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Recently, debates about uniqueness of emerging market firms’ (EMFs) internationalization strategies were a focus of research. Yet, findings regarding their determinants are mixed, and conclusions on how EMFs’ internationalization strategies can be theoretically explained vary greatly. This article elaborates on the underlying reasons for these inconclusive results and addresses them by the development of a multilevel theoretical framework allowing for a better understanding of integrative influence of institutional, sector, and firm-specific determinants of EMFs’ internationalization strategies. This framework is validated by evidence from Russia, and a multiple case study approach is adopted to investigate the determinants of internationalization strategies of Russian firms.  相似文献   

While the subjects of “relationship quality” and “service quality” are well-researched and understood, a clear explanation of the exact relationship that exists between these two important themes is lacking. In a departure from previous service quality studies, this article uses a conservative measure of SERVQUAL to explore the diagnostic structure of service quality. Next, it investigates the structural behavior of service quality dimensions on the relationship quality construct within an emerging telecom market through a dual-lens theoretical viewpoint. The findings show that, in an emerging telecom market, the dimensional structure of SERVQUAL does not completely match with the result previously generated by the originators. It also demonstrates that by improving some quality indicators, a service provider is better positioned to improve relationship quality. In addition, this article challenges the existing tenet of the S-O-R framework by demonstrating that stimulus factors can directly predict the response factor and that the response variable can play a dual role in the S-O-R arena. Finally, implications and contributions are outlined.  相似文献   

基于企业国际经验的国外市场选择和进入模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谢军 《国际贸易问题》2007,289(1):91-94
国际经验对企业选择国外市场进入模式的影响是企业国际化管理研究的重点之一,然而这一问题并没有引起国内理论研究的广泛关注。为了弥补这个缺陷,本文对288家国内上市公司的国际经营数据进行了研究。研究发现,企业国际经验,特别是决策团队的国际经验对国外市场选择和国外市场进入模式存在积极的影响。同时,规模越大、技术含量越高的企业,越倾向于选择资源投入较大的国外市场进入模式。  相似文献   


This study explores the antecedents of market entry strategy in emerging markets and examines the market environmental, transaction-specific, competitive strategic factors and organizational capability that influence the choice of market entry mode. Empirical results based on a survey of Japanese companies support the combined relevance of their factors on choice of market entry mode in an emerging market. Although most of the mode of entry research assumes that the firm has the option to choose any entry mode in a given market, this study examines the impact of the factors in the internationalization process of firms. The results suggest that experiential knowledge has an immense impact on the choice of entry mode in China, an emerging market with high environmental uncertainty, but also high market potential. The empirical findings also show the important influences of risk-absorption capability and risk-dispersion mechanism on the choice of entry mode into the Chinese market.  相似文献   


This article offers a contribution to the Japan market entry model selection. It critically analyzes the various models such as the eclectic, transaction cost analysis, Uppsala, resource-based, interactive network, and bargaining power models, with examples as they relate to foreign firms that had used some of these models to successfully establish their businesses in Japan, as well as some foreign firms that have failed in the market. Data were gathered from the past academic journals, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), newsmagazines, and other sources. Knowledge of corporate Japan and the society played a major role in gathering data for this study. The aim of this article is not to prescribe or offer a solution for the best-available model to use in the market entry into Japan but rather to act as a trigger for a critical checkup on foreign firms planning to internationalize their business and enter the Japanese market. Since there has not been a specific model designed for a Confucian society like Japan, an integrated model combining all the models together was examined using the market entry in Japan of Vodafone, Yahoo, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer Yakuhin as examples. Finally, the article offers some suggestions on how to enter and expand business in the Japanese market.  相似文献   


This paper examines the experience of a large Australian company, Amcor Ltd., in establishing and operating a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China. Amcor has made a deliberate decision to reject the joint venture option, which has been by far the most common form of foreign investment in China, and to instead proceed with directly establishing a WFOE. Problems experienced by Amcor will be highlighted as well as the ways in which these problems have been overcome, providing a valuable framework for other foreign companies wishing to pursue the WFOE market entry option.  相似文献   

