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Current velocities and water temperatures were measured in the four main passages between Green Bay and Lake Michigan and at several sites within the bay during summer and fall 1977. Monthly resultant currents indicate there is anticlockwise circulation in the bay during dominant southwesterly wind and a reversal of this pattern during episodes of northeasterly wind. It is common for two layers to flow through the mouth of the bay in opposite directions during the stratified season. Cold hypolimnetic lake water entering through the mouth and extending far into the bay maintains stratification and promotes flushing. The effects of resonance of forced and free long wave disturbances are prominent in current records; these oscillations are coherent and in phase across the mouth.  相似文献   

根据博斯腾湖1956-2008年实测水位、入湖水量资料,分析了入湖水量与博斯腾湖水位变化关系,采用相关方法计算了博斯腾湖汛期设计入湖水量,并指出博斯腾湖水位的变化主要影响因素为汛期入湖水量,并不是短历时场次洪水,以此为计算基础,得出结论:博斯腾湖最大输水能力下,100年一遇洪水位为1048.6 m,50年一遇洪水位1 048.47 m,可为博斯腾湖水量调度、东、西泵站等输水工程的运行管理提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The Lake Michigan contaminant transport and fate model LM2-Toxic was developed to gain a better understanding of PCB cycling dynamics and to predict environmental exposure concentrations of 54 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in Lake Michigan water and sediment from 1994 to 2055 as a function of a variety of forcing functions including constant conditions, continued recovery forecasts, and load reduction scenarios. LM2-Toxic couples the organic carbon sorbent and chemical dynamics conceptualized for a natural water system. Based on 1994–1995 model results, a mass budget analysis showed that air–water exchange was the most important mass transfer process. Volatilization was the largest PCB loss and gas absorption was the largest PCB input to Lake Michigan. Model-predicted environmental exposure concentrations suggest that the water quality criterion for protection of wildlife (0.074 ng/L) and human health (0.026 ng/L) will be attained in approximately 2018 and 2045, respectively, based on a slow recovery scenario. For this scenario, atmospheric components, including vapor phase concentration and wet and dry particulate loadings, were assumed to decline with a 20 year half-life, and tributary loadings were assumed to decline with a 13 year half-life.  相似文献   

A long-term monitoring program was initiated in 2003 to determine the ecological status of Muskegon Lake, a Great Lakes Area of Concern. This paper presents data generated from the first 3 years of the monitoring program, discusses how the data are being used to establish and justify lake restoration targets, and assesses how water quality conditions have changed over time. Between 1972 and 2005, lake-wide averages of total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus from the water surface have declined from 68 to 27 μg/L and from 20 to 5 μg/L, respectively. In addition, average chlorophyll a concentrations have declined from 25 to 6 μg/L over this period, while Secchi disk depths have increased from 1.5 to 2.2 m. Wastewater diversion, and perhaps dreissenid filtering activity, is most likely responsible for these changes. However, nitrate concentrations have increased from 70 to 270 μg/L over the same time period. During 2003–2005, phytoplankton abundance and fish catch were lower in the spring compared to the summer and fall. Microcystis was the most abundant phytoplankton genus; the fish community generally was dominated by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in spring and summer, and sunfishes (Centrarchidae) in the fall. Dreissenid abundance was highly variable over time, but densities were low relative to Saginaw Bay. Approximately 65% of the Muskegon Lake shoreline has been hardened (i.e., physically altered). Overall, the water quality of Muskegon Lake has improved over the past 30 years, but environmental challenges still exist, including contaminated sediments, loss of natural habitat, and invasive species.  相似文献   

