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知识经济时代,知识型员工比例不断提高,如何管理好知识型员工是人力资源管理的新课题,文中根据知识型员工及其工作的特点、目前管理存在的不足,就知识型员工的人力资源管理,主要包括薪酬、激励、教育、培训、职业生涯规划等方面进行了初步探讨、分析.  相似文献   

大型企业人力资源集团化运作的实践与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了GE集团公司、东京电力集团公司和中国石油天然气集团公司人力资源集团化运作的实践,揭示了国内外先进企业集团人力资源集团化运作的基本经验,并结合我国电力企业发展的实际,给出了促进我国电力企业人力资源优化配置的重要启示。  相似文献   

基于内部契合的观点,从系统性、一致性、互补性、同步性角度阐述人力资源管理实践的协同动因.在此基础上,指出授权和参与、激励、沟通、培训和发展是人力资源管理实践的协同要素.在充分配置组织各种资源的前提下,人力资源管理实践应寻求战略层、制度层、操作层的有效互动.最后,提出下一阶段研究包括人力资源管理实践协同机制产生和作用机理、协同内涵、协同进化博弈模型以及协同优化策略.  相似文献   

This study examines the triangular relationship that connects the degree to which a workplace is internationally engaged, the extent to which it innovates, and the human resource practices it adopts. By pooling various years of data from the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey, a nationally representative data set, we found that certain practices, such as variable pay and autonomy training, are more likely to be used in international workplaces. We subsequently found that for an international workplace, the use of variable pay contributes very little to workplace innovation while autonomy training has a positive relationship with innovation.  相似文献   

民营企业员工流失问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国的民营企业在高速发展中遇到了人才流失的危机,给企业的发展带来了很大的损失。本文认为我国民营企业只所以寿命短是因为人才的大量流失。员工的流失,一是增加了有形成本,包括分离、空缺、替换和培训成本增加等;二是无形成本的影响,包括工作效率下降、损害员工士气、商业秘密泄漏、重要客户流失等。而造成员工流失的原因有工作满意度、工作职责设计、工作压力、职业生涯计划因素等。针对上述问题的对策与建议包括,告知发展前景、进行职业生涯管理、用企业文化进行团队管理、建立人才储备库、确立离职管理制度和确立人本思想等方法。  相似文献   

In the recent literature on workplace innovations, two competing views stand out. One strand of literature emphasizes positive outcomes for employees in the form of increased discretion, improved job security, and enhanced job satisfaction. In turn, critics argue that workplace innovations lead to increased job intensity and mental strain, and compromise job security. We address these issues by using a representative data set on individual employees from Finland. Our results indicate that workplace innovations are mainly associated with beneficial outcomes for employees. They are consistent with the view that institutional features of the Finnish labor market may mediate the outcomes.  相似文献   

The relationships between employee participation, equal opportunities practices and productivity are explored. Data from the British Workplace Employee Relations Survey of 1998 provide strong evidence that equal opportunities practices improve productivity overall, and increasingly so as the share of female and ethnic minority employees increases. However, short‐term effects may be negative in segregated workplaces. Non‐financial participation schemes are negatively associated with productivity, but in most cases the joint presence of these participatory schemes and equal opportunities practices significantly increases productivity. Interactions between participatory and equal opportunities schemes are also affected by work‐force composition and by the level of equal opportunities policies implemented.  相似文献   

2003年,我国有两次重要会议,引起了人们的普遍关注。先是在5月下旬,中央政治局召开会议专题讨论人才问题,作出了人才资源是第一资源的科学判断,提出了人才强国战略;接着,在中共十六届三中全会以后不久,中央又在12月份召开了全国人才工作会议,胡锦涛同志和温家宝同志都在会上作了重要讲话。这两次会议,都  相似文献   

Using a unique new cross‐national survey of Japanese and Korean workers, we report the first systematic evidence on the effects on employee voice of High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) from the two economies that are noted for the wide use of HPWPs. We find for both nations that: (i) workers in firms with HPWPs aimed at creating opportunities for employees to get involved (such as shopfloor committees and small group activities) are indeed more likely to have stronger senses of influence and voice on shopfloor decision making than other workers; (ii) workers whose pay is tied to firm performance are more likely to have a stake in firm performance and hence demand such influence and voice; and (iii) consequently workers in firms with HPWPs are more likely to make frequent suggestions for productivity increase and quality improvement. As such, this paper contributes to a small yet growing new empirical literature that tries to understand the actual process and mechanism through which HPWPs lead to better enterprise performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the exit-voice hypothesis by applying event-history analysis to data from a sample of 674 unionized public school teachers from 405 schools. Union participation (i.e., voice) and job satisfaction had significant negative main effects on turnover. In contrast to the original formulation of the exit-voice hypothesis, a test for interaction revealed that union participation had significant negative effects on quit behavior for members displaying both low and high satisfaction.
  The existing conclusions regarding the role of unions in reducing employee quits by providing voice mechanisms implicitly assume that union members actually use these mechanisms. Mechanisms such as attending union meetings and serving on a committee provide opportunities for members to express how they feel about their wages and working conditions. In this article we examine the influences of union participation and job satisfaction on individuals' decisions to quit working for an organization using event-history analysis. Unlike existing research, the present study focuses on member participation in a range of union activities (i.e., voting in union elections, attending union meetings, serving in a union office or on a committee, and seeking assistance from the union) to analyze the effect of union voice on employee quits. 1 We further investigate how union participation and job satisfaction may interact to influence employee turnover over time, controlling for demographic, job-related, environmental, and contextual variables across 405 research sites.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests hypotheses regarding the influence of Quality of Work Life (QWL) initiatives on absenteeism, accidents, grievances, and quits, using monthly longitudinal human resource archival data collected at a unionized Midwestern heavy manufacturing firm for the period from 1976 to 1986. The sample size is 129 months (48 months of pre-QWL measures and 81 months of post-QWL measures). Autoregression procedures are utilized to examine the direct impact of QWL on human resource outcomes. QWL is found to significantly reduce absenteeism, minor accidents, grievances, and quits.  相似文献   

