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随着1999年《招标投标法》和2003年《政府采购法》的陆续颁布,目前政府保险采购已基本上采用了招投标这种规范化交易形式,保险招标范围也从政府车辆扩大到政府财产以及人员意外伤害、补充医疗等众多保险领域。这一方面降低和节省了政府的财政支出,另一方面也为保险公司拓展了一 相似文献
《招标投标法》、《政府采购法》颁布实施,对于规范招标投标行为。提高政府采购资金的使用效益,维护国家利益和社会公共利益,保护政府采购当事人的合法权益,保证项目质量,促进廉政建设都起到了非常重要的作用。但由于《招标投标法》、《政府采购法》在我国实施时间较短,不可避免存在这样或那样的漏洞。下面,笔者就我国招投标领域高价中标的成因及对策与大家进行一次探讨。 相似文献
被称为“阳光采购”的政府采购制度,是从源头上防范、治理腐败的重要举措,它越来越受到人们的关注与重视。《中华人民共和国政府采购法》自颁布与实施以来,经过各级政府采购管理部门的积极组织宣传、贯彻和落实,政府采购工作已走上了有章可循、有法可依的轨道,并取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。就拿滦县政府采购来说, 相似文献
河北省衡水市政府采购工作自1999年实行以来,始终坚持以“大胆探索、开拓进取、与时惧进、完善机制、节资增效”为主要工作思路,以“强化制度建设、加强干部培训、规范采购程序、注重采购监督”为主要手段,积极推行政府采购制度。《政府采购法》于2003年1月1日正式实施后,为了全面、准确地贯彻执行《政府采 相似文献
为规范医疗设备有效的采购途径,国家先后出台了《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和《中华人民共和国政府采购法》,对大型医疗设备采用公开招标采购制度,并获得很好的效果。然而,无论是国际招标或是国内招标,其成败关键除了要有规范的操作程序,要遵循“公开公平公正和诚实信用”的原则外,还有许多招标前期、后期和技术性的工作应引起足够重视。否则再好的政策,再好的办法,如果处理不当,也可能得不到理想的效果。为了使招投标工作取得更好的效果,笔者试图从招标、投标和评标等各个角度,发表一些看法,希望对进一步开展医疗设备招投标采购工作有所帮助。 相似文献
国外政府工程采购招投标对我国的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文详细介绍了国外政府采购工程项目招投标情况,并阐述了我国应从国外的实践中得到启示,提出了我国政府采购工程项目招投标的策略。 相似文献
究竟哪些工程项目适用于《招标投标法》,哪些适用于《政府采购法》?工程项目涉及的货物、建筑材料究竟该不该实行政府采购?究竟该从哪些环节入手抓好工程采购监管……长期以来,类似这样的问题一直困扰着工程采购以及采购规模的进一步扩大。 相似文献
在我们对工程项目统一实行集中采购之前,工程采购归属建设部门运作,由招标投标管理办公室统一招投标,这在《政府采购法》出台之前,基本已形成了一种定式。从实际操作来看,经过多年的运转,建管部门已经形成一套比较成熟的工程招投标管理程序。但工程招投标与工程政府采购有着本质区别,招投标只是政府采购执行过程中一个阶段, 相似文献
创业板IPO抑价现象研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国创业板的推出对于推动企业的发展、形成技术创新、促进风险投资、保持资本市场良性互动都将起到重要的作用。文章通过中国创业板市场新股发行抑价的实证研究,着重分析创业板市场的特有因素如何影响发行抑价,为我国创业板的健康发展提供建议。 相似文献
The construction contract bonding system is used worldwide to protect the owner of a project against the risk of non-performance by the contractor. There is a close relationship between the construction contract bonding system and transparency in public works, which policy-makers and officials need to be more aware of. There are mainly three systems in use, which the authors have analysed in depth. Each of the three models has a different influence on transparency in public works: the ‘high penalty conditional model’ is considered the most functional model in improving transparency, the ‘low penalty unconditional model’ does not contribute very much to improving transparency, while the ‘substitute contractor model’ can lead to greater opportunities for corruption on the contractor's side. 相似文献
The construction contract bonding system is used worldwide to protect the owner of a project against the risk of non-performance by the contractor. There is a close relationship between the construction contract bonding system and transparency in public works, which policy-makers and officials need to be more aware of. There are mainly three systems in use, which the authors have analysed in depth. Each of the three models has a different influence on transparency in public works: the 'high penalty conditional model' is considered the most functional model in improving transparency, the 'low penalty unconditional model' does not contribute very much to improving transparency, while the 'substitute contractor model' can lead to greater opportunities for corruption on the contractor's side. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the impact of capacity costs on bidding strategies of firms participating in procurement auctions. More
efficient firms will invest in advance due to their high probability of winning the auction while less efficient bidders prefer
to wait with their investments until the outcome of the auction is known. However, in equilibrium both types of firms include
a coverage for their investment costs in their bids and therefore adopt a full cost pricing policy.
