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Whether due to random economic shocks or deliberate policy measures, sudden relative price changes can lower bank solvency. Whereas “winners”—i.e., those sectors experiencing improved net prices for their output—aren’t obliged to share their good fortune with banks, “losers” my share their bad fortune by electing to default on bank loans. This paper presents a disaggregated dynamic computable general equilibrium model, used to analyze specifically how current policy proposals to stimulate savings might affect solvency in different sectors. We find surprising capital losses in pesos for two of the three policies simulated, which would leave domestic currency debtors substantially worse off.  相似文献   

In recent years, the secondary loan market has developed into an over-the-counter market where loans are not only sold but also subsequently traded. This shift away from traditional banking is altering the business of lending. Loan sales are valuable to banks because they free up capital, generate fee-based income and facilitate risk management; but they may be costly to borrowers because they negatively affect bank monitoring incentives. In this paper, however, we argue that there is another potential benefit to borrowers from loan sales. Borrowers with trading loans, in particular those with liquid loans, may “demand” a share of bank benefits from loan sales when they take out new loans as it will be easier for banks to sell these loans afterwards. We investigate this potential benefit of the secondary loan market by comparing the interest rates borrowers pay before their loans start to trade with the interest rates they pay on loans originated post-trading. Our results show that, on average, borrowers pay higher spreads on the loans they take out after the onset of trading on their loans. Importantly, our results also show that borrowers with liquid trading loans are able to borrow at lower interest rates after the onset of trading on their loans. Thus, while the banks’ decision to sell loans may initially impose a cost on borrowers, those whose loans enter the secondary loan market and become liquid benefit from an interest rate discount on their subsequent loans.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(4):100813
The objective of this research is to examine the impact of bank ownership on the composition of working capital, investment, and consumption loan types before and after the global financial crisis (GFC). The data has been grouped into pre-GFC and post-GFC sub-periods. The pre-GFC period encompasses the post-Asian crisis time period until 2006, just before the start of the GFC. The post-GFC period comprises the time period 2009 until 2016. Data were obtained from the Indonesian Banking Directory of the Indonesian Central Bank, commercial bank annual reports provided by Infobank magazine, and the Indonesian Banking Development Institute. The findings reveal the differences and changes in the composition of loan types for the different forms of bank ownership. Government-owned banks tend to focus on consumption loans, whereas foreign-owned banks outpace domestic-owned banks in the financing of working capital loans. After the GFC, government-owned banks increased their consumption loans significantly. This research augments the knowledge about loan portfolio compositions and trends pertaining to different bank types. It can serve as a benchmark and can be applied to enhance decision-making in the banking industry. Furthermore, Indonesian regulating authorities can utilize the information from a strategic and policy perspective to monitor, manage and control financial intermediation from a macroprudential perspective.  相似文献   

This study investigates the economic impact of the financial regulations that aimed to control the housing market in Korea during the reign of late President Ro's Administration, which had diligently fought against the then speculative bubble in the Korean real‐estate market. We test for the validity of the general prediction that the financial regulations in the form of the loan‐to‐value (LTV) and debt‐to‐income (DTI) restrictions would have adverse impacts on the value of the firms operating in the mortgage‐lending industry. In this event study, we select two critical days as event dates and check whether the stock prices of the financial firms react negatively to the announcements of the regulations. Overall, the initial imposition of the DTI restrictions (i.e., the first event) adversely affects those banks that possess a relatively large number of mortgage loans in their asset portfolio. By contrast, banks that hold a small number of mortgage loans appear to benefit from the risk‐reducing effect of the DTI regulation. Subsequently, the reinforcement of the LTV and DTI rules (i.e., the second event) has negative impacts on the banks with large mortgage loans. The degree of this adverse effect is greater in the second event than in the first event (i.e., the DTI restrictions). The reinforced regulations also unfavorably affect the savings banks with large mortgage loans but to a lesser degree compared with their counterparts in the banks. Meanwhile, the reinforcement of the financial regulations has negligible impacts on the banks and the savings banks with smaller mortgage loans.  相似文献   

