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We find that about 19% of our sample of 149 Eastern European multinationals’ stock returns experienced economically significant exposure effects to the U.S. dollar for the period January 2000 to December 2004. The average exposure of the highly net exporting (importing) industry portfolios is positive (negative). Foreign exposure is found to increase with the evolution of net positions in U.S. foreign trade and with the industries’ degree of openness towards U.S. foreign markets. We also find that foreign exposure decreases with firm size.  相似文献   

By studying the behavior of foreign currency borrowing, maturity, sales and the investment decisions of firms listed in the Chilean Stock Exchange from 1994 to 2001, this paper assesses whether in the aftermath of the Asian crisis of the late 1990s the depreciation of the local currency (Chilean peso) affected these firms’ real and financial decisions. At issue is the contrast between a negative net-worth effect and a potential expansionary competitiveness effect for the tradable sector. We find that there exists little evidence that devaluations cause a positive impact on investment and sales for firms with dollar denominated debt. The maturity structure of Chilean firms is mainly explained by the size of the companies. Large firms will have a debt structure biased to higher maturities. Analyzing dollar denominated debt composition the evidence shows that larger firms maintained a higher proportion of dollar denominated debt reflecting the development of the financial sector in Chile.  相似文献   

2002年以来,美元汇率持续贬值,对世界经济及我国经济产生了重大影响。对人民币实质汇率水平也产生了重大影响,人民币实质汇率水平的决定除了取决于美元趋势外,主要还受国内宏观经济的变化趋势、国际收支的变化趋势的影响。为此,我国应在保持人民币汇率稳定前提下,尽快培育和完善人民币汇率市场,形成机制,增强汇率杠杆对经济的调节作用,推动外汇市场的管理创新,增强交易主体的竞争力。  相似文献   

美元特权对美国贸易逆差的影响探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美元特权的形成使贸易逆差成为输出美元的主要途径,并对贸易逆差起到了助长作用,集中表现在美元特权使美国维持着巨额贸易逆差而不受外汇储备短缺的制约和金融危机的威胁,却使其他追求美元储备的国家依靠贸易顺差和过度储蓄来摆脱不利处境,从而从供给和需求两个方面推动了美国贸易逆差的持续扩大。但贸易逆差的继续发展和未来的调整势必会影响美元特权地位的巩固,使世界经济特别是发展中国家的国际经济活动面临极大的风险。  相似文献   

美元贬值对中国进出口企业的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美元下跌之势难抑,国际外汇市场风险加剧。美元的贬值影响到以美元计价商品进口成本的提高,从而压缩了企业利润水平,容易诱发新一轮的贸易保护和贸易摩擦。人民币采取盯住美元有管理的固定汇率制度,美元贬值使人民币被动贬值。在长期实行的结售汇制定下,企业调整外汇净头寸的能力非常差,汇率波动对净头寸造成的损失是巨大的。中国应加强对未来汇率变动趋势的预测和把握,从根源上铲除被诉反倾销的隐患。  相似文献   

Research has shown that consumers have a preference for goods based on the origin of production. This is important because it suggests that, in some cases, even lowering trade barriers may not significantly increase trade flows. In particular, flows may be lower than are predicted by trade theories such as Heckscher-Ohlin. Despite evidence that home consumption bias exists in many countries, it is only recently that research has begun to examine the sources of this bias.

This article fills a gap in the literature by testing a model that addresses the source of this consumption bias. The paper's model incorporates consumers' exposure to foreign products and culture through media imports and tourist visits as factors affecting consumers' preferences for foreign products. Using panel data from 19 countries, the article's results support the hypothesis that lagged exports of U.S. movies have a positive impact on other U.S. exports. Some evidence is also found of a positive effect of tourist visits on U.S. exports.

Since U.S. media exports may generate demand for other U.S. goods and services, opening up foreign media markets should receive a higher priority in U.S. trade negotiations. Another interesting implication of the paper is that overall U.S. export losses resulting from media piracy may be lower than previously calculated, as the consumption of pirated media products may increase demand for other U.S. exports.  相似文献   


Geographical knowledge about foreign countries is considered to be a significant factor related to the successful marketing of goods and services in international markets-a not insignificant conclusion by experts given the sizable trade deficits run up by the United States in 2000 ($365 billion), 2001 ($346 billion), and 2002 ($435 billion).

