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在国际贸易中,代理出口是普遍采用的贸易方式。本文从我国外贸出口代理的流程入手,分析各种风险形成的原因,寻找在当前形势下代理出口风险的防范措施。  相似文献   

国际贸易结算拖欠问题的法律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,我国的出口贸易高速发展,但与此同时,出口企业的逾期未结算问题也日渐突出并亟待解决。本文通过对结算风险产生的原因进行分析,得出我国的出口企业结算风险主要源于进口商信用风险以及各种结算方式的风险这一结论,因此,对在国际贸易中的结算拖欠进行法律规制就成为我国在国际贸易领域中的关注焦点。  相似文献   

薛源 《现代商业》2012,(11):109
在国际贸易中,FCA贸易术语因其卖方责任相对较小,赢得我国大量出口商的青睐。但在FOB贸易下,卖方在货物运输以及结汇方面往往面临着许多风险。文章针对FCA贸易下卖方面临的各种风险加以分析论述,以引起我国出口商的重视,保护卖方的利益,维护国际贸易秩序。  相似文献   

近年来国家在财政上给予信用保险相当程度的支持,并且为出口信用保险设置专门的准备资金,使得出口信用保险为国际贸易活动中出现的出口收汇风险提供了基本的保障和资金支持。但是在进出口贸易迅速发展,市场竞争相当激励的客观背景下,国际贸易中的各种风险也随之而来,其中较为突出的就是出口收汇风险,因此,运用出口信用保险防范出口收汇风险成为出口贸易中的主要问题。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的不断深化,对外贸易的数量和规模不断扩大,有关国际贸易的结算风险的防范成为亟待解决的重要问题。实际贸易结算业务中,许多中小企业信息不公开、故意保守商业秘密,基于此如何利用有限信息对贸易结算风险进行有效识别,从而规避结算风险是学者和企业家都关注的热点问题。通过运用灰色关联理论,建立比较序列,结合实际发生的结算业务,量化指标、建立参考序列,然后计算其灰关联度,识别风险类型,得出结论。通过实际案例分析,表明灰色理论在贸易结算风险识别的实际应用中存在很大潜力。  相似文献   

我国出口企业重要技能的识别及其排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林桂军  周婷 《国际贸易问题》2007,298(10):3-10,17
根据对我国东部经贸发达地区的800家外贸企业所进行的问卷调查,采用主成分分析法识别出8大类共56项重要出口技能,8大类技能包括国际金融、国际营销、国际贸易政策与规则、国际贸易物流、国际结算、国际贸易战略管理、国际贸易调研和国际贸易实务;通过计算均值和标准差,对88项出口技能按重要性进行了排序。实证研究发现,我国外贸企业认为对于成功出口最重要的技能是国际贸易政策与规则、国际结算和国际贸易调研类技能。总体上,我国外贸企业更重视基本的金融技能和战略管理技能;对于国际营销技能重要项目的整总体评价一般甚至有些偏低;同其他国家企业的情况相比,我国外贸企业对国际贸易物流和国际贸易实务技能的重视程度相对较低。  相似文献   

出口信用保险是随着国际贸易的发展而诞生、成长的,它在推动和促进国家间资本和货物流通方面发挥着重要的作用。我国改革开放政策的进一步深化,促使我国经济参与世界经济大循环,要求我国出口企业在世界经济的大舞台上经风雨、见世面,在激烈的国际竞争中求生存、求发展。但国际贸易市场风云变幻莫测,风险硕大,这就要求我国出口企业遵循国际贸易惯例,科学地回避风险,寻求出险后的经济补  相似文献   

