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The effect of trade liberalization on child labor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question of how trade liberalization affects the employment of children in developing economies is at the core of the debate on globalization. Trade theory predicts that an increase in the price of an exported good could either increase or decrease child labor depending on the magnitudes of the substitution and income effects. In this paper, we study the relationship between changes in the relative price of an exported commodity and child labor using household-level data from within a poor country. In particular, we relate child labor to regional and intertemporal variation in the real price of rice surrounding national and international rice market integration in Vietnam. We find that higher rice prices are associated with declines in child labor. Income effects play an important role in this relationship. Rice price increases are associated with the largest declines in child labor in households that are large net producers of rice. These findings show that greater market integration can be associated with less child labor. Moreover, our results suggest that the use of punitive trade sanctions on exports from developing countries to eradicate child labor is unlikely to yield the desired outcome.  相似文献   

Like many of the other less developed countries, one of the major sources of growth in the Nigerian economy is foreign-oriented. With exports accounting for close to one-fifth of the Gross Domestic Product and imports representing about the same proportion, external trade since World War II has been of particular importance to the economy.  相似文献   

当前,世界金融危机的影响仍然存在,北非和西亚的政治动乱及战争;日本地震海啸的发生和严重的核污染形势都在改变和影响着世界的经济格局.虽然我国宏观经济刺激政策使我国外贸呈现企稳回升的趋势,但我国外经贸企业仍然面临着较严峻的形势.如外贸规模下降、利润空间受挤压、外贸环境恶化等严峻挑战.开展跨境贸易人民币结算,推动了我国与周边国家和地区经贸关系发展,促进对外贸易稳定增长.  相似文献   

21世纪经济的主旋律将是绿色经济,绿色产品、绿色生产、绿色消费、绿色市场,绿色产业是绿色经济的重要特征,也是生态文明及可持续发展对经济生活的具体要求,追求人与自然共生与循环是不可逆转的趋势.本文主要分析绿色壁垒对我国贸易的影响及对策分析.  相似文献   

21世纪经济的主旋律将是绿色经济,绿色产品、绿色生产、绿色消费、绿色市场,绿色产业是绿色经济的重要特征,也是生态文明及可持续发展对经济生活的具体要求,追求人与自然共生与循环是不可逆转的趋势.本文主要分析绿色壁垒对我国贸易的影响及对策分析.  相似文献   

Khusi M. Khan 《Intereconomics》1976,11(11):310-313
A high degree of concentration on a few commodities in the export structure of Pakistan during more than a decade of economic planning reflects the typical weakness of many developing countries in generating adequate and stable external resources so badly needed to accelerate their development efforts.  相似文献   

最近几年,人民币不断升值,受各种因素的影响,人民币升值速度加快,并且升值预期增强.本文通过研究人民币升值的背景、原因的基础上,从正反两方面分析人民币升值对我国外贸企业的影响,进而寻求外贸企业的应对策略,以促进我国外贸企业健康、有序地发展.  相似文献   

This paper models and estimates bilateral trade patterns of U.S. states in a CES framework and identifies the elasticity of substitution across goods, the elasticities of substitution across varieties of each good, and the good-specific elasticities of distance by using markup values obtained from the production side. Compared to the international trade literature, the elasticity of substitution estimates are lower across both goods and varieties, while the elasticity of distance estimates are higher. Although home-bias effects at the state level are significant, there is evidence for decreasing effects over time.  相似文献   

We examine the welfare consequences of terms-of-trade risk in a small open economy in which it is costly for workers to move between sectors. Relocation costs lead to partial labor mobility, sectoral wage gaps and income risk exceeding that of an economy in which relocation is costless. Using observed wage differentials and standard values for volatility and preferences, we find that the welfare cost of partial labor mobility alone is unlikely to be very large, even in the absence of self-insurance arrangements. In addition, modest consumption substitution elasticities significantly reduce these welfare costs.  相似文献   

Dealing with international projects, a reflexion on recent changes of international environment as well as client expectations suggests to emphasize the importance of two additional types of business relationships which tend to complete the “traditional” big international bi-/multi-laterally supported projects scheme: — (a) big international “self-supporting” projects requiring partnership with client or, even, direct provider's involvement (if not investment), — (b) big multi-national clients developing a huge range of projects of all size worldwide, with a more or less developed need of integration of sourcing.The key issue for the providers lies, in fact, in the organisation of relationships with existing and potential clients in those two developing types of complex international operations. Hence, it suggests to re-define the company contacts systems with the client and, above all, the role and profile of the sales engineers, traditionally in charge of these responsabilities.The purpose of this article is to evaluate the environmental changes as well as their impact on international project features and to make a first attempt to evaluate the consequences of these changes on coordinators'/managers' profiles.  相似文献   

