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This study investigates whether the eight ancient principles of Javanese statesmanship (Asta Brata), can be employed as the basis for analysing managerial leadership excellence in Javanese organizations. Factor analysis, regression modelling and structural modelling are used to explain what constitutes leadership excellence in Javanese organizations. These findings based on the perceptions of 312 Javanese managers suggest they favour a paternalistic leadership style that is nurturing but not authoritative. This study highlights the importance of understanding Indonesia’s bapak-ism, or reverence for the leader as a father figure, and its familial orientation of interdependency between management and employees.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore excellence in leadership in Thailand, a nation that has strong roots in Theravada Buddhism. Summated scales and a structural model were constructed to explain the relationships between the excellences in leadership constructs. A sample frame of 401 Thai managers employed in organizations in Bangkok, North Thailand, and East Thailand participated in this research. The findings suggest that there are strong cultural factors such as non-confrontation, respect, and deference for authority mediating the perceptions of Thai managers with regards to perceptions of an excellent leader. Age and gender are also demonstrated as key differentiating factors in the perceptions of Thai managers.  相似文献   

In light of a series of ethical scandals in China in recent years, this research aims to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure ethical leadership, namely the “ethical leadership measure (ELM).” Our results show that ELM is strongly and positively correlated with scales for authentic leadership, ethical leadership, idealized influence, and a recently-developed leadership virtues questionnaire (LVQ); and negatively correlated with laissez-faire leadership and passive management by exception. ELM is also found to be positively related to followers’ job satisfaction, affective commitment, trust in leader, organizational citizenship behavior, and moral identity, and negatively related to followers’ intention to quit.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines how financial crises impede or support venture capital (VC) development in the context of Indonesia and the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis (AFC). Using a mixed-methods research methodology, the study finds that financial crises have divergent effects on VC development. Financial crises support VC development through accelerated VC practise diffusion, but impede that development by slowing VC enabling conditions. The effects of the substantial macro institutional changes often associated with financial crises are insufficient to overcome these impediments, resulting in a smaller VC industry.  相似文献   

This study examines a comprehensive model comprising of various relationships between transformational and transactional leadership, knowledge management (KM) process, and organizational performance. Data are collected from human resource managers and general managers working in 119 service firms. Exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical regression analysis are used to analyze the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that transformational leadership has strong and positive effects on KM process and organizational performance after controlling for the effects of transactional leadership. Further, KM process partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance after controlling for the effects of transactional leadership. Implications and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   


Japan, South Korea and China are the three juggernauts of the East Asian economy. In gross domestic product terms, China is the world’s second largest economy, Japan the third and South Korea the eleventh. Also, Japan and South Korea are the only two of the OECD’s prestigious Development Assistance Committee members from Asia, providing a large combined annual budget to developing countries, and the only two Asian countries of the seven-member 50–20 Club with members with a population of 50 million or more and a per capita GDP of US$20,000 or more. Many studies have offered explanations of this Asian economic and corporate success, although few have attempted to explain the leadership styles in these three countries. Globalization has also changed these economies enormously, leading to the possible convergence with universalism forces and commensurate globalization of their leadership styles. This collection, therefore, presents some of the most recent findings of leadership studies on Japan, South Korea and China in light of this.  相似文献   


Whether or not successful CEOs can make themselves competent political leaders has been a concern within the field of management studies. The fact that capitalist democracy depends largely on a close orchestration between the capitalist class and political leaders has also instigated many studies on the exact nature of such bi-partite relationships between the two groups. The number of the cross-border CEOs who expand their horizons into politics has been on the rise in East Asia, as both historical and contemporary examples indicate. A new trend of the cross-border CEOs invites us to examine historical patterns to confirm how widespread the phenomenon has been since the expansion of capitalist democracies. This study offers a limited historical comparison between Japanese and South Korean cross-border CEOs using an illustrative historical case of Aoki Ichigorô, who mass mobilized the farmers movement against the US military base in Japan and a contemporary case of Ahn Cheol-soo, who unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in 2017. We find that CEOs can be successful as political leaders if they can promote networking leadership styles for both business and politics.  相似文献   

Customer value analysis and management is a key theoretical and empirical issue in marketing management and strategic management. However, little is known about the influence of customer benefit on customer value from the microfoundations of the dynamic capabilities perspective. Currently, a boom in online video and music streaming services is changing the entertainment industry structure. Thus, marketing managers in the fast‐growing streaming services industry should have dynamic managerial capabilities to anticipate other service elements that customers consider valuable. Based on managerial cognitive dynamic capabilities, this research explored the influences of customer‐perceived functional benefit, experiential benefit, financial benefit, and psychosocial benefit on perceived instrumental and terminal values. General linear model (GLM) and fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) were conducted to gain a more nuanced understanding of how different customers’ perceived benefits have different impacts on perceived value. The findings illuminate complex benefit configurations that drive perceived instrumental and terminal values and contribute to the development of value creation and its drivers. The proposed framework can help managers develop managerial cognitive dynamic capabilities by increasing their understanding of the impact of different perceived benefits on value creation for different types of customers.  相似文献   


