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北京市加工贸易出口退税的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵书博 《涉外税务》2007,(11):61-65
2004年我国对出口退税政策的调整促进了加工贸易的迅速发展,但在实践中,我国加工贸易出口退税仍存在一些问题。本文以北京市为例,分析了促进加工贸易快速发展的税收政策因素,研究了目前加工贸易出口退税存在的主要问题,并就此提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

<正> 自90年代初沿边全面开放、边境贸易蓬勃发展以来,我国边境地区逐步形成发展起来了边境贸易区。边境贸易区作为一种特殊关税区,经过多年的探索调整,进入到平稳运营、趋向规范管理的阶段。随着西部大开发战略的展开,边境贸易区进入扩大向西开放、引进外资的新阶段。 从边民互市扩展到全方位对外开放 1983年,国家正式发布边境小额贸易管理法规,规定边境城镇企业、居民之间进行的小额贸易在双方商定的边境口岸和贸易点进行。90年代初,原苏联解体,我国实行沿边开放、鼓励边贸的政策,边境贸易爆发性兴起。国家对边境贸易实行税收减半等优惠政策,边境地方政府采取灵活政策,边贸经营迅速扩大。经营者由边境地区企业和个体经营者扩  相似文献   

Performance management: a framework for management control systems research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper proposes a framework for analysing the operation of management control systems structured around five central issues. These issues relate to objectives, strategies and plans for their attainment, target-setting, incentive and reward structures and information feedback loops. Their central focus is on the management of organizational performance. Because the framework has been inductively developed, its application is `tested' against three major systems of organizational control, namely budgeting, economic value added and the balanced scorecard. In each case, neglected areas of development are exposed and fruitful topics for research identified. It is believed that the framework can usefully be developed further by its use in analysing other instances of management control systems practice, and that case-based, longitudinal studies provide the best route to this end.  相似文献   

中朝边贸中人民币的大量使用促进了人民币对朝的跨境流动。该文探讨了中朝边贸地区人民币跨境流动的途径与特点,分析了人民币跨境流动迅速发展的原因以及存在的问题,并就进一步完善人民币对朝跨境流动管理提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The Market Evaluation of Information in Directors' Trades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to examine the propensity, characteristics and performance of directors' trades. Consistent with prior research we show that on average, directors outperform the market. However, we also find that there exist a large number of trades which do not share these abnormal share price returns and consequently have little information content. This has important consequences for market participants who use director trading activity as a signal for their own trading strategies. Using different measures of directors' trades based on trade characteristics, we report that purchases by directors are more informative than sales. In addition, the number of directors trading within a twenty day window and the percentage of the directors' holding that is being traded are both important factors in the abnormal share price performance following the trade.  相似文献   

The role of accountancy firms in tax avoidance: Some evidence and issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As entrepreneurial businesses, accountancy firms have supplemented their traditional trade of selling accounting and auditing services by diversifying into a variety of other products and services. They have developed organisational structures and strategies to sell tax avoidance schemes to corporations and wealthy individuals. The sale of such services shifts tax burdens to less mobile capital and less well-off citizens. It also erodes the tax base and brings the firms into direct conflict with the state. This paper provides some evidence of the strategies and tactics used by accountancy firms to sell schemes that enable their clients to avoid corporate, sales and payroll taxes. Such strategies stimulate reflections upon the possible trajectories in the development of accountancy firms and social consequences of their trade.  相似文献   

During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries management accounting practices were transferred from London counting houses to the British North American fur trade. This transfer involved a set of practices that was more effective for implementing the strategy being pursued at the time than the set used with the previous strategy. London counting houses had developed management accounting practices to facilitate their backward integration strategies with America and the West Indies. Pivotal to this development was the requirement for sub-unit accountability and responsibility.  相似文献   

The provision of financial information to company employees has grown rapidly in recent years. These developments are discussed in the context of wider social changes and, followed by the findings of an exploratory empirical study, conducted in order to isolate more precisely the forces at work on the management of large public companies.Although the findings suggest that companies either have an “open” management attitude to information provision or they do not, both categories of company appear to have been provoked into providing information by trade unions.  相似文献   