近年来,包括中国在内的亚洲和欧洲新兴市场国家和地区成为了国际资本流入的热点.资本流入带来好处的同时,也给这些国家带来了不同程度的经济风险.对比分析亚洲和欧洲新兴市场国家的资本流入情况表明,亚洲国家和欧洲国家经济特点上的差异使二者之间面临的风险有所不同,采取的对策和受到的制约也不尽相同.  相似文献   

Previous research on how cultural distance impacts the choice of entry mode shows contradictory findings. This study uses a strategic fit perspective to examine the impact of distinct cultural factors as predictors of equity entry scale of Chinese firms. Findings from a sample of 667 Chinese firms demonstrate that the effects of cultural fit on equity entry scale vary across cultural dimensions. Whereas a collectivism cultural fit motivates Chinese investors to secure a high-equity entry scale in foreign firms, a lower power distance cultural fit (“misfit”) leads to higher entry involvement.  相似文献   

Knowledge transfer between headquarters and subsidiaries and the study of emerging market multinationals (EMMNE) are two important and rapidly growing research topics in International Business (IB) studies. This research analyzes, through an in-depth single case study, the Reverse Knowledge Transfer (RKT) processes of an emerging market multinational, more specifically the largest private bank in LATAM—Banco Itaú Unibanco S.A.—to understand how emerging market parent companies benefit from their subsidiaries’ knowledge. Our findings validate important concepts in the IB and RKT literature, contribute with valuable insights to theory generation, and indicate possible avenues for future research.  相似文献   

国际市场进入模式研究:一种网络的观点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际市场进入模式是企业国际化进程中最重要的课题之一,与其相关的理论可谓是众说纷纭,但它们都是从单个企业的角度进行研究和分析的。然而,当今全球市场的竞争越来越表现为在企业所处的网络之间而非单个企业之间进行。因此,企业在选择国际市场进入模式时,应该考虑自身与目标国市场所具有的网络的关系类型,并根据企业自身在该网络的关系类型中所处的位置来制定适合的进入战略。  相似文献   


By developing an international market and significant differences between countries in this regard, segmentation becomes an increasingly important concept in marketing. In this article, the international market of Iranian furniture industry is segmented and cross-exporting strategies are developed to increase the market share of Iranian furniture in each segment. To achieve this, two distance functions are introduced based on correlation between export groups to cluster countries with k-means algorithm. After market segmentation for increasing sales in each segment, cross-exporting strategies are predicted by extracting association rules in each segment based on Apriori algorithm to set export baskets.  相似文献   

As developed markets become more saturated, managers increasingly recognize the value of emerging markets as venues for growth opportunities. Yet, launching products into these markets is extremely risky due to weak institutional environments (e.g., lack of physical infrastructure), making success more uncertain. To alleviate this challenge, theory points to using emerging market footholds that yield market-specific knowledge. However, it is unclear whether knowledge is realized and, if so, what facets of harvested knowledge are effective in driving performance. Accordingly, we used data collected from a survey of business professionals to examine emerging market footholds and market-specific knowledge (i.e., customer, competitor, and logistics knowledge). Our results show that the extent of market presence held by an emerging market foothold is positively associated with all types of knowledge, yet only competitor and logistics knowledge—not customer knowledge—is positively associated with product launch performance. A supplemental sample of new product launches in developed markets revealed the opposite results wherein customer knowledge was the only significant predictor. Viewed collectively, the results suggest a market maturity threshold wherein logistics and competitive knowledge becomes less influential in driving performance, and customer knowledge becomes more influential.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业在高技术含量带来高成长的同时,也伴生了高投入和高风险。战略性新兴产业的风险主要来自于技术、市场、政策和财务方面。正确认识战略新兴产业领域的风险,并有效地控制风险、规避风险或转移风险,已经成为新兴产业领域亟待解决的问题。有效化解战略性新兴产业存在的风险,必须积极加强主体自身的风险防范,规范风险管理;政府应该对新兴产业科学规划,制定行业标准,限制落后产能;提供完善的信息和中介服务;构建多层次的金融支持体系。  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3-4):149-172

