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Managers with different cultural backgrounds and under different circumstances have different views on what is acceptable ethical behaviour. This study attempts to determine whether major companies in Hong Kong share the same views as North American academics on what management ethical standards ought to be, and if so, whether any control mechanisms have been established to instill ethical behaviour within their organizations. Notable differences between the practice in these companies and those from a similar survey conducted in North America are identified and explained. The management accountant's role in the development and implementation of such mechanisms is investigated.  相似文献   

营销渠道控制:理论、模型与研究命题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
营销渠道控制是一个渠道成员对另一个渠道成员的行为与决策变量成功施加影响的过程。渠道控制的本质是对渠道成员(组织)的行为进行控制,同时它也是一种跨组织控制、相互控制(或交叉控制)和结果导向的行为过程。渠道控制根植于相互依赖的渠道关系中,因而它与渠道关系中的诸多变量存在着千丝万缕的联系。本文从西方渠道行为理论的视角出发,构建了一个渠道控制过程模型,并提出了若干研究命题。  相似文献   

包装作为产品整体概念的一个组成部分,是品牌理念、产品特性、消费心理的综合反映,它直接影响到消费者的购买欲,是建立产品与消费者亲和力的有力手段。包装作为视觉营销策略的重要组成部分,具有视觉传达功能、市场定位功能、传递文化功能。包装的设计应具有个性化,符合、满足消费者的心理,有利于促进商品的销售。  相似文献   

余江  叶林 《商业研究》2003,18(3):40-42
分析已有的企业权力理论,认为传统的权力理论由于受到了资本至上的观点和现行法律规定的束缚,从而没有给出令人信服的解释,并在此基础上,确定对企业权力安排的看法,即组成企业的各要素的相对稀缺程度或替代程度是决定其拥有者在企业的权力安排的博弈中所处地位的决定因素。  相似文献   

杨保军 《商业研究》2008,(5):123-126
市场营销发展的历史表明,在现代的市场竞争下单纯依赖以4Ps策略为分析框架的交易营销范式已经逐渐失去了对新问题的解释力。关系营销范式因为缺乏明确的研究框架和分析工具还不能成为主流的营销范式。而伴随着现代竞争的日益发展,基于竞争和顾客导向的战略营销管理理论范式越来越具有影响力。SMM范式具备一个全新的理论范式的条件,将对未来我国企业的营销战略的制定,长远的营销发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文认为,销售战略上利用的一般性市场、产品有价证券模式是从财务有价证券模式引用而来的,其特点是只考虑有价证券风险而不考虑市场风险;有价证券模式是把企业的外在要素与企业的内在要素结合起来评价企业的模式,对企业有效利用有限的资源以及针对市场中的各种现象制定战略非常有用,但也存在自己的缺点:一是模型为了简约太注重单一的变数,二是模型的对入与适用很复杂,三是对各产品或事业部门都有独立的战略,产品和事业间有连续性效果。  相似文献   

绿色营销已经成为 2 1世纪企业营销的主要方式 ,我国企业越来越多的运用绿色营销的理论与方法指导实践。绿色营销是一个结构复杂、组成元素众多的系统 ,不仅其内部子系统之间相互影响 ,同时它还受到外部各种环境因素的影响和制约。  相似文献   

市场经济也是一种道德伦理经济,企业营销必须在一定的伦理规范下才能顺利取得既定目标。随着生态文明的来临,生态脆弱性越来越严重,生态政策约束性越来越紧,消费者生态消费意识渐浓,生态产品与生态技术价值日益凸显,企业营销必须适应这种生态发展趋势,严格遵循相应的生态伦理,主动开展生态化营销,唯有如此,才能实现生态环境约束的内涵式突破,才能实现"天人合一"的有序发展,才能在公众面前树立良好的生态伦理形象,才能在市场竞争中得以优胜。  相似文献   

曾微 《中国广告》2012,(5):118-121
互联网的应用使人们不再只是单纯的信息接收者,也成为了信息的发布者。病毒营销正是充分利用了网络受众的自主能动性,其作为网络时代的一种新生营销方式,以低成本、高效率的传播广受商家青睐,本文通过分析受众在病毒营销中的威力和风险,试图为企业的病毒营销运作提供一点参考。  相似文献   


