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薛梅 《广告导报》2006,(6):14-14
2006年5月12日至14日,以“成功,电视的力量”为主题的2006中国电视广告年会在风光如画的北京顺义春晖园温泉度假中心隆重召开。这一盛会由中国广告协会电视委员会主办,中央电视台广告部承办。  相似文献   

2006年10月26日、27日,2006中国手机电视/移动电视/视讯论坛在上海华亭宾馆隆重召开。就在两天前,国家广电总局刚刚出台了移动多媒体广播的行业标准,但是产业链的各环节仍然有许多问题需要厘清。可以说,该论坛的举办恰逢其时。  相似文献   

2006年8月23日,第十五届北京国际广播电影电视设备展览会(BIRTV2006)在北京国际展览中心开幕。国内、国际数百家广播电影电视设备制作机构、媒体参加了这次展览。秉承“通过交流促进融合,通过竞赛推动创新,通过合作实现共赢”的办展办会宗旨,今年的BIRTV主题鲜明,明显体现了中国广播电影电视行业的三个发展方向:高清、数字新媒体和奥运会转播。  相似文献   

电视台收视排名央视优势明显,2006年全天全国卫视收视排名,网民日上网2.3小时,超过看电视时间,中国广告总额全球排第三位,与英国并列,移动、联通2006短信收入超400亿[编者按]  相似文献   

2006年底,央视宣布正式进军电视购物领域,并于2006年12月28日正式开播了”CCTV中视购物”频道。该购物频道由央视直属的中视电视购物有限公司全面负责运营,不过目前只有数字电视用户才能收看。而央视这一行动的背景是:2006年8月1日国家工商、广电两部门对全国电视购物行业进行联合整肃。正因如此,央视在时隔4个月后进军电视购物行业,一开始便引起海内外同行的瞩目。  相似文献   

2006年中国电视收视市场盘点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡倩  饶丽娟 《广告导报》2007,(4):113-119
2006年中国电视市场,在宏观环境上,广电政策接二连三出台,整个电视市场规范和创新并存;在不同媒体行业竞争中,IPTV、手机电视、移动电视逐渐壮大,数字电视走入千家万户,传统电视媒体市场面临更多的竞争;在传统电视市场内,中央级、省级、市级电视频道竞争进一步升级,娱乐选秀大战、独播剧大战此起彼伏。本文将结合CSM媒介研究的127个城市的收视率调查数据,从整个电视市场的收视环境、观众的收视特征、频道竞争、节目竞争与发展特点等方面——对2006年的中国电视收视市场进行全景式的分析与盘点。[第一段]  相似文献   

楚桥  刘婷 《广告导报》2007,(4):107-110
对于中国的电视人而言,恐怕再没有比品牌更能让他们兴奋而又乐此不疲的东西了。有人说,中国电视已经全面进入战国时代,在这烽烟四起的市场中,品牌不再是锦上添花的虚词,不再是拉拢投资的幌子,而很大程度上,就是决胜的关键。2006年10月20日,在由中国报业网、人民网传媒频道、中国广告协会报委会、《广告导报》等多家机构联合主办的“中国品牌媒体100强”评选中,福建东南卫视与中央电视台、凤凰卫视、东方卫视等其他九家卫视一道入选“中国十强电视品牌媒体”,在中国电视的品牌大战中,福建东南卫视脱颖而出。[编者按]  相似文献   

饕餮盛宴缘何来? 2005年,湖南卫视乘《超级女声》获得空前成功之胜势,于12月31日辞旧迎新的跨年之夜举办“2005—2006快乐中国跨年演唱会”,长达5个小时的High歌盛宴引爆全国电视荧屏,由此揭开了中国电视台跨年演唱会的第一幕。2010年12月31日的跨年之夜,从中央到地方,  相似文献   

(北京,2006年8月20日)7月1日,中国领先的市场研究公司CTR市场研究,正式推出中国最大的市场信息情报服务项目:CTR媒介智讯——新闻监测。这项新服务将包括电视、电台、报纸和网络在内的各个媒体的监测,为广告主、公关公司、广告公司、媒体等提供快速、全面、专业化的市场信息情报服务。  相似文献   

2006年2月9日的下午,美国有线电视服务公司与尼尔森媒介调查结构公布了联合调查的结果。调查显示:观看时移电视可能会削弱受众对电视中广告的印象,但交互式多媒体视频点播系统却不会使传统电视的收视率下降。  相似文献   

萧易寒 《广告大观》2006,(3S):138-140
我不知道自己在新的单位会坚持多久,反正还是那句话,高兴了就留,不高兴了就走。我的工作我做主。[编者按]  相似文献   

自2002年以来,别克售后服务每年都会配合长假出游或是季节特色,推出4-5次免费检测服务。2004年8月1日至8月31日,上海通用汽车的售后服务品牌“别克关怀”全情推出“温情赛欧月”主题活动。届时,全国近250家别克授权售后服务中心的技术顾问将坐堂会诊,为所有赛欧车主进行免费检测和发动机仓清洁。作为  相似文献   