The 11th Joint Exhibition of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States provides a focus for a study of emerging market firms' behavior at a trade show. The exhibition industry continues to grow around the world. The purpose of the article is to expand the knowledge about exhibition behavior in different regions. Factor analysis is applied to investigate the underlying dimensions of the exhibition goals, the exhibition selection criteria and firms' perceived problems. Few differences were found between Gulf firms and firms previously studied in the USA, Canada and the UK. Implications for exhibitors, exhibition organizers, and researchers are presented.  相似文献   

This paper study the feasibility of a monetary union among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, by measuring the evolution of economic integration among them. Considering the critical role of crisis and shocks in the integration process within the region, we determine whether GCC countries are characterised by a common business cycle. We suggest a different empirical approach that, unlike previous studies, allows one to endogenously detect structural changes in the comovement process between outputs. We apply a new measure for this region that is based on the time‐varying coherence function. Such a measure not only detects comovement dynamics but also distinguishes these dynamics in terms of short‐ and long‐term cycles. Additionally, we can test whether certain countries tend to be more synchronised. The main finding of this study is that not all GCC countries share a common short‐term business cycle. However, in the long term, all country‐pairs indicate a medium‐level synchronisation in the most recent subperiods. The new role of the United Arab Emirates’ regional trade platform allows it to strengthen long‐term business cycle comovement, thus differentiating it from other GCC country‐pairs that have shown a decline in the last two subperiods.  相似文献   


This article investigates the role of international joint venture strategy of five multinational enterprises in the Russian construction market. Joint ventures play a crucial and specific role for these firms’ strategy in Russia: They serve both as an entry mode and a postentry strategy; facilitate business and guide foreign investors; increase efficiency for further strategy; and help international construction firms overcome the environmental deficiencies. Findings of the article bolster the theory by stressing the facilitating effect of joint venture upon challenges and problems that Western firms meet in emerging market in contrast with more developed economies.  相似文献   

跨国公司进入国外市场的方式是多个层面多种因素综合作用的结果。产业组织理论认为产业组织结构影响企业行为,因而产业组织结构也影响跨国公司的市场进入方式。本文结合中国几个产业的实际情况,重点探讨了促进跨国公司采用跨国并购方式进入国内市场的产业条件。认为,促进跨国并购的产业组织结构特征包括,市场集中度高,市场地域分割,国内外产业发展不平衡,国内外市场分割,国内市场容量大,成长率高等。  相似文献   

研究表明,数字技术的变革对服务企业的影响远大于制造企业。随着越来越多的服务企业进入国际市场,这种影响越来越大,乃至对传统的服务特性以及服务企业选择海外市场进入模式都带来了新的挑战。本文以电子商务技术对服务企业进入模式选择所带来的影响作用为切入点,在此基础上,提出了具体的概念模型,对一些服务企业进入海外市场的内部、外部及其它影响因素进行了详尽的阐述,并得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

本文比较研究了美英日德四国的注册会计师行业准入管制制度,它们具有环境依赖性、严格规定注册会计师资格的取得条件、没有进一步细分注册会计师行业市场、设置严厉的市场惩戒机制等特征.我国的注册会计师行业准入管制制度应提高审计主体准入门槛,协调监管部门之间的关系并逐步弱化政府行政干预的力量,加强审计主体入市后跟踪管理并完善退出机制.  相似文献   

张雪兰 《财贸研究》2007,18(5):105-112
近年来,联合品牌已成为在世界范围内日益为企业所广泛采用的一种策略性营销工具。本文将联合品牌策略置于经济全球化背景之下,在论述联合品牌作用及其机制的基础上,分析联合品牌策略的影响因素,并对企业如何实施联合品牌策略以拓展国际市场进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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