在国际贸易结算中,托收作为一种特殊而且重要的支付方式,发挥着汇付、信用证和其他汇付方式所不具备的重要作用,尤其是出口贸易竞争日趋激烈的今天,利用托收与其他支付相结合的方式,可以为出口贸易争取更多的客源,有利于出口有效性的提高.很多企业在出口贸易中往往会忽略风险因素的存在,风险识别和防范能力薄弱,甚至降低出口贸易支付门槛,因此出现风险带来的坏账和呆账等问题.作为一个出口贸易的大国,我国应该在经济危机对出口产生影响的新环境之下,综合各种国际的宏观经济和政治因素,采用行之有效的托收风险防范措施,针对出口贸易出现的一系列支付风险问题进行深化和探讨.  相似文献   

中国大米行业竞争激烈,泰国香米虽竞争优势明显,但由于物流发展水平有限,出口中国数量增速有所减缓。为保持泰国香米出口中国的竞争优势,泰国应提高对物流发展的重视程度,有效识别其中出现的风险隐患,并加以合理管控以便提升其出口物流水平。基于此,对泰国香米出口及其出口物流的发展情况进行梳理,分析出口物流发展中出现的风险,发现许多物流企业存在风险认识水平有限,缺乏风险识别能力等问题,以致于给泰国香米出口造成较多安全隐患。从仓储、运输、包装和信息处理等方面对中国物流企业提出了规避风险建议,以便中国物流企业更好的控制其物流风险。  相似文献   

在人民币升值趋势明显、国内通货膨胀趋升的背景条件下,我国外经贸企业面临的外汇风险不断累积,国际贸易业务成本逐渐增加,缩减了企业本就十分薄弱的利润空间。国际贸易保护主义抬头进一步加大了企业的销售风险,在金融危机的冲击下,海外客户的信用风险大大增加,也相应增加了企业的坏账损失。持续波动的市场利率使外经贸企业的筹资风险有所提高。针对当前我国国际贸易业务所面临的各种财务风险,本文认为企业应灵活选择出口结算方式,多渠道进行套期保值,全方位开拓除美、日、欧外的海外市场,建立健全企业内部信用风险控制体系,强化资金管理,拓宽融资渠道,增强出口投保意识以降低坏账损失等相应对策有效控制财务风险,以促进国际贸易业务的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易和电子商务的发展,网络外贸、样品邮寄等小金额国际贸易发展迅速,传统的线下支付方式由于存在付款周期长、手续繁琐等问题,一直无法适应小额国际贸易的发展需要,在此背景下针对小金额国际贸易的在线支付方式逐渐普及。本文简要介绍了小额国际贸易的发展背景,对常用的国际贸易在线支付方式进行了对比分析,并在此基础上总结了小额国际贸易在线支付方式的选择以及风险防范。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the interactions among economic growth, financial development, and trade openness through simultaneous equation systems. The identification and estimation of the systems rely on the methodology of identification through heteroskedasticity. The empirical results show that each of the three variables interacts in important ways. When controlling for the reverse causation, trade promotes economic growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries but has a negative impact on growth in countries with the opposite attributes. Similarly, when accounting for the feedbacks from growth, banks and stock markets have different impacts on economic growth. While banking development is detrimental to output growth, stock market development is more favorable to growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries. The data also reveal coexistence of a positive effect of financial development on trade and a negative effect of trade on financial development in poorer countries. In richer countries, financial development stimulates trade openness whereas trade has an ambiguous impact on financial development.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to provide insight into the trade creation and trade diversion effects of ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement in goods, which came into force in 2010. The paper applies a theoretically consistent gravity model and uses empirically robust procedures such as ordinary least squares and pseudo-Poisson maximum likelihood in order to analyze the ex post effects of the agreement at an aggregate level. The results reveal that standard gravity variables are statistically significant and report expected signs, yet a reduction in export flows has been observed following the implementation of the free trade agreement, giving rise to pure trade diversion effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine to what extent different venture capital firms contribute to the likelihood that the portfolio company in which they invested will realize a trade sale. We use arguments from learning theory to hypothesize the relationship between vicarious, experiential and congenital learning of the venture capital (VC) firm and the trade sale hazard of its portfolio companies. Based on our analysis of 206 VC-backed UK start-ups, we find that both trade sale experience of the VC and learning from syndicate partners with trade sale experience significantly increase the trade sale hazard. The routines and procedures learned from experienced syndicate partners complement experience accumulated through trial and error. Congenital trade sale experience of the investment managers on the contrary has no significant influence on the acquisition hazard.  相似文献   

