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商业银行绩效国际比较评价体系的设计及其实证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李建军 《金融论坛》2004,9(9):34-39
商业银行绩效水平国际比较指标体系能够相对准确评判各国商业银行的绩效和由绩效水平反映出来的综合实力以及相对竞争优势,该比较评价指标从银行的规模实力、经营业绩、安全性和发展能力四个方面设计,采用同等规模银行并遵循统一的标准和方法加以量化.2003年资产规模在1000亿美元以上的全球最大的85家银行中,中国四大国有商业银行绩效处于中等水平,其中,规模实力具有比较优势;从国别比较结果分析,我国四大国有商业银行的总体绩效水平在18个国家中列第10位.提升国有商业银行的经营业绩、安全性和发展能力是增强我国银行业国际竞争力的主要途径.  相似文献   

There are many studies in the finance and management literature that examine the impact of diversification on performance. Yet, the literature remains inconclusive as for the potential benefits in terms of risk and return. The present study aims to re‐examine this issue, while proposing a methodological framework that integrates various bank performance and risk indicators into a single measure of financial strength. Using an international sample of commercial banks, we find that diversification in terms of income, earning assets, and on‐ and off‐balance sheet activities influences positively their financial strength. We also find that income diversification can be more beneficial for banks operating in less developed countries compared to banks in advanced and major advanced economies. However, we observe the opposite in the case of diversification between off‐balance sheet and on‐balance sheet activities. Furthermore, the results reveal that income and earning assets diversification can mitigate the adverse effect of the financial crisis on bank financial strength. We continue to find a positive relationship between diversification and financial strength when we account for nesting effects, endogeneity, as well as when using an alternative approach for the construction of the financial strength indicator.  相似文献   

The results of a comparison of international banks using a three-factor multi-index model and a modified value-at-risk (VaR) analysis indicate that the use of options increases the interest rate beta for all banks, while both interest rate and currency swaps generally reduce risk. The results are the strongest and the most consistent for U.S. dealer banks, followed by European banks, and then Japanese banks. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that the VaR approach to risk management can effectively be used by both domestic as well as international banks, although the results appear to be somewhat sensitive to the regulatory environment in which the bank operates.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以后,西方银行开始进行组织架构的变革。以客户为中心、专业化和垂直型的组织架构模式已经成为包括国际化银行在内的西方银行的主流模式。本文通过对几家典型国际化银行的考察发现,国际化银行的组织架构并没有统一的模式,但具有共同的特点,即以客户为中心设计组织架构、矩阵式结构应用普遍、组织架构与战略及环境相匹配、组织形式灵活等。中资银行可以得到的借鉴在于:组织架构不能"一劳永逸",需要不断调整;设计组织架构要综合考虑内外部因素,"量体裁衣";进一步围绕客户设置前台部门;逐步推进业务线垂直管理;考虑对境外机构的区域管理等。  相似文献   

金融危机将加剧全球货币金融体系变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金融危机的爆发及扩散,使得人们对现行国际货币金融体系的合理性产生怀疑.美元虽然仍将保持主要国际储备货币的地位,但相对地位会下降,这为人民币等其它货币提升国际地位提供了空间.由于经济实力对比发生变化,新兴市场国家将在全球金融体系中发挥更大影响力,金融市场一体化趋势不会逆转.金融危机显示出独立投行模式的缺陷,金融业将更加趋向于综合经营.未来金融监管应与金融创新相适应.公允会计准则、评级体系等也需要进行改革.  相似文献   

The relative financial strength of Islamic banks is assessed empirically based on evidence covering individual Islamic and commercial banks in 19 banking systems with a substantial presence of Islamic banking. We find that (a) small Islamic banks tend to be financially stronger than small commercial banks; (b) large commercial banks tend to be financially stronger than large Islamic banks; and (c) small Islamic banks tend to be financially stronger than large Islamic banks, which may reflect challenges of credit risk management in large Islamic banks. We also find that the market share of Islamic banks does not have a significant impact on the financial strength of other banks.  相似文献   

I exploit the 1998 Russian default as a negative liquidity shock to international banks and analyze its transmission to Peru. I find that after the shock international banks reduce bank‐to‐bank lending to Peruvian banks and Peruvian banks reduce lending to Peruvian firms. The effect is strongest for domestically owned banks that borrow internationally, intermediate for foreign‐owned banks, and weakest for locally funded banks. I control for credit demand by examining firms that borrow from several banks. These results suggest that international banks transmit liquidity shocks across countries and that negative liquidity shocks reduce bank lending in affected countries.  相似文献   

