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Hepworth, M. and Oucatel, K. 1991: Transport in the Information Age: Wheels and Wires. London: Belhaven Press, £39.00 cloth.


South East Economic Development Strategy, 1991: Continental Shift: The South East and Europe's Single Market. Stevenage: SEEDS,



Fife Regional Council and Fife Enterprise, 1991: A Study of the Fife Defence Industry. Glenrothes: Fife Regional Council, no price stated.


1990S. Hambleton R. 1991: Another Chance for Cities? Issues for Urban Policy in the 1990s. Papers in Planning Research No 126, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Wales College at Cardiff, PO Box 906, Cardiff CF1 3Y, £6.00 paper.

Nyden, P.W. and Wiewel, W. (eds) 1991: Challenging Uneven Development: An Urban Agenda for the 1990s. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Clavel P. and Wiewel, W. (eds) 1991: Harold Washington and the Neighbourhoods: Progressive City Government in Chicago 1983-1987. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. $16.00 paper.


Gutch, R. 1992: Contracting Lessons from the US. London: NCVO

Publications, £5.00 voluntary organisations, £10.00 others.


Cooley, M. (ed) 1989: European Competitiveness in the 21st Century (A contribution to the “FAST”

proposal for an R&D programme on “Human work in advanced technological environments"). Commission of the European Communities. No price stated.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Charlie Mason, 1988: Government Restructuring of Vocational Education and Training 1981-1987. School for Advanced Urban Studies. £6.50

Confederation of British Industry, September 1988: Building a stronger partnership between business and secondary education: Report of the CBI Business/Education Task Force.

CBI member's price £25, non-member's price £50.

Amin Rajan with Julie Frayatt, 1988: Create or Abdicate: The City's Human Resource Choice for the 90's. Brighton: Institute of Manpower Studies, £25.

Jim Brown and Lydia Baker, 1989: Co-operative Training & Development: Measuring Success. London Co-operative Training, £2.95.

OECD, 1988: Measures to assist the long-term unemployed; recent experiences in some OECD countries, £7.50.  相似文献   

“THE POLL TAX” Flannery, Kate, 1987: More than Just a Poll Tax. Centre for Local Economic Strategies, £5.00. MacGregor, Susanne, 1988: The Poll Tax and the Enterprise Culture. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies, £3.95.

“ECONOMIC THEORY AND THE LOCAL ECONOMY” Smith, D., 1987: The Rise and Fall of Monetarism: The Theory and Politics of an Economic Experiment. Penguin, £3.95.

Holland, S., 1987: The Market Economy: From Micro to Mesoeconomics and The Global Economy: From Meso to Macroeconomics, Weidenfeld, £12.95 each.

Green, F. and Sutcliffe, B., 1987: The Profit System: The Economics of Capitalism. Penguin, £5.95.

“THE SERVICES REVOLUTION?” Rajan, A., 1987: Services: The Second Industrial Revolution? London: Butterworths, £27.50.

“ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY IN EUROPE” Joyce, F. E. and Schneider, G. (editors), 1988: Environment and Economic Development in the Regions of the European Community. Aldershot: Avebury/Gower, £18.50 hb.

“POLITICS OF PRIVATISATION” Ascher, K., 1987: The Politics of Privatisation: Contracting Out Public Services. London: Macmillan Education Ltd. £30.00 cloth, £8.95 paper.

“RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING POLICY” Davies, T. and Mason, C., 1986: Shutting out the Inner City Worker. University of Bristol, School for Advanced Urban Studies, £4.30.

Chapman, P. G. and Tooze, M. J., 1987: The Youth Training Scheme in the United Kingdom. Avebury: Gower Publishing Company, £22.50.

“JOB GENERATION RESEARCH” Storey, D. J. and Johnson, S., 1987: Job Generation and Labour Market Change. London: Macmillan.  相似文献   

“LOCAL ECONOMIC REGENERATION IN SCOTLAND” Hugh Morison, 1987: The Regeneration of Local Economies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £19.50 HB.

“'MANAGING' URBAN CHANGE?” Department of the Environment, 1988: Managing Urban Change: A Report on the Management Training Needs of Urban Programme Project Managers. HMSO, £7.20

“WORKER CO-OPERATIVES” Mary Mellor, Janet Hannah and John Stirling, 1988: Worker Co-operatives in Theory and Practice. Open University Press, £25.00 cloth, £8.95 paper.

“COPING WITH RECESSION” Harris, C. C. 1987: Redundancy and Recession in South Wales. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, £29.50 hardback.  相似文献   

CAG Consultants, 1988: Economic Development for the People of Norwich. Norwich: City of Norwich, no price stated.

