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人类争取真正意义上的休闲过程其实也是克服各种休闲制约的过程.体育健身休闲日益成为我国城市居民主要休闲活动之一.发展群众体育,倡导全民健身也成为推进"健康中国"国家战略的重要内容.研究城市居民体育健身休闲制约因素及其对休闲参与的影响程度,不仅有助于了解城市居民体育健身休闲参与的制约特征,且对优化城市体育健身休闲空间的人本化建设及管理决策提供一定的指导意义.文章基于929份福州居民健身休闲制约因素与休闲参与的调查问卷,采用主成分分析和结构方程模型,实证探讨福州市居民体育健身休闲制约因素与休闲参与的影响关系.研究结果表明:个人制约、服务管理、人际制约、环境状况和休闲机会是影响城市居民体育健身休闲参与的五大重要因素.其中,个人制约因素对休闲参与的直接影响程度最大,其次是服务管理和人际制约因素,环境状况因素直接影响程度最小,而休闲机会因素则间接影响居民体育健身休闲参与.此外,城市居民体育健身休闲参与还受到五大制约因素之间不同程度的交互影响,从而表现出复杂性效应的特征.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康现状及态度的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
一个健康的心理是幸福的人生基础 ,在学校教育中 ,对学生心理的教育居于整个教育的基础地位。学校对学生的心理健康教育不仅仅是学校思想教育工作的需要 ,也是素质教育和学校精神文明建设的需要 ,更是我们时代发展的需要。坚持对大学生的心理健康问题进行调查 ,有助于有针对性地开展大学生心理健康教育  相似文献   

也论休闲与旅游   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):12-19
本文是一篇属于基础理论研究的文章.由于前驱者的开拓与努力,近年,中国的休闲研究和旅游研究都取得了突飞猛进的发展.但是在近一两年,却出现了一种舆论过热的现象,甚至有媒体炒作出了中国进入休闲时代的"新闻".有鉴于此,本文试图从休闲、Leisure和Recreation等基本概念出发,寻找着国内外研究者的视野,从而提出应该加深对休闲内涵的理解的主张,其中包括如何根据UNWTO关于旅游的定义来认识休闲与旅游的异同等.在廓清了一些模糊概念之后,本论文便转入了中国是否进入了休闲时代的讨论,作者的观点是,判断是否进入了一个新时代,必须有重大的标志或衡量的标准,而就目前中国居民真正拥有的休闲时间、经济实力及其消费趋向来考察,说中国进入休闲时代还为时过早.  相似文献   

钓鱼是一项集运动与娱乐,健身与修养,动与静相结合,情趣高雅的一种综合性体育活动。对钓鱼人来说,涵盖着多方面的文化含量。同样是钓鱼人,有的为了鱼,有的为了钓;有的为了结果,有的为了过程。感受截然不同。但不管是谁,一旦进入钓鱼过程,他就会由起初单一的实用的  相似文献   

从杭州5所大学中随机抽取了400名大学生作为研究对象进行了问卷调查,并结合文献资料、现场访问等研究方法,对杭州大学生双休日休闲行为进行了初步研究。结果表明,双休日休闲活动在大学生的日常生活中占据着重要地位,但存在着质量不好、结构不合理、层次不高的问题。因此有关方面要加大管理力度,正确引导大学生过好双休日。  相似文献   

郭涛 《西部旅游》2023,(18):29-31
<正>在我国经济建设发展过程中,乡村地区的发展速度较慢,居民生活水平普遍低于城镇地区。在此背景下,我国通过实施乡村振兴战略来解决乡村发展的问题。旅游行业是时下比较火爆的行业,充分利用乡村地区丰富的自然资源发展乡村旅游产业,是推动乡村振兴的重要路径之一。文章以山西云竹湖休闲特色小镇为例,深入研究其体育旅游发展的路径,以期为其他地区发展特色小镇旅游提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以Web of Science期刊库中的1996至2022年447篇体育休闲类公园相关文献为研究对象,分析其研究脉络、学术特征、科学问题和研究趋势,从效应、人地关系两个层面讨论体育休闲类公园的规划建设等问题,为未来体育休闲类公园高质量发展提供理论借鉴与应用参考。未来对体育休闲类公园的研究需着重关注体育休闲类公园概念和分类、理论框架的建构、“定性+定量”的混合研究方法等方面,研究内容上既要发挥体育休闲类公园的“体育”主体性作用,也要丰富研究场景,建立符合时代特征的标准体系。  相似文献   