Many management and leadership studies have traditionally been dominated by Western theories, perspectives and cases. Non-Western leadership requires additional caveats in arriving at generalizations. The theoretical trap of conceiving Asian corporations either as irrelevant concerning leadership effectiveness or as maintaining only culturally determined leadership derives from the lack of historical understanding of Asian cases. Our collection used both historical and contemporary cases of Japan, South Korea and China to show that these Asian economies have tried to some extent balance their traditional norms and values of leadership with those from the West. A key to understanding Asia is that all three countries have historically pursued leadership mandates in running both public and private corporations, although ‘corrupt’ leadership practices were also rampant during different historical periods. Further studies of leadership in non-Western cases are necessary to devise methodological and theoretical alternatives to Western-centric perspectives. In our collection, we analysed how a dynamic and evolutionary view of leadership fared in its attempt to clarify some of the conundrums surrounding East Asian leadership. From our results, it is indicated that historical and comparative methods must accompany any analysis of leadership.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the links between knowledge-oriented leadership, open innovation and knowledge management in the international business context. Open innovation has become crucial for an increasing number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) to gain and maintain competitive advantage and become a market leader. Despite the recent proliferation of papers dealing with open innovation practices of MNEs, there is limited work investigating the role of knowledge management (KM) capability on the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. Given MNEs’ growing interest in open innovation, the lack of research on knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability in the open innovation context is a significant research gap in our knowledge. In response, we conducted a study on the mediating role of KM capability in the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation (inbound and outbound), using data collected from 172 subsidiaries of MNEs based in France. A structural equation modelling approach is employed to study the impact of the latent variables associated with knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability on open innovation. The results indicate that higher levels of knowledge-oriented leadership can lead to enhanced KM capability and improved open innovation outcomes. That is, knowledge-oriented leadership has a direct, positive impact on KM capability and open innovation. Also, KM capability is found to mediate the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. This study provides useful insights for managers who wish to enhance open innovation activities in MNEs, and offers useful guidance to international business scholars, encouraging further research in this area.  相似文献   

Opinion leaders propel the diffusion of innovation and exert a significant influence on the marketplace. This influence is especially pronounced during adolescence, a period marked by increasing reliance on peers and the emergence of a tension between two countervailing needs: assimilation and individuation. A survey of 1142 adolescents reveals that these developmental needs affect adolescent opinion leadership in the critical clothing market. Adolescent opinion leadership relies on a balance between desires for assimilation (i.e., centrality within the peer network) and individuation (i.e., need for uniqueness); adolescents' susceptibility to peers' normative influence and gender moderate these relationships. Adolescents who occupy central positions within their peer network tend to be opinion leaders, though only if they are not susceptible to normative influence. Position within the peer network is a key for girls, whereas need for uniqueness is a key for boys. These differences implicate different approaches for managers targeting adolescent males and females.  相似文献   


Asia, despite its financial crisis, continues to be a region of significant economic potential. Unfortunately, ongoing frictions with Western nations over human rights issues in Asia have clouded East-West commercial relations. In this paper, distinctions are drawn between economic and political human rights and these are examined within the contexts of four Asian countries: China, India, Burma/Myanmar and Indonesia. These nations' human rights records are reviewed within their wider political and economic contexts and with respect to Western reactions to them. International companies emerge as key players in monitoring economic rights within individual countries. Political rights are more complex and are best dealt with at national and supranational levels. Most countries are placing increasing emphases on constructive engagement policies.  相似文献   

Organizational learning for innovation is critical for the success of multinationals. In this study, we examine two multinationals and their learning and innovation, when operating in Indonesia as the host country. As research on organizational learning has largely overlooked the influence of regional contexts, we examine the role of contextual conditions of the host country with regard to its economic, political and competitive conditions, and the changing customer demands, on organizational learning and innovation. We also consider organizational learning process, taking into account organizational factors that influence such process. The implications, contributions and limitations of the study are then discussed.  相似文献   

