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Due to increasing life expectancies and low birth rates, the population will shrink, and its average age will increase in most of the regions in the Baltic Sea area during the next decades. Especially in the Baltic states, population decline is intensified by emigration of people. There are plenty of factors stimulating emigration from the eastern part of the Baltic Sea Region to Western countries, especially wage disparities and differing opportunities for finding a job in knowledge-intensive sectors. However, it can be expected that in the course of economic convergence, wage gaps and structural disparities will shrink in the Baltic Sea area. Nevertheless, this will take a longer time, making it necessary for countries to think about policy options suitable for reducing emigration. Among these, reinforcing structural change and improving overall living conditions are at the top of the agenda.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to chart likely futures of transport and logistics in the Baltic Sea Region in 2025. The research draws on a Delphi study data collection process, which included an international panel of experts. Several sector-related factors are identified that affect competitiveness of the region by 2025 from transport and logistics perspective: fuel and operational efficiencies, technology diffusion, labor productivity, low-cost country subcontracting, under-capacity in road and rail infrastructure, blue-collar labor scarcity, and sector regulation. Competitiveness oriented policy recommendations are presented accordingly.  相似文献   

The article studies the economic growth patterns of the Baltic Sea Region countries, describes their gross domestic product trends, and predicts the future developments. As foreign trade is one characteristic of interrelationships between the countries, the geographical pattern of foreign trade is analyzed, especially emphasizing the linkages between the countries in the Baltic Sea Region. The article pays attention also to the perspectives in the 2025 time framework and ends with some comments regarding the conditions for future development.  相似文献   

This article examines the Finnish maritime cluster by identifying the key challenges hindering its competitiveness. The main bottlenecks for the future are concluded to comprise rising cost levels in relation to customer demand, the need for human and capital resources, the need for financial and scientific support for innovation activities, and the lack of contacts and resources when competing for large-scale international projects. These issues are relevant also for the other maritime clusters in the Baltic Sea Region. Thus, joint policies and cooperation in tackling these issues could support the competitiveness of the maritime sector in the whole region.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,欧盟内部统一大市场建设取得了巨大的进展,但在欧盟能源市场的自由化和一体化方面却收效甚微。近年来,随着能源重要性的不断加强,欧盟将天然气市场作为内部统一市场新一轮的发展重点。文章运用协整检验方法对欧盟天然气市场一体化进行了实证分析,认为目前欧盟天然气市场一体化程度仍然较低、成员国市场分割严重。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article describes the role of health and life sciences as drivers for regional development and prosperity in the Baltic Sea Region. The rapid development of new technologies in combination with steadily increasing data mining capabilities revolutionizes prediction, prevention, and treatment of illnesses. Together with the demographic change, this will challenge the sustainability of regional and national health systems across the BSR. Furthermore, globalization potentially leads to major threats to the health of citizens by pandemic incidents. Due to their dimension and the fragmentation of health care systems and markets, these challenges can be met only with new, multidimensional, cross-sectoral, and innovative approaches involving a broad range of actors and stakeholders. Furthermore, there is a growing need to incorporate health concerns and innovation issues into all policy levels. For the Baltic Sea Region this is both a challenge and an economic opportunity.  相似文献   

Rising gas production from nonconventional deposits in North America and the possibility of growth in the rest of the world pose a serious challenge to Russian energy interests. Although Russia has the largest proven gas reserves and is the number one exporter of fossil fuels, its position as a dominant gas supplier to the European Union (EU) is diminishing. This article examines the main problems of Russia's gas sector in the context of the shale gas revolution and the liberalization of the EU gas market. The article also analyses the perspectives of Russia's energy relations with EU countries and formulates some recommendations for them.  相似文献   

On October 17,on behalf of CCPIT,Vice-Chairman Wang Jinzhen attended the opening ceremony of the 3rd Forum on Cooperation & Development between Yangtze River Delta Region of China and Baltic Sea Region of Europe,where he delivered a speech.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of different actors (European Union [EU] structures, governmental institutions of the member-states, and regional companies with global outreach) in development of the innovation strategy in the Baltic Sea Rim. We identify three sub-regions, which are now in the stage of gradual convergence (“old” and “new” member-states of the EU as well as Russia), and focus on the main challenge to the region today, which is the ability of its countries to secure and strengthen the liberal nature of their socioeconomic systems. This research is based on the findings of the studies undertaken by authors as well as on our personal experience in the development of the Russian innovative ecosystem. It concludes that to avoid technological lagging behind other regions, governments of the Baltic Sea countries should complement the EU policies by implementing a set of proactive measures aimed at promotion of national innovations and intraregional cooperation.  相似文献   