Cooper. H. 1989: The West Midlands Labour Market. London: HMSO, £12.50.

Galt, V. et al, 1988: Skills and Training Needs — Report of a Survey of Task Force Area Residents. Nottingham: DTI Task Force, no price stated.

Gait, V. et al, 1990: The Government's Nottingham Task Force Area Skills Audit — a Follow-up Study, 1990. Nottingham: DTI Task Force, no price stated.

Institute for Employment Research, 1989: People and Skills in Coventry. Coventry: City of Coventry, £14.95 paper.

London Research Centre, 1989: The Eating Skills Survey Report. Ealing: London Borough of Ealing, Planning and Economic Development, no price stated.

P-E Inbucon, 1989: Realising the Potential. Final Report. Rochdale: Rochdale Task Force, no price stated.

Policy Research Unit, 1989: The Wakefield Employment Skills Survey. Wakefield: Wakefield MDC, Economic Development Department, £25.00 for all three volumes.

Policy Research Unit, 1990: The Leeds Labour Force: People and their Skills. Leeds: PRU, Leeds Polytechnic, no price stated.

Policy Research Unit, 1990: Skills in the Community: a Study of Harehills and Belle Isle/Middleton. Leeds: PRU, Leeds Polytechnic, no price stated.

Tinsley Community, 1988: Skills and Unemployment Survey in Tinsley, no price stated, attached to Council minutes.

Training Agency, Wales, 1990/91: Valley Skills. Five volumes, first free, the remaining four add up to £16.50. Cardiff: Intelligence Unit, Department of Employment.  相似文献   

”THE GEOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC CHANGE“ Martin and Rowthorn (eds), 1986: The Geography of De-industrialisation. London: Macmillan, £30 cloth, £8.95 paper.

Champion, A. G. et al, 1987: Changing Places. London: Edward Arnold, £7.95 paper.

“WHAT FUTURE FOR THE LOCAL STATE?” Simon Duncan and Mark Goodwin, 1988: The Local State and Uneven Development. Cambridge: Polity Press, £8.95 paperback.


(1) All Change: A study of Bus Transportation Planning, Deregulation and Privatisation in seven towns; Consultant Dr P. A. Stanley; March 1987.

(2) After Chernobyl: A safe energy policy for the South East; Consultant Adrian Atkinson; May 1987.

(3) Troubled Waters: Water services in the South East Region; Consultants Dr J. Rees and Dr M. Synott; May 1987.

(4) Jobs Plan Workshop [W.P.2]; Oxford City Council; May 1987.

(5) Opportunities for energy conservation in Brighton and Harlow council housing stock: G. Matthews, S. Hodgkinson and M. Fergusson.

(6) Defence Electronics Conference [W.P.1]; Stevenage DC; November 1987.

(7) British Rail Services in the Southampton Area (W.P.3]; Consultant Helen Dawson; February 1988.

(8) Right Lines?: A study of British Rail Services in the South East; Consultant Helen Dawson; September 1988.

(9) South-South Divide; SEEDS 1987.

All published by SEEDS, The South East Economic Development Strategy.

“INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING — PROCESSES AND POLITICS” Irene Hardill, 1987: The regional implications of the restructuring in the wool textile industry. Aldershot: Gower, £25.

Bo Strath, 1987: The politics of deindustrialisation. The contraction of the West European shipbuilding industry. London: Croom Helm.  相似文献   

“Urban unemployment”

Hasluck, C., 1987: Urban Unemployment: Local labour markets and employment initiatives. London, Longman, £6.95 paper.

“Property and industrial development”

Fothergill, S., Monk, S. and Perry, M. 1387: Property and Industrial Development London: Hutchinson, £12.95 paper.


Breheny, M. J. and McQuaid, R. W. 1987: The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey. London: Croom Helm, £35.00.

Monde, C. (ed), 1986: Science Parks -- Their Contribution to Economic Growth. Birmingham: UK Science Parks Association, £15.00 paper.

“American perspectives”

Bergman, Edward M. Editor 1986: Local Economies in Transition: Policy Realities and Development Potentials. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, $40.00 cloth, $16.95, paper.

“Marginal regions”

O'Cearbhaill, D. and Cawley, M. (editors) 1986: New approaches to the development of Marginal Regions, 8th International Seminar on Marginal Regions in association with University College Galway, 3 Vote: no price stated.

“Training without jobs”

Finn, Dan 1987: Training Without Jobs:New Deals and Broken Promises:From Raising the School Leaving Age to the Youth Training Scheme. London: Macmillan £6.95.

