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本文以知识密集型服务企业为样本,选取关系维度、结构维度和位置维度等分析价值网络维度对商业模式设计的影响,通过问卷调查获取数据,实证结果显示价值网络不同维度对知识密集型服务企业商业模式设计具有多方面影响,企业要结合自身所处价值网络的特征选择合适的商业模式设计类型,通过塑造价值网络来促进商业模式的变革.  相似文献   

张旻翚 《广告大观》2006,(9S):115-115
新网络媒体特性:有如电视媒体的广告效果,在声光和形式上面求新求变,容易吸引用户的眼球,所以只要价格合理,对于这种能快速吸引用户眼球的广告形式,由于我们在做游戏初级推广上需要短期内大量曝光,这种媒体形式就非常符合。  相似文献   

企业的价值创新与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在工业经济时代,土地、地产、资本和劳动力是企业财富最重要的来源,企业战略是竞争导向型,主要特征是对竞争对手行为进行模仿和做出反应以及比竞争对手更有优势。而在知识经济时代,人力资本、知识储备、技能、信息共享与创意以及创造性地应用这些资源所获得的能力是企业创造财富最重要的源泉。简言之,企业战略不是聚焦在如何战胜对手,而要聚焦在为消费者创造更大的价值上。  相似文献   

建立以知识共享为基础的企业管理体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多公司已经渐渐感到,员工的知识水平是公司最宝贵的财富。在这一点上,他们的感觉是对的。然而,却很少有人实际上开始主动地实施知识资产管理。因此,知识管理虽然早就从理论上和技术上受到注意,但人们很少讨论在实际中如何使知识得到更有效地管理和利用。在当前这个知识管理的初级阶段,最适当的论题不是具体的管理策略,而是更高层面上的原则问题。当某一组织在有关知识管理的一些原则上达到共识,具体的方法和计划就会在此基础上随之产生。本文着重研究知识管理对企业发展的战略意义,而不是讨论一个知识管理平台如何建立和运作中的具体细节。  相似文献   

"西欧"从地域上指英国、爱尔兰、法国、荷兰、比利时、摩纳哥,如果从经济和政治上考虑还应当把位于中欧的德国、奥地利、瑞士、卢森堡等国包括进去,这些国家都是经济发达国家,其中英国、法国、德国还属西方七大国之列.  相似文献   

企业知识价值链的研究经历了一个不断发展完善的过程,本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,综合考虑企业内外部知识活动,针对原有研究对企业外部知识流动缺乏考虑的不足,构建了一个修正的知识价值链模型,延伸了原有的企业知识价值链。另外就知识价值的实现问题从理论和实践两个层面进行了具体描述,为企业的知识管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

本文认为,在电信行业,顾客经济价值主要受电信运营商市场营销能力和技术研发能力的影响;顾客功能价值主要受电信运营商市场营销能力、技术研发能力和基础管理能力的影响;顾客心理价值主要受电信运营商市场营销能力、客户服务能力、技术研发能力和基础管理能力的影响.市场营销能力、技术研发能力属于电信运营商的关键能力,基础管理能力属于电信运营商的亚关键能力,客户服务能力与供应链管理能力属于电信运营商的一般能力.  相似文献   

The Business Value of Health Management   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
For organizational development that is future-oriented, enterprises increasingly need qualified, motivated and efficient workers who are able and willing to contribute actively to technical and organizational innovations. Furthermore, customers and consumers are increasingly interested in healthy products and services. Therefore, health has become a (potential) business value of strategic importance. In interaction with all relevant stakeholders, an approach was developed for companies that want to manage their health impact in a proactive and preventive manner. The approach was termed Integral Health Management (IHM). IHM forms a strategic approach for reducing the costs of sickness absence and working disability, while the productivity and resilience of the company and its employees are increased. This brings the company direct economic benefits. Finally, it is of prime interest for employees to remain physically and mentally healthy and employable. The IHM approach distinguishes seven lines of development: (1) health as a strategic company interest; (2) the realization of a healthy primary process; (3) a safe and sound physical (work) environment; (4) an inspiring social (work) environment; (5) vital people; (6) a sound relationship with the immediate organizational environment and local community, and (7) healthy products and/or services. The inter-relationships between the seven development lines are essential for combining an improvement of the business impact on health with a strategic interest of companies and organizations. The seven lines of IHM development can easily be linked to the European Foundation for Quality Management's European Excellence Model.  相似文献   

Promising to cope with increasing demand variety and uncertainty, flexibility in general and process flexibility in particular are becoming ever more desired corporate capabilities. During the last years, the business process management and the production/operations management communities have proposed numerous approaches that investigate how to valuate and determine an appropriate level of process flexibility. Most of these approaches are very restrictive regarding their application domain, neglect characteristics of the involved processes and outputs other than demand and capacity, and do not conduct a thorough economic analysis of process flexibility. Against this backdrop, the authors propose an optimization model that determines an appropriate level of process flexibility in line with the principles of value-based business process management. The model includes demand uncertainty, variability, criticality, and similarity as process characteristics. The paper also reports on the insights gained from applying the optimization model to the coverage switching processes of an insurance broker pool company.  相似文献   

代工企业在全球价值链的升级具有战略性和紧迫性,其升级并不是独立自发的,而是受到了全球价值链中各经济主体之间的组织形式和关系安排的统一约束。知识经济的发展也为代工企业的升级创造了新的机遇。全球价值链、知识转移以及代工企业的升级之间存在着密切的关系,文章通过分析全球价值链治理下的全球领先企业与代工企业之间的知识转移模型,从而提出代工企业的升级建议。  相似文献   