海面地形的确定方法研究对提高双星导航定位系统海面用户定位精度具有重要意义。本文较全面地综合了大地测量及海洋学两种不同领域中确定海面地形的方法及其间的相互转换、比较等问题,指出了海面地形研究中一些需要进一步解决的内容。  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资区域选择分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
开展对外直接投资是我国在更高层次上参与国际分工、充分利用“两种资源”和“两个市场”的客观要求,加强对该领域的理论研究是十分必要的。本文着重探讨我国对外直接投资的区域选择问题。首先分析了我国对外直接投资区域分布的现状,第三部分从理论上论述了我国对外直接投资应选择哪些地区。分析表明,我国对外直接投资的区域选择应随投资目的的不同而不同,总的来说应开展全方位的对外直接投资,不同时期可以有不同的重点。  相似文献   

随着我国新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化的协调发展,中原经济区城市化迎来了前所未有的良好发展机遇。选取影响中原城市化的重要因素作为研究变量,以AB两个地区为实证,通过主成分分析法对相关变量进行研究显示,B地区在城市化居民生活条件上,即人均可支配收入、人均娱乐支出等部分已经具备优势,但在城市化基本状况方面尚存在一定进步空间,可以通过改革提高城镇化率、增加人均绿地面积、增加人均道路面积三种途径来进行优化。  相似文献   

赵艳丽 《商业研究》2004,(24):92-94
政府垄断经营使自然垄断产业长期处于低效率的运转状态 ,因而迫切需要对自然垄断行业的管制进行改革。改革的中心在于调整垄断和竞争的系数。改革的标准是有效竞争。从健全法律制度实现政企分离 ,构造多元化产业结构实现有效竞争等方面提出改革的思路  相似文献   

杨信 《北方经贸》2013,(12):39-41
农民专业合作社是民族地区地理标志产品生产经营模式的主导者,其能有效地组织地理标志产品的生产经营,并且还摸索出地理标志产品产业化生产经营之路农民专业合作社是民族地区地理标志产品品质的保证者,其从生产的标准化和管理的严格化方面为地理标志产品的品质提供强劲的保证,并且还可以避免地理标志“公地悲剧”的发生.农民专业合作社是民族地区地理标志产品市场的开拓者,产品质量、抵御市场风险和驾驭市场销售的能力是其开拓市场的保证农民专业合作社也是民族地区地理标志品牌策略的实施者,其以品牌宣传,产品质量认证等措施打造驰名地理标志,为地理标志良性发展寻找合理的进路.  相似文献   

对外贸易的拉动作用是实现我国十六大经济增长目标的重要保证。但是,反观当前的国内外环境,我国进出口贸易的发展遇到了诸多困难。欲解决这些问题,必须进行制度创新,其中培育城市群是一种可行的办法。而环渤海区域以其特有优势,成为培育对外贸易城市群的首选。为此,我国需要在环渤海区域大力发展高新技术产业,培育产业集群,引导民营企业发展,以及发挥政府的政策作用。  相似文献   

自然垄断行业中政府角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓晓益  廖益 《商业研究》2003,(20):61-63
自然垄断行业在传统理论下采取政府严格管制 ,由此带来了“政府失灵”现象。现代经济学重新解释了自然垄断行业的经济特征 ,为政府放松管制提供了理论依据。在放松管制中 ,政府需要重新改变在自然垄断行业中的角色。英国电力行业改革中政府与市场关系的构建为我国提供了启示 ,要求政府对自然垄断行业加以区分 ,在不同领域充当不同角色  相似文献   

泛珠三角经济圈九省(区)科研能力综合评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在拟订打造“泛珠江三角洲经济圈’’计划的过程中,科技合作是首先提出的课题。客观、科学地评估区域内各地区科研能力,并围绕结论提出一些有针对性的建议有十分现实的意义。  相似文献   

环渤海经济圈生产性服务业发展模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济中心作用的发挥取决于生产性服务业的发展,经济中心带动腹地城市联动发展的经济圈模式已被众多国家或地区广泛采用。通过应用总量分析法、劳动生产率分析和产业区位熵分析等,对环渤海经济圈三省两市的生产性服务业发展现状进行实证分析。结果表明环渤海经济圈生产性服务业整体水平偏低,经济中心生产性服务业发展不足,各省市生产性服务业产业劳动生产率不均衡。因此,环渤海经济圈经济中心应全面集中发展生产性服务业,腹地城市发展优势产业,实现生产性服务业集聚式、差异化发展,推动区域生产性服务业水平的全面提升。  相似文献   

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