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Although the literature on brand placement is rapidly evolving, no studies thus far have focused on radio brand placement or on the effects of the combination of brand placement and commercials. Therefore, the present experiment (N = 153) focused on the effects of radio brand placement on liking, credibility and brand recall. In addition, the effects of the combination of brand placement and a commercial were studied. As predicted based on source credibility and intentional exposure theory, the results showed that brand placement is more liked and perceived as more credible than commercials, and that exposure to brand placement has a stronger effect on brand recall. A combination of brand placement and a commercial evokes higher brand recall than exposure to a commercial alone. However, there were no synergy effects for the combination of brand placement and a commercial. Underlying mechanisms were tested, showing the importance of format credibility in brand placement effects.  相似文献   

Previous research on exposure to TV commercials and recall of the commercials has been done in conditions where viewers did not know the exact duration of commercial breaks. This study is the first to investigate the effects of prompting the remaining duration of embedded commercials in TV programmes on commercial exposure and recall. The study also examined the influence of interactions between the length of the commercial break, the number of advertisements in the break and the type of prompt on commercial exposure. The results show that the use of a prompt influences the effectiveness of the commercials. When viewers knew the exact duration of the commercial break, there were no differences in their commercial exposure irrespective of whether any prompt was used or not. For the same commercial exposure, when compared to not using a prompt, using a prompt giving either the remaining time or the number of remaining advertisements in the form of a duration countdown enhanced viewer commercial memory. These findings provide evidence that prompting the remaining duration during commercial break influences viewer commercial exposure and recall.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether age and its associated implicit memory deficits influences responses to contextual television advertising. Prior exposure to the advertised product or brand during a program should improve recall and brand attitude for contextual commercials. The results of a lab experiment, with participants ranging in age from 19 to 78, revealed that unbranded product appearances significantly improved recall, compared to normal unprimed commercials, but only for younger consumers. Branded product appearances did not significantly improve recall, compared to unbranded appearances. Contextual commercials had no positive effects on brand attitude. However, a competitor-brand appearance had a negative effect on brand attitude, for both older and younger consumers. Implications of these results, and their limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of the mood induced by television program content on subjects' evaluations of commercials. Specifically, happy or sad commercials are viewed in the context of a television program designed to induce these respective moods. The competing predictions of Mood Congruence Theory versus the Consistency Effect are examined to interpret the results. For all dependent measures considered, findings were in accordance with a Consistency Effect interpretation of the results. For two such measures (i.e., liking for the commercial and purchase intention) the Consistency Effect was statistically supported. Hence for these measures, it was found that a happy commercial viewed in the context of a happy program was evaluated more favorably than the same commercial viewed after exposure to a sad program. For the sad commercial, the reverse effects for these measures were evident as this commercial performed more favorably in the context of a sad program relative to a happy one. The dominance of a Consistency Effect interpretation of the results over that of Mood Congruence are interpreted in the context of advertising strategy.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to television drug advertising on children's attitudes toward proprietary medicines and medicine use was investigated in two experiments. The first experiment presented the commercials in a realistic program context fashion. The second experiment presented the commercials in a more direct and controlled manner. Using drug questionnaires, the subjects were assessed for their attitudes regarding the use of proprietary drugs. The results of both studies indicated that exposure to drug advertising had little influence on children's attitudes. Furthermore, children preferred not to watch drug commercials in comparison to a TV program or other types of commercials.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possible effect of television program types on the recall performance of humorous television commercials. An experimental design was developed to test the relative performance of the same humorous and non-humorous ads in three different contextual environments—situation comedy, action/adventure, and documentary. The findings indicate that the recall performance of commercials and of the product or service promoted are both affected by the program environment within which the ads appear.  相似文献   

Brand placements are gradually becoming an important part of promotional toolkit of many major companies. However, despite the increasing volume of research on brand placements during the last decade, several important questions still remain unanswered. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of brand placements in television sitcoms and contrast it with the effectiveness of 30-second commercials. The authors administer a quasi-natural experiment to a sample of research panel participants to investigate how brand placements in television sitcoms affect their attitudes and purchase intentions. Results of the study suggest that people have a more positive attitude toward brand placements than toward traditional television commercials. Moreover, placements can be more effective than 30-seconds commercials when targeting audiences with low attitude toward advertising. Finally, a combination of a brand placement and a commercial within one program doesn't significantly increase brand attitudes and purchase intentions compared with sole exposure conditions.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of program context upon television commercial “performance,” two proposed attributes of both television programs and commercials—content and style—were operationalized to establish four viewing packages. Each typology represented a different content-style relationship between the commercial and the program carrier. It was hypothesized that consistent contextual relationships would result in individuals reacting more favorably toward, though providing lesser recall of, the commercial/ product advertised. Post-viewing questionnaire responses obtained from 279 experimental subjects indicated that the content-style relationship between a program and commercial yielded no major commercial impact effects, although the stylistic dimension may have certain communication effectiveness consequences.  相似文献   


Televised political commercials have frequently been criticized for stressing idealized image characteristics of the candidates rather than issues. Content analyses of political advertising, however, have shown that these commercials generally contain both image and issue material. Given both types of content are present in political ads, this study was designed to determine what people recall from these ads in a natural environment. A telephone study during the last week of a gubernatorial election revealed that the amount of free recall exhibited was greater for information from a preferred candidate's commercials than from his opponent's. However, one-third of the respondents were unable to recall anything from either candidates' political commercials. Recall was more highly related to attitude variables than most demographic variables or total television exposure.  相似文献   

Consumer footprints left on the Internet help advertisers show consumers relevant Web ads, which increase awareness and click-throughs. This “proof of concept” experiment illustrates how Internet behavior can identify relevant television commercials that increase ad-effectiveness by raising attention and ad exposure. Product involvement and prior brand exposure, however, complicate effective Internet-targeting. Ad relevance matters more for low-involvement products, which have a