This paper shows that major components of modern manufacturing processes, such as inventory management and cross-training, play a significant control role. In our model, workers possess information that is critical to efficient ongoing operations. An organizational design that motivates workers to optimally apply this information leverages both the production schedule and worker–management communication. Management's use of these controls results in work-in-process (WIP) inventory that appears excessive from a pure job-scheduling perspective, but is optimal when control issues are considered. Empirical work testing pure job-scheduling theories of modern manufacturing practices has yielded mixed results. We provide control-related interpretations for these empirical findings, and also provide novel predictions regarding the link between inventory levels and the nature of operational information asymmetries. Overall, our model highlights the importance of recognizing both control and scheduling issues when analyzing production processes.  相似文献   

This article analyses the eighteenth-century accounting practices of the Japanese trading station or factory of the Dutch East India Company ( Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie or VOC). The factory's trade and its reported profits declined during the eighteenth century, but because of the complexity of the accounting issues involved, contemporaries held different views on whether the accounting data supported a continuation of the factory's operations. For similar reasons, some historians have argued that the maintenance of the factory in the face of declining profits illustrates the poor quality of the VOC's management, while others have argued in favour of the economic viability of the factory. The purpose of this article is to a more comprehensive analysis of the accounting issues facing the Japanese factory present in the eighteenth century than offered to date, in order to propose a way in which the accounting records may be approached as a source of data for historical research.
The conclusions are twofold. First, there were three main accounting issues facing the factory that should be considered when interpreting the accounting records. These issues can be summarized as transfer pricing, currency translation and overhead allocation. While all these issues have been recognized in the literature at some stage, they have never been considered in combination. Second, we tentatively conclude that if the recorded accounting figures are adjusted as proposed, they support the view that keeping the factory open was a correct decision from a commercial point of view.  相似文献   

Contagion as a Wealth Effect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Financial contagion is described as a wealth effect in a continuous-time model with two risky assets and three types of traders. Noise traders trade randomly in one market. Long-term investors provide liquidity using a linear rule based on fundamentals. Convergence traders with logarithmic utility trade optimally in both markets. Asset price dynamics are endogenously determined (numerically) as functions of endogenous wealth and exogenous noise. When convergence traders lose money, they liquidate positions in both markets. This creates contagion, in that returns become more volatile and more correlated. Contagion reduces benefits from portfolio diversification and raises issues for risk management.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study addresses the emerging financial management focus of publicly and privately funded universities in the global marketplace, focusing on their financial management strategies. Despite regional and national differences, both public and private universities are found to exhibit a global trend towards operating as predominantly market funded commercial organisations. In many countries this reflects the insinuation of New Public Management philosophies into university missions and strategies. University objectives show signs of serving an underlying financial imperative often driven by constrained government funding of higher education and the expansion of private higher education institutions. Revenue expansion through mass education and engagement in the education export trade emerge as primary financial management strategies for a self‐generating profit oriented business model of higher education.  相似文献   

为了促进经济结构调整和产业升级、转变经济增长方式,自2005年5月以来,中国相继实施了一系列取消或降低出口退税率、出台禁止和限制类加工贸易产品清单等政策措施。虽然当前有关贸易统计数据还没有准确反映出中国对外贸易形势的变化,但是东部地区已开始面临中小企业经营困难、就业压力进一步增大、部分外商投资企业撤离等问题。本文认为,这主要是出口退税政策不稳定和"两高一资"产品涉及面过广等原因造成的,建议暂不宜出台新的贸易政策和暂缓执行某些影响重大的贸易政策。  相似文献   

The decision to liquidate or trade out a company in financial distress requires considerable judgment by a provisional liquidator or administrator. While some general procedures and guidelines are available, there is no explicit framework to assist a provisional liquidator or administrator in making a recommendation to liquidate or trade out. This paper reports on the development of an expert system as a method of studying the judgments made by provisional liquidators or administrators in cases of corporate financial distress. The results reveal the major factors that are assessed in making a liquidate or trade-out decision, and support recent calls for expanding the type of information provided by traditional accounting systems.  相似文献   