张宁 《江苏商论》2011,(11):120-122
群体知识创新是目前知识创新发展的重要方式,SNS为促进知识创新提供了虚拟网络环境。本文介绍了SNS的特点,分析了当前技术环境下群体学习模式的变化以及群体交互学习与企业知识创新的关系,提出了企业群体行为的概念结构,构建了基于SNS的群体学习交互机制。  相似文献   

This article describes a new knowledge and competence management initiative at Ericsson Business Consulting (EBC) which uses an intranet as its main means of implementation. Telecoms giant Ericsson has traditionally been decentralized and technology-minded to a degree rare even among technology multinationals, and the author shows how the development of the EBC business unit reflects the company's recognition of the need for more globalization in business processes, culture, and knowledge-sharing. He concludes by discussing the problems faced by EBC in its first year and the learning points for other businesses.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) as innovation agents for other firms and industries with empirical evidence from the capital region of Oslo, Norway. It focuses in particular on the role of two sectors (software industry and organisational consultants) in stimulating innovation and growth, showing that firms in the two KIBS sectors mainly provide products and services tailored to individual clients and have frequent face-to-face meetings, relationships that may stimulate innovation. Moreover, data reveal that Oslo firms are more frequent users of consultancy services than firms located outside urban areas, suggesting a gap between ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’.  相似文献   

The notion of shared value presents business with a challenge: to generate social benefit and profit simultaneously. This challenge involves resolving tensions/paradoxes inherent when integrating the apparent contradictory elements of social and economic values. Unfortunately, resolving such tensions is difficult due to the habitual, automatic nature of sensemaking. This paper offers a mechanism whereby individuals can, over time, begin to overcome habitual sensemaking and potentially resolve tensions inherent in shared value. The mechanism is labeled inner knowledge creation (IKC). IKC is described and its role in creating shared value for businesses is illustrated through a conceptual model. The model shows how IKC develops metacognitive capabilities, builds capacities to resolve tensions/paradoxes, and cultivates openness to others’ perspectives.  相似文献   

商业劳动包括附带的生产性劳动、纯商业劳动以及管理性、开发性商业劳动,其中开发性商业劳动是最高级的商业劳动。商业劳动能否创造价值需要具体问题具体分析,对经营的单个商品来说,对商业企业的价值总量来说,有创造价值和不创造价值之分;从社会再生产全过程来讲,所有的商业劳动都是创造价值的。因此,"商业劳动创造价值"的命题且具有重大、深远的实践意义。  相似文献   

服务商品与商业劳动价值创造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭畅 《商业研究》2004,26(3):4-6
传统政治经济学认为 ,产业工人创造价值和剩余价值 ,商业工人实现价值和剩余价值。但在市场经济中 ,商品必须经过两级交换。一级交换是产业企业将产品交换给商业企业 ,使商品从生产领域跨入流通领域 ;产业企业得到产业工人创造的全部价值和剩余价值。二级交换是商业企业与消费者之间的交换 ,使商品从流通领域跨入消费领域 ,商业企业在实现产业企业的产品价值和剩余价值的同时 ,实现商业工人创造的价值和剩余价值。商业利润不是从产业工人创造的剩余价值中瓜分来的 ,而是商业工人创造的。  相似文献   

The state-of-practice with respect to customer value assessment in business markets was studied. Familiarity with and usage of nine methods were investigated for a sample of 80 informants from the largest U.S. industrial firms and 20 informants from the largest U.S. market research firms that conduct studies in business markets. Focus group value assessments and importance ratings are the most widely-used methods, while conjoint analysis, though used less frequently, has the highest percentage of judged successful applications. Implications of the results for marketing practice are discussed and some worthwhile areas where academic research might advance the present state-of-practice are suggested.  相似文献   

许缦 《江苏商论》2022,(4):23-27
随着中国在线商业付费的发展,知识付费平台也开始面临竞争激化、同质化、用户流动性增加等现实问题.对此,本文以移动互联网下的SICAS消费行为模型为基础,从价值主张、价值网络、盈利模式和关键性活动这四个方面研究在线知识付费平台商业模式的构建,并进一步结合喜马拉雅的案例展开研究,得出在线知识付费平台商业模式发展的结论与启示.  相似文献   

Economic growth and development remain embedded in the very core of our current international economic system and the so called “material economy”. However, depleting natural resources and environmental degradation, which now threaten the well-being of future generations, has challenged this premise, and placed sustainable development as a necessary objective of business activity and expansion. Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) have emerged as a key tool for governments, businesses, and NGOs to manage the negative impact of their activities on the environment. Businesses in particular play a key role in averting or mitigating current environmental trends given that the economic growth they have stimulated has serious consequences for both the environment and social well-being. However, research on the use of EIAs has been conducted mostly from a governmental perspective producing a clear gap between research development and business (corporate) practice. To bridge this gap in knowledge, we develop a new EIA process tailored to real world business constraints and provide a range of propositions which we hope will stimulate future research efforts toward understanding and guiding how businesses integrate environmental issues into their decision-making processes.  相似文献   

国家电网公司1月12日在京发布我国首个企业价值白皮书——《公司的价值:国家电网时刻在你身边》,以彰显其作为世界最大公用事业企业,"不但致力于创造物质财富,而且致力于创造知识财富、精神财富"的新理念。作为参与白皮书编写的亲历者,作者从社会视角出发,对白皮书的社会意义进行了深刻的阐述。  相似文献   

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