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本文以网站服务相关文献进行计量分析为基础,提出新的商务网站的质量评价体系,对现有网站服务质量的评价热点、影响因素指标、评价维度、评价方法进行分析,结合用户满意度影响因素与网站服务评价维度对应用型网站服务质量评价体系优化,使用定量与定性结合的方式对原有指标进行分类合并,有效降低了评价指标维度。最终为方便企业进行网站评价提供一套科学化的指标体系,提高了评价体系的实用性与评价的合理性。  相似文献   

本文将模糊综合评价法应用于水果零售电子商务网站的综合评价,建立了水果零售电子商务网站模糊综合评价模型,并对易果网、鲜果派网、谷果网、平谷绿色水果网进行模糊综合评价及计算,得出最终综合评价的具体分数,较好地实现对水果零售电子商务网站综合评价。  相似文献   

宿恺  赵鑫  马军 《价值工程》2008,27(6):92-95
分析了我国制造业电子商务网站评价指标体系的研究现状,对构建评价指标的目的、功能和原则进行了论述,并设计出了一套较为完整的制造业电子商务网站评价指标体系的内容。  相似文献   

文章通过对高校图书馆网站进行调研,发现图书馆的网站普遍存在内容缺乏组织设计,网站导航系统没有统一的标准,网站的检索功能不完善等问题。根据信息构建的理论和方法,从组织系统设计、导航系统设计和检索系统设计三个方面对高校图书馆存在的问题进行深入的分析和探究,并提出高校图书馆网站的改进建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对高校图书馆网站进行调研,发现图书馆的网站普遍存在内容缺乏组织设计,网站导航系统没有统一的标准,网站的检索功能不完善等问题。根据信息构建的理论和方法,从组织系统设计、导航系统设计和检索系统设计三个方面对高校图书馆存在的问题进行深入的分析和探究,并提出高校图书馆网站的改进建议。  相似文献   

现代企业制度的核心是公司治理和内部控制,良好的内部控制是企业增强竞争力和提高经营业绩的关键,也是有效保护利益相关者的制度安排。本文以信息观为研究出发点,从信息经济学和博弈论角度阐述信息在内部控制中的核心地位,并基于信息观构建企业的内部控制框架,达到实现企业资源优化配置的目的。  相似文献   

基于信息观的企业内部控制构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代企业制度的核心是公司治理和内部控制,良好的内部控制是企业增强竞争力和提高经营业绩的关键,也是有效保护利益相关者的制度安排。本文以信息观为研究出发点,从信息经济学和博弈论角度阐述信息在内部控制中的核心地位,并基于信息观构建企业的内部控制框架,达到实现企业资源优化配置的目的。  相似文献   

文章分析了常用的几种网络安全技术,提出了构建安全Web网站的策略。  相似文献   

文章分析了常用的几种网络安全技术,提出了构建安全Web网站的策略.  相似文献   

对现代建筑企业分配制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分配制度是现代企业管理制度中的一项十分重要的内容,它深刻影响着企业激励制度的创立,影响着企业的稳定和发展,影响着企业各级层人员的生存质量。文章在指出深化企业分配制度改革必要性的基础上,提出了深化企业分配制度改革的原则,同时也提出了建筑企业分配制度改革中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Enterprises have to be increasingly agile and responsive to address the challenges posed by the fast moving market. With the software architecture evolving into service-oriented architecture (SOA), and the adoption of radio frequency identification (RFID), event processing can fit well in enterprise information systems in terms of facilitation of event aggregation into high level actionable information, and event response to improve the responsiveness. To make it more applicable, the architecture of event processing in enterprise information systems is proposed; event meta model and context serve as the solid basis for event processing; the rules, operators and keys of complex event processing are defined. Especially, workflow model is firstly used to extract complex event pattern. We have implemented the event processing mechanism in enterprise information systems based on RFID, including the architecture, data structures, optimization strategies and algorithm. The performance evaluations show that the method is effective in terms of scalability and the capability of event processing. Complex event processing can improve operational performance and discover more actionable information, which is justified by application. Finally, lessons learned from the application are presented.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术在各个行业中的推广运用,电网企业逐渐实现了信息化运作模式,保证了整个电网的日常运行效率,大大降低了我国电力网络运行的成本投资。但经过长期监测发现,电网企业在实现信息化调度过程中也存在诸多问题,对电网企业采取综合性的评估策略是不可缺少的。针对这一点,文章主要分析了"零缺陷"管理在电网企业信息化效能评价中的运用,对电网工程的施工建设提供科学的指导。  相似文献   

