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本文以网络事件"不嫁(娶)农村人"为研究对象,选取其中几则典型帖文为具体分析案例,从城乡婚姻观的视角分析了蕴含于中国社会几十年的城乡差别、农民身份认同和农民形象的塑造传播等问题。研究发现,"不嫁(娶)农村人"问题从一个真实的、日常生活的层面蕴含着民族心态、国家历史和国家政策的重大主题,表现了农民这一重要阶层所蕴含着的真实性格的张力、隐密话题的活力与弱者武器的韧性,进一步揭示出当代中国城市化进程中农民身份转变与传统婚嫁观念变迁的时代之惑。  相似文献   

The particular history of French agriculture and the general intellectual environment in France have given the agricultural economics profession in that country a specific character which, in spite of many internal controversies, is illustrated by common beliefs about agriculture and common attitudes regarding research approaches contrasting with that of the profession in many other countries, including Britain. After the second world war, the development of agricultural economics was marked by the demise of ‘ruralism’, an ideology of agrarian fundamentalism, and its replacement by ‘productivism’, an ideology emphasizing economic growth and based on a simplified neo-classical paradigm. The surge of Marxism and dissatisfaction with the results of the policies advocated by the productivists led to a questioning of that paradigm. As a result, major hypotheses, theoretical issues, and concepts too often taken for granted in France and elsewhere should be re-examined.  相似文献   

许崇宝(以下简称许):你现在是研究生在读,学院的教学与你的创作之间是一种什么关系?卢征远(以下简称卢):我本科是在中央美院雕塑系一工作室学习,方向是传统写实雕塑,这一阶段对我来说主要打下比较扎实的写实能力,和对空间、体积、材质等的把握。研究生是师从隋建国老师,当然本科  相似文献   

Many studies have been carried out that measure welfare effects of the newly adoped common policy on banana imports by the European Union. All these studies assume that foreign trade in bananas is characterised by perfectly competitive behaviour. However, if foreign trade in bananas is imperfectly competitive, then the welfare predictions about the common banana policy may turn out to be incorrect. It is necessary, therefore, to empirically estimate the degree of market imperfection in the banana market. In this paper, we estimate the degree of market imperfection in the German market for banana imports using a structural econometric model. Based on the bootstrap procedure, we reject the hypothesis that firms in this market behave perfectly competitively, but cannot reject the hypothesis that firms are engaged in Cournot-Nash behaviour.  相似文献   

In the absence of explicit data that would facilitate a direct measure of the variable degree of control over exportable tobacco in Greece, a statistical measure was devised for it corresponding to the probability that control did adversely affect production in a particular year. This was measured by simulating the supply equations from the free market period over the control period and relating the discrepancies to the standard errors of the simulated values. The period 1948–1980 was re-analysed using this control variable jointly with lagged prices as supplementary ‘independent’ variables. The best estimate of the long-run price elasticity is considered to be near 3 but falls below 2 with a normal degree of control. The normal long-run effect of control on production was near 30%. Other effects of considerable importance were the level of the rural population, weather and trend. The analysis required the use of several sophisticated econometric techniques including Schmidt's formula for the error of a cumulative projection.  相似文献   

Increased inflation has the effect of increasing nominal interest rates which in turn cause problems in servicing debts in the form of conventional loans. Price-level-adjusted mortgages (PLAMs) have been recommended as a means of avoiding debt servicing difficulties associated with inflation. Bank overdrafts can act as effective substitutes for PLAMs and have some tax advantages. Leasing also provides an alternative way of avoiding cash flow problems associated with conventional term loans. Experience in the 1970s demonstrated that the provision of external finance to agriculture was maintained during a period of inflation although the balance of borrowing shifted from term loans to overdrafts.  相似文献   

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