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贸易开放给劳动力市场带来的经济后果是非常复杂的,而收入不平等就是其中一个重要方面.现有关于贸易开放影响收入不平等的文献大多着眼于总体收入不平等程度或技能工资差距,而对性别工资差距的关注则不多.文章利用1992-2009年国家统计局的城镇住户调查数据,系统地考察了贸易开放对不同部门、不同技能水平的城镇劳动者性别工资差距的影响.研究发现:(1)贸易开放对制造业的性别工资差距具有显著的正向影响;(2)分技能水平的分析结果显示,贸易开放对制造业中高技能劳动者的性别工资差距无显著影响,主要是拉大了低技能劳动者的性别工资差距;(3)贸易开放是通过影响劳动力流动和就业结构来影响性别工资差距的.因此,从保护女性的角度来说,政府应该通过提高女性的技能水平等政策措施来促进两性平等.  相似文献   

技能偏向型技术进步必然加剧工资不平等吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动经济学界在20世纪90年代形成了共识:美国等OECD国家从70年代末到90年代末的教育升水(不同教育水平工人的工资差距)持续上升是由技能偏向型技术进步导致的。但90年代共识无法解释第二次世界大战后美国在技能偏向型技术进步下教育升水并非总是上升的事实。此外其理论基础在于技能偏向型技术进步下抑制低技能劳动力需求的腐蚀效应和提升高技能劳动力需求的市场规模效应会加剧工资不平等。本文指出其理论基础的缺陷,并将教育效率和劳动力市场的技能供求关系整合在一个技能偏向型技术进步与工资不平等都处于内生演化的动态模型中。本文证明技术进步率的提升在短期会提升工资不平等,但当教育系统的效率处于一定的区间时,技能偏向型技术进步在长期会降低工资不平等。因此,本文的研究挑战了90年代共识的悲观论点,并丰富了有关技能偏好型技术进步对于工资不平等影响的研究。  相似文献   

宋旭光  何佳佳 《财经研究》2022,(6):19-33+169
流动人口对推动中国经济增长起到了重要作用。然而,伴随着流动人口规模的增长,城市内部工资收入增长差距却在扩大。文章从劳动力技能分化视角构建了一个理论分析框架,阐释了劳动力流入对本地居民工资的异质性影响及作用机理。文章以中国健康与营养微观调查(CHNS)数据为基础,利用无条件分位数回归法进行实证检验。研究表明:劳动力流入对本地居民产生的福利效应非中性,而是技能偏向性的。具体来说,流动人口与本地居民之间的竞争关系只发生在低技能劳动力之间,低技能劳动力的流入会降低工资分布底端本地居民的工资。而无论是高技能劳动力还是低技能劳动力的流入,都促进了本地高技能居民的工资上升,特别是处于工资最高分位点的本地居民。劳动力流入对本地高技能劳动力的促进作用显著强于本地低技能群体,扩大了工资差距。这种劳动力流入更有利于高技能本地人的影响可以通过技能交叉互补性、劳动力流入外部性和户籍制度来解释。文章的研究结论对进一步完善中国户籍制度和实现共同富裕目标具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

在简要回顾各种相关理论,分析它们之间的关系基础上,对上述理论观点进行整合,形成一个概念性框架.这一框架将有助于管理者更好地理解先进制造技术的学习和技能获取过程,从而有效地管理先进制造技术.  相似文献   

本文在技术内生框架下,构建了一个用以研究风险偏好对工资不平等影响的理论模型。该模型的结果表明,受收入来源多元化、资产分布多样化的影响,高技能部门生产者显示出较低的风险规避倾向,将资源更多地配置到不确定性的研发活动中,由此获得高于低技能部门的技术进步率。技术进步的这种技能偏向,必然扩大两个部门劳动者的工资差异。  相似文献   

劳动力市场需求分化和技能溢价源于技术进步吗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文构建了区分技能与非技能劳动的内生经济增长模型,以技能偏向性视角考察技能需求增长、技能溢价和技术进步关系,模型验证技能需求增长和技能溢价源于技术进步技能偏向性,而技能偏向型技术进步的变化取决于技能型和非技能型劳动相对规模、技能型和非技能型劳动相对工资以及用于生产技能密集型产品和劳动密集型产品的相对资本投入的变化。结合我国宏微观经济数据检验并采用数值模拟方法分析技能偏向型技术进步大小及其波动规律。结果发现,欧美国家技能需求增长和技能溢价源于技术进步偏向性的结论在我国具有适应性,且技能偏向型技术进步率呈现出多头W形波动规律,W形走势的右底略低于左底表明技术进步出现惰性特征。  相似文献   

