default pricing strategies exist in the marketplace and that consumers prefer products that retailers offer using default pricing strategies. We also demonstrate that this behavior is due to uncertainty issues when assessing prices in non-default pricing strategies. Furthermore, we elaborate on the influence of weight expectations and explicitly stated weight information on this default-unit effect. The findings suggest that retailers can mitigate negative effects resulting from non-default pricing strategies by providing weight information.  相似文献   

本文通过探讨利益相关者需求对企业社会责任战略的作用机制,分析管理者道德动机和道德滑坡对二者关系的调节效应,对企业实施社会责任战略的机理进行系统性论证。研究结果表明:利益相关者需求对企业社会责任战略具有正向的推动作用;道德动机和道德滑坡对利益相关者需求与企业社会责任战略的关系具有正向调节效应,道德滑坡的程度负向影响管理者道德动机对利益相关者需求与企业社会责任战略关系的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, different nations have adopted a variety of response strategies to fight and contain the new coronavirus. Such national response strategies can be classified into three categories based on their underlying philosophy: strict control with unlimited resources, relentless contribution with limited resources, and rough rationality with limited resources. We discuss the philosophies, characteristics, and performances of the three response strategies and when they should be adopted. We also examine what marketing innovation strategies enterprises should adopt to survive and grow their businesses in both the short and long term. This study provides important strategic implications for national policymakers and enterprises on the use of response strategies as well as marketing innovation tactics and strategies to be used both during and after the pandemic.  相似文献   


This qualitatively-based empirical research explored the strategies used by two museums to manage their roles in co-production as well as how they manage, motivate and guide visitors through the process of co-production. We also gained insights into how visitors responded to these strategies. Our findings suggest that the two museums employ different strategies to co-produce the consumption experience and that their strategies were linked to the nature of authenticity that is apparent in the museums. Strategies included explicitly controlling the visitor experience through empowering visitors to design their own visitor experience. The success of these strategies relied on the two museums recognising the situational variables of the context of consumption and adopting appropriate strategies that enabled them and the visitors to leverage the value of the visitor experience. The findings from this study suggest that further research should be undertaken on how authenticity might be integrated into a service-dominant logic paradigm and service strategies aimed at enhancing the co-creation of value.  相似文献   


People use self-control strategies to overcome time-inconsistent preferences. In the present study one aim was to test a two-factor model of consumer self-control strategies that divides them into desire-reducing and willpower strategies. Another aim was to explore what may determine the use of such strategies. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses gave support for the two-factor model of self-control. A positive attitude toward risk taking as well as the intention to reduce consumption in response to economic impairment predicted a decrease in the use of both strategies. Financial situation, age, and sex were found to influence the use of desire reduction and willpower in different directions. Income was not a predictor of the use of self-control strategies.  相似文献   


This study examines how stakeholders perceive the various crisis response strategies identified in the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT). SCCT seeks to use research and theory to develop recommendations for the use of crisis response strategies. The crisis response strategies are matched to the nature of the crisis situation. The idea is to match the level of responsibility and aid to victims in the crisis response strategy that would be warranted by the crisis responsibility and reputational damage generated by the crisis situation. This study reviews previous research in SCCT, establishes the need to examine stakeholder perceptions of crisis response strategies, and examines how respondents perceive crisis response strategies in terms of accepting responsibility and helping victims. The results and implications confirm many of the ideas about crisis response strategies advanced in SCCT.  相似文献   

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