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《The Economic record》1963,39(88):489-511
Book reviewed in this article:
The Coalminers of New South Wales. By E. G ollan .
C ommittee for E conomic D evelopment of A ustralia Public Investment in Australia. An Outline of the First C.E.D.A. Research Project. By R. M athews .
Journeys Towards Progress. Studies of Economic Policy-Making in Latin America. By A. O. H irschman .
Economic Philosophy. By J oan R obinson
International Economic Papers No. 11. Edited by A. T. P eacock , W. F. S tolper , R. T urvey and H. L iesner
What Keynes Means. By A. M urad .
The Nature of Price Theory. By H. H. L iebhafsky .
Unemployment and Structural Change. Studies and Reports
The British Economy in the Nineteen-Fifties. Edited by G. D. N. W orswick and P. H. A dy .
History of Stockholm's Enskilda Bank to 1914. By O. G asslander .
The Demand for Canadian Imports 1926-55. By M urray C. K emp .
Explanation in Social Science. By R. B rown .
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. III:Economic Organizations and Policies in the Middle Ages. Edited by M. M. P ostan , E. E. R ich and E. M iller .
The Progress of Economics. A History of Economic Thought. By W. B. C atlin .
The Development of Firms. By A. S. M ackintosh .
Institutional Economics:Veblen, Commons and Mitchell Reconsidered. By J. D orfman and others .
State and Regional Income Estimation. By A lex K err .
Economic Trends in the Soviet Union. Edited by A. B ergson and S. K uznets .
Asset Prices in Economic Analysis. By S. B. C hase , J r .
Disarmament and the Economy. Edited by E. B enoit and K. E. B oulding .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(3):464-482
Book reviewed in this article:
The Controlled Economy. By J. E. M eade .
The Dynamics of the Industrial Revolution. By A. T hompson .
Finite Mathematics in Business and Economics. By G. H adley and M. C. K emp .
Stagflation and Wages Policy in Australia. By D. W. W hitehead .
The Elements of Economic Policy. By B. C ameron .
Economic Development and Policies. By G. A. M arzouk .
Economic Growth Reassessed. Edited by O. J. F irestone .
Australian Fiscal Policy. By D. A. L. A uld .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1970,46(2):271-290
Books reviewed in this article:
Economics–Australian Edition . By P. A. S amuelson , K. H ancock , and R. W allace
The Traditional Trade of Asia . By C. G. F. S imkin
A Theory of Economic History . By J ohn H icks
The Structure of Earnings . By H. L ydall
Economic Interdependence in Southeast Asia . Edited by T. MORGAN and N. SPOELSTRA
Economic Institutions and Policy . By J. McB. GRANT, A. J. H agger and A. H ocking
Credit Unions in the South Pacific . Edited by >N. R uncie
Elementary Statistical Method . By J. LUMSDEN
Economic Theory: Equilibrium and Change . By M. L. BURSTEIN
Manual of Industrial Project Analysis in Developing Countries . By I. M. D. L ittle and J. A. M irrlees
Balance-of-Payments Policy . By B. J. C ohen
Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure . By D. N eedham . (Holt, Rinehart and Winston  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1968,44(3):384-402
Book reviewed in this article:
Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth. Essays Presented to Maurice Dobb. Edited by C. H. F einstein .
Agriculture in the Australian Economy. Edited by D. B. W illiams .
The Effects of U.K. Direct Investment Overseas: An Interim Report. By W. B. R eddaway .
Thailand: Social and Economic Studies in Development. Edited by T. H. S ilcock .
Australian Monopoly Law: Issues of Law, Fact and Policy. By G. D e Q. W alker .
An Introduction to a Mathematical Treatment of Economics. By G. C. A rchibald and R. G. L ipsey .
Technology, Investment and Growth. By B. E. W illiams .
The Construction and Use of Economic Models. By A. R. B ergstrom .
The Years of High Theory. By G. L. S. S hackle .
Why Growth Bates Differ: Postwar Experience in Nine Western Countries. By E. F. D enison .
Economic Development in Asian Perspective. By S. I shikawa .
A History of Economic Change in England, 1880–1939. By R. S. S ayers .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1973,49(4):650-666
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Survey. Australia. By O rganisation for E conomic C ooperation and D evelopment .
The Australian Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics. Edited by R. I. D owning .
The Australian Motor Industry. By P. S tubbs .
Company Mergers and Takeovers: How the Game is Played in Australia. By M. D octoroff .
Federal Finance: Intergovernmental Financial Relations in Australia since Federation. By R. L. M athews and W. R. C. J ay .