“The coopera tive workplace”

Rothschild, J. and Whitt, A. J. 1986: The Cooperative Workplace: potentials and dilemmas of organizational democracy and participation. USA: American Sociological Association Rose Monograph Series, Cambridge University Press. No price stated.

“Opposition to plant closures”

Maunders, A. 1986: A Process of Struggle. Aldershot: Gower £20.00 cloth.

“Property data”

Investment Property Databank, 1987: The IPD Annual Review 1987 London, £45.

“Urban economic development”

Hausner.V. A. (editor) 1987: Critical Issues in Urban Economic Development. Volume II. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £22.50 hardback.  相似文献   

Short reviews     

Leedale, M. 1988: Working Paper No. 108 — Intervention and the East London Clothing Industry. Oxford Polytechnic School of Planning, £4.00 plus 85p p. & p.

Lemaitre, J. (ed) 1988: Long Term Unemployment: Which Way Out? Brussels: Elise Publications, 10/Ecus/BF440 + BF50 postage.

Stewart A. 1968: Planning Homes and Jobs: The Sheffield Report Sheffield City Council, £10.00 including postage.

Association of County Councils, Association of District Councils, Association of Metropolitan Authorities. Stimulating Local Enterprise, the local authority role. £5.50 including postage.

Anglo German Foundation and Otto-Blume-lnstitut fur Sozialforschung und Gesellschafts politik, 1988, Local Labour Market Policies in Britain and Germany, London: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. 17 Bloomsbury Square. London WC1A 1LP, £4.50.

Watson, J. (ed), 1989: An Introduction to Political Economy & Planning: Four Interesting Essays, Anglia Higher Education College.

Report for the Commission of Bishop's Council of Diocese of Birmingham, 1988: Faith in the City of Birmingham. Exeter. Paternoster Press, £3.50.  相似文献   

“URBAN ECONOMIC CHANGE” Victor A. Hausner and members of the ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme, 1987: Urban Economic Change: Five City Studies. Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25.00.

“ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY” Robinson, F., Wren, C. and Goddard, J., 1987: Economic Development Policies-An Evaluative Study of the Newcastle Metropolitan Region. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £8.95 paper.

'URBAN REGENERATION ISSUES” London Strategic Policy Unit, 1987: Land for Industry: The need for industrial land in London until 1990. London: LSPU, no price stated.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Re-using Redundant Buildings: Case Studies of Good Practice in Urban Regeneration. HMSO £11.95.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Managing Workspaces: Case Studies of Good Practice in Urban Regeneration. HMSO £11.95.

Department of the Environment, 1987: Greening Crty Sites: Case Studies in Good Practice in Urban Re-generation. HMSO £11.95.

“VIEWS FROM THE DISTRICTS” Association of District Councils, 1987: A Blueprint for Urban Areas, Volumes 1 and 2. London: £12.00.

Association of District Councils, 1987: Economic Development Initiatives and Innovations: Best Practice Paper No. 6 (Revised). London: £4.00.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the prospects for the Regional Development Agency (RDA) initiative, in light of the experience of Britain's Urban Development Corporation (UDC) programme. It explores the contrasts between the two initiatives and considers the prospects for the RDA programme. The paper argues that RDAs pose only limited constitutional implications, but should be more accurately considered as another managerial innovation — reflecting the Blairite preoccupation with “joined-up government” — in the search for more effective delivery mechanisms for sub-national economic development policy. It concludes by arguing that RDAs, like UDCs before them, represent a new hub of power to which locally accountable policy makers may prove to be marginal.  相似文献   

“THE RURAL ECONOMY” M. Healey and B. llbery (Eds), 1985: The Industrialization of the Countryside Norwich: Geo Books, £32.50.

P. Lowe, G. Cox, M. MacEwen, T. O'Riordan, M. Winter, 1986: Countryside Conflicts. The Politics of Farming, Forestry and Conservation.

Aldershot: Gower Publishing Company, £19.50 hardback, £8.95 paper.

E. Stern and J. Turbin, 1986: Youth Employment and Unemployment in Rural England. Report of a One Year Pilot Study in Four Rural Areas for the Development Commission Development Commission/Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

“GLOBAL RESTRUCTURING, LOCAL RESPONSE?” Philip Cook (Ed), 1986: Global Restructuring, Local Response. London: Economic and Social Research Council £10.00.

“LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” Cordle, P., 1985: Employment and Industrial Development-Local Authority Initiatives. CIPFA, £5.00. V. Hausner (Ed) 1986: Critical Issues in Urban Economic Development, Volume II. Oxford: Clarendon Press, £22.50

“CRISIS IN THE INDUSTRIAL HEARTLAND” Spencer, K., Taylor, A., Smith, B., Mawson, J., Flynn N. and Batley, R., 1986: Crisis in the Industrial Heartland: A Study of the West Midlands. Oxford University Press, £7.95.

“BLACK POLITICS AND URBAN CRISIS” Brian D. Jacobs, 1986: Black politics and urban crisis in Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press £25.00 Hardback.

“UNEMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR MARKET POLICIES” Hart, P. E. (Ed), 1986: Unemployment and Labour Market Policies Aldershot: Gower, 1950  相似文献   

“LOCAL EMPLOYMENT PLANS” Norwich City Council, 1987: Taking Norwich into the 1990s. Norwich, free.

Bristol City Council, 1987: Bristol: An Employment Plan. Bristol, £1.00.

Reading Borough Council, 1987: Creating Opportunities: A Programme for Jobs in Reading. Reading, no price stated.

Cleveland County Council, 1987: Unemployment Strategy. Middlesbrough, free.

Sheffield City Council: Employment and Economic Development Department 1987: Sheffield Employment Matters. Issue 1. Sheffield, £10 for 3 issues.

Lancashire Enterprises Ltd, 1987: Annual Report 1986-87. Preston, free.

“ETHNIC MINORITIES AND YOUTH TRAINING” Malcolm Cross and Douglas Smith (editors) 1987: Black Youth Futures: Ethnic Minorities and the Youth Training Scheme, National Youth Bureau. No price stated.

“HOMEWORKING” Allen, S. and Wolkowitz, C., 1987: Homeworking: Myths and Realities. London: Macmillan, £25.00 cloth, £7.95 paper.

“STRATEGY FOR RETAILING” Montgomery, J., 1987: Trade Winds — the changing face of retailing and retail employment in the South East — an alternative strategy. South East Economic Development Strategy, Daneshill House, Danesgate Street, Stevenage, Herts. No price stated.  相似文献   

John Allen and Doreen Massey (eds), 1988: The Economy in Question. London: Sage Publications, £8.95 paper.

Doreen Massey and John Allen (eds), 1988: Uneven Re-Development: Cities and Regions in Transition. A Reader. London: Hodder and Stoughton, £7.50 paper.

Kevin Morgan and Andrew Sayer, 1988: Microcircuits of Capital: “Sunrise” Industry and Uneven Development Oxford: Polity Press. £35.00 cloth.  相似文献   


Ball, R.M. 1995: Local Authorities and Regional Policy in the UK: Attitudes, Representations and the Local Economy. London: Paul Chapman, £14.95 paper.

Mawson, J. et al 1995: The Single Regeneration Budget: The Stocktake. Birmingham: Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, the University of Birmingham, £45.00.

Knowledge based development. Ryser, J. 1994: The Future of European Capitals — Knowledge-Based Development Berlin-London-Paris. London: The Goethe Institute.


Blackman, T. 1994: Urban Policy in Practice. Routledge, £14.99 paper.

City 2020. 1995: Cities for the Future. A New Urban Policy.


Howells, J. 1994: The Dynamics of Research and Development-Opportunities for Growth in the Sooth East Harlow: SEEDS.


Ireland Economic Development Office. 1993: R & D Activity in Northern Ireland, Report 101. Belfast: NIEDO.

Pike, A. and Tomaney, J. 1994: R & D in the North East: An issue for public policy. Newcastle: CURDS, University of Newcastle.


Atkinson, A.B. (ed) 1993: Alternatives to Capitalism: The Economics of Partnership. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, £47.50 cased.

Bailey, N., Barker, A. and MacDonald, K. 1995: Partnership Agencies in British Urban Policy. London: UCL Press, £38.00 cased, £12.95 paper.


Hambleton, R. and Thomas, H. (eds) 1995: Urban Policy Evaluation: Challenge and Change. London: Paul Chapman, £17.95 paper.  相似文献   

The GLC, and the Greater London Enterprise Board, has been developing innovatory policies for letting industrial properties. The aim has been to support priority industrial sectors and to require “good employer” practices by tenants

Although the full value of this work has been cut short by the abolition of the GLC, the experience acquired raises important issues for other local authorities who wish to use their industrial property instrumentally to support other employment development policies.  相似文献   

“REDUNDANT SPACE?” Green, Howard and Foley, Paul, 1986: Redundant Space, A Productive Asset Harper & Row, London, on behalf of the Small Business Research Trust, £14.95.