Sucker species (Catostomidae) are a common benthic invertivore in North American waterbodies yet are understudied in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Despite large biomass and potential competition with more economically valuable fish species, the diets of Great Lakes suckers are poorly described. We explored the gut contents of adult white suckers (Catostomus commersonii) in Lake Michigan and Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, and longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus) in Lake Michigan. Chironomidae was a primary prey for white suckers in both lakes, along with Amphipoda in Saginaw Bay. For longnose suckers in Lake Michigan, gut contents were dominated by Amphipoda and Isopoda. Relative to other benthic invertebrate taxa, white suckers positively selected Chironomidae as preferred prey (indexed via Chesson’s alpha). Moreover, the average length of consumed Chironomidae and Amphipoda increased with white sucker length, suggesting preferential size selection of prey as suckers grow. Although dreissenid mussels are overwhelmingly abundant in the benthos of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, relatively few dreissenid mussels were consumed by either sucker species. Thus, suckers are unlikely to contribute to the control of these invasive invertebrates.  相似文献   

由于乌伦古河河川径流具有连续枯水年且枯水时段长的特点,且乌伦古河在连续枯水年份出现断流是一种不可抗拒的自然因素,需要在流域综合规划指导下,具体研究吉力湖和布伦托海入湖水量及水位变化情势,尽可能恢复乌伦古河流域原有生态,保障洄游性鱼类所需要的流量要求,显著减少布伦托海湖水向吉力湖倒灌发生的时间和倒灌水量,使乌伦古湖和周边生态系统有所好转。  相似文献   

利用土壤热通量板、平均土壤温度测针和土壤含水率测定仪进行了土壤增热能量的测定与计算,对土壤温度、土壤含水率、土壤热贮量和土壤表面热通量的变化规律进行了分析和研究,为确定合理的农业用水量和水资源优化配置提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

In the mid 1990s, growth and condition of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) declined within commercial catches in Lake Michigan. However, underlying mechanisms responsible for the declines have not been thoroughly explored. Using fishery-independent survey data, we examined growth and relative abundance of adult whitefish over historical (1980–1990) and recent (1996–2005) time periods in three regions of Lake Michigan: north, mid, and south. Relative abundance was assessed from catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of independent surveys, and changes in growth conditions were evaluated using size-at-age estimates. Relative abundance increased in the mid and south regions between the two time periods and decreased in the north region. Length-at-age significantly declined between the two time periods in the north, mid, and south regions; the north region consistently had the lowest length-at-age. Condition also declined between the two time periods in each region. The decline in growth and condition coupled with increases in relative abundance suggest density-dependent mechanisms are contributing to the observed population changes in the south region. The north region does not appear to be regulated by density, suggesting density-independent mechanisms, such as food web changes, are influencing stocks. Changes in the mid region are likely from a mixture of increased lake whitefish abundance and food web changes. Using fishery-independent population data, our results suggest that multiple factors are potentially contributing differentially within three Lake Michigan regions to cause similar declines in length-at-age and condition of whitefish. These factors (e.g., food web changes, lake whitefish density) should be considered when managing the commercial fishery.  相似文献   

The Lake Michigan model, MICH1, was developed more than 30 years ago. This framework was evaluated using field data collected in 1976 and was later applied to predict total phosphorus and phytoplankton concentrations in Lake Michigan during the 1980s and early 1990s. With a renewed interest in the interaction of phytoplankton with toxics and the applicability to Total Maximum Daily Load studies, several new models have been developed and older models have been revived. As part of our interest in plankton dynamics in Lake Michigan, the MICH1 model was resurrected. The model was evaluated over the 1976–1995 period, with a surprisingly good model fit to lake-wide average total phosphorus (TP) field data. However, the model was less successful in mimicking the chlorophyll-a measurements, especially in the hypolimnion. Given the results, the model was applied to perform a few long-term TP model simulations. Using the model with average 1994–95 phosphorus loadings, a steady state was reached within approximately 20 years, and the lakewide phosphorus concentration was below the International Joint Commission water quality guideline of 7 μg/L. This exercise demonstrated that a relatively simple, four-segment model was able to mimic the TP lake-wide data well. However, this model was less suitable to predict future chlorophyll-a concentrations due to the limitation in the representation of the foodchain and the difficulty of the coarse segmentation of the model to capture the deep chlorophyll-a layer. Strengths and limitations of this model can guide future development of eutrophication models for Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The lower food webs of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have experienced similar reductions in the spring phytoplankton bloom and summer populations of Diporeia and cladocerans since the early 2000s. At the same time phosphorus concentrations have decreased and water clarity and silica concentrations have increased. Key periods of change, identified by using a method based on sequential t-tests, were 2003–2005 (Huron) and 2004–2006 (Michigan). Estimated filtration capacity suggests that dreissenid grazing would have been insufficient to directly impact phytoplankton in the deeper waters of either lake by this time (mid 2000s). Despite some evidence of decreased chlorophyll:TP ratios, consistent with grazing limitation of phytoplankton, the main impact of dreissenids on the offshore waters was probably remote, e.g., through interception of nutrients by nearshore populations. A mass balance model indicates that decreased phosphorus loading could not account for observed in-lake phosphorus declines. However, model-inferred internal phosphorus dynamics were strongly correlated between the lakes, with periods of increased internal loading in the 1990s, and increased phosphorus loss starting in 2000 in Lake Michigan and 2003 in Lake Huron, prior to dreissenid expansion into deep water of both lakes. This suggests a limited role for deep populations of dreissenids in the initial phosphorus declines in the lakes, and also suggests a role for meteorological influence on phosphorus dynamics. The high synchrony in lower trophic level changes between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron suggests that both lakes should be considered when investigating underlying causal factors of these changes.  相似文献   