论休闲产业发展与和谐社会建设   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
和谐社会包含着人与社会的和谐、人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐以及人的自我和谐.休闲和休闲产业的发展与和谐社会的建设目标具有高度的一致性,休闲产业可以为和谐社会的建设提供服务,并找到在和谐社会建设中休闲产业的着力点.  相似文献   

本文运用产业经济学原理,将理论研究与统计分析相结合,研究说明两个问题:(1)基于休闲需求结构分析的城市休闲产业发展导向;(2)基于休闲消费行为分析的城市休闲产品发展导向。研究成果的指导意义在于:试图为城市休闲产业与产品发展指明道路。  相似文献   

College students’ well-being is declining. Differences in students’ leisure activity participation have been linked to their psychological well-being. This study examined how weekly fluctuations in leisure allocation (i.e., frequency of volunteer, cognitive, social, club, religious, and physical activities) related to well-being in college students. Students completed weekly leisure time allocation assessments. Generalized linear multilevel analyses showed that time allocation and well-being varied within-people. Fluctuations in leisure time allocation were related to fluctuations in well-being. Findings extend understanding of leisure and well-being by highlighting the unique contributions of within-person fluctuations beyond between-person differences.  相似文献   

Current social psychological definitions of leisure may not adequately capture or describe family leisure. This study used discourse analysis to explore the meanings of family leisure as revealed by parents of preteen children (aged 10-12 years). The data came from a study of 31 families (23 two-parent families and 8 one-parent families) living in Ontario, Canada. Thirty mothers and 23 fathers were interviewed about their family leisure activities, experiences, attitudes, and beliefs about family participation. Analysis showed that family participation was highly valued by all of the parents. However, rather than being freely chosen or intrinsically motivated, family leisure was purposive in that it was organized and facilitated by parents in order to achieve particular short- and long-term goals. One set of goals related to family functioning, including enhanced family communication and cohesion, and a strong sense of family. Another set of goals related to the beneficial outcomes of family activities for children, including learning about healthy lifestyles as well as learning moral values. It is argued that the purposive nature of this form of leisure practice reflects current ideologies about motherhood, fatherhood, and the family in North American society.  相似文献   

Psychological engagement has been identified as a critical factor in the potential benefits of emerging adults. leisure activity participation. Emerging adults. motivations for participation might be particularly important in predicting psychological engagement. In the present work, we report findings from a study of motivations for leisure participation and its associations with psychological engagement. In a sample of 183 undergraduate university students, we found that three of the five hypothesized motivators positively and significantly predicted greater psychological engagement. Specifically, greater psychological engagement was related to leisure participation motivated by a desire to learn and exercise skills and abilities, protect the self (for example, to alleviate guilt by helping others), and because of opportunities presented by others. favorable attitudes towards involvement.  相似文献   


Participation in risky leisure activities (including so‐called ‘extreme’ sports) has increased in recent years, along with a concomitant growth in the related supporting industries, and in media coverage of events and associated lifestyles. The rise in popularity of dangerous leisure pursuits has led to questions about whether these activities should be regulated, or whether legislation should be enacted to prohibit particular activities. Arguments have centred on harm to individuals, and on the potential costs to others, such as families, rescue workers, and society at large. Very little work has been done on the moral legitimacy of dangerous leisure pursuits, and this paper attempts to address this, using a multidisciplinary approach. The paper evaluates both paternalistic and libertarian approaches, and pursues solutions to the moral problem from both utilitarian (consequence‐based) and deontological (duty‐based) perspectives. It is concluded that mature, rational individuals ought to retain the right to pursue activities that have potential deleterious consequences for themselves. While recognising that individuals ought to concern themselves with the effects of their actions on others, the paper accepts arguments based on autonomy, and defends the right to engage in dangerous leisure activities.  相似文献   

The relation between leisure activities and social capital is examined in this paper. The focus is on two dimensions: the company in which the activities were performed (household members versus friends and acquaintances) and the nature of the activities (productive versus consumptive). Data are employed from a time-use survey conducted in the United Kingdom in 2000. Productive activities are positively related to the social capital indicators of civic engagement and helping, while consumptive activities are not. The type of activity matters more than the type of company. Leisure activities especially further people's social capital among groups that are already gifted with high levels of civic engagement and helping.  相似文献   