事故倾向与人因管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经过对大量事故的调查研究,美国佛罗里达国际大学管理学教授加里·德斯勒认为,引发事故的因素主要有偶然因素、环境因素和人的行为因素三种,其中人因则是事故产生的关键原因。为此,研究人的事故倾向,避免事故的发生,是安全管理防患于未然的重要举措。一、事故倾向1、事故倾向模型在加里·德斯勒教授关于事故与人的因素关系研究中,引用了美国管理学者埃里斯特·麦考密克(Ernest Mc-Cormick)和约瑟夫·提芬(Joseph Tiff)提出的个人特征与事故相联系的模型。他们认为,个人特征(个性、动机等)是某些行为倾向(例如冒险倾向)和不正确态度的基础…  相似文献   

企业文化与人力资源开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪80年代以来,国内外专家和学者,从一些先进的企业管理实践中概括出一条重要经验,即把企业文化建设和人力资源开发管理,提高到企业发展战略的高度去认识、去实践,因而在激烈的竞争中取得了成功。目前我国电力企业文化建设与人力资源开发管理工作还比较薄弱,又面临即将加入WTO,在世界范围人才竞争日趋激烈的形势下,如何按照江泽民总书记关于"三个代表"的重要思想,加强企业文化建设和人力资源开发管理,对电力企业在市场中生存与发展具有十分重要的意义。  一、企业文化和人力资源开发管理是企业战略的重要组成部分,二者有…  相似文献   

Turnover as a Measure of Demand for Existing Homes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in the turnover of existing homes are often equated with changes in housing demand, but it is not clear if, or why, this linkage exists. This paper documents the positive correlation between changes in turnover and changes in housing demand and develops a search model that explain the linkage. One implication of the analysis is that, for high frequency data, turnover is superior to price as an indicator of change in housing demand.  相似文献   

当前,推进人力资源开发,对于经济社会发展具有重要意义。从系统观点看,从我国经济社会发展的实际出发。需要着眼于人力资源开发的全过程,关注人力资源开发的全方面,增强人力资源开发的系统性。为此,需要在提升主体性过程中推进人力资源开发,在改进管理模型中推进人力资源开发,在教育培训中推进人力资源开发,在文化建设中推进人力资源开发,在人才使用中推进人力资源开发,在市场化的进程中推进人力资源开发,在提升社会资本的过程中推进人力资源开发,在完善机制过程中推进人力资源开发。  相似文献   

A productive workforce depends on a country's educational system, the quality of its health care, training and retraining opportunities, its family policy, its labor policies with or without unions, and the quality of public services. On all counts, a significant portion of the U.S. workforce is in serious trouble. Numerous community cases and experience abroad teach that ideological boundaries in the United States inhibit the formation of new partnerships, coalitions, and forums essential to the development of more productive human resources  相似文献   

图书馆的生存与发展最根本的决定因素是人,加强图书馆人力资源的开发与管理,提高工作效率,利用好人力资源,是解决目前高校图书馆面临问题的最直接、有效的方法。  相似文献   

事业单位是我国重要的组织体系,但在人力资源管理方面出现了一定的不足之处。在"以人为本"视角下分析了其具体的问题所在,包括招聘体系单一、人力资源配置不合理、岗位设置不合理、绩效管理缺失等,对此应当通过优化人才招聘机制、构建人才流动体系、优化岗位设置、强化绩效管理等手段进行改善。  相似文献   

An analysis using British matched employer-employee data finds that workers in establishments operating employee participation schemes feel that they have greater influence over their jobs. Schemes involving broader forms of participation, such as representative participation and briefing groups, are shown to be more strongly associated with greater influence than those of a more focused type, such as quality circles and work teams. There is little evidence of a strong positive interaction between these types of schemes.  相似文献   

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