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2007年11月20日,《东盟宪章》得以通过,成为东盟发展的重要标志。文章在阐述东盟宪章出台背景、意义和主要内容的基础上,重点分析了《东盟宪章》对东盟自身、中国发展及华侨华人发展的影响,进而总结出我国的应对措施。  相似文献   

总结两次世界大战的经验与教训,联合国得以创立并以维护和促进安全、发展和人权为己任。《联合国宪章》规定了促进对人权的尊重的宗旨和原则,《世界人权宣言》首次系统化地规定了人权的国际标准,它们是联合国人权工作的基础和总纲。从《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》到其他各个核心人权条约,《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》的标准获得了具体化和法律化。同时,联合国建立并不断加强其人权机制。人权主流化是联合国改革与发展进程中的大趋势。中国是人权理事会的创始理事国,并在2013年再度高票当选理事国。中国对联合国人权机制的参与不断深入。面对机遇和挑战,联合国和包括中国在内的联合国会员国应该秉承《联合国宪章》的精神,根据国际法,建设性地开展人权领域的交流与合作。  相似文献   

武力的使用仍然是对当代社会的一个重大威胁。尽管以《联合国宪章》为基础的国际法规则对之进行了一般性的禁止 ,这种现象仍然时常出现并表现为各种不同的形态。在实践中 ,各国常常以对法律的不同解释和对事实的不同描述为自己的武力使用辩护 ,因而只有通过联合国来进行解释法律和认定事实才能减少纷争。而要真正解决问题 ,还必须通过联合国大会这种最典型的多边方式来执行《宪章》法则。  相似文献   

朝鲜核试验的非法性与联合国安理会第1718(2006)号决议的合法性,在国际法律依据上具有同源性。虽然在禁止核试验和不扩散核武器这一专门领域已经制定了多项条约,但是这些最直接的特殊法都难以用来作为证明朝鲜核试验之非法性的法律依据。根据国际法院确立的“公开”和“意图”标准,六方《联合声明》作为证实朝鲜核试验为违法行为的法律依据也似乎显得牵强。相比之下,作为一般国际法的《联合国宪章》倒是朝鲜核试验之非法定性的有力依据。《联合国宪章》关于“维持国际和平与安全”的首要宗旨和“禁止使用武力威胁或使用武力”原则的含义必定包括禁止核试验。朝鲜的核试验不仅违反了作为会员国和缔约国的《联合国宪章》,同时还违反了“禁止使用武力威胁或使用武力”这一具有强行法性质的习惯法规则和一般国际法原则。  相似文献   

今年是联合国成立50周年。10月下旬,世界各国领导人云集纽约,重温《宪章》,回顾过去,展望未来。会议结束时发表了《联合国50周年纪念宣言》,为下一个世纪的和平与发展绘制了一幅美好的蓝图。  相似文献   

城市规划往往直接或者间接涉及公民个人的权利和利益,《城市规划法》作为我国在城市规划和管理领域的第一部法律,缺乏对规划利害关系人的合法权益的法律救济。目前,我国新颁布的《城乡规划法》健全了对行政权力的监督制约机制和公众参与机制,提出了规划公开的原则规定,确立了公众的知情权作为基本权利,并对违反公众参与原则的行为进行处罚,对城市规划利害关系人的权益有了一定的保护。  相似文献   

陈平 《特区经济》2006,(9):141-143
随着社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和完善,对城市规划工作提出了更高的要求,有必要对《城市规划法》进行修改,确立公共性、科学性、连续性、民主化、人性化、生态化的基本原则。  相似文献   

马磊 《黑河学刊》2013,(8):54-55
本文以《联合国宪章》为例,分析联合国集体安全制度的实践和困境,并对未来联合国集体安全体系的建设提出改进和发展的意见。  相似文献   

小微企业是包含了小型企业、微型企业、家庭作坊式企业以及个体工商户的统称,在国民经济中发挥着重要而独特的作用.世界各国都给予了小微企业特殊的地位或关照.美国的《小企业法》、《小企业创新发展法》,日本的《中小企业基本法》、《中小企业现代化促进法》,德国的《中小企业组织原则》、《反对限制竞争法》,欧盟的《中小企业宪章》等,将小企业定位为"经济的牵引力和社会的主角"、 "欧盟经济的核心力量"、 "确保经济活力和竞争力的主体"等,并从创业服务、税收减免、财政补贴、融资支持等方面对小微企业进行支持与鼓励发展.  相似文献   

《东盟宪章》明确了东盟区的发展方向,本文对东盟区在政治经济发展以及法律等方面存在的新挑战进行分析,本文结合考虑世界经济发展的一些新特征,分析了东盟在未来发展的新机遇。  相似文献   

SA 8000是一个国际性企业社会责任标准,该标准基于国际劳工组织宪章(ILO宪章)、联合国儿童权利公约和世界人权宣言等相关文件而制定。文章通过介绍SA 8000的产生背景、核心内容及发展现状,指出了它对我国中小企业跨国营销的影响,并在此基础上提出了企业领导应该树立长期发展眼光、构建现代人力资源部门和创造新的利润增长点等应对策略。  相似文献   