技能偏向性技术进步是发达国家工资变化的主要原因,而发展中国家产权保护的强弱程度决定了南北贸易促进技能偏向性技术进步的方向,进而影响发达国家的工资变化,即产权保护具有门槛效应。文章通过建立内生技术创新模型研究了产权保护在南北贸易促进技能偏向性技术进步过程中的门槛效应。研究发现,当产权保护程度达到门槛值之前,南北贸易将促进高技能偏向性技术进步;当产权保护程度达到门槛值之后,南北贸易将促进低技能偏向性技术进步。利用1995-2007年的数据验证了理论模型中的门槛效应,结果表明,产权保护程度存在3个门槛值,随着产权保护程度的增强,南北贸易对促进技能增强型技术进步的影响先上升后下降,技能增强型技术进步在2002年之前表现为高技能偏向性,而在2002年之后则表现为低技能偏向性。因此,发展中国家提高产权保护程度有利于缓解发达国家的工资差距和南北国家间的贸易摩擦。  相似文献   

利用基尼系数分解框架,本文将功能性和规模性收入分配相联系,统一地解释了收入分配变动的三种模式。研究发现,以自由竞争为特征的"盎格鲁—撒克逊模式",收入不平等源于日益扩大的技能工资差距和较低水平的社会保障;强调国家干预的"莱茵模式",其较低内部工资差距和较完善的福利制度缓解了劳动收入份额下降对总体收入不平等的冲击;"中国模式"体现了转型经济的特征,劳动收入份额、技能工资差距以及社会保障的变化都成为近年来收入不平等迅速扩大的重要来源。"中国模式"造成了基尼系数上升和劳动收入份额下降的双重分配结果,也是目前解决我国收入分配问题的难点和着力点。理清两大分配的内在联系有助于政府采用有效政策手段,改善收入分配失衡的状况。  相似文献   

制造业大规模的技术升级将重塑劳动力市场供需结构和分配机制。理论上,工厂车间的生产线升级会降低对运动能力的要求,而强调对认知技能的需求,由于男性与女性分属于不同技能束,当认知技能回报上升,女性工资将大幅增长。本文利用广东南海制造业雇主-雇员匹配数据的研究发现:(1)生产线升级的确给女性带来了比男性更多的工资增长,于是性别工资差距得以收敛。(2)生产线升级对于缩小低技能工人的性别工资差距的作用有限,但却能大幅地缩小高技能工人的性别工资差距。(3)生产线升级对于缩小技能回报性别差异以及由此引起的性别歧视,起到关键作用。本文从工厂车间的技术变革视角为消弭性别不公问题提供新的政策启示。  相似文献   

不可观测技能回报、结构效应与农村居民工资残差不平等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文尝试在统一的框架下分解出不可观测技能回报、结构分布对中国农村居民工资残差不平等的效应。利用CHNS数据得到的经验证据表明,不可观测技能回报上升引致的价格效应是工资残差不平等持续扩大的主要原因,结构效应的影响则相对较小。同时发现,1991-2009年间收入不平等扩大主要源于较贫穷群体收入不平等增加,而2000-2009年间收入不平等扩大主要源于较富有群体收入不平等增加;政府财政支出和公共基础设施,在一定程度上解释了1991-2009年间不可观测技能回报上升以及由此导致的工资残差不平等加剧,而城镇化和外资有缩小残差不平等的作用。  相似文献   

An integrated framework for the analysis of sustainable innovation policy was developed, based on a combination of the transition management (TM) framework, the strategic niche management approach, and policy recommendations, resulting from technological innovation system (TIS) studies. In the framework, the multi-level view from TM has been integrated with the functions approach from the TIS literature. The integrated policy framework shows that specific policy goals and measures can be found at the specific points of intervention related to (the interfaces between) landscape, regime, TIS and niches. The integrated framework suggests that stimulation of a TIS only makes sense when this action is well aligned with landscape and regime developments. The framework should be used in empirical studies for further testing and refinement.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a framework that integrates the critical success factor (CSF) method into the outsourcing decision. The framework builds upon the generic outsourcing evaluation methodology and uses the CSF method as a means of evaluating outsourcing at the business process level. The findings from applying the outsourcing framework in a retail bank are presented. The research found the application of the framework delivered positive results in business process outsourcing decisions. As well as linking outsourcing with organisational strategy, it provided a mechanism and language for prioritising which processes require attention through either internal improvement or outsourcing. However, the findings identified a number of challenges with applying the framework including defining processes and understanding complex interdependencies between business processes prior to outsourcing.  相似文献   

