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孟宪伟 《商业研究》2006,(12):66-68
立足于我国的实际情况,分析民族企业与跨国公司之间的竞争状况,并在此基础上建立民族企业与跨国公司竞争的分部模型和整体模型及其演化模型。分部模型分为价格竞争模型、产品和成本竞争模型以及研发竞争模型;整体演化模型分为螺旋上升模型、恶性循环模型和维持现状型。通过上述模型分析为我国产业的成长提供理论支持并为民族企业的成长提出决策建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,跨国公司进入中国的股权安排选择发生了较大的变化,新增独资企业已成为首选投资方式.跨国公司股权安排选择是跨国公司综合评估公司内部因素和东道国环境约束作出的战略决策.在回顾前人对股权安排影响因素理论和实证研究的基础上,文章对世界500强在粤子公司进行了实证研究,“企业内部因”子、“产业因子”、“中方合伙人因子”、“东道国环境因子”和“市场定位因子”这五个因子的共同作用影响着跨国公司在华的股权安排选择.  相似文献   

跨国公司内部竞合的决定因素剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着子公司对资源以及知识共享程度、价值链合理化程度、共同功能整合程度等的提高,无论是以双边还是多边的方式,外国子公司之间的合作性越来越强,目的是为了追逐协同效应;与此同时,它们还为了争夺母公司的资源、公司支持、系统定位以及市场扩张而进行竞争.这种跨国公司内部的"竞合"现象的出现也进一步表明了国际市场竞争的加剧,而影响跨国公司内部竞合关系的因素很多.随着跨国公司的进一步发展,对跨国公司内部子公司间的竞合会表现出越来越复杂的形式.  相似文献   

汪治 《商业研究》2006,(6):129-133
中国加入WTO后,对外贸易呈现出崭新的面貌。跨国公司从投资力度和投资规模、投资化或控股运作形式,并购手段、区域总部进入、本土化进程等战略,有计划、有步骤地扩大在中国投资。在跨国公司进入的同时,我国应培育自己的跨国公司,以实现世界经济强国的目标。  相似文献   

中小企业板块上市公司内部控制信息披露影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,我国中小企业上市公司总数和融资额都已经初具规模,但是,在信息披露方面由于受多方面因素的影响,内部控制因素突出,所披露的信息具有其特殊性和局限性,不同于主板市场。通过选取2008年在深圳证券交易所上市的中小企业板块作为研究样本,对研究样本的公司基本制度与公司治理特征、中介机构和财务特征对信息披露的影响程度进行多元线性回归分析,其结果表明,股权集中度、管理层持股比例和监事会会议次数显著影响信息的披露程度,是上市公司对信息披露实施内部控制的主要因素,其他因素并不能发挥显著影响作用。  相似文献   

论保险公司的人力资源管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源管理之所以重要是因为人力资源是保险公司获得可持续性竞争优势和财富的源泉 ,是公司核心竞争力的基础。中国入世 ,中国保险业要想在竞争中占居优势地位 ,就应重视人力资源管理 ,根据人力资源的不可效仿性、高度流动性和溢出性 ,通过持续人力资源开发与培训 ,建立市场经济体制下的用人机制 ,采取有效的员工激励机制 ,使员工各尽其能为公司做出最大贡献 ,最终确立保险公司的核心竞争优势 ,实现保险公司的可持续稳定发展。  相似文献   


The paper focuses on the internationalization activities of Japanese MNCs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) analyzing data on national level considering Japan's modes of market entry in the CEE region and some of the countries in it. Major trends and the development of Japanese internationalization in CEE are presented. Individual mini case studies contribute to the analysis using the experience of several major Japanese MNCs that have invested in the region. The goal of the paper is to uncover the specifics of the internationalization process of Japanese corporations in the CEE region. Main characteristics of the penetration of Japanese MNCs in CEE are unveiled and discussed in the concluding part of the paper. The management implications and conclusions from the study are discussed further in the final part of the paper.  相似文献   

The economies of Central and Eastern Europe were hit particularly badly by the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009. This raises the question of whether the severe economic downturn had any effect on the strategic orientation of foreign multinational corporations operating in Central and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the discussion of the effects of the recent crisis on strategies of multinational corporations. The crisis brought the successful economic catching-up process of the reforming countries over the previous decade to an abrupt halt, shattering the image of Central and Eastern Europe as a growth region. Multinational firms are now in the process of reviewing their original internationalization strategies for the region. The author argues that the business model that guided the expansion into Central and Eastern Europe still remains valid.  相似文献   