Globalization of banking raises questions about banks’ liquidity management, their response to liquidity shocks, and the potential for international shock propagation. We conjecture that global banks manage liquidity on a global scale, actively using cross‐border internal funding in response to local shocks. Having global operations insulates banks from changes in monetary policy, while banks without global operations are more affected by monetary policy than previously found. We provide direct evidence that internal capital markets are active in global banks and contribute to the international propagation of shocks. This feature was at play during the financial crisis of 2007–2009.  相似文献   

In countries where the use of financial statements is minimal and relative accounting debate less intense, domestic practices may gain benefit from being consistently applied. Comparison with foreign experience is crucial. It leads to questioning of the appropriateness of practices that might otherwise never be discussed, particularly where they are developed in such a way as to favour the stakeholders controlling the accounting process. A salient example evidencing the above claims is to be found in the Italian savings banks (hereafter 'banks') accounting for the cost of defined benefits pension plans. The Italian financial system is credit-based. While banks play a predominant role, the financial industry itself enjoys significant autonomy in setting its accounting standards. This is especially so in respect of the accounting for the cost of pensions as savings banks have offered the most significant and almost unique example of employees' defined benefit pension plans in Italy.
  The present article compares some aspects of the long debated international and Anglo-Saxon standards' recommendations with the infrequently questioned Italian domestic practice. The substantial deviations that emerge in the Italian system favour particularly management and proprietorship by allowing a significant degree of discretion regarding the labour cost figure, thereby enhancing the banks' salary bargaining strength.  相似文献   

国有商业银行公司治理结构的特殊性及其改革   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
公司治理结构的所有原则都来源于商业银行活动的基本实践.银行治理结构的缺陷最终会损害银行的竞争力,增大银行体系的风险.在当前面临外资银行激烈竞争的新形势下,建立国有商业银行良好的公司治理结构应是银行业改革的首要议题.鉴于我国国有商业银行公司治理结构的特殊性,其公司治理机制的构建应从利益相关者治理的角度出发,顺应国际公司治理的发展趋势,科学地借鉴国外公司治理的典型模式,通过有效的激励机制和内部控制体系,完善信息披露制度,以及逐步健全外部治理等措施,实现国有商业银行富有成效的改革,促进金融行业国际竞争力和资源配置效率的提高.  相似文献   

目前,国际资本流动影响我国银行稳定性主要通过两条路径:一是通过持有我国商业银行股权,二是通过改变商业银行的资产负债结构。本文运用15家股份制商业银行2006—2012年面板数据,从微观角度探讨了外资股权结构、外币资产负债结构对其稳定性造成的影响。实证结果表明:(1)外资股权对商业银行稳定性影响在不同银行之间存在着一定差异;(2)外币资产负债结构对于我国商业银行稳定性有明显影响。据此,本文从外资股权、外币资产负债结构方面提出了商业银行稳定性管理的建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the novel results from an internationally coordinated project by the International Banking Research Network (IBRN) on the cross-border transmission of conventional and unconventional monetary policy through banks. Teams from seventeen countries use confidential micro-banking data for the years 2000 through 2015 to explore the international transmission of monetary policies of the United States, euro area, Japan, and United Kingdom. Two other studies use international data with different degrees of granularity. International spillovers into lending to the private sector do occur, especially for US policies, and bank-specific heterogeneity influences the magnitudes of transmission. The effects are supportive of the international bank lending channel and the portfolio channel of monetary policy transmission. They also show that the frictions that banks face matter; in particular, foreign currency funding and hedging considerations can be a key source of heterogeneity. The forms of bank balance sheet heterogeneity that differentiate spillovers across banks are not uniform across countries. International spillovers into lending can be large for some banks, even while the average international spillovers of policies into nonbank lending generally are not large.  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行盈利水平和能力研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
一个商业银行盈利水平的高低和能力的大小是保持和增强其自身竞争力及可持续发展能力的一个决定性因素。因此,盈利性是商业银行经营的首要目标。目前,处于股份制改造和实行公司治理结构这一嬗变进程中的我国国有商业银行,迫切需要正确审视和准确衡量现行的盈利水平,辨析其与世界一流商业银行的差距,找出制约其盈利水平提高的障碍因素,因应采取相应的策略措施,尽力、尽快提高其盈利能力,才能达到最终建成具有国际竞争力的世界一流商业银行的愿景。  相似文献   