Despite much interest and discussion concerning the trade‐promoting effects of membership in multilateral trade agreements, little is known about the effect of membership on world trade prices. This paper fills this gap by studying the effects of membership on export and import price volatility. We document a surprisingly strong and robust empirical regularity: GATT/WTO membership reduces the volatility of prices over time for both import and export countries, with similar results found for free trade agreements. We show that results are not driven by sample selection or endogeneity concerns and that the effect is captured by members subject to rigorous accession procedures.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of contract enforcement on trade in a large sample of developing economies. The effects of three separate measures capturing contract enforcement (the time required to enforce a contract; the costs to enforce a contract; and the number of procedures required to enforce a contract) on trade were tested using the panel corrected standard errors method of estimation. The results show that the three measures of contract enforcement are negatively and statistically significantly correlated with trade. The findings lead to the conclusion that the ease of contract enforcement is crucial in order to facilitate the speed of trade in the developing group of countries.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the main recent trends in trade and trade policy in Uruguay. At first sight, between 2012 and 2018 no major changes are noticed in trade and trade policy in the country. Trade lost importance as share of national GDP, exports concentrated in primary sectors, and tariffs remained unchanged. However, some advances are noted. Trade in services increased substantially, export markets diversified, and the country participated actively in multilateral negotiations. As part of MERCOSUR, the country has just signed two potentially liberalising agreements, and the bloc’s internal agenda is also being modernized. At the national level, the country has undergone a series of reforms to modernise its customs procedures and facilitate trade. Some challenges lie ahead. MERCOSUR needs to consolidate the recent liberalising trend, and needs to work on its internal agenda, to liberalise interregional trade, remove non-tariff barriers and harmonise special regimes for imports. Uruguay, for its part, needs to continue with its domestic reforms to consolidate trade facilitation, to reduce duties and charges to trade, and to attract foreign investment.  相似文献   

This study takes an empirical look at whether Ecuador's trade liberalization in the 1990s increased or decreased the productivity of Ecuadorian manufacturing establishments for the period 1997-2003. This research applies robust estimation procedures on micro-level data, controlling for a number of other economic events that may have affected productivity during the period under study. The study takes a particular look at how both exporters and import-competing sectors respond to trade openness. The results suggest evidence of a positive and significant effect of trade openness on the productivity of manufacturing industries in export-oriented industries in the years after the implementation of trade reforms, but decreasing productivity after 2000. Increased aggregate productivity might be a result of both the most productive establishments producing output, and slightly increased own-plant's productivity.  相似文献   

Q: What are the procedures, examination and approval time and the basic expenses for establishment of a trade company engaged in import of products to China for sale in China by foreigners?  相似文献   

Scholars and policy makers believe that democracy will bring prosperity through integration into the global economy via increased international trade. Existing research is plagued by methodological problems that obscure the empirics and avoid the theoretical problem of why democracies may or may not trade more. In this paper, I seek to correct these shortcomings. I test two theories as to why democracies might trade more. First, political freedom may be correlated with economic freedom, thus prompting higher levels of economic activity, thereby driving states to trade more. Second, democracy implies higher quality governance either through institutions or policy making procedures. To test the impact of democracy on trade and the potential transmission mechanisms, I utilize a bilateral gravity trade model covering approximately 150 countries from 1950 to 1999, with fixed effects for time, importers, and exporters. I find the theory that democracy, and many of its components, promotes international trade unconvincing. The coefficients are the theoretically correct sign; however, many are statistically or economically insignificant and fragile to changes in modeling or data. Economic freedom does not have the expected impact on international trade levels, but quality of governance variables have broad economic and statistical significance.  相似文献   

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