Unfortunately, previous research has concluded that U.S. business school students-tomorrow's executives who will make decisions that will impact their firms' international operations-have inadequate levels of international geographical knowledge.

This article compares the geographical knowledge of U.S. business school students to that of business school students in four countries: Ireland, Israel, Mexico, and South Korea. The sub-par performance exhibited by the U.S. students and the impact of six independent variables on global geographical knowledge are used to develop a number of pedagogical conclusions designed to enhance the international geographical knowledge of U.S. business school students and students in foreign business schools and overcome the antipathy toward this subject matter that apparently exists within business schools and their various external constituencies.  相似文献   

This article investigates how outward foreign direct investment by U.S. multinational corporations influences industry lobbying for trade protection in the United States, focusing on interindustry structure of goods sales networks between upstream and downstream sectors and also on the multinationals’ input procurement patterns. If foreign affiliates of U.S. multinationals switch input sources from U.S. to host-country suppliers, U.S. suppliers should receive a negative demand shock, ceteris paribus. An empirical test finds that those U.S. upstream sectors that are highly dependent upon U.S. multinationals for goods sales tend to lobby more as the multinationals’ overseas production and sales increase.  相似文献   

This paper examines the size, scope, and potential implications of trade in high-tech services in the U.S. The results suggest that many service activities are tradable, tradable service activities tend to employ more educated workers and pay higher wages, and high-tech services account for a large share of service activities that are tradable. Service exporters are more prevalent in high-tech industries with larger establishments and higher wages. Within industries, service exporters tend to be larger, pay higher wages, and are more productive. Tradable service activities seem consistent with U.S. comparative advantage and, as a result, less likely to be vulnerable to offshoring. Consistent with this, recent employment growth in tradable service industries is not significantly different than employment growth in non-tradable service industries.  相似文献   

Sustained large U.S. current account deficits have led some economists and policymakers to worry that future current account adjustment could occur through a sudden and disruptive depreciation of the dollar and a sharp drop in U.S. consumption. Two factors that, to date, have cast doubt on such concerns are the stability of U.S. net external liabilities and the minimal net income payments made by the United States on these liabilities. We show that the stability of the external position reflects sizable capital gains stemming from strong foreign equity markets and a weaker dollar—conditions that could be reversed in the future. We also show that while minimal U.S. net income payments reflect a much higher measured rate of return on U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) assets than on U.S. FDI liabilities, JEL Classification F21  相似文献   

陈文玲 《全球化》2021,(1):32-51
本文首先回顾了美元与国际货币的演化进程,诠释了美元霸权地位形成的路径,分析了美元作为经济武器能收割世界财富的缘由。其次,揭示了布雷顿森林体系解体后,美元仍然能收割世界财富的原因,说明了美国贸易逆差的实质。再次,分析了本次新冠疫情之后,美元霸权的延续可能会出现的一些颠覆性变化,以及美元作为主导货币地位的变化。最后,分析了国际货币体系未来会出现的几种情境,以及人民币在这一历史变局中的前景,并提出了中国在长周期应该采取的应对之策。  相似文献   

The central parity rate for yuan against U.S. dollar has risen to new high when the daily floating band for the spot rate in the interbank foreign exchange market is expanded[第一段]  相似文献   


China is rapidly becoming the most important luxury market in the world (Lung, 2005). The reason for this is not simply due to the market size but also to the Chinese consumer's particular penchant for luxury goods. This study will investigate the differences between U.S. and Chinese consumers based on their hedonic and utilitarian ratings of luxury goods and the relationship that these ratings have with individual and cultural traits, with the expectation that a collectivist background will lead to a more utilitarian view of prestige goods. A sample of more than 600 Chinese and U.S. respondents was analyzed based on the ratings of three prestige goods. The results show that China is rapidly becoming a more individualistic nation and that the expected utilitarian use of prestige goods is confirmed through multiple statistical techniques.  相似文献   

央行外汇市场干预与协调国内货币政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国央行的汇率政策目标已演变成稳定汇率的单一目标,央行频繁地对外汇市场进行冲销干预,使人民币对美元的名义汇率处于超稳定状态,这种汇率政策的施行与国内货币政策目标可能协调,也可能发生冲突。国家应采取综合治理的办法,提高人民币汇率波动的弹性,大力发展债券市场回购,以加强对基础货币的调控  相似文献   