Differences in firm-level productivity explain international activities of non-financial firms quite well. We test whether differences in bank productivity determine international activities of banks. Based on a dataset that allows tracking banks across countries and across different modes of foreign entry, we model the ordered probability of maintaining a commercial presence abroad and the volume of banks’ international assets empirically. Our research has three main findings. First, more productive banks are more likely to enter foreign markets in increasingly complex modes. Second, more productive banks also hold larger volumes of foreign assets. Third, higher risk aversion renders entry less likely, but it increases the volume of foreign activities conditional upon entry.  相似文献   

International commercial banks, institutional investors, and private investors have become increasingly interested in financing microfinance institutions (MFIs). This paper investigates whether adding microfinance funds to a portfolio of risky international assets yields diversification gains. By using mean-variance spanning tests with short-sale constraints, we find that investing in microfinance may be attractive for investors seeking a better risk-return profile. Specifically, the analysis suggests that investing in MFIs from Latin America, or microfinance and rural banks yields more efficient portfolios. In contrast, adding MFIs from Africa or microfinance NGOs to a portfolio of international assets is not beneficial for a mean-variance investor.  相似文献   

This paper (which was originally presented at the 2001 World Services Congress in Hong Kong, 19–21 September) traces the origins of marketing in Nigerian banking and shows how different economic, social and political environments have influenced the marketing of financial services in Nigeria. It argues that the future of the banking market in Nigeria will, in the main, depend on the ongoing integration of the country into the global market. With the return of the international banks, multinational and foreign companies and missions are likely to favour such banks for their banking transactions. The implication of this is that banks with little or no foreign ownership structures will gradually be forced to concentrate on the indigenous market. Unless the government can put its house in order quickly and ensure a stable macroeconomic environment for economic development, it is likely that market forces will cause several of these indigenous banks to merge their activities or be absorbed by the big international banks.  相似文献   

While the linkage between bank governance and financial stability has been discussed widely, empirical explorations of the strength of this relationship are scant. This paper examines the specific role of risk governance in promoting financial stability in banks. Using hand-collected data, it develops a Risk Governance Index (RGI) to measure the strength of risk governance structures and then examines its impact on four main indicators of financial stability for conventional and Islamic banks in the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The results from the dynamic panel models using two-step GMM method suggest that risk governance significantly contributes to the enhancement of the key financial stability measures. The RGI for Islamic banks is found to be smaller than their conventional counterparts and the regression results indicate that risk governance in Islamic banks has a negative impact on stability indicators. While the business models of Islamic banks have features that can enhance stability, poor risk governance can potentially negate this positive feature.  相似文献   

商业银行操作风险监管的发展及对我国商业银行的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商业银行的操作风险监管在1995年巴林银行事件后开始引起高度重视,至今已有十余年。本文系统整理了国际银行业和我国商业银行操作风险监管的发展历程,分析了我国商业银行操作风险监管从无到有、从弱到强、日趋完善、与国际银行业逐步接轨的发展轨迹。在此基础上,指出我国商业银行与监管要求之差距所在以及未来努力的方向。  相似文献   

跨国银行并表监管与金融隐私权的冲突及制衡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈义顺 《海南金融》2007,9(9):40-45
在金融全球化、金融一体化、金融自由化和金融集团化的趋势下,包括发达国家和发展中国家在内的很多实力雄厚的大银行纷纷走出国门,进行全球扩张和跨国并购,成为国际金融市场上的跨国银行.这种跨国银行的产生和经营给普通的银行监管带来挑战,为了避免对跨国银行监管漏洞的存在从而危及整个国际金融体系的稳健,巴塞尔委员会提出了跨国银行并表监管的核心监管原则.但是在母国具体实施跨国银行并表监管过程中,会遇到东道国保护金融隐私权的法律障碍.因此,由于金融信息披露和金融信息交流所引发的并表监管和金融隐私权保护之间的冲突是不可避免的,为了整个国际金融体系的稳定就必须对两者的冲突进行价值和机制制衡.  相似文献   

This paper studies the international transmission of monetary policy through banks in small open economies using the examples of Switzerland and Canada. We assess the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy for Switzerland and the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy for Canada. In both country cases, we focus on the international bank lending and the international portfolio channel, which make opposing predictions about how monetary policy transmits internationally through banks. Our results on the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy through banks in Switzerland are consistent with a role for the international portfolio channel, but we find no evidence for the traditional international bank lending channel. The results on the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy in Canada suggest that foreign lending by Canadian banks is affected through both channels, which work as predicted and largely balance each other.  相似文献   

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