This paper sheds light on issues of gender roles and gender hierarchies using Goffman’s theories on gender and performance as a starting point to explore modern-day manifestations of power structures in political marketing, particularly as related to female politicians. In-depth interviews with four female politicians, 17 aides, volunteers, PAC and media executives as well as two focus groups with registered voters reveal subordination of female politicians through hyper-ritualised displays of social relations. The findings showcase how appearance is used to facilitate the ongoing objectification of female politicians in political marketing and devalue their candidacies. This study is an important step in examining the role of gender and appearance in political marketing and its importance in building brand image for a female politician.  相似文献   

营销预算是企业预算管理中的一个重要组成部分,建立与完善现代企业制度,就必须建立科学化的预算管理体系。预算体系科学化的问题包含了许多内容,如预算观念的创新、预算目标的建立和预算方法的科学化等。本文运用二层规划模型强调对有限资源的有效运用,其求出的结果为最大的企业效益和营销活动效益,对应的费用预算即为最优化的预算决策方案。作业预算法的重点则在于通过作业链和价值链的分析来分配获取相应价值的合理付出;以企业战略和客户需求为起点,通过价值链分析来改进企业的业务流程,并根据顾客链预测作业量,进而更合理地预测成本并实施有效控制。  相似文献   

The ethical tendencies of graduate business students from the United States were examined by analyzing their reactions to ethical dilemmas in a replicated study, which presented a set of ethical problem situations. These dilemmas dealt with coercion and control, conflict of interest, physical environment, paternalism and personal integrity. A comparison of these findings with the previous study of marketing managers indicates that the MBA students exhibited a greater degree of sensitivity to the ethical dimensions of business decision-making. Implications are drawn for business education and further research.  相似文献   

Purpose: This paper addresses intra-organizational power of international marketing (IM) functions. While IM functions play an important role in firms that operate in continuously changing international environments, their power has been under-explored. Importantly, IM managers need to understand their function’s power and its implications for business performance.

Methodology/approach: Drawing on resource-dependency and interaction theories, we contend that IM functions’ power is affected by the power of non-marketing functions and coordination and conflicts with them. Additionally, IM functions’ power should affect international performance. However, contingency factors may change this effect. The empirical study uses data from senior managers of B-to-B international firms. The model is tested using multiple regression analysis and extensive post-hoc tests.

Findings: While IM functions are powerful, their power is enhanced by coordination with other functions and is reduced by the power held by non-marketing functions. Surprisingly, conflicts with other functions increase IM functions’ power. Finally, IM functions’ power enhances international performance but its effect is weakened by intra-IM conflicts and differs across hi- and low-tech firms.

Research implications: This study provides insights about drivers and outcomes of IM functions’ power based on their relationships with non-marketing functions. Performance consequences of IM power are dependent on contingencies. The study extends knowledge on the under-researched phenomena of marketing power in a B-to-B international context.

Practical implications: IM managers should manage sources of relative functional power and unique intra-firm interactions to sustain or promote their power and thus benefit their firms’ international performance. Practitioners recognize mechanisms to control IMs’ power.

Originality/value/contribution: The study is the first to focus on the interactions of IM functions with non-marketing functions in B-to-B firms and thus complements prior research on IM, general marketing, and non-marketing functions.  相似文献   


This article's objective is to analyze the influence innovative organizational culture has on marketing strategy formulation and results, and how this relationship affects organizational performance. The theoretical basis lies in Menon et al.'s (1999 Menon , A. , Bharadwaj , S. G. , Adidam , P. T. , and Edison , S. W. ( 1999 ). Antecedents and consequences of marketing strategy making: A model and a test . Journal of Marketing , 63 , 1840 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) model. The methodology included a survey with medium to large Brazilian companies in different sectors. The final sample consisted of 153 questionnaires that were valid for analysis. Techniques for statistical analysis including singular and multivariate methods were used, from which the relationships between constructs were established by structural equation modeling. Results show a positive relationship between innovative organizational culture, the marketing strategy process, and organizational performance. However, innovative culture does not have a direct influence on performance.  相似文献   

