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This article is a contribution to the developing body of research on tourism within the region of the Central and Eastern Europe. Our aim is to explore if and how Polish tourists to the former Soviet Union incorporate a historic past in their imaginaries. Sixty interviews carried out between 2008 and 2012 are analysed in order to establish if there are references to the past in tourist accounts although the fact history was not a major travel motivation. We were also interested in how the past co-creates tourist experiences and destination images. We found out that tourists may question dominant versions of historic memory in their straightforward references to the past. We also discovered that sources of memory are multiple and include not only first-hand memory but also family memory as well as non-representational memory. Some tourists purposefully suppressed the past. We suggest that more attention should be paid to ‘traces’ of the past in tourism imaginaries.  相似文献   

‘Homesick tourism’: memory,identity and (be)longing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘Homesick tourism’ commonly refers to the travel of Germans who visit their former homes in what is now Poland and other Eastern European countries, from which they were expelled in the wake of the second World War. The paper first differentiates homesick tourism from related types, with which it is often conflated, notably roots tourism, personal heritage tourism and migrant return travel. Drawing on travel reports written by German homesick tourists, the role of memory is identified as the defining criterion. It is shown that homesick tourists are characterised by a unique ‘tourist gaze’. Such clear definition and differentiation are useful in order to better understand and analyse the homesick tourism phenomenon, because homesick tourism is arguably a much wider international phenomenon, albeit unrecognised and sometimes politically contested. Much can be learnt from the German experience in this regard. As the homesick tourism phenomenon is soon going to be over, due to the passing of the survivor generation, the paper ends with the suggestion that Poland is in an ideal position to develop a genuine form of roots tourism targeted at future German tourists.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the varied intersections between tourism and memory. It begins with a brief consideration of the parallel developments between the emergence of the ‘memory boom’ and that of the ‘tourism boom’, as well as the academic fields of memory studies and tourism studies, respectively. Memory is a crucial factor in choosing a destination; it impacts on the tourist experience at the destination and on the sharing of the experience with others after the trip, notably through narration, photography, and memory objects, such as souvenirs. Both memory and tourism rely on media and representation and on audience and consumption; both are allied with processes of identity formation. It is argued that tourism drives the memory boom as much as memory drives tourism. Bartoletti's [(2010). “Memory tourism” and the commodification of Nostalgia. In P. Burns, C. Palmer, & J.-A. Lester (Eds.), Tourism and visual culture (pp. 23–42), Vol. 1. Wallingford: CABI] conceptualization of ‘memory tourism’ as overlapping but distinct from ‘heritage tourism’ and Timothy's [(1997). Tourism and the personal heritage experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 751–754] concept of ‘personal heritage tourism’ are discussed as foundations for what is then defined as ‘personal memory tourism’. The latter revolves around travel associated with personal memories – not only the revisiting of places associated with happy memories, but also the return to sites of personal trauma and suffering in a quest for healing.  相似文献   


The tourist experience should be placed at the heart of management and planning process to achieve the goal of sustainable heritage tourism. The concept of indicators and standards of quality, which emerged in the field of natural resources and outdoor recreation management as a conceptual framework for understanding visitors’ experiences, has been widely applied in nature-based parks rather than cultural heritage sites. This study applies the concept of indicators to heritage experience at Petra Archaeological Park in Jordan. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 29 tourists to understand the tourist experience at the park, and to formulate indicators of the tourism experience. Results suggest that cultural and natural scenic value, crowding, attractions accessibility, vendor persistence, and odor of animals waste are potential indicators for the tourism experience at the park. Related management implications and recommendations are also discussed.  相似文献   


This work departs from a reading of the novelistic essay A small place (1988), by Jamaica Kincaid, to analyse the representation of the tourism industry and of tourists in Antigua (the author's birthplace). From there, we present Kincaid's text as ‘tourist literature’ (Hendrix, 2014), also aiming to contribute to the examination of tourism-centred literary texts. Within the context of literature and tourism studies as well as comparative studies, this paper examines Kincaid's literary text in order to consider the promotion of literary tourism in Antigua. This example is then considered in light of recent contributions from literary tourism, space production, community-based tourism, mass tourism as well as responsible and sustainable tourism. Literary heritage as a resource for the tourism industry could bring tourists and locals closer and conspire to break down barriers between the largely dark-skinned hosts and the white tourists in Antigua.  相似文献   