China has become the world’s third largest outward investor, behind the United States and Japan. A growing body of literature suggests that China’s regulatory framework for outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) is a determinant of the country’s rising OFDI. This article presents a holistic review of that framework, including some possibilities for its improvement. Overall, China’s framework serves two objectives: to help Chinese firms become more competitive internationally and to assist the country in its development effort. In pursuing these objectives, the regulatory framework has moved from restricting, to facilitating, to supporting, to encouraging OFDI, but there are still strong elements of administrative control that make it cumbersome. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) seem to benefit particularly from the current framework when internationalizing through FDI.  相似文献   

本文沿用Anderson理论与框架的区别思路,根据企业国际化研究的理论基础就企业国际化研究进行了分类与综述,然后在从变量和概念框架两个层面讨论企业国际化概念框架间联系的基础上,构建了一个综合性的企业国际化概念框架。  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for differentiating between foreign acquisitions of companies that might plausibly pose a national security threat to the home country of the target acquisition and those that do not. This framework originally derives from the experience of the United States. The framework is then shown to be relevant and useful for foreign acquisitions in Canada and Australia. In each case, Chinese acquisitions of US, Canadian, or Australian firms are highlighted. The article concludes by arguing that this framework can serve as an effective nondiscriminatory basis for separating genuine from implausible national security threats from foreign acquisitions across OECD states, to include all countries around the world.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new framework that generates a list of strategic actions to support successful management of the innovation process as new technologies are taken to market. The framework links different stakeholders inside and outside the organisation to obtain an holistic view of the requirements necessary to develop the new technology. It integrates and synthesises existing frameworks into an inclusive set of guidelines. The framework is then tested in a case study located in a mid-size semiconductor organisation currently seeking new business opportunities in the emerging photovoltaic market. We conclude by reflecting on the usefulness of the model. Theoretically, the paper contributes to the literature on the management of the introduction of new technologies; practically, the framework provides a normative tool for practising managers.  相似文献   

A unique and important application of a comprehensive and practical multi-objective evaluation framework is presented which goes far beyond traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA). It is characterized by transparency which is not always the case for methods beyond CBA. The application is geared to the evaluation of environmental protection forestry with several alternative designs. The framework suggested consists of five key steps integrating orthodox cost-benefit analysis and the analytical hierarchy process developed by Saaty (1980). It is shown to be a flexible framework which can coherently function with a mixture of both monetary and physical units of measurement. The framework is applied to a consideration of alternative designs for the Three Norths Shelter Belt (TNSB) in China.  相似文献   

Interorganisational innovation networks are increasingly important for innovation in emerging technology fields. The performance of such networks can have a large impact on the future development of emerging technologies. A useful framework for the evaluation of innovation networks however does not yet exist. In this paper, such a framework is developed, using elements of the social network analysis literature and the resource-based view. This framework is subsequently applied to compare two policy-driven innovation networks: 1) the Center for Translational Molecular Medicine; and 2) the BioMedical Materials program. Based on this first empirical exploration of the framework implications for management and further policy development are formulated.  相似文献   

关于地方公共财政支出体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国地方政府一直致力于构建公共财政体系,其中心环节就是建立科学、规范的地方公共财政支出体系。构建地方公共财政支出体系是个空间立体模型,主要包括公共财政支出的框架和框架里的内容。公共财政支出框架主要是指横向的公共财政支出范围、纵向的财政支出规模;框架里的内容则主要是指地方财政支出结构。  相似文献   

本文提出了我国农产品流通渠道研究的政治经济分析框架,展示了该框架对于农产品流通问题分析的独特视角。根据政治经济分析框架,农产品流通渠道可以分为经济与行为两个维度,而现有的研究则主要集中在经济维度上,这突显出加强对行为维度研究的必要性与紧迫性。本文对农产品流通渠道行为维度进行了理论上的界定与探讨,同时提出,需要引入营销渠道行为理论和关系营销理论作为主要理论工具对农产品流通渠道展开研究。  相似文献   

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