“SMALL FACTORIES” Perry, M., 1986: Small Factories and Economic Development. Aldershot: Gower, £22.50.

“COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES” Willett, R. 1985: Village Ventures. Rural Communities in Action. Rural Voice/Bedford Square Press, £3.25

Alexander, T. 1986: Value for People, Adult Education and Popular Planning. Popular Planning Project, Clapham-Battersea Adult Education Institute, 116 Battersea Park Road, London, £2.50

Ashby, P. 1986: Trade Unions and the Community, Working for Jobs. Bedford Square Press/N.C.V.O.£2.50

“COMMUNITIES IN BUSINESS” Centre for Employment Initiatives/Community Initiatives Research Trust, 1986: Communities in Business. London: Centre for Employment Initiatives, £6.95 paper.

“LONDON TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY” London Strategic Policy Unit, 1987: Britain's Industrial Renaissance? The Development, Manufacture and Use of Information Technology. London: L.S.P.U.

“EUROPEAN EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVES” Martinos, H., 1986: Employment Creation in Local Labour Markets — Four Case Studies (ILE Notebooks No 5). Paris: OECD, price FF 60.00

“CHALLENGING THE MSC” Benn, C. and Fairley, J. Editors: 1986: Challenging the MSC on jobs, training and education. London Pluto Press, £5.95 Paperback.

“SMALL FIRMS” Scott, M., Lewis, J., Gibb, A., Faulkner, T.; Editors: 1986: Small Firms Growth and Development Gower, £19.50  相似文献   


Barke, M. and Turnbull, G. 1992: Meadowell: The Biography of an “Estate with Problems”. Aldershot: Avebury, £32.00 cloth.


Jones, Trevor. 1993: Britain's Ethnic Minorities. PSI,



Curran, J. and Storey, D. (eds), 1993: Small Firms in Urban and Rural Locations, London and New York: Routledge, £40, hardback.


Turok, I. 1993: Loose connections? Foreign investment and local linkages in “Silicon Glen” Strathclyde Papers on Planning, 23. Centre for Planning, University of Strathclyde, 50 Richmond Street, Glasgow, G1 1XN. £4.00, paper.


Hayter, T. and Harvey, D. (eds) 1993: The Factory and the City: the Story of the Cowley Automobile Works in Oxford. London: Mansell, £40, hardback.


Geddes, M. and Benington, J. (eds) 1992: Restructuring the Local Economy. Harlow: Longman, £22.00, paper.


Hodge, M. and Thompson, W. 1994: Beyond the Town Hall: Reinventing Local Government. Fabian Pamphlet, £3.90.  相似文献   


Howells, J. and Green, A. 1988: Technological Innovation, Structural Change and Location in U.K. Services. Avebury/Gower Publishing, £25.00.

Howells, J., 1988: Economic Technological and Locational Trends in European Services. Avebury/Gower Publishing, £22.50.


Dauncey, G. 1988: After The Crash: The Emergence of the Rainbow Economy. Basingstoke: Greenprint, £6.99 paper.

Ball, C. 1988: If You Think the System is Working. Ask Someone Who Isn't! Bradford: Bradford Metropolitan Council for Voluntary Service, £235 paper.

Marsh, N. 1988: Jobs In Our Cities: Voluntary Employment and Training Projects Under the Urban Programme. London: National Council for Voluntary Organisations. £2.50 paper.


Dyson, K. (ed), 1988: Local Authorities and New Technologies: The European Dimension. Beckenham: Croom Helm, £25.00 cloth.


Sutton, A. S. (ed). 1967: Local Initiatives: Alternative Paths for Development. Maastrict: Presses Universitaires Europeennes (no price stated). Available from European Centre, PO Box 3073, 6202 NB Maastrict. The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Short reviews     
Lawless, P. 1989: Britain's Inner Cities. London: Paul Chapman, £9.95 paper.

Leedale, M. and Beaumont, B. 1989: City Grants-Application Appraisal and Evaluation. Oxford Polytechnic School of Planning, Working Paper No. 117, £3.50 + 85p postage and packing.

Leo Klaassen, Leo van den Berg and Jan van der Meer (eds) 1989: The City: Engine behind Economic Recovery. Gower, £35.00 cloth.

Cross, D. and Whitehead, C. (eds), 1989: Development and Planning 1989. Newbury, Berks.: Policy Journals, £19.50 (plus £2.50 p).

Phil Blackburn and Richard Sharpe (eds), 1988: Britain's Industrial Renaissance? The Development Manufacture and Use of Information Technology. London: A Comedia Book, Published by Routledge.  相似文献   

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