We consider recent criticism by Berger et al. (J Bank Finance 31:11–33, 2007) of the use of commercial bank lending propensities (e.g., small business loans/total assets) as research tools. We use 2SLS cross sectional regressions with bank fixed effects to examine the relationship between small business lending and bank size. Our results indicate that the propensity to lend to small businesses declines as bank size increases, and the growth in small business lending does not keep pace with the growth in bank size. An increase in bank asset size from $1 billion to $100 billion reduces the ratio of small business loans to total loans and leases by 28 percentage points. Contrary to Berger and Black (2007) we find that most small business loans are made by small banks. For 1993 to 2006 as a whole, small banks (those under $1 billion) accounted for only 14.1% of total deposits and 9.7% of total banking assets, but they accounted for 28.4% of small business loans outstanding. This is consistent with the pattern shown by lending propensities. We conclude that these propensities remain very useful tools in research on small firm finance.  相似文献   

We compare risk positions adopted by keiretsu and non-keiretsu banks in Japan and examine how the risk positions of Japanese banks changed following the conclusion in 1997 of an escalating series of banking crises in Japan and East-Asia. The results indicate that keiretsu banks take less risk than non-keiretsu banks, and that Japanese banks in general adopted lower risk profiles after 1997. Japanese bank risk is positively associated with the ratio of non-performing loans to capital, interest rates, and private investment in residential construction, and negatively with the ratio of administrative expenses to average assets and the money supply  相似文献   

本文选取2009—2018年中国24家上市银行年度数据,采用面板模型对内部控制质量对银行风险承担的影响及其作用机制进行实证分析。研究结果表明:(1)内控质量对银行风险承担具有抑制作用。内控质量提高有助于提升银行部门间贷款信息传递及风险协同控制效率,由此降低银行风险承担。相对于非国有、低联结度与高权力度银行,内控质量对国有、高联结度与低权力度银行风险承担的影响力度更大。(2)资本结构在内控质量与银行风险承担的关系中承担着中介作用,内控质量通过影响资本结构来影响银行风险承担,“内控质量—资本结构—银行风险承担”的传导渠道有效。(3)货币政策对内控质量与银行风险承担关系具有非对称性调节作用。高利率货币政策会减弱内控质量对银行风险承担的抑制作用,宽松货币政策会加剧内控质量对银行风险承担的抑制作用。(4)股权集中度提高会减弱内控质量对银行风险承担的抑制作用,这归于控制权过度引发的关联贷款风险集聚效应对冲了内控质量对银行风险承担的抑制效应。本文研究结论可为防控中国银行部门单体风险及金融系统性风险提供重要的理论指导与决策参考。  相似文献   

We estimate the pass-through from market interest rates to bank interest rates using heterogeneous panel cointegration techniques to address heterogeneity at the bank level in the Czech Republic. The results indicate heterogeneity in bank pricing in the short, but not in the long term. Mortgage rates and firm rates typically adjust to money market changes, but often less than fully in the long run. Large corporate loans have a smaller mark-up than small loans. Consumer rates have a high mark-up and do not exhibit a cointegration relationship with money market rates even in the long run. Next, we examine how bank characteristics determine the nature of interest rate pass-through in a cross-section of Czech banks. We find evidence for relationship lending, as banks with a stable pool of deposits smooth interest rates and require a higher spread as compensation. Large banks are not found to price their products less competitively. Greater credit risk increases vulnerability to money market shocks.  相似文献   

The banking industry changed substantially in the 1990s as the number of banks declined rapidly, and as we document, commercial banks dramatically shifted their assets to real-estate loans. The portfolio restructuring seems to be followed mainly by capital-constrained banks as real-estate banks have lower risk-based-capital ratios relative to those of our benchmark group. Trading off credit risk for interest-rate risk is only one of the ways to arbitrage regulatory capital. We also show that real-estate banks keep higher ratios of fixed-rate loans to total assets and face higher probabilities of insolvency. The increasing proportion of banks specializing in real-estate lending, the incentives of regulatory discipline, and the weaknesses of risk-management strategies could stress the condition of the banking system during periods of large unexpected increases in interest-rates and are important issues for regulators and bank managers.  相似文献   