This article analyses the competing demands faced by Deutsche Telekom for global consistency and local responsiveness as it attempted to coordinate its human resource management strategies across its Eastern European subsidiaries. It considers the degree to which the former economic and political histories of Eastern Europe continue to influence and/or constrain multinational corporation strategies and practices in the post-2000 era. Institutional path dependency, strategic international human resource management, and international industrial relations theories are used to assist in analyzing the data. The study concludes that managerial constraints associated with the historical and economic legacies of these former socialist countries are rapidly declining, thereby allowing multinational firms to implement “Western-style” human resource management strategies. It further suggests that industrial relations institutions at the European Union level, rather than individual country level, have the greatest potential to impact on international human resource management strategies in the region. Multinational corporations should therefore engage in more-integrated strategic international human resource management and international industrial relations approaches.  相似文献   

影响大学管理类专业《管理信息系统》课程教学效果的因素主要来自三个方面:教师、学生、环境设备。教师方面主要包括教师的知识水平、教学态度、教学方法、教学能力等;学生方面主要是学习意愿、学习能力、学习兴趣以及对教学效果产生重要的影响;环境设备方面主要是教学环境和教学设备。这些问题是普遍存在的并直接影响着课程教学效果,必须有针对性的加以解决。  相似文献   


Various studies on the use of the balanced scorecard (BSC) were conducted in developed countries with relatively stable environments. Nevertheless, research on the implementation and use of the BSC in the highly dynamic and complex environments of developing countries is still rare. The transfer of innovative management concepts to developing countries is a largely under-researched topic. This article examines the challenges of using the BSC in foreign MNCs in Brazil. Based on case studies, we focus on the most common barriers for the implementation and use of the BSC in Brazil and how to overcome them. Implications for researchers and practicing managers are provided.

RESUMEN. En los países desarrollados se realizaros diversos estudios sobre el uso del Scorecard Equilibrado (BSC-Balanced Scorecard), en entornos relativamente estables. No obstante, existen muy pocas investigaciones sobre la implementación y uso del BSC en entornos altamente dinámicos y complejos. La transferencia de conceptos gerenciales innovadores a los países en desarrollo, es un tema que no se ha estudiado a fondo todavía. Este artículo examina el reto inherente al uso del BSC en las empresas multinacionales en Brasil. Con base en estos estudios de caso, centralizamos nuestro interés en las barreras que enfrentadas más comúnmente para implementar y usar el BSC en Brasil, y cómo superarlas. También suministramos las implicancias que ellas tendrían para los investigadores y gerentes en ejercicio.

RESUMO. Vários estudos sobre o uso do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) foram conduzidos em países desenvolvidos e com ambientes relativamente estáveis. No entanto, pesquisa sobre a implementação e uso do BSC em ambientes altamente dinâmicos e complexos, presentes em países em desenvolvimento, é ainda bastante rara. A transferência de conceitos inovadores de gestão para países em desenvolvimento é um tema extremamente pouco pesquisado. Este artigo examina os desafios ligados ao uso do BSC em multinacionais estrangeiras no Brasil. Baseados em estudos de caso, nós direcionamos o foco para as barreiras mais comuns associadas à implementação e uso do BSC no Brasil e para as formas e maneiras de superá-las. São fornecidas implicações para pesquisadores e gestores usuários do BSC.  相似文献   

通过对在我国内地经营的大型跨国企业进行问卷调查,获取跨国企业在我国的社会责任数据,从而对在华大型跨国企业社会责任的变动趋势进行分析,结果显示跨国企业在我国的社会责任履行情况基本呈现出向好的趋势,但跨国企业的社会责任履行情况受经济波动和企业经营业绩的影响明显,而企业的规模、国别和行业因素均对跨国企业的不同维度的社会责任履行情况产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

大学生迷茫心理在高校中普遍存在,亟需重视。大学生迷茫心理的表现可分为学业适应、人际交往、情感与性、求职就业、经济压力、生活适应、自我价值认识、生理健康等八个方面。大学生迷茫心理的影响因素既包括个体特征,也包括校内与校外环境特征;要解决大学生迷茫心理问题,必须从这三个方面着手分别采取针对性措施。  相似文献   

