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Questo lavoro analizza un modello dei prezzi con capitale fisso e propone un metodo numerico per determinare le sue soluzioni economiche. Il modello è applicato allo studio dell'andamento dei prezzi e del salario reale nell'economia italiana con riferimento al 1980. L'algoritmo proposto nel lavoro presenta alcune interessanti proprietà nell'ambito del calcolo parallelo.
Summary This paper analyses a price model with fixed capital and proposes a numerical method to determine its economic solutions. The model is applied to the study of price and real wages trends in the Italian economy with reference to 1980. The algorithm proposed in the paper presents some interesting properties within the parallel computing.

Lavoro eseguito con contributi ministeriali e del CNR.  相似文献   

In questo lavoro viene fornita una rassegna delle pubblicazioni più significative relative ai modelli di decisione di gruppo in ambiente sfocato (fuzzy). Particolare attenzione è stata riservata, oltre ai modelli di consenso, ai metodi per la risoluzione dei problemi di aggregazione delle preferenze individuali, per i quali si è proposta una ripartizione nelle seguenti classi: metodi euristici, metodi assiomatici e metodi di approssimazione.
Summary The paper contains a review of contributions about the use of fuzzysets to study group decisions. The contributions about the aggregation problem are classified into heuristical methods, axiomatic methods and approximation methods.Particular attention is devoted to normal collective choice theory and consensus theory.

Lavoro eseguito con il finanziamento C.N.R. n. 83.02619.10. I paragrafi 2.1, 2.2 e 2.3 sono dovuti a M. Fedrizzi, i paragrafi 3 e 4 a W. Ostasiewicz.  相似文献   

Proseguendo nella ricerca, la cui prima parte è stata pubblicata nel precedente numero di questa Rivista, trattiamo delle successioni di riassunti esaustivi a fini preditivi (r.e.f.p.) ed affrontiamo i seguenti problemi:
  1. assegnata una distribuzione predittiva per cui esiste un r.e.f.p. è possibile individuare un modello ipotetico con essa compatibile?
  2. in caso affermativo, qual è il collegamento tra tale r.e.f.p. e gli eventuali r.e. in senso classico relativi al modello ipotetico individuato?
Infine analizzeremo, in modo piuttosto informale e perciò ulteriormente sviluppabile, il problema dell'espressione analitica di un r.e.f.p.  相似文献   

Si propone un modello di consenso in ambiente sfumato, simile al cosiddetto metodo Delphi.Nel nostro approccio opinioni individuali e pesi sono numeri sfumati e la transizione tra stati è ottenuta per mezzo di operazioni max-min estese.Nel nostro approccio si prova che, dato un gruppo din individui, sotto opportune condizioni dopon–1 iterazioni le opinioni individuali si stabilizzano.
Here we propose a model of consensus in a fuzzy environment similar to the so called Delphi method.In our approach individual opinions and weights are fuzzy numbers and transition from one state to another one is obtained via extended max-min operations.While in the classical stochastic approach to Delphi method (see De Groot [1] and Kelly [6]) conditions for reaching consensus are established, in our approach it is proved that, given a group ofn individuals, under suitable conditions aftern–1 iterations individual opinions become stable.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo CNR n. 83-02619.10.  相似文献   

Nell'articolo si fornisce una condizione necessaria e sufficiente di minimax locale per il problema dei dadi truccati». Tale condizione integra una condizione necessaria di minimax proposta dall'Autore in un precedente lavoro. La verifica della condizione non presenta difficoltà in relazione alla regolarità dei vincoli. Una applicazione significativa à esposta relativamente al caso di dimensione 5.
Summary A necessary and sufficient condition for the minimax loaded dice problem is proposed. An application of this condition for the casen=5 is given.

Il campionamento con risposta casualizzata, introdotto da S. L. Warner per la stima di proporzioni ed in seguito applicato dallo stesso autore e da altri alla stima di quantità, è stato oggetto di un recente studio di D. Olivieri che, proposto un semplice metodo di casualizzazione, perviene ad una stima non distorta della media della popolazione oggetto d'indagine.Nel presente lavoro si sviluppa lo studio di Olivieri fornendo una stima non distorta del secondo momento della popolazione e si propone un'altra stima della media e della varianza della popolazione ottenuta tramite un metodo di casualizzazione di più semplice applicazione.
The randomized response technique of sampling was proposed for the first time by S. L. Warner for the estimation of proportions and then applied, by Warner himself and other authors, to the estimation of quantities.This technique has been recently the object of an approach by D. Olivieri who suggests an easy randomization method and obtains an unbiased estimate of the population mean.In this paper the approach of D. Olivieri is implemented, reaching an unbiased estimate of the second moment of the population; moreover, an other estimate of the mean and of the variance of the population, obtained by an easier-to apply method of randomization, is proposed.