Government Influence and the Location of Economic Activity. Edited by G. J. R. L inge and P. J. R immer .
Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Economics. By D. E. J ames and C. D. T hrosby .
National Income, Expenditure and Output of the United Kingdom 1855–1965. By C. H. F einstein .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(4):632-642
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Surveys. Australia. By O rganisation for E conomic C ooperation and D evelopment .
Strikes: Studies in Twentieth Century Australian History. Edited by J. I remonger , J. M erritt and G. O sborne .
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Protection. The Effects of Protection in Australia. By H. D. E vans .
Protektion und Branchenstruktur in der westdeutschen Wirtschaft. (Protection and Industrial Structure in the West German Economy). By J. B. D onges , G. F els , A. N eu et al.
Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and its Fall. By R. C. J. S tone .
The Environmental, Economic and Social Significance of Drought. Edited by J. V. L ovett .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1958,34(69):419-426
Book reviewed in this article:
Fifty Years of Farm Management. By H. C. M. C ase AND D. B. W illiams .
Principles of Economic Policy. By K enneth E. B ouldding .
Economic Development:Theory, History, Policy. By G. M. M eier AND R. E. B aldwin .
The Elements of Accounting. By L. G oldberg AND V. R. H ill .
The Economics of International Migration. Edited by B rinley T homas .
Public Principles of Publica Debt. By J ames M. B uchanan .
The Development of the Soviet Budgetary System. By R. W. D avies .
Problems of the New Commonwealth. By S ir I vor J ennings , K.B.E., Q.C.
The Agricultural Register (New Series). Changes in the Economic Pattern 1956-7.
Economic Models…An Exposition. By E. F. B each .
The National Economic Accounts of the United States…Review, Appraisal and Recommendations. A Report by the National Accounts Review Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1984,60(1):90-101
Book reviewed in this article: The Deterioration in Economic Performance: A Study of the 1970's with Particular Reference to Australia, by W. E. Norton Unemployment, Inflation and New Macroeconomic Policy, by T. D. N. Perkins Australian Social Welfare Finance, edited by R. Mendelsohn Wage Indexation: A Study of Australian Wage Issues, 1975–1980, by David H. Plowman Agriculture in the Australian Economy, edited by D. B. Williams Anticipations of the General Theory? And Other Essays on Keynes, by D. Patinkin The Theory and Experience of Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Sir W. Arthur Lewis, edited by M. Gersovitz Alfred Marshall:Critical Assessments, edited by John C. Wood  相似文献   

D aniel M. H ausman , The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics , Cambridge;
G avin C. R eid , L owell R. J acobsen and M argo E. A nderson , Profiles in Small Business: A Competitive Strategy Approach , London;
P aul D e G rauwe , The Economics of Monetary Integration , Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1992,
S heila C. D ow , Money and the Economic Process , Aldershot; Edward Elgar, 1993,  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1988,64(2):136-151
Book reviewed in this article:
Mesoeconomics: A Micro-Macro Analysis , by Yew-Kwang Ng
Markets and Famines , by Martin Ravallion
The Economics of Industrial Society , by Michio Morishima
Dynamic Programming: Applications to Agriculture and Natural Resources , by John O.S. Kennedy
Developments of Control Theory for Economic Analysis , by C. Carrara and D. Sartore
Finance of Old Age , edited by R. Mendelsohn
Balance of Payments Adjustment, 1945 to 1986, The IMF Experience , by M.G. dc Vries
Takeovers and Corporate Control- Towards a New Regulatory Environment , Centre for Independent Studies and the New Zealand Centre for Independent Studies
Financial Markets, Interest Rates and Monetary Economics , by D.J. Juttner
Pre-Classical Economic Thought , edited by S.T. Lowry, Recent Economic Thought Series  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1972,48(1):131-152
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. Edited by C olin P orster .
Twentieth Century Economic Development in Australia. By E. A. B oehm .
The Indigent Rich:A Theory of General Equilibrium in a Keynesian System. By J. W. C. C umes .
Australia's Two-Airline Policy. By S tanley B rogden .
Development Options in the New Zealand Motor Car Assembly Industry. By W. D. R ose .
Public Finances in Malaya and Singapore. By C. T. E dwards .
Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries. By I. M. D. L ittle , T. S citovsky and M. F. S cott .
Pakistan, Industrialization and Trade Policies. By S. R. L ewis .
The Economics of Socialism. By J. W ilcztnski .
Frontiers of Quantitative Economics. Edited by M ichael D. I ntriligator .