Most lake whitefish populations within Lake Michigan are experiencing widespread population declines due to low levels of recruitment. However, the stock within Green Bay is flourishing, and various assessment tools suggest consistent recruitment to the juvenile stage each year. The distribution of offshore and drifting lake whitefish larvae were last described in the 1970s, prior to the resurgence of the southern Green Bay stock and prior to increasing knowledge of adult spawning behavior. We conducted a Green Bay wide survey of lake whitefish larvae over three years to provide an update of larval abundance and distribution and to discern influential biotic and abiotic factors that correlate to larval densities. In contrast with historical studies, our sampling illustrated high densities of larvae in both offshore and nearshore environments. Offshore expansion may be a factor in the population increase, but long term survival effects are still unknown. This study also provides the first documentation of larvae within the southern end of the bay below Chambers Island, WI and near re-colonized rivers. Average overall densities were relatively consistent each year, ranging between 29.5 and 49.6 per 1000 m3. Lake whitefish larvae were patchy in distribution and were associated with warmer and more productive waters at small spatial scales. Larval lake whitefish appear to be distributed widely throughout the entirety of Green Bay during the drift life stage, and we discuss our results in light of re-established river spawning and the overall increase in abundance.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected in 1987–1990 from Green Bay and in 1994–1996 from Lake Michigan. Surficial sediments (0–1 cm) from both locations were analyzed for lead for the purpose of describing the horizontal variation of lead in 1994–1996 Lake Michigan and 1987–1990 Green Bay sediments, estimating lead fluxes to surficial sediments, and comparing results to earlier studies. With Lake Michigan concentrations ranging from below the method detection limit to 180 μg/g, the surficial sediments had mean and median lead concentrations of 70 μg/g and 64 μg/g, respectively. Lead concentrations in Green Bay surficial sediments were similar to those in Lake Michigan and ranged between the method detection limit and 160 μg/g. For the bay, mean and median concentrations were 58 and 59 μg/g, respectively. Surficial lead concentrations were highest in the Southern, Waukegan, and Grand Haven basins of Lake Michigan and in the central region of Green Bay in the vicinity of Chambers Island. For Lake Michigan and Green Bay, dated sediment cores illustrate the decline in lead concentrations during the last 30 and 10 years, respectively. Lead fluxes ranged between < 0.049 and 7.2 μg/cm2/yr for Green Bay and between 0.47 and 20 μg/cm2/yr for Lake Michigan. Lead fluxes to Lake Michigan were lower than those reported for 1972. These are the most comprehensive fluxes of lead to Lake Michigan and Green Bay surficial sediments reported to date.  相似文献   