The Federal Home Loan Bank system (FHLB) has evolved into a major source of liquidity for the banking system with the demonstrated ability to borrow over a trillion dollars in world financial markets based on an implied U. S. Treasury guarantee. The FHLB loans the borrowed funds to commercial banks at reduced rates that are not adjusted for the risk of an individual bank. Moral hazard could cause member banks using FHLB loans to increase financial leverage and exposure to high risk assets. Conversely, the FHLB offers banks additional liquidity and specialized debt instruments that help them manage interest rate risk. We use dynamic panel generalized method of moments estimation to test the relation between FHLB advances and bank risk. We find that if banks have relatively normal default probabilities, advances are not associated with increased bank risk but, instead, advances are related to decreased interest rate risk. However, when bank default probabilities are high, our evidence suggests advances and higher bank risk are related.  相似文献   

股东关联贷款对商业银行发展的影响与银行贷款危机密不可分。文中分析了股东关联贷款与银行贷款危机之间的关系,着重就股东关联贷款对商业银行影响进行研究,并提出了防范和降低商业银行股东关联贷款风险的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relation between CEO gender and bank risk. We exploit a unique dataset of 365 Polish cooperative banks, 42% of which are run by female CEOs. We find that banks headed by female CEOs are less risky: they report higher capital adequacy and equity to assets ratios. Credit risk in female-led banks is not different from male-led banks, and therefore higher capital adequacy does not stem from lower asset quality and is likely to be linked to higher risk aversion of female CEOs. Our evidence supports the view that women are more risk averse bank CEOs than men. Our findings suggest that gender quotas in bank boards can contribute to reduce risk-taking behavior.  相似文献   

Banks make good use of capital and have characteristics different from profit businesses. Mismanagement causes collapse, which negatively affects investors, depositors, and employees, and disrupts economic order. Consequences may also affect other industries, triggering financial distress. Therefore, evaluating operational risks in banks and developing an early warning system are critical. This study evaluates data from 858 international banks (including banking holding companies) from 2005 to 2008 and applies a logistic model to analyze critical factors. Results show that equity-to-assets (ETA) and interest income – interest expense/income (NIN) had negative relationships with financial distress. Banks accept deposits and make loans. A higher proportion of NIN shows stable business volume, which could avert financial distress. Therefore, ETA and NIN were indicative of banking financial distress and best predicted trends in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and European Union (EU) banks.  相似文献   


Based on data from 7,350 Cameroonian companies created between 1990 and 2008, we study the link between the characteristics of indebtedness for young companies during their creation and survival period of up to three years, from three to five years, and beyond five years. We complement our quantitative analysis with semi-directive interviews of Cameroonian entrepreneurs to deepen our study. Our results are manifold. We show that access to bank loans during the creation phase, as well as the volume of loans or, to some extent, the debt ratio improve the probability of survival during the early years, but this effect fades away rapidly. The interviews shed light on the motivations of entrepreneurs, particularly of those with very small businesses. Finally, our work reveals the antecedent role of their social capital that facilitates their access to bank loans, and, therefore, the probability of company survival.  相似文献   