黄升民 《广告大观》2005,(11):118-119
2005年对于中国广告业来说是非常重要的一年。  相似文献   

2005年1-10月,国内轿年销售达到225.65万辆,比04年同期增长了24.8%。按照这一趋势.05年国产轿车销量可望达到260多万辆.再创历史新高。  相似文献   

While most acknowledge the cost savings associated with more efficient buying, lower purchase costs alone are not an adequate measure of world-class procurement management. To focus solely on cost savings, we believe, falls short of excellence in sourcing and supplier management. Firms that buy “smarter” achieve lower costs and leverage supply market opportunities to accomplish corporate goals. While the importance of cost savings is acknowledged, this paper argues that other “above the line” metrics deserve attention. This paper accomplishes two related goals. First, 10 principles that lead to effective sourcing and supplier management are presented and discussed. Second, a set of parallel data is used to add credibility to our normative presentation. The findings suggest that high performing supply chains do, in fact, support the tenets of more effective sourcing and supplier management. Implications for managers are presented as well.  相似文献   

无论在世界哪一个国家,提到名车,人们都会想到那个形侯方向盘的标记——梅赛德斯-奔驰,然而联想到的汽车形象却多是那些豪华的轿车,诸如梅赛德斯-奔驰S500、S600等车型。其实,作为世界最著名的汽车品牌,梅赛德斯-奔驰旗下丰富的产品系列可以满足陆路交通最广泛的需求,而其中相当具有代表性的车型,正是它的轻型乘用客车-梅赛德斯-奔驰 凌特(Mercedes-Benz Sprinter)。  相似文献   

In the United States, entrepreneurs have been cussed and discussed, glorified and vilified, declared to be social misfits and bastions of the private enterprise system. Early in the life cycle of an entrepreneur, he or she may have been classified as being “unable to relate to family or peers,” later as “unwilling and unable to submit to or work with authority” to “jungle fighter” to “robber barron” to “philanthropist.” 5A common but incorrect assumption is that if one cannot adjust to the corporate environment, he or she should pursue an entrepreneurial career. Whether or not one can adjust does not preclude the necessity for the development of the skills and techniques required of a competent executive. The authors hypothesize that an entrepreneur must be a capable executive, and in addition, must possess a number of psychological characteristics to a greater or lesser degree than their corporate counterparts.This does not imply that all entrepreneurs are alike any more than all managers or executives are alike. Nor that the presence of a higher or lower level of a psychological trait or characteristic is itself sufficient for success. There are a number of sociological, psychological, demographic, and economic factors that appear to impact on the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations. Although neither the absolute level of the impact of a psychological trait nor the interrelationship of the combined factors on the final decision-making process are known, research has indicated that significant differences in the intensity level of psychological traits or characteristics exist between entrepreneurs and managers or executives.This article discusses those traits that entrepreneurs exhibit at significantly different levels than do their corporate counterparts; how these factors may influence the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations: and how these same traits have the propensity, if ignored, to have a negative influence on both the entrepreneur's organization and personal life-style.Entrepreneurs tend to be 1) tolerant of ambiguous situations, 2) prefer autonomy (autonomy may be described as self-reliance, dominance, and independence), 3) resist conformity, 4) be interpersonally aloof yet socially adroit, 5) enjoy risk-taking, 6) adapt readily to change, and 7) have a low need for support. These factors can lead to serious problems in delegation and communication, two factors of paramount importance to a growing concern. They may also cause intense stress or loneliness for the entrepreneur. Fortunately, the traits of willingness to accept change and ability to adapt to it will help the entrepreneur to accept and respond to problems that arise due to poor delegation or communication. Coping methods and a tolerance of ambiguity will assist the entrepreneur in dealing with stress and loneliness. The main problem is to alert the entrepreneur to the potentiality of these problems—which is what this article attempts to do.  相似文献   

轿车是人们方便出行的工具,但是现代的轿车越来越成为高科技的集大成者.成为一种文化的载体、张扬个性的介质体味乐趣的玩具.而又必须是行驶中保卫生命的守护神……于是.人们不停地在众多汽车品牌车型之间进行挑选.寻找自己的至爱.直到挑得眼花缭乱精疲力尽.诱惑太多了,难以取言.最终无所适从。于是我们就有了工作,不停地向大家介绍一款新的新车.帮你下定最后的决心。如果你现在想购买一款价格在12-18万元之间的中级轿车,那么就又有了一个新的诱惑——福特福克斯。  相似文献   

Europeans have a tendency to call the financial crisis a US problem, or a crisis precipitated by the “Anglo-Saxon” model. The data suggest otherwise. Moreover, the corporate sector in Europe has a much lower capacity to finance investment from internal sources of funds, which implies that a recovery of investment in Europe will be much more difficult than in the USA, as long as the banking sector remains weakened by excessive levels of leverage. The cost of the crisis could thus be much larger in Europe than in the USA.  相似文献   

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