不断恶化的水质变化趋势需要对湖泊的水生生态进行更为广泛和深入的研究。物质的迁移和混合过程直接影响着化学和生物组分的分布,对于维系整个湖泊生态系统非常重要,理解这个复杂的过程有助于更好地保护和利用湖泊资源。为了更好地定量分析瑞士阿尔卑纳赫湖中物质的迁移路径,在研究中,用CE—QUAL—W2模型(二维)模拟物质的迁移和混合过程,与实测结果吻合良好,表明该模型较为准确地模拟了迁移和混合过程,为该模型应用于水质模拟和预测打下了坚实的基础。为了更好地反映物质的迁移过程,还采用热平衡方法计算了垂直扩散系数,并且证明单独的CTD监测能够获取可靠的垂直扩散系数,不必同时进行温度计链的监测。  相似文献   

There have been few direct measurements of phytoplankton production made in Lake Michigan since invasive dreissenid mussels became established in the lake. Here we report the results of 64 measurements of phytoplankton primary production made in Lake Michigan during 2016 and 2017. We conducted two lake-wide surveys, one in the spring 2016 isothermal period and one after summer stratification in 2017 and examined seasonal production with bi-weekly sampling between May and November 2017 at an offshore station in the southwestern part of the lake. We assessed nearshore-offshore gradients by sampling at three transect locations on three occasions in 2017. Spring 2016 production and production:biomass (P:B) ratios (reflective of growth rates) were similar across the lake and were higher than those reported before dreissenid mussels became established, suggesting that despite decreases in phytoplankton biomass, growth rates remain high. Summer 2017 production and growth rates increased from south to north. Areal production in 2017 peaked in late summer. Mean 2017 summer production (499 ± 129 mg C m?2 day?1) was lower than values reported prior to the mussel invasion, and the fraction of total production occurring in the deep chlorophyll layer was about half that measured pre-mussels. At the offshore site picoplankton accounted for almost 50 % of the chlorophyll. As spring P:B ratios have increased and summer P:B and seston carbon:phosphorus ratios have not changed, we conclude that the decrease in phytoplankton production in Lake Michigan is due primarily to grazing by mussels rather than to stronger nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖的风情及风浪特性浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程时长  李良文 《江西水利科技》1993,19(4):315-324,372
文中叙述了鄱阳湖的风情,风浪特性及危害.分析了风在时空上的分布变化,湖陆风的基本特征.由于鄱阳湖地处中纬度,季风明显,每年6-8月为南风或偏南风,其他月均为北风或偏北风.影响湖面风浪的因素,主要是风,还有吹程和水深.风浪会直接影响湖区航运、农业、渔业生产和圩堤安全,给国民经济带来危害.大水面风还会引起增减水现象.  相似文献   

Long-term fishery independent surveys provide metrics of relative abundance and contribute biological information critical to effective fisheries management. Improvements in technology and manufacturing processes have had profound effects on gear efficiency. In Lake Michigan, a standardized multi-agency fish community survey was adopted in 1998 which used multifilament nets to survey nearshore fish communities. Contemporary commercial gill netting operations largely utilize monofilament nets because they’re less expensive, more durable and thought to be less visible and therefore more efficient. As such, interest in converting long-term agency surveys to monofilament nets has grown. To compare catch rates and the size of fish collected, we set similarly configured nets of both mesh materials on the same day at standard survey locations. The most common species captured in the survey were lake trout (52%), yellow perch (19%), lake whitefish (15%), longnose sucker (8%), white sucker (4%) and burbot (1%). Monofilament nets were more efficient in capturing lake whitefish and longnose sucker and equally efficient in capturing other species. On average, nearly three times (2.85) as many lake whitefish were captured in monofilaments nets, and two times as many longnose suckers (2.13). Larger lake whitefish and yellow perch were captured in monofilament nets, whereas lake trout were slightly smaller. For other fish species, similar sizes were captured in each net material. This evaluation incorporated broad replication (298 paired nets) and representation from diverse locations and depth strata in Lake Michigan to inform gear conversion efforts and allow for adjustments as needed in gear conversion efforts.  相似文献   