Modernisation brings the decline of traditional crafts and practices and thereby of their old, linked communities. Memories of these communities might survive though only for a time. A public policy dilemma presents – whether to conserve communities and their crafts as ‘living museums’ (akin to a milieu de mémoire in Pierre Nora’s terms) for tourist titillation; alternatively to merely retain the traces of that culture, as a museum more conventionally understood (lieux de mémoire); or, alternatively again, to accept the ephemerality of culture and its metamorphosis? And, if the last, then how is that to be presented to the discerning tourist? The paper mostly uses the case of the ancient goldsmith community of Wat Koh in Phetchaburi city, Thailand, to reflect on this dilemma. At stake academically are two sets of dialectic opposites: history against memory, and memory against nostalgia – also the contingent dichotomy of tourism and memory.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Tunisian government's tourist promotion policies during the 1990s. It takes a Deleuzian perspective, using the notion of crystalline narration developed by the author of The Time-Image. I will emphasise the idea of coalescence between past and present as revealed in the advertising images of the period where heritage objects appear among other contemporary objects.

In fact, I will draw on a corpus of short films and commercials produced by the Tunisian tourism bureau to be broadcast both inside and outside the country. My analysis will focus on the ways in which actors in the fields of politics and tourism use these objects for media purposes, targeting both Tunisians and foreign tourists to whom they strive to hold up a crystal-image of Tunisia. This image is shored up by a political discourse put forward by a state that wishes to appear both to its citizens and to others as reconciling past and present. The crystal metaphor evokes a narrative mode in which heritage is likened to the glittering of scattered crystals and Tunisian identity seems to emerge from the ‘mists of time’ with sparkling refractions on ‘tips of the present’.  相似文献   


Creative tourism is a new genre of tourism eliciting active tourist participation in learning and experiences. This study explores tourists’ motivations for participating in creative activities, as well as their perceptions of authenticity following a visit to the Albergue Art Space located in Macau, SAR, China. Empirical results indicate that vernacular heritage, service quality and participatory experience are key determinates for developing creative tourism. Sightseeing, social contact, self-improvement and escape emerge as primary motivations for participating in creative activities. In addition, tourist perceptions of authenticity in the context of creative tourism encompass objective and existential components. This study proposes to incorporate aspects of participatory experience into creative tourism products.  相似文献   

This paper advocates researching the diverse, unstructured, idiosyncratic personal and autobiographical memories of individuals – visitors, tourists, local residents and geographically dispersed patrons associated with heritage resources and heritage tourism attractions. ‘Memory-work’, conceptualized by Frigga Haug and her collaborators in the 1980s as a feminist constructionist method, is differentiated from ‘memory work’ (without hyphen) as defined in the scholarly literature from different disciplines in the past three decades. For the purposes of this paper, memory work is then conceptualized as a qualitative, interpretivist research approach focused on memories, which employs a range of methodologies and techniques to elicit and ‘process’ memories, and draws on memory theory for analysis. It is argued that memory work can provide useful insights for academic knowledge production and applied research in heritage tourism. A few examples of specific research techniques are presented to illustrate the diverse spectrum of how memory work can be carried out in practice. It will moreover be discussed how memory distortion and ‘false memories’ are to be treated, how memory work differs from other qualitative modes of enquiry, and what its benefits and limitations are.  相似文献   


This article focuses on different moral economies of domestic tourism encounters in late-post-socialist Masuria, in the rural Northeast of Poland. An ethnographic study of three different tourism entrepreneurs brings to light different, concurring legacies of the ‘good’ tourism encounter in the area and indicates a shift of tourism discourses and social aspirations of living well together in contemporary Poland. In a climate of mutual stigmatisation and boundary drawing, rural tourism entrepreneurs mobilise the encounter with domestic tourists to subvert evolving power asymmetries in Poland and to offer alternative readings to dominant narratives of inequality in the transforming country. However, their proposed alternative tourism socialities with the national ‘other’ do not arrive naturally: relationships in tourism are shown to be ambivalent and reversible to their participants; their performance demands much moral work and requires a degree of cultural complicity or compatibility with the other. The article contributes to current debates on the moral economy of encountering in anthropological literature of tourism, post-socialism, and morality.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to portray, through the performative lens, the network of social relations associated with the so-called ‘Crazy Tours’ in Nowa Huta, a former socialist (the easternmost and the most populous district of Krakow, built predominantly in the socialist–realist style) district of Krakow. Such initiatives have been emerging in the last few years in different places across Central and Eastern Europe, evidencing the trend to exploit the communist heritage in a commercial way. The project, which methodologically draws on discourse analysis, participant observations and semi-structured interviews, was to characterize the main features of the process of change in the perception of dissonant heritage as well as the revitalization of Nowa Huta as a tourist site.  相似文献   


