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[目的]测定进境粮谷中截获的检疫性杂草种子的生活力,为研究进境检疫性杂草种子的灭活方法提供基础理论数据.[方法]采用四唑染色测定方法(TTC)测定.[结果]测定出进境粮谷中截获的7种检疫性杂草种子的生活力.其中豚革(Ambrosia artemisifolia L.)72.0%,三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida L.)73.2%,法国野燕麦(Avena ludoviciana Dur)22.0%,刺蒺藜草(Cenchrus echinatus L.)89.0%,锯齿大戟(Euphorbia dentata Michx.)30.5%,假高粱(Sorghum halepense Pers.)美国产100.0%,阿根廷产81.0%,苍耳属(Xanthium spp.)53.0%.[结论]采用种子四唑染色方法测定杂草种子的生活力,不受种子休眠限制,不需摸索其萌发所需最适宜的温湿度条件,方法简便快捷,结果准确.  相似文献   

Marketing efforts can offer firms a greater competitive advantage by overtly stimulating the impact of frontline logistics employees on customer value creation. In such a situation, internal marketing becomes the strategy of choice in both service and product support contexts. A broad marketing mix framework is introduced shifting the traditional application from marketing products to marketing the workplace to logistics distribution employees. Research findings support a multidimensional operationalization of internal marketing. Holistic tests indicate that internal marketing on an interpersonal level is associated with satisfied and higher performing distribution center employees and increased interdepartmental customer orientation.  相似文献   

现实解读发展中国家利用WTO诉讼机制的困难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪文华  黄萃 《国际贸易》2006,(12):49-52
从实践角度来看,任何一个WTO成员,要通过WTO争端解决机制寻求法律救济,两方面因素是必备和必要的:第一,决定启动WTO争端解决程序;第二,有相应能力(人力/物力)来进行WTO争端解决程序.尽管对于发展中成员参与WTO争端解决的现状可以有不同理解,但不可否认,就发展中成员来说,他们在以上两方面存在现实困难.  相似文献   

发展中国家的离岸金融市场:回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李小牧  于睿 《国际贸易》2005,(11):44-48
离岸金融市场是指以非市场所在国货币为交易工具,经营非居民之间的投融资业务的金融市场。在经济国际化、金融自由化的大背景下,离岸金融市场从无到有,不断发展壮大,已经成为世界金融业中举足轻重的部分,更被许多专家学者称为真正意义上的国际金融市场。而离岸金融这一金融创新形式,作为一种产生于发达国家的国  相似文献   

The paper clarifies some issues raised in the basic model of balance of payments‐constrained growth due to Thirlwall and later extensions by Thirlwall and Hussain and Moreno‐Brid. The model is also adapted to include both interest payments and net transfers. The latter variable has become very important to many developing countries and brings a new dimension to the analysis. Very importantly, net transfers are positively related to foreign income and negatively related to domestic income. Thus, the paper accounts for dynamic feedback effects, between net transfers, domestic and world income.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and evaluation of a consumer education intervention model for elderly consumers. Data on the consumer decision making patterns of married elderly were analysed to ascertain the correlates of a specialized or syncratic decision pattern. No differences were found relative to the type or intensity of consumer problems. Additionally, no support was observed for a resource theory of consumer decision-making power. T-test and analysis of covariance suggested that the educational model was effective. Suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This article assesses the relevance of the hysteresis hypothesis for U.S. manufactured goods import markets in the 1980s. It extends previous work by developing a test of the hysteresis hypothesis which utilizes domestic industry output price and factor price data rather than import price data. By focusing on domestic firms' behavior, detailed industry-level analysis is possible, which allows for a more accurate testing of the hysteresis hypothesis than is possible in prior work utilizing more aggregated import data. In contrast to findings in the 1980s in support of the hysteresis hypothesis based on analyses of aggregated import price indices, this study finds very little support for the hysteresis hypothesis.  相似文献   

The allocation of time is an ultimate reflection of quality of life choices. Since the current trend for increased proportions of dual wage earner families will probably continue, data on how they allocate and consume time will help in clarification of this dual wage earner lifestyle on future consumer decision making and behaviour. Role theory is used to organize data on the relationships between consumption of time in the wives’ provider and homemaker roles. The relationship between purchased services, i.e. meal preparation, and wives’ time use is explored. Employment is related to meal preparation time, but not to the substitution of buying meals away from home. The age of the youngest child is important in explaining out-of-home meals. Implications for research and future lifestyles are discussed.  相似文献   

Although reverse logistics has become a competitive necessity in many industries, there is a lack of agreement as to when formal reverse logistics programs should be introduced. The current research examines the issue of program introduction timing (first, early, late) in the context of the automobile aftermarket industry. The findings indicate that firms developing formal reverse logistics programs early in their industries – but not first – may be best positioned; however, there is also evidence that the timing/performance relationship can be influenced by resource commitment.  相似文献   

Many firms have shifted to response‐based supply chain systems instead of traditional push systems. Research results are presented covering a specific type of response‐based system, Automatic Replenishment Programs (ARPs), in which inventory restocking is triggered by actual sales. The paper looks at the influence of organizational structure, i.e., centralization versus decentralization, on ARP performance and information systems capabilities. Results are mixed. Decentralized firms reported higher performance relating to specific ARP‐related goals. However, no differences were found at a more global level when ARP relationship performance and profitability were examined. Even fewer differences were found between centralized and decentralized firms with respect to their information systems capabilities.  相似文献   

外资对区位经济的影响:一个新视角--以江苏省昆山市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外国直接投资对区域经济产生重要影响,这种影响表现在多个层面.过去,许多研究集中于外资对区位经济增长、技术进步、产业结构调整、就业、出口竞争力等方面,而外资对区位关联企业发展、环境保护、劳动保护、能源和土地消耗的影响研究较少.本文以江苏省昆山市为例,对这些新问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Illustrative projections of per capita income gaps between two groups of developing economies and the rich economies for the period 1998–2030 are made on the basis of an extended sources of growth equation which accounts for interactions between trends in capital and labor productivity. The equation takes into consideration Kaldor–Verdoorn effects, possible impacts on labor productivity of trade liberalization and/or astute industrial policy, human and physical capital accumulation, employment and population growth, shifting shares of labor in income and traded goods in output, shifts in capital productivity, productivity growth retardation due to convergence and specific regional effects. Under optimistic assumptions about all these factors and in the historically unprecedented absence of adverse macroeconomic shocks over three decades, relative and absolute convergence of both regions to the rich countries may be possible.  相似文献   

This study aims to reinvestigate the empirical evidence on the long-run relationship of aggregate import demand behavior for the ASEAN-5 founding nations. This study adopts the import demand equation that has been developed by Xu (2002). The results of bounds test (Pesaran et al., 2001) show the volume of imports, activity variable (national cash flow), and relative price of imports are cointegrated in Malaysia and Singapore. However, no empirical evidence supports that these variables are cointegrated in Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. This study provides a relevant implication specifically that devaluation strengthens the balance of trade. Following the Marshall-Lerner condition, exchange rate policies such as devaluation, can used to improve trade balance in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand, but not in Indonesia.  相似文献   

方琳 《北方经贸》2001,(10):100-101
经过几十年的国际化经营,跨国公司越来越呈现生产国际化,经营多元化,交易的内部化和决策全球化的特点。步入20世纪90年代以后,并购是其经营战略的一大趋势,以供我们借鉴。  相似文献   

要实现"减顺差",首先必须正确认识导致外贸顺差持续增长的根本原因.  相似文献   

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