International Reserves, Needs and Availability. International Monetary Fund.
Agricultural Production in Communist China, 1949–1965. By K ang C hao .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1958,34(68):271-285
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic and Technical Problems of Australia's Rural Industries. By D. B. W illiams
Ownership and Control of Australian Companies. By E. L. W heelwright
Income and Wealth Series VI. Edited by M ilton G ilbert and R ichard S tone
An Economic Theory of Democracy. By A nthony D owns
Sales Taxation. By J ohn F. D ue
An Economic Survey of Northern Ireland. By K. S. I sles and N orman C uthbert
Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. By H arvey L eibenstein
Business Cycles and Economic Policy. By E rik L undberg
Activity Analysis and the Theory of Economic Equilibrium. By H elen M akower
Labor in a Growing Economy. By M elvin W. R eder
International Monetary Policy. By W. M. S cammell
French Banking Structure and Credit Policy. By J. S. G. W ilson
Europe and the Money Muddle. By R obert T riffin
Social Security in the British Commonwealth. By R onald M endelsohn  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1965,41(94):282-293
Book reviewed in this article:
The Theory of Inflation—a review. By A. J. Hagger
Types of Economy. A Comparative Study of Seven Types of Economic Life. By C. Weststrate
Monopolies and Management. Edited by T. N. Robertson
Big Businessmen. By C. D. Kemp
The Australian Iron and Steel Industry 1848–1962. By Helen Hughes
International Liquidity. A Study in the Economic Functions of Gold. By Ian Shannon
The London Capital Market and Australia 1870–1914. By A. R. Hall
The Development of Australia. By J. B. Condliffe  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1972,48(2):298-314
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Trade Practices :Readings. Edited by J. P. N ieuwenhuysen .
Manufacturing in Melbourne. By P. J. R immer .
Freight Forwarding in Australia. By P. J. R immer .
Retailing in Melbourne. By R. J. J ohnston and P. J. R immer .
Land Tenure in the Pacific. Edited by R. C rocombe .
The Reinterpretation of American Economic History. Edited by R obert W illiam F ogel and S tanley L. E ngerman .
International Trade Theory and Regional Income Differences, United States 1880–1950. By E. O lsen .
Soviet Economic Development. By R. H utchings .
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930–1945. By A nthony C. S utton .
The Economic Analysis of Labour. By M alcolm R. F isher .
Money and Banking. By D. F isher .
Planning Investments with Economies of Scale. By L arry E. W estphal .
Economic Growth and Development:A Mathematical Introduction. By P hilip A. N eher .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1967,43(4):606-609
Book reviewed in this article:
Public Investment in Australia. A Study of Australian Public Authority Investment and Development. (A Research Report prepared for the Committee for Economic Development in Australia.) By R. M athews
The Northern Territory Pastoral Industry, 1863–1910. By R. D uncan
Capital Investment Decisions. By G. G. M eredith
International Differences in Industrial Structure: Eight Nations in the 1950s. By J. S. B ain
International Aid. By I. M. D. L ittle and J. M. C lifford
Exchange-Bate Devaluation in a Semi-industrialized Country: The Experience of Argentina 1955–1961. By C. F. D. A lejandro
Synthetic Materials and the Theory of International Trade. By G. C. H ufbauer
Ceylon: An Export Economy in Transition. By D. R. S nodgeass  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(1):142-163
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Fluctuations in Australia, 1948 to 1964. By A. M. C. W aterman .
The State as Entrepreneur. Edited by S. H olland .
New Zealand Manufacturing Production and Trade with Australia. By P. J. L loyd .
The Economy of Papua New Guinea: Projections and Policy Issues. By R. T. S hand and M. L. T readgold
Alternative Strategies for Papua New Guinea. Edited by A. C lunies Ross and J. L angmore .
Australia, New Guinea and the International Economy: Trade and Development. By D. G adiel .
The National Income of Western Samoa. By I. J. F airbairn .
Econometric Studies of Macro and Monetary Relations. Edited by A. A. P owell and R. A. W illiams .
Economic Growth in History: Survey and Analysis. By J. D. G ould .
International Economics and Development: Essays in Honor of Raul Prebisch. Edited by L. E. di M arco .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1961,37(79):391-401
Book reviewed in this article:
Central Banking in South and East Asia. By G ethyn D avies .
Essays on Economic Stability and Growth. By N. K aldor
Inflation. By T. W ilson .
Exercises in Economic Analysis. By J oan R obinson .
The Use of Economic Statistics. By C. A. B lyth .
Tropical Africa. By G. H. T. K imble .