As a tool for management and planning, Enterprise Architecture (EA) can potentially align organisations’ business processes, information, information systems and technology towards a common goal, and supply the information required within this journey. However, an explicit view on why, how, when and by whom EA artefacts are used in order to realise its full potential is not defined. Utilising the features of information systems use studies and data from a case study with 14 EA stakeholder interviews, we identify and describe 15 EA artefact use situations that are then reflected in the related literature. Their analysis enriches understanding of what are EA artefacts, how and why they are used and when are they used, and results in a theoretical framework for understanding their use in general.  相似文献   

经济全球化、互联网时代,信息成为企业市场竞争核心资源。企业信息化过程中,面临各种信息安全风险。文章通过分析企业信息安全建设普遍存在的问题,提出AP2DR2A+ET信息安全模型。在AP2DR2A+ET模型基础上,设计出企业信息安全框架。该框架实现了企业组织与人员、信息安全管理、信息安全技术三方面因素整合,实现了信息安全管理体系、信息安全技术体系、信息安全运维体系的统一,对企业信息安全建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Enterprises are daily facing pressures to demonstrate their ability to adapt quickly to the unpredictable changes of their dynamic in terms of technology, social, legislative, competitiveness and globalisation. Thus, to ensure its place in this hard context, enterprise must always be agile and must ensure its sustainability by a continuous improvement of its information system (IS). Therefore, the agility of enterprise information systems (EISs) can be considered today as a primary objective of any enterprise. One way of achieving this objective is by the urbanisation of the EIS in the context of continuous improvement to make it a real asset servicing enterprise strategy. This paper investigates the benefits of EISs urbanisation based on clustering techniques as a driver for agility production and/or improvement to help managers and IT management departments to improve continuously the performance of the enterprise and make appropriate decisions in the scope of the enterprise objectives and strategy. This approach is applied to the urbanisation of a tour operator EIS.  相似文献   

论企业信息管理思想的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈延寿 《企业技术开发》2006,25(2):45-46,67
文章以信息管理模式的发展与演化为主线,论述了企业技术信息管理、企业信息资源管理和企业知识管理3个阶段的主要思想内涵,阐述了它们之间的演化过程。  相似文献   

In order to aid organisations in the adoption of enterprise architecture (EA) best practices, maturity models have been proposed in the literature. These models offer organisational roadmaps and assessment frameworks for increasing EA maturity. However, key questions concerning the implied meaning of the term maturity in the context of these models have been left unexplored by previous research. This research, aided by the field of organisational learning, offers new insights into the implied assumptions of current EA maturity models and offers initial concepts and constructs to guide the conceptualisation, construction and refinement of enterprise maturity models.  相似文献   

Enterprise architecture allows companies to deal with digital transformation through the proactive presentation and alignment of business and IT in a holistic manner. One important challenge is EA modelling since it is time-consuming (thus expensive), error-prone, and biased owing to experts’ subjective opinions. This challenge might consequently be addressed through automatic EA modelling. We conducted a systematic mapping study to classify and evaluate the research concerning EA mining proposals developed specifically for TOGAF and Archimate. After analysing results, we concluded that the research field is not sufficiently mature and further research on EA mining is necessary.  相似文献   

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