Mobilities that encapsulate global- and local-level movement of people, capital, information, material and intangible heritage across boundaries influence distant socio-cultural structures and processes linking them to evolving global networks. Indigenous cultural tourism is a catalyst of mobilities that expose the habitats of distant spaces. This paper examines the Vedda community’s concurrent context and indigenous tourism-informed mobilities’ contributions to transforming their cultural character through anthropological approaches. Data were collected through a series of interviews, overt observation and review of documents. Findings indicate that the Vedda are susceptible to the influence of mobilities within and without the indigenous tourism practices. Enforced restructuring and governance push Vedda towards novel livelihoods, while automobilities, image, communication and geopolitical mobilities challenge Vedda heritage and temporalities. Vedda lead a hybrid life; real one being modern and the other being pseudo attributed for tourist attraction. Indigenous cultural tourism causes losing the inherited meaning of their cultural values. The Vedda, with their anatomically proven Mesolithic inheritance, have drawn world’s attention to preserving and recognizing them before their unique culture is subsumed by the modern world. Findings indicate that tourism planners should realize the significance of distinctive Vedda heritage parallel to commercial gains of tourism.  相似文献   

Gulf cities are determined to diversify their economies in an attempt to face the new realities resulting from the post-oil paradigm. Knowing the fact that its oil resources are about to dry up, Bahrain is forced to bank on alternative activities in order to sustain its development. For Bahrain, the diversification into the financial and tourism sectors is more urgent than for its neighbours. As a major development strategy, a tangible tendency towards using the visual scenery of their culture and history can be observed in new projects intended to achieve economic diversification. The aim is to create dreams, fantasies and models to attract tourists, travellers and visitors who are ready and prepared to ‘consume’ the ‘authentic’ heritage of such traditional cities. This construction of an image of the past – a persona – is part of what Baudrillard call ‘reality by proxy’, a stimulated environment. This paper uses Bab-Al-Bahrain as a case to investigate notions of ‘hyper-reality’ and ‘hyper-traditions’ emerging from, and imported by, globalisation. This hyper-tradition emerges from the ‘birthplace’ of the tradition it is stimulating. This might also provide a case study of what Eco refers to as ‘authentic fake’. The inevitable necessity of diversifying Bahrain's economy allowed the island to see itself as the financial, commercial and recreational hub for the gulf region. Historically, the old port that was once the main gate to Manama city, the Bahraini capital, actually called Bab-Al-Bahrain (Bahrain Gate), was a commercial pole that extended to the main market (souq). This paper focuses on the area of Bab-Al-Bahrain and its urban and architectural adjacencies to illustrate Bahrain's efforts in promoting its historical and cultural heritage and using it as a vehicle for touristic development. An emphasis on the relation between event, place and the community in the selected context will provide a different vantage point from where to explore the importance of religious festivity and ethnic diversity in tourism development. The paper will also investigate the legitimacy and the complex dynamism of transforming historical heritage into a ‘hyper-tradition’ or a sort of ‘authentic fake’ in order to facilitate the tourists' consumption process of Bahraini culture. It would also argue that tourism changes the host community and influences its ‘authenticity faking’ process.  相似文献   

‘Red tourism’ is to exploit the historical heritage of the Chinese Communist Party for tourism development. Such tourism practice has been used by the nation state of China both to drive the country's economic growth and develop new patronage of the communist ideology among the young generation. From the broader context of China's economic and social changes since 1978 when the country started its open-door policy and economic reform, our paper attempts to examine ‘red tourism’ by analyzing how the nation state of China promotes the communist heritage through ‘red tourism’ in order to sustain the communist identity in a rapidly changing China. Research questions are raised to address the economic and social factors for the nation state involvement in ‘red tourism’: the specific roles of such involvement and the outcomes. Based on a case study, this paper presents how heritage is interpreted at a specific ‘red tourism’ site in order to portray a selective part of the communist heritage as a symbol of the Chinese nation. In so doing, ‘red tourism’ aims to serve the purpose of the nation state to sustain the communist identity in the continuing effort of developing a ‘socialist country of Chinese characteristics’.  相似文献   