Interest Rates and Asset Prices. By R. T urvey .
Demographic ad Economic Change in Developed Countries. By N ational B ureau of E conomic R esearch .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1955,31(1-2):332-352
Book reviewed in this article:
War Economy 1939–1942. By S. J. BUTLIN.
Wartime Agriculture in Australia and New Zealand 1939-50. By J. G. C rawford , C. M. D onald , C. B. D owsett and D. B. W illiams , and A. A. R oss .
Public Capital Formation in Australia: Estimates 1860–1900. By N. G. B utlin and H. de M eel .
Atlas of Australian Resources. Prepared by the Department of National Development, Canberra. Edited by K onrad F renzel .
The world's Food. By M. K. B ennett
United Nations: The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends
Approaches to Economic Development. By NORMAN S. BUCHANAN and HOWARD S. ELLIS.
The Indian Land Problem and Legislation. By G. D. PATEL.
Migration and Economic Growth—study of Oreat Britain and the Atlantic Economy. By B rinley T homas
Retail Trading in Britain 1850–1950. By JAMES B. JEFFREYS. (Cambridge University Press, 1954.) Pp. xviii + 476. 50/- stg.
Economic Activity Analysis. Edited by O. M orgenstern
The Works and. Correspondence of David Bicardo. Edited by PIERO SRAFFA with the collaboration of M. H. DOBB.
A Theory of Economic-Demographic Development. By H arvey L eibenstein
A Study in the Theory of Economic Evolution. By T. H aavelmo
The Attaek on Big Business. By P. D. G lover
The Theory of Collective Bargaining. By W. H. H utt .
Economic Burvey of Europe in 1954. Prepared by the Research and Planning Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. (Geneva, 1955.) Pp. xii + 316. 17/6 stg.
La Psychologie Economique. By P. L. REYNAUD. With contributions by G. Katona, A. Lauterbach, J. Stoetzel, J. Sauerwein and A. de Vnlpian. (Librairie Marcel Riviere et Cie, Paris, 1954.) Pp. 260. 700 frs.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1988,64(4):362-379
Book reviewed in this article:
Government Management: Brief to the Incoming Government 1987, Volume II, Education Issues , New Zealand Treasury
Adaptation and Survival in Australian Agriculture , by PJ. Higgs
Land Degradation: Problems and Policies , edited by A. Chisholm and R. Dumsday
Selected Essays On Economic Planning , by M Kalecki, edited, translated and introduced by Jan Toporowski
Classical Economics , by Samuel Hollander
Production Distribution and Value: A Marxian Approach , by R. Dixon
Interest and Profit in the Theories of Value and Distribution , by Carlo Panico
No Paradise for Workers: Capitalism and the Common People in Australia 1788–1914 , by K. Buckley and T. Wheelwright
Economic Growth for Australia; Agenda for Action by PJ. Drake and J.P. Nicuwenhuysen
Domestic and International Banking , by M.K. Lewis and K.T. Davis
The Political Economy of International Monetary Interdependence , by K. Hamada
Rent Control , by R. Albon and D.C. Stafford
The Theory of Public Utility Pricing , by S.J. Brown and D.S. Sibley
Public Choice, Public Finance and the Public Policy , by D. Greenaway and G.K. Shaw
Refereed and Nonrefereed Economic Journals: A Guide to Publishing Opportunities , compiled by A. Carolyn Miller, and Victoria J. Punsalan with Kenneth G. Rohm  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1971,47(1):139-160
Book reviewed in this article: The Neoclassical Theory of Production and Distribution. By C. E. Ferguson . Financial Development in Malaya and Singapore. By P. J. Drake . Nauru. Phosphate and Political Progress. By N. Viviani . The Price Mechanism–Demand, Supply and Market Structures. By H. M. Kolsen . Building and Construction in Australia. By J. Hutton . Uncertainty and Estimation in Economics. By D. G. Champernowne . The Price of Leisure. By J. D. Owen . Economic Project Evaluation: With Philippine Cases. By L. A. Mears . (University of the Philippines Press, Quezon City, 1969.) Two volumes. Pp. 155 and 86. Price not stated. The International Monetary Fund, 1945–1965. Twenty Years of International Monetary Co-operation. Edited by J. K. Horsefield. Development Assistance. By E. M. Martin . Economic Analysis. By C. E. Ferguson and S. C. Maurice . Geographical Mobility and the Brain Drain. By D. J. Mackay . The Company: Law, Structure and Reform in Eleven Countries. Edited by C. De Hoghton  相似文献   

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