Versione definitiva pervenuta il 12-1-81  相似文献   

Viene formalizzata e studiata l'attività di una compagnia che opera in un mercato assicurativo non vita. Si ipotizza che il guadagno realizzato sulla generica polizza sia una submartingala. Si danno disuguaglianze significative per la probabilità di rovina all'infinito ed entro l'n-mo periodo nel caso in cui il rendimento di portafoglio della compagnia sia “aggiustabile”. I risultati vengono discussi nel caso in cui il mercato sia stratificato in classi di rischio nell'ipotesi di indipendenza; si accenna al caso particolare di rischi poissoniani e all'ipotesi di correlazione interna alle classi di rischio.  相似文献   

It is argued here that traditional export strategy research (encompassing the study of internationalization processes and export performance) is characterized by weak theoretical foundations and could benefit from a reorientation towards a dynamic capabilities perspective (DCP). We seek to draw on insights from DCP in order to devise a theoretical basis that could enrich export strategy research. Although our development of DCP insights builds on previous work, it also adds a crucial distinction between knowledge stocks and informational architecture. Changes in architecture are of greater importance. Following this elaboration of the dynamic capabilities perspective, we outline some implications and guidelines for future export strategy research.  相似文献   

日前,上上城的开发商三河福成房地产开发有限公司董事长李福成与上上城部分业主代表面对面地进行协商——这是上上城三期业主维权活动的一次小小的胜利,但这也仅仅是他们多次维权活动中的一次。燕郊上上城清盘的广告现在依然随处可见,  相似文献   

While governments tend to regard productivity bargaining as a long term anti-inflationary weapon, the author's research points out its weaknesses in this direction, and indicates that productivity bargaining may ultimately have far more important effects on the structural and behavioural development of collective bargaining at plant level.  相似文献   

"新特区"的加冕,使长沙从众多的二线城市中脱颖而出,一跃成为全国瞩目的明星城市。随着"两型社会"建设中各项政策的落实和推进,"新特区"效应必将慢慢实现,调整期过后的长沙楼市或将再次成为全国的聚焦点  相似文献   

何伟谈农民工:一个大战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对待农民工有一个认识发展过程。开始将农民工视为盲流,不许进城,到处驱赶、阻截、强制遣返。2004年中央1号件,将农民工称之为城市“产业工人的重要组成部分,为城市创造了财富”。这是中央第一次肯定了农民工的作用,第一次给农民下定性,应当说这一认识大大前进了一步。但是这一认识只限于农民工的经济作用,而没有谈到农民工在其他方面的作用和意义。  相似文献   

This article is about quality of service. It presents an overview and a summary model of current thinking on the topic. Many examples and illustrations are presented. Aspects of quality include: Quality of results and quality of process; search, experiential and credence quality; reality vs. perception; expectations vs. perceptions; customer satisfaction and technical quality. Various approaches and techniques are presented to improve performance quality—quality functions deployment, moving the line of visibility, blueprinting and failsafing—and conformance quality—guaranteeing, mystery shopping, recovering and measuring.  相似文献   

This paper examines major linkage measures in the literature from different perspectives and attempts to clarify some of the controversies over them. The examination and clarification suggest more refined backward and forward linkage measures for linkage indices construction. The measures are then applied to analyse the linkages of Hawaii’s agriculture sectors.  相似文献   

The annual round of the settlement of disputed transfer fees gave an opportunity for a modest attempt to access the impact of pendulum arbitration, Previous years had clearly indicated the centrifugal impact of arbitration. It appears that pendulum arbitration improves this but at the expense of one side: the club losing the player.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to identify the characteristics of refugee-entrepreneurial startups, which distinguish them from other immigrant entrepreneurial ventures. The author employed a single case analysis as a means of qualitative research into the phenomenon under study, from the perspective of social capital theory. A typical case of a refugee entrepreneur was selected based on his propensity to tell his story in a way that transparently reveals the various peculiarities of his entrepreneurial behavior. The case study involved the use of interviews with key individuals, the review of printed materials, and member checking. The findings revealed five distinctive attributes that characterized that startup and which corresponded to the three dimensions of social capital. Those attributes were: a ‘one-way-ahead’ attitude, a pseudo family business perception, collective bootstrapping, a distinct network structure, and opportunity-seizing proliferation, thereby depicting how social capital is used by refugee-entrepreneurs to maximize the pool of opportunities in their host nations.  相似文献   

Overton, Schneck, and Hazlett's (1977) measurement of nursing subunit technology was replicated using 157 subunits of 9 types located in 24 hospitals in Alberta. A 21-item questionnaire was given to nurses, and the answers were subjected to factor analyses. Results indicated three dimensions of technology: instability, uncertainty, and variability. Because of the similarity of these variables to those in the Overton, Schneck, and Hazlett study, the results suggested a high degree of construct validity for the measure. The technological dimensions also differentiated among the types of subunits in the same pattern as in the original study. A relatively quick method of obtaining measures of instability, uncertainty, and variability by using composite scores was tested and found reliable.  相似文献   

Employment in tourism has grown substantially in recent years and has been the subject of considerable policy interest. This article reviews some of the key issues in estimating tourism employment and provides clarification of the relationship between various estimates which have been presented in different studies.  相似文献   

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