The intention of this research project was to question the ability of tourism to promote the conservation of equine heritage in its diversity. I undertook two case studies examining emblematic examples in France: the ‘Cadre noir de Saumur’, the main depositary of Equitation in the French Tradition inscribed on the UNESCO list, and the Vendée Stud, in the Pays de la Loire. This was a qualitative project including a total of 32?h of in-depth semi-structured individual interviews with 15 stakeholders at the ‘Cadre noir de Saumur’, at the Vendée Stud and at the Ministry of culture in Paris between September 2017 and April 2019. The interviews were combined with a total of around 40?h of participant and non-participant observations, conducted during several on-site visits. The results are nuanced. Both sites demonstrate that tourism can contribute to the revaluation of this equine heritage, but it necessitates the incorporation of a profound socio-cultural change, including a redefinition of the way the horse is used. This evolution is based on the ability of the stakeholders to incorporate a tourism culture, one which requires the inclusion of multiple skills but also an ability to devise joint cultural mediation projects with local communities.  相似文献   

Tourism is recognised as an agent of social and cultural change and has been identified as a force for both cultural enrichment and rejuvenation of territories. This article analyses the historical evolution and the opportunities that a type of the industrial heritage, the old industry of food and beverage, presents as tourist resource, both its products and processes and its architectural structure. There are numerous examples in all developed countries; however, in this work is analysed the case of Catalonia (Spain), where museums and interpretation centres have been created in abandoned factories, and these old factories have increasingly become a new attraction for those tourists interested to know more about the industrial past. This new tourism has an important geographic content since it recovers the cultural, social and economic values of the old industrial landscapes. This article's first goal is to review the historical evolution of the industry of food and beverage in Catalonia in the last centuries, creating a material heritage that in this new millennium, in which rapid changes and transformations are taking place, has been converted into tourist products. Second, to analyse the feasibility of this tourism with these attributes: potential, stakeholders, adaptive reuse, economics, authenticity and perceptions.  相似文献   


The Anne of Green Gables National Heritage Site in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, Canada, centers around the farmhouse where author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, was raised, and serves as the setting for her classic novel, Anne of Green Gables (1908). This is thus a heritage site about a fictional character, but very real and historical to the author of the well-loved book. This paper centers on a 2015 visit to the site, where I encountered not only the expected thousands of Canadian pilgrims traipsing up and down ‘Lover’s Lane’, but a half-dozen Japanese college students interning for the summer – in costume, scattered around the site, demonstrating Japanese crafts and games for tourists. As a visitor to the site, I found myself asking: How do these Japanese traditions fit into the interpretation of this most quintessential of Canadian sites? And, how does their presence alter the touristic encounter for both Canadian and Japanese visitors? The presence of Japanese interpreters at the site will thus be used to interrogate notions of the production of knowledge about ‘the other’, as well as pointing to the creation of new narratives about cultural tourism, challenging traditional notions of heritage and authenticity.  相似文献   

This study examines the transformation of hostile borders to inviting tourist attractions. It focuses on three cases: the ‘Island of Peace’ on the Israeli–Jordanian border, the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Southeast Asia and the Berlin Wall. All three are located on boundaries that were sites of conflict and instability, formerly closed and fortified but transformed into open and free borders for tourism. The geopolitical changes that have influenced the development of the sites account for the similarities between them. In all three cases, unique attractions have been developed, offering elements such as special demarcation, observation points and commemorations of the heritage of the closed border or a symbolic representation of cooperation and renewed political relations with the neighbouring country. The tourism development at these attractions may constitute an important contribution in terms of awareness and education that could help in strengthening relations of peace and cooperation in places that in the past suffered from a closed and hostile border. By examining the development of intensive tourism at selected border tourism sites, much can be learned about the development of border attractions elsewhere.  相似文献   

The present study suggests an innovative method that could be applied by local authorities to develop heritage interpretation plans aimed at promoting traditional rural buildings (TRBs) as built heritage attractions, while preserving their original features. Cultural heritage interpretation (CHI) methods and tools were used. They offer the advantage to create a kind of ‘understanding’ that would lead tourists and local communities to protect TRBs from inappropriate alterations and modifications that often occur when TRBs are reused also for tourism purposes. The proposed method was applied to TRBs located in an area of the South‐Eastern Sicily (Italy). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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