This study develops an integrative international human resource IHRM framework in Chinese MNEs mainly by examining the relationship between the intervening factors and IHRM policies and practices. It confirms that IHRM is associated with a variety of contextual and firm-specific factors, including political, legal, economic, socio-cultural factors, international strategy, organizational structure, organizational culture, stage and mode of internationalization, type and niche of industry, international experience, size of international operation, the reliance on international markets and top management perceptions of home HRM systems. These factors have differentiated impact and are changing over time. It also explores the impact of IHRM policy and practice on each other, arguing that there is interplay between IHRM policies and practices.  相似文献   

影响黑龙江省农村基础设施供给因素包括地区经济发展水平、财政体制以及自然条件、区位条件和生态环境;而需求因素包括农民的整体收入水平、农民的文化素养、基层干部的素养和地区风俗习惯。应制定农村基础设施建设规划,建立均衡的城乡一体化供给机制、上下结合的农村基础设施决策机制以及多元化的农村基础设施供给主体和资金渠道,健全农村基础设施建设监督机制,以促进黑龙江省农村基础设施的供需均衡。  相似文献   


In this paper we analyze the influence of a subsidiary's external environment, of its task and of its mode of ownership and its mode of market entry on the development of its role for the case of German subsidiaries in Central Europe. We define a subsidiary's role as a three-dimensional construct, consisting of a subsidiary's tasks, its value chain activities and its respective geographical scope. Drawing on a sample of 99 subsidiaries from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, we find that a subsidiary's host country, its tasks and its mode of market entry influence the development of its role. We find no evidence for the influence of subsidiary's mode of ownership. Especially, “geographical market proximity seeking”-subsidiaries seem to follow a different path of development than subsidiaries where this task is of minor importance as they tend to perform a smaller number of value chain activities and tend to expand these value chain activities with regard to their geographical scope more incrementally.  相似文献   

This paper explores by means of content analysis the extent to which the Finnish biggest companies have adapted socially responsible reporting practices. The research focuses on Human Resource (HR) reporting and covers corporate annual reports. The criteria has been set on the basis of the analysis of the documents published at the European level in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), paying special attention to the European Council appeal on CSR in March 2000. As CSR is a relatively new concept in Finland, the paper also contributes to the discussion on interface between HR reporting (especially as based on measurements such as Human Resource Accounting and Intellectual Capital schools) and corporate social reporting practices. The results of the content analysis indicate that social reporting practices are still at an early stage of development in Finland. The most reported theme was ‘training and staff development’. A positive sign was that the majority also disclosed themes ‘participation and staff involvement’ and ‘employee health and well-being’. Furthermore, nearly one-third made references to their work atmosphere or job satisfaction survey. However, disclosures lacked overall consistency and comparability with each other and especially quantitative indicators were disclosed by few. Further concern was lack of information related to the theme equal opportunities and going beyond a sheer disclosure of age or gender structure. The other issues rarely disclosed were those related to employee work–life balance and integration of disadvantaged groups in the labour markets.  相似文献   

本文运用数据包络分析法(DEA)对13家农村商业银行2011年的截面数据进行分析,得出各农村商业银行运营的综合效率值,并运用多元回归分析法分析了影响农村商业银行效率的六大因素。研究表明,农村商业银行的创新能力和经营管理能力是影响效率的关键,非利息收入与效率成正比,资产费用率与效率成反比,而资产规模、存贷比、前十名股东持股比例以及营业范围对效率的影响均不显著。  相似文献   

企业生命周期理论认为,企业将经历创立、发展、成熟、衰落四个不同发展阶段。而发展和成熟期即企业发展最快和最高阶段。发展期因外部宏观环境和内部产业结构调整的影响,面临较大经营风险与财务压力,建立实施对自身发展有利的投资战略、筹资战略、收益分配战略十分必要。成熟期企业因规模的扩大、组织层次的增多,会弱化市场应变能力和创新驱动。企业成熟期的发展主战略是变革与创新,财务战略一般应采用"低负债、高收益、中分配"的稳健型财务战略。  相似文献   

实施跨国经营策略,是我国中小企业摆脱国内过度竞争,绕开非关税壁垒,扩展海外市场的重要途径。目前,我国中小企业正处在国际化经营的初级阶段,在面对融资渠道不畅,海外投资企业管理机制不健全等诸多因素的同时,如何克服国际经济危机影响,特别是应对后经济危机时代发展环境的变化,进而谋求自身发展。是我国中小企业面临的主要问题。在后经济危机时代,我国中小企业应从战略全局的角度来规划运营海外企业的人员、组织管理、资本、产品、技术等各个层面,使之适应本土的社会、文化、法律、宗教、政策等惯例,使企业的一切经营管理融入到本土的社会中去。  相似文献   

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