本文对技术贸易壁垒对太阳能光伏对外贸易产生的影响和其原因从国内外两个方面进行了分析,国外主要是贸易保护的因素,国内则是质量、技术以及标准化的因素。  相似文献   

International trade and child labor: Cross-country evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the relationship between exposure to trade (as measured by openness) and child labor in a cross-country setting. Our methodology accounts for the fact that trade flows are endogenous to child labor (and labor standards more generally) by examining the relationship between child labor and variation in trade based on geography. We find that countries that trade more have less child labor. At the cross-country means, the data suggest an openness elasticity of child labor of − 0.7. For low-income countries, the elasticity of child labor with respect to trade with high-income countries is − 0.9. However, these relationships appear to be largely attributable to the positive association between trade and income. We consistently find a small and statistically insignificant association between openness and child labor when we control for cross-country income differences in the full sample, when we split the sample into different country groups, consider only trade between high- and low-income countries, or focus on exports of unskilled-labor intensive products from low-income countries. Thus, the cross-country data do not substantiate assertions that trade per se plays a significant role in perpetuating the high levels of child labor that pervade low-income countries.  相似文献   

I study an example of a competitive environment in which trade occurs in a sequential manner. In this example, a country with a stable demand may suffer from trade with a country with unstable demand, there may be too much trade, a country may import and export the same good in the same period (cross-hauling) and dumping may occur. The timing of delivery is important. When delivery occurs before trade (delivery to stocks), trade improves welfare, there is dumping but no cross-hauling. When delivery occurs after trade (delivery to order), trade may reduce welfare and cross-hauling may occur.  相似文献   

随各国对食品质量、食品安全问题的关注程度日益增强、各国食品加工技术的不断完善,以及各国的食品进口准入条件的提高,都使得我国在食品贸易方面面临着更加苛刻严格的技术性贸易壁垒,贸易环境也相对恶化.本文通过分析我国食品出口中所遇到的技术性贸易壁垒,并由分析结果给出了应对技术性贸易壁垒我国食品的对外贸易所需要注意和改善的方面,及其改善措施.  相似文献   

经历了连续20年的贸易顺差,在数年来全球化时代最大的成功故事的赞誉和中国顺差导致全球经济失衡的指责充斥耳际之后,在中国一度将减顺差列为商务领域头等大事的背景下,久违的月度贸易逆差再次出现,不能不令人思索。  相似文献   

After arguing for a computational approach to the theory of international trade the paper presents an algorithm for solving a generalized Ricardian two-country model. The algorithm focuses on the ‘critical exchange ratios’ at which the pattern of specialization changes. In the absence of barriers to trade there is one exchange ratio (defined as the value of one country's labor in terms of the other country's labor) at which production of a good moves from one country to the other. With barriers to trade there are two critical ratios for each good, between which it is not traded. Taking the critical ratios in sequence the trade balance can be calculated as a discontinuous function of the exchange rate; where the balance equals zero (or some given transfer) the problem is solved. The method works with arbitrary demand functions and can handle intermediate products.  相似文献   

This paper studies how labor market frictions affect the consequences of trade integration in a two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms and endogenous producer entry. Two main results emerge. First, trade integration is beneficial for welfare by inducing higher productivity, but unemployment can temporarily rise during the transitional adjustment. Labor market rigidities reduce gains from trade, even though they can mitigate short-run employment losses. Second, consistent with the data, the model predicts that stronger trade linkages lead to increased business cycle synchronization. The strength of this effect, however, depends on the labor market characteristics of the integrating partners.  相似文献   

庞微  周鑫鑫 《广告大观》2008,(4):99-100
美兰德调研对2006年全国卫视频道传播通路的调查表明,全国城市地区17.1%,县级城市10.8%,农村地区42.5%共计约3.84亿的观众通过自备卫星天线接收的方式收看电视。由于这部分观众可以自行决定接收哪一颗卫星,而非被动地接收有线电视网络信号,所以与城域地区中通过有线网络收看电视的观众收视行为有所差异。  相似文献   

本文通过收集2000-2009年北京市对世界主要国家和地区进出口情况、外贸出口国GDP、北京市GDP和北京市人均GDP四项国民经济指标资料,以及这段期间汇率变动情况,构建了北京市对重要贸易国家和地区的双边贸易引力模型.实证研究人民币汇率变动对北京市贸易进出口的影响,并提出了相应措施.  相似文献   

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