采用2008—2020年中国商业银行非平衡面板数据,考察国家审计对银行信贷行为的影响。研究发现,国家审计可以促使银行提供更为宽松的信贷,且这种效应具有延续性。机制分析结果表明,国家审计可以通过提高管理效率、减少违规行为、加快经济增长三条渠道促进银行扩充信贷。异质性分析发现,国家审计对内部治理较好、东部地区、外部法律环境较好的银行信贷行为的正向影响更加显著。调节效应研究发现,社会审计增强了国家审计对银行信贷的促进作用,媒体监督削弱了国家审计的促进效应,而公众监督的调节效应不显著。进一步研究发现,虽然国家审计推动了银行信贷投放,但对贷款集中度产生了抑制作用,且相较于商业贷款和非农户贷款,国家审计提升了消费贷款和农户贷款,国家审计与银行信贷的关系在降低不良贷款率的同时提升了银行财务业绩,说明国家审计可以助推银行信贷业务的高质量发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether regulatory capital requirements play an important role in determining banks’ equity capital. We estimate equity capital regressions using panel data of a sample of 560 banks for 2004–2010. Our results suggest that regulatory capital requirements are not first order determinants of banks’ capital structure. We document differences on the effect of most factors on banks’ share of equity according to the type of bank and to the region of the bank. Finally, we show that the determinants of this share are sensitive to the recent international financial crisis and to a set of regulatory country factors.  相似文献   

This research compares the performance of three liquidity indicators, namely liquidity ratio (LiqR), liquidity creation (LiqC) and net stable funding difference (NSFD), for sending early warning signals for distressed banks. Recent evidence has shown that LiqR appears incapable of measuring the liquidity condition of banks. However, LiqC and NSFD have not yet been fully examined. Thus, which indicator is more useful in an early warning model becomes an interesting issue. We classify distressed banks as banks that have experienced a bank run, bailout, or failure. Sample data are collected from the United States and the European Union from before and after the financial crisis. We then estimate model predictive value using the sample before the crisis to predict liquidity shortages. Evidence shows that the academic (LiqC) and officially recommended indicators (NSFD) outperform LiqR as early warning signals. Furthermore, LiqC performs best when banks actively engage in income diversification but not fund diversification. Therefore, a well income-diversified bank with high LiqC tends to have high distress probability in the next period.  相似文献   

The stock market crash of 1987 and continuing Third World debt problems are among the factors that have re-emphasized the importance of bank capital adequacy. The contemporary academic literature, however, seems to provide limited practical help for banks in this important decision area. This study develops a strategic framework for the appraisal of capital adequacy within the banking firm. It is suggested as a suitable practical way of overcoming the uncertainty problems for which bank capital adequacy is alleged to exist.  相似文献   

Efficient liquidity matching requires from banks to track external shocks (e.g., GDP growth shocks, stock market shocks and monetary policy shocks) in order to optimally allocate their assets between loans and other business lines. Profit maximizing banks have to rebalance their product-mix to take advantage of these changes. However, even though banking is cyclical, and contemporaneously reacts to shocks outside the banking sphere, there may also be some feedback effects at play, whereby bank changes, in turn, could affect economic and financial conditions. Generalizing the results of Marcucci and Quagliariello (2006, 2009), who indeed find an asymmetric impact of credit shocks on economic and financial time series in recession, we use a similar VAR framework to show that an even stronger feedback effect is prevalent for fee-based shocks. If the feedback effects of credit and fee-based shocks might have been both at play before the subprime crisis, the feedback effect of credit shocks seems to have faded away during the subprime crisis, whereas the feedback effect stemming from fee-based shocks has gained further strength.  相似文献   

Korea’s financial system used to be bank-based, with banks playing the leading role in financing corporations. As highlighted by Park et al. (2019), however, bond markets have developed rapidly in Korea and other Asian countries. The corporate bond market competes with banks as a source of finance for large borrowers. As such, bond markets may affect banking sector operation, a process known as disintermediation. In this paper, we examine whether bond market development improves the efficiency of resource allocation in Korean bank lending. We propose two channels through which bond market development affects the efficiency of bank lending. Since the two channels have opposing effects on the efficiency of banking, the issue must be settled by empirical analysis. We find that bank loans are much less efficient than bond financing in allocating resources across industries. Furthermore, banks are particularly inefficient in resource allocation in industries that rely more on bond financing. This suggests that competition from bond financing does not improve allocative efficiency of bank loans.  相似文献   

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