基于对荷兰艾瑟尔湖流域水污染防治历程及其水管理措施详细梳理的基础上,对艾瑟尔湖与太湖从源头控污、末端治理、管理体制、立法、经济激励机制及区域合作等方面进行分析比较。根据艾瑟尔湖流域在污水处理、流域水资源管理、生态环境恢复、监督合作治污体制建设等领域所取得的成功经验与启示,指出太湖流域水污染治理及管理的各个层次与艾瑟尔湖流域仍存在一定差距,建议太湖流域在治理过程中加强初期雨水的监测与截留处理,将部分典型持久性有毒有机污染物纳入监测范围,对污水处理产生的污泥进行深度处理,推进流域联动治污机制的建设,探索适合中国国情的水资源市场经济激励机制。  相似文献   

Field data obtained in 2003–2004 are used to describe the influence of atmospheric and riverine forcing on the thermal history of fjord-type lakes using Quesnel Lake, British Columbia, Canada as an example. Typical of fjord-type lakes, Quesnel Lake is narrow, long (> 100 km total thalweg), multi-armed (three arms of comparable size), deep (maximum depth > 500 m), and has multiple basins separated by sills. The lake's annual thermal history responds to the joint forcing of surface heat exchange, river inputs, and wind stress. The lake's annual heat budget is dominated by surface radiative fluxes, and riverine input of heat is insignificant in this medium residence time lake (10 years). Despite being insignificant to the annual heat budget, the three major rivers that feed the three arms of the lake contribute to the overall lake circulation pattern. Since these rivers have differing salinities, it is possible to identify, using temperature/salinity correlation diagrams, patterns of riverine circulation interflowing in the lake. Data from a 1-year thermistor-chain record suggests exchange between surface and intermediate waters occurs twice annually, but deep-waters below 150–250 m are mainly renewed during autumn, by strong and episodic atmospheric forcing. This is because wind-forced turbulent diffusion and gravitational convection triggered by wind forced displacement of isotherms (initiating thermobaric instability) are required for full overturn and deep-water renewal.  相似文献   

Six years (2009–2015) of temperature and dissolved oxygen profile data show hypoxic conditions are common in the bottom waters of southern Green Bay, Lake Michigan during the summer. Depleted oxygen concentrations (<5?mg?L?1) affect nearly 70% of the 38 stations sampled representing an area of ~500–600?km2. Stratification typically lasts 2+?months, from late June to early September, and some stations exhibit bottom water hypoxia (<2?mg?L?1) at a frequency of nearly 25% when sampled during this period. A monitoring program initiated in 1986 by the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District has provided a 23?year, recreational season record (May–September) of continuous (15?min interval) in situ bottom water oxygen and temperature measurements at the Entrance Light station of the Green Bay navigational channel. The duration of the hypoxic season ranges from 2?weeks to over 3?months at this shallow 7?m offshore site. This variability likely results from a combination of thermal stratification, oxygen consumption in deeper waters of the bay, and physical forcing mechanisms that drive cool, oxygen depleted, bottom waters on a southerly trajectory across this sensor. These data suggest the duration of hypoxic conditions may have increased during the stratified season in recent years. Hypoxia in the bay would also appear to be sensitive to relatively small changes in these forces, particularly changes in organic carbon loading and the duration of stratification.  相似文献   

Relationships between large-scale environmental factors and the incidence of type E avian botulism outbreaks in Lake Michigan were examined from 1963 to 2008. Avian botulism outbreaks most frequently occurred in years with low mean annual water levels, and lake levels were significantly lower in outbreak years than in non-outbreak years. Mean surface water temperatures in northern Lake Michigan during the period when type E outbreaks tend to occur (July through September) were significantly higher in outbreak years than in non-outbreak years. Trends in fish populations did not strongly correlate with botulism outbreaks, although botulism outbreaks in the 1960s coincided with high alewife abundance, and recent botulism outbreaks coincided with rapidly increasing round goby abundance. Botulism outbreaks occurred cyclically, and the frequency of outbreaks did not increase over the period of record. Climate change scenarios for the Great Lakes predict lower water levels and warmer water temperatures. As a consequence, the frequency and magnitude of type E botulism outbreaks in the Great Lakes may increase.  相似文献   

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