The Freedom Charter has a significant place in South African liberation history. This paper is a re-reading of the document in 21st century conditions and locates its ideas within contexts that have not previously been brought into debate. In particular, it argues that the Freedom Charter is part of national heritage, but of a special kind relating to its being part of a ‘democratic stream’. This is because of its mass democratic mode of creation and resultant product. It also interrogates the notion of ‘The People’ and what ‘The People’ think, bringing into focus unacknowledged knowledge, especially the questions of orality and communication with ancestors. The notion of ‘brotherhood’ as used in the Charter is examined as connoting more than a gender-related concept–a specific way of human beings relating to one another, akin to that of siblings, signifying cooperation rather than individual isolation or competitiveness. This and questions of gender are addressed in the context of nation-building.  相似文献   

This article argues that the introduction of the Financial Sector Charter (FSC) in South Africa is an important innovation in terms of creating a framework for the sector to promote corporate citizenship. If implemented in its totality, the FSC promises to make a significant contribution to the transformation of the sector. However, on the basis of performance to date, the authors raise concerns about the prospects of the FSC being instrumental in this transformation. They suggest that the sector risks missing the valuable opportunity it has generated for itself. The lack of progress also raises the fundamental question as to whether transformation in the financial services sector can really be achieved on the basis of the model of self-regulation as embodied in the Charter.  相似文献   

《东盟宪章》的签署标志着东盟机制法制化和制度化的增强,对这一制度变迁的内在动力存在着不同的解释。根据功能主义的观点,东盟内部频繁的贸易活动导致了对国际机制的功能性需求,从而诱发了东盟国际机制的深化和发展。这一假设难以解释东盟对外贸易同样出现大幅增长趋势的同时,东盟与其他贸易大国之间的合作机制却仍然保持在比较低的水平上。作者通过引进行为体之间的对称性这一新的变量,进一步完善了经济增长和制度变迁相关性的解释。  相似文献   

1949年9月28日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议一致讨论通过了《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》,被称为新中国的大宪章,起到了临时宪法的作用。在《共同纲领》颁布60年之际,对其重新审视,予以反思,对我国当代的宪政建设不无启示。  相似文献   

This article explores the development of the London East India agency houses during the first half of the nineteenth century, and their evolving commercial and political relationships with merchants and manufacturers in the British provinces. It outlines the emergence of pressure groups in Britain concerned with influencing British economic policy in India and the Far East, and their role in shaping policy as the East India Company receded in importance following the Charter Acts of 1813 and 1833. What emerges is a complex picture of collaboration between interest groups in London and the provinces. This challenges and refines aspects of the gentlemanly capitalism thesis of Cain and Hopkins, which emphasizes both the supremacy of London-based financial and mercantile interests in the formation of British policy towards the empire, and the separateness of City-based 'gentlemanly capitalists' from provincial mercantile and industrial interests.  相似文献   

Nkwe Enterprise Finance, a financial service to fund microenterprises in the North West province, suspended its operations after just over two years of lending. This happened against the background of three significant events. First, a new apex for pro-poor microfinance was designed, which resulted in the need to reconsider the nature of Khula's ongoing role as wholesaler to microfinance institutions. Second, the Financial Services Charter was signed in October 2003, in which banks committed to targets for so-called empowerment lending, including black small and medium enterprises. Third, a large number of microfinance initiatives continued to fail to reach sustainability and scale. This article investigates the reasons for the suspension of Nkwe's activities and draws conclusions on the lessons that should be learnt for the future development of microenterprise funding in South Africa.  相似文献   

This research analyses the commitment to and use of ‘balanced scorecards’ by retailers in generating sustainable profitability, whilst contributing to socio-economic development in South Africa. An international literature review of scorecard frameworks, plans and reports by major retail companies and semi-structured dialogic interviews with a purposive sample of retail business stakeholders and government officials formed the methodology. By contrasting the literature and empirical insights, a summary of findings was generated, which conclude that most retailer scorecards (formal or informal) seek to balance financial with ‘cause-related marketing’ targets, but implementation differs according to factors such as company size, developmental maturity and managerial competence. Furthermore, collaboration between retailers and state institutions in scorecard management is not a reality, as has been achieved in other industries. It is therefore recommended that a Retail Charter scorecard framework be considered, to promote public/private-sector knowledge-sharing and socio-economic development.  相似文献   

The decision in 1847 to cut Treasury spending on public relief efforts during the Irish famine is generally attributed by economic historians to the pervasive influence of ‘laissez‐faire’ ideas on the Whig government of Lord John Russell. This article draws on the papers of political leaders and contemporary financial information to argue that economic reasons were the trigger for the change in policy. Robert Peel and Charles Wood's macroeconomic policies of the 1840s, including the gold standard, the Bank Charter Act, and corn law repeal, left the Whigs unable to borrow to finance relief efforts in Ireland without panicking markets. The scaling back of public assistance programmes that resulted from this—and which increased mortality at the height of the Irish famine—was the unintended result of Peel and Wood's economic policies, in the context of the Whig government's parliamentary weakness.  相似文献   

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