Public health interventions to combat COVID-19 can be viewed as an exogenous shock to the economy, especially for industries—such as leisure, recreation, and tourism—that rely heavily on human mobility. This study investigates whether and how exactly the economic impact of government public health policies varies over time. Focusing on the leisure and recreation industry, we use data for 131 countries/regions from February to May 2020 and employ generalized difference-in-differences models to investigate the short- and longer-term effects of public health policies. We find that stricter policies lead, on average, to an immediate 9.2–percentage-point drop in leisure and recreation participation. Even so, that industry recovers in about seven weeks after a COVID-19 outbreak in countries/regions that undertake active interventions. After thirteen weeks, leisure and recreation involvement recovers to 70% of pre-pandemic levels in a place that actively intervened but stagnates at about 40% in one that did not.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that there is a relationship between stress and participation in leisure (Caltabiano, 1995; Chalip, Thomas, & Voyle, 1992; Reich & Zautra, 1981; Strauss-Blasche, Ekmekcioglu, & Marktl, 2002; Warner-Smith & Brown, 2002; Wheeler & Frank, 1988). It has been suggested that leisure buffers or mediates stress, thereby enhancing individual health and well-being, because of the self-determination and social support that are experienced in leisure (Coleman & Iso-Ahola, 1993). However, a number of issues have been raised by the recent research, including whether or not the leisure, stress, and health relationship varies by type of leisure activity (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000), exactly why and how leisure (or any given leisure activity) interacts with stress (Iwasaki & Mannell, 1999-2000; Kleiber, Hutchinson, & Williams, 2002), and the possibility that leisure itself could be a stressor (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000; Iwasaki & Smale, 1998). The interpretive study reported here examined a particular leisure activity--collegiate sport--and individuals' experiences of stress because of their participation in this type of leisure. Results indicate that collegiate sport is perceived to be both a buffer and experience of stress. Results also reveal that race and gender are important in shaping collegiate athletes' experiences of stress. Support was found for the ideas that (a) stress is a transactional process (Lazarus, 1998) and (b) research approaches that allow the dynamic experience and contextualization of the personal meanings of stress and leisure to emerge are needed (Iwasaki & Smale, 1998; Kleiber et al., 2002).  相似文献   

This study explored the relationships among serious leisure, life satisfaction, and health. The study sample consisted of 454 older adults from two annual events: the 2008 Indiana Senior Olympic Games and 2008 Colorado Senior Olympic Games. Cluster analysis was used to identify distinct groups based upon patterns of serious leisure involvement. In addition, relations among life satisfaction, health, and membership in serious leisure clusters were documented. This analysis resulted in three clusters, and they were named high/medium/low involvement groups. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was employed to determine cluster differences in life satisfaction, physical health, and mental health. MANOVA results revealed significant differences among the clusters on dependent variables. The findings document significant heterogeneity in the expression of serious leisure involvement among the Senior Games participants. The results also suggest that there are positive relationships between level of involvement in serious leisure and life satisfaction and health.  相似文献   

Engagement in leisure activities during retirement and its relationship to retirement adjustment were investigated. Psychosocial mediators included mastery, self-efficacy for retirement (SE-R) and activities (SE-A), positive (PA) and negative affect (NA). Resources investigated included physical health and finances. Leisure activities examined were social, home entertainment, chores, light exercise, vigorous exercise, and education. Data were gathered from a sample consisting of 243 retirees. Direct predictors of retirement adjustment included finances, health, mastery, SE-R and SE-A. Social activities were the best predictor of a wide range of positive outcomes, including PA, mastery, SE-R and SE-A. Educational activities improved SE-R. Being involved in a broader range of activities was associated with PA, mastery and SE-A. Familiarity and enjoyment of activities were implicated in the maintenance and continuation of activities at post-retirement. Research findings have implications for aged-care and other retirement service providers, as well as for individuals.  相似文献   

Sports events are an instrument of destination marketing for host countries. Over the past 40 years, New Zealand has held sports events such as the Commonwealth Games and the America's Cup and many international tourists have visited New Zealand during these events. While past studies have examined the economic value of such tourism at a generic level, the impact of mega sports events at more specific levels is unknown. Thus, this study examines not only the impact of eight mega sports events upon New Zealand's international tourist arrivals over the 1983–2005 period at the overall level, but also the number of tourist arrivals from participating countries for each event. Results suggest that the 1990 Commonwealth Games, the 2000 America's Cup (yachting) and the 2005 British and Irish Lions Tour (rugby) had a significant impact on tourist arrivals overall and on arrivals from each participating country.  相似文献   

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