经济活动严重依赖于美元致使我国对外贸易和国际储备安全受制于美国的战略黑箱,宏观调控的独立性受到掣肘,汇率政策面临二难选择。出于自身狭隘利益的考量,美国当局不可能自愿改变我行我素的行事风格,所以跳出“美元陷阱”不能奢望于美国当局的良心发现,只有唯一路径———“去美元化”———在美元之外构建一种新的国际支付手段为我所用。构建这种新的国际支付手段的应然路径是联合主要大宗矿产资源大国构建共同货币。  相似文献   

金融危机对美国对外贸易、贸易收支和经济增长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金融危机通过对美国进口的抑制作用和对美国出口的刺激作用,改变美国的对外贸易规模和结构。金融危机对美国对外贸易的影响将首先传导到美国的贸易收支账户,收缩美国的贸易逆差。美国贸易逆差的收缩将传导到美国的国民收入账户,在一定程度上支撑美国的经济增长。所以,美国正在通过对外贸易输出金融危机。  相似文献   

This currency substitution study explores the extent of retail firm-level U.S. dollar acceptance in Canada and Mexico. Employing a stratified random sampling approach of retail business in the border region, results demonstrate that all Mexican firms (N = 300/300) and nearly all Canadian (N = 257/261) firms accept the U.S. dollar in retail transactions. Of greater interest is the difference between firms in the two countries in how acceptance of the U.S. dollar is operationalized. On average, U.S. dollar sales of Canadian border firms comprise just 3.4% of total sales whereas U.S. dollar sales of Mexican firms encompass 23.7% of total sales. Our results also indicate a stark contrast as to the effective exchange rate for U.S. dollar acceptance— Canadian firms typically charge a premium (2.1% on average) while 69.3% of Mexican firms transacted business at a discount (?0.8% on average). Additional analyses further refine the currency substitution distinctions between Canadian and Mexican firms in the sample including a logistical regression which reveals significant differences as to firm-level predictors of U.S. dollar acceptance (whether at a discount or premium).  相似文献   

本文运用协整关系分析和误差修正模型对1979—2008年度人民币双边实际汇率与美国、日本和欧盟对华直接投资的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:对美国而言,从长期来看,人民币对美元升值不仅不会导致中国FDI流入的减少,反而能够促进FDI流入的增加;对日本和欧盟而言,我国国内生产总值的增长率与其对华直接投资之间存在显著的正相关关系;对美、日和欧盟而言,我国的开放度和政策的稳定性对它们的对华直接投资均有显著的正面影响。  相似文献   

朱颖 《国际贸易问题》2006,288(12):30-36
自由贸易是美国对外贸易的基本理念。贸易自由化是战后美国对外贸易政策的基本特征,原因在于贸易自由化每年给美国带来1万亿美元左右的收益。对美国货物贸易的基本格局可以从五个方面认识:美国是世界上进出口规模最大的国家;美国进口规模比出口规模对世界经济的影响更大;美国是世界上最大的贸易逆差国,享受了世界最多的物质财富;美国贸易条件的变动表明对外贸易格局有利于美国;美国进口规模扩大与产业结构升级的结合演变为美国结构性增长优势。  相似文献   

陈炳才 《全球化》2021,(2):27-42,133
中国崛起背景下的涉外金融安全问题,主要表现在三个方面,即资本账户开放的安全问题、外汇储备资产或外汇资产的安全问题、国际支付结算体系的安全问题。导致中国涉外金融安全问题的外部原因是本币不具备储备货币的国际地位,需要从外部获得储备货币,必然缺乏安全;人民币汇率的信用依靠美元等储备货币背书,中国经济崛起也曾经依赖美元顺差;美国可以利用美元账户对资金、资产交易、跨境支付结算等,实施行政处罚、限制、冻结等制裁,乃至剔除出账户系统。内部原因是中国经济崛起,美国要打压和制裁;金融开放如果在汇率制度选择、外汇管制和管控上处理不当,允许储备货币资金完全自由进出而无约束,则必然存在金融危机的可能;国际收支失衡导致涉外金融缺乏安全。解决涉外金融安全问题应从四个方面着手:一是通过货币互换和多元化投资等方式保障外汇(储备)资产安全;二是通过提倡主权货币计价、支付、结算、融资,以及开展相关制度设计等方式建设好交易和支付结算系统;三是把握好资本账户开放;四是做好人民币国际化的基础工作。  相似文献   

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