This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
政府采购制度是市场经济国家管理公共财政支出的一种基本手段,如何建立一个优质高效.健康统一的采购市场,实现政府采购的经济有效性目标,减少采购成本,提高政府采购效率,是当前政府采购工作应研究的重点。笔者认为,应从以下几方面进行加强和完善。[编者按] 相似文献
Screening, Bidding, and the Loan Market Tightness 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bank loans are more available and cheaper for new and small businesses inthe U.S. in concentrated banking areas than in competitive banking areas. Weexplain this anomaly by analyzing banks' decisions to screen projects andtheir competition in loan provisions. It is shown that, by exacerbating thewinner's curse, an increase in the number of banks can reduce banks'screening probability by so much that the number of banks that activelycompete in loan provisions falls and the expected loan rate rises. This isthe case when the screening cost is low, which induces all active bidders tobe informed. The opposite outcome occurs when the screening cost is high, inwhich case there are sufficiently many uninformed banks in bidding toattenuate the winner's curse. We also examine the social optimum 相似文献
The World Trade Organization's voluntary rules on governmentprocurement are a useful mechanism for ensuring that publicprocurement procedures are efficient. They also provide an opportunityto reduce the uncertainty of participants by increasing transparencyand accountability. Yet most developing countries have chosennot to subject their procurement policies to international disciiplinesand multilateral surveillance. Their reasons may include anunfamiliarity with the government procurement agreement (GPA);a perception that the potential payoffs are small; a desireto discriminate in favor of domestic firms; or the successfulopposition of groups that benefit from the current regimes.Although the economic rationales for abstaining from the GPAare not compelling, a quid pro quo for accession may be neededto overcome opposition by special interests. Developing countryprocurement markets are large enough that governments may beable to make accession to the GPA conditional on temporary exceptionsto multilateral disczplines or on better access to export markets. 相似文献
政府采购产品和服务相对于政府自我生产具有更高的潜在效率。为验证这一判断,并发挥绩效评估的激励约束功能,在政府采购的实践中,必须对采购绩效进行准确评估。而准确评估的前提就是要有一套客观准确的评估依据。市场效率具有客观实在、现实最优、实时动态、操作性强等特性。运用市场比较制度,可以有效解决评估依据的客观性和准确性问题。该制度利用市场效率,从价格、时效、质量三个方面对政府采购绩效进行比较,其比较结果为政府采购计划控制、过程管控、绩效评估提供依据。 相似文献
We examine how open procurement data affect the competitiveness of award procedures and the execution of government contracts. The European Union recently made its historical procurement notices available for bulk download in a cohesive and user-friendly database. Comparing government contracts above and below EU procurement size thresholds, we find that, after the open data initiative, procurement officials are more likely to award treated contracts through open bidding. In cross-sectional analyses, we document variation in the open bidding effect consistent with two underlying mechanisms: (1) increased scrutiny by NGOs and investigative journalists and (2) learning by national procurement regulators. However, treated contracts are also more likely to experience costly modifications because the shift to open bidding introduces rigidity that limits officials’ discretion in selecting suppliers based on private information. Overall, our evidence indicates that open procurement data promote competitive bidding but lead to contracts with weaker execution performance. These inferences also hold in an alternative open data setting. 相似文献