Personality dispositions and their role in inducing employee creative behavior are well documented in the literature. However, much is unexplored about the collective and relative contribution of personality orientations and environmental factors in explaining creative behavior. This study used a framework based on selfdetermination theory (SDT) to measure the combined and relative contribution of personal mastery orientation and authentic leadership in predicting employee creative behavior as mediated by autonomous motivation. A self-reported survey was conducted among software developers working in software houses. The results of the study show that both personal mastery and authentic leadership are significant predictors of employee creative behavior. In addition, autonomous motivation significantly mediates the relationship between personal mastery, authentic leadership, and creative behavior. The findings of the study lend support to the combined effect of personality orientation and environmental factors in predicting employee creative behavior and test the SDT framework’s efficacy in predicting creative behavior.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between ethical leadership and employee voice behaviour by focusing on the mediating role of organizational identification and the moderating role of organizational trust. The results of distinctive data from 293 supervisors–follower pairs in an insurance group from the People's Republic of China reveal that ethical leadership positively relates to employee voice behaviour, and that organization identification fully mediates the positive influence of ethical leadership on employee voice behaviour. We also found that organization trust moderates the relationship between the organization identification and employee voice. Furthermore, the mediating effect between ethical leadership and employee voice is moderated by organizational trust, that is to say moderated mediation. We discuss implications of these findings for research and practice.  相似文献   

Little is known of Caribbean people's views on their culture or of their beliefs regarding leadership and motivation. This study reports the results of a Delphi Technique with people in leadership positions and focus groups. Across groups, responses were relatively consistent: ethnicity and culture are described as influenced by religion, and Christianity in particular; African roots and country of origin are important; effective leaders are charismatic, visionary, results oriented, and they motivate others, lead by example, and develop vision and goals. Leaders believe motivation comes from making a difference for others. Nonleaders believe leaders are influenced by financial rewards and self‐fulfilment; nonleaders are motivated primarily by financial rewards. The results are generally similar to Western beliefs, but some interesting differences are identified. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study leadership style and organizational culture, elements that, we argue, are conducive for Chinese shop-floor employees to participate in problem solving in ‘lean’ manufacturing. Power distance and the concern for saving face potentially hinder employees' willingness to participate in such problem solving, but our findings support the notion that transformational leadership helps to overcome these barriers. The relationships are not straightforward, however, and by examining the complexities, this research may provide insights into this dilemma.  相似文献   

Based on the Conservation of Resources Theory, this research aims to examine the relationship between seasonal employee leadership (SEL) and turnover intention (TI). The data was obtained by administering a survey to 450 seasonal employees working in 15 five-star hotels in Antalya. The findings revealed that SEL reduces TI, which is an important problem for the tourism industry. The study results show that SEL was negatively related to workplace ostracism (WO) and work alienation (WA) and TI. Further, the findings show the serial mediating effect of WO and WA between SEL and TI. The study makes useful recommendations to managers to eliminate ostracism, curb the feeling of alienation and decrease TI.  相似文献   

This article proposes a tool to strengthen the leadership of rites and ceremonies for reconciliation and truth, using a multidisciplinary approach and bringing together political topics (reconciliation and truth), anthropological concepts (rites and ceremonies), and management sciences issues (leadership) in a special urban context that requires reconciliation and truth after a long, irregular war with multiple violations of human rights. After formulation of the research problem, we were able to relate reconciliation and truth with leadership, rites, and ceremonies. Once so related, we analyzed the historical evolution of rites and ceremonies, with special emphasis on the organizational context, to finally propose a tool to strengthen the leadership of rites and ceremonies for reconciliation and truth. The utility of this tool was confirmed in the case of Socorro Mosquera, a manager and human rights defender in Medellín, Colombia. The eclectic and integrative approach brings originality to the study, while the methodological application of mixed approaches increases its value.  相似文献   

In the international business-to-business (B2B) setting, a firm's salespeople often have more direct, prolonged, and intimate contact with the customer and market environments than any other employees of the firm. In fact, for customers in many B2B markets, the salesperson is the face of the firm. The sales function can be characterized as an inherently entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship is founded on knowing or seeing something others do not see, and the sales force has long been recognized as an important source of knowledge about a firm's customers and environment. However, there has been relatively little work linking entrepreneurship to international sales performance, especially in the B2B context.This paper focuses on the intelligence-gathering role of salespeople to firms practicing corporate entrepreneurship in the international B2B setting. More specifically, drawing on the theories of corporate entrepreneurship and the knowledge-based view of the firm, the authors develop a conceptual model that proposes international sales performance for firms practicing corporate entrepreneurship will be enhanced when salespeople practice customer-oriented selling and the firm's absorptive capacity is stronger. Recommended methodology for testing the proposed model is a single-informant survey of sales managers with firms in the domain of interest, using structural equation modeling with moderator tests. The paper concludes with implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

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