朱琪 《商业研究》2005,62(16):38-43
公司兼并和收购市场中企业控制权机机制、控制权争夺的价值、控制权争夺的福利效应、大股东在公司控制权争夺中对公司政策产生影响。外部性排除了负有义务的股东完全取得接管收益的可能性,无论控制权争夺的结果如何,股东财富在控制权争夺其间是增加的。从股东的福利效应方面来说,控制权争夺的失败也就是股东财富的损失。大股东提高了预期利润,并且他们所占股份越多,则提高越大。董事会的失误导致了敌意接管的出现,可由公司控制的外部市场对董事会的疏忽作用进行弥补。  相似文献   


Over recent years, whilst there has been increasing acceptance of the existence and role of marketing in the political arena, there has also been much discussion as to the applicability of its concepts and models. This paper focuses upon issues surrounding definition of the ‘product’ and the ‘marketing mix.’ It examines the varying definitions of the political ‘product’ and, from the perspective of elector as ‘consumer,’ offers its own. In addition it suggests that political marketers should follow the lead of their counterparts in the fields of service and social marketing and modify the marketing mix to suit the political environment in which they function. Finally, based upon existing definitions of the political ‘product’ and the criticisms of the current marketing mix frameworks, initial suggestions are made for the provision of a new political marketing mix.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the relative presence of business-to-business (B2B) research in the marketing literature. We concur that B2B research is underrepresented in marketing literature and business school curricula. Avenues for remedy, improvement, and future research are presented.  相似文献   

Purpose: The primary goal of this article was to conceptualize a systematic marketing intelligence process for industrial manufacturers because, up until now, such concepts have only been focused on consumer goods settings. Hence, this article investigates how marketing intelligence activities are developed and managed effectively in industrial markets.

Methodology/approach: The authors conducted a case study of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, a German based manufacturer of regulation technology for power transformers.

Findings: We found that a systematic marketing intelligence process should be based on the resource- and market-based view of strategy as well as on the market orientation construct. When implementing marketing intelligence, the integration of the sales force within the whole process is the crucial lever for an industrial company. The formalization of the process is necessary to ensure its continuity and acceptance; however, the varying intensity allows the necessary flexibility of the process.

Research implications: The constraints of the decisive process steps of marketing intelligence have to be further enhanced for industrial markets. It is important to find out how the integration of the sales force can best be designed to incorporate reward systems and motivation structures, and how to establish a corporate marketing-minded culture throughout the organization.

Practical implications: The important steps for a well implemented marketing intelligence process are a preparation phase, followed by the gathering, analysis, and dissemination of information. This article highlights the success factors for each process step. Above all, managerial and organizational commitment is necessary for the implementation of the whole process.

Originality/value/contribution: By focusing on the industrial manufacturing business, this study provides deep insights into a neglected area of research. Light needs to be shed on marketing intelligence in industrial markets, where the lack of traditional market research has to be compensated.  相似文献   


Purpose: The primary goal was to identify organizational conditions for developing a learning-oriented behavioral control system, an issue that has been neglected in previous studies.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors conducted a case study of Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim (NBI).

Findings: We found that a behavior-based sales management control system facilitates learning by salespersons when 1) the focus is on skill development, 2) fewer key performance indicators are being used, and 3) supportive supervision and knowledge sharing are promoted.

Research Limitations: Because this was a single case study, it is necessary to investigate other cases in other countries and to compare the results with those of NBI to develop theories about learning-oriented behavior control systems.

Practical Implications: In the early stages of sales reform, sales managers and medical representatives should not use multiple process indicators for multiple evaluations; rather, they should use a small number of process indicators (e.g., number of visits per day) so that all individuals concerned about a problem can share information and promote improvement.  相似文献   

Building on an existing framework concerning ethical intention, this research explores how Thai business people perceive the importance of ethics in various scenarios. This study investigates the relative influences of personal characteristics and the organizational environment underlying the Thai business people’s ethical perception. Corporate ethical values and idealism are shown to positively influence a Thai manager’s perceptions about the importance of ethics. While their ability to perceive the existence of an ethical problem is negatively influenced by relativism, it is positively impacted by their existing perceptions about the importance of ethics. Results also suggest positive relationships between perceived importance of ethics and perceived ethical problems with ethical intention. These results extend research in understanding the relationship between the antecedents and consequences of perceived importance of ethics within an economically growing non-Western culture.  相似文献   

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