Firms placed on negative credit watch face the threat of a credit rating downgrade. At the same time, they are given the opportunity to put recovery efforts in place to retain their current credit rating. In this paper, we test to what extent firms use earnings management as a short-term recovery strategy. We find that both accruals-based and real earnings management are associated with firms avoiding credit rating downgrades, and that these alternative earnings management strategies tend to be complements rather than substitutes. However, following the passage of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, only real earnings management is significantly associated with the credit watch outcome. We find evidence that firms which maintain their rating via earnings management are better able to afford the inevitable earnings reversals, and that in the year following the credit watch period, the credit rating performance of these firms is significantly better than firms which undergo a downgrade, with fewer downgrades and more upgrades in this period. Our results also imply that credit rating agencies are not misled by earnings management but rather allow for some discretion in reporting earnings that facilitates the dissemination of private information about future firm performance.  相似文献   

A compendium is provided of some major political, economic and social issues and themes facing the development of the EC's environmental policy in the 1990s and beyond. Among the major issues analysed are the growing political perceptions and realities of environmental interdependency, the importance of EC intergovernmental conferences, the compatibility of the development of the internal market and international trade with the protection of the environment, the meaning of sustainable development in the interdependency context, and the importance of valuation of the environment. The article ends with a brief analysis of new instruments for future environmental policy and the crucial issue of strategic eco-industrial opportunities.  相似文献   

信息披露与国有股权私有化中的盈余管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国有股权私有化是我国国有企业改革的重要措施。国有股权私有化过程中是否存在影响国有股权转让价格的盈余管理行为,以及如何抑制这种盈余管理,是我国国有企业改革中需要予以回答的重大问题。本文以我国通过控制权转移进行私有化的上市公司为样本,研究了国有股权私有化过程中的盈余管理以及信息披露对盈余管理影响的问题。研究发现,国有企业在国有股权私有化前1年和当年的操控性应计项目显著小于0,而私有化后的第1年显著大于0;及时披露国有股权私有化信息的公司在私有化前的操控性应计项目显著大于滞后披露信息的公司。以上结果表明,国有企业在国有股权私有化前存在降低收益的盈余管理行为,信息及时披露对私有化前的盈余管理有显著的抑制作用。本文的研究结论对规范我国国有企业改制和国有产权转让行为具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Using the recognition of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine (IDD) by US state courts as an exogenous shock to the risk of losing trade secrets, this study examines the effects of trade secrets on disclosure of forward-looking financial information. We find that management earnings forecast frequency and forecast horizon increases after the US state where a firm is headquartered starts to recognize IDD. We also find that the effect of IDD recognition on management forecasts is more pronounced for firms that have larger market shares, higher product market competition, more intensive R&D, shorter distance to their industry rivals, and more employees who possess knowledge of the firms’ trade secrets.  相似文献   

We revisit the information content of stock trading by corporate insiders with an expectation that opportunistic insiders will spread their trades over longer periods of time when they have a longer-lived informational advantage, and trade in a short window of time when their advantage is fleeting. Controlling for the duration of insiders' trading strategies, we find robust new evidence that both insiders' sales and purchases predict abnormal stock returns. In addition, we provide evidence that insiders attempt to preserve their informational advantages and increase their trading profits by disclosing their trades after the market has closed. When insiders report their trades after business hours, they are more likely to engage in longer series of trades, they trade more shares overall, and their trades are associated with larger abnormal returns. Finally, we show how accounting for these trading patterns sharpens screens for corporate insiders who trade on infor- mation.  相似文献   

关于对外贸易与FDI之间关系的研究有很多,但对于FDI与国内金融部门特别是国内银行信贷在对外贸易的不同影响这个问题上却很少有人作出比较,而本文就是以这个作为研究主题,尝试解决以下几个问题:改革开放以来我国FDI流入与国内银行信贷对对外贸易的作用有何不同?在不同时期内,两者又具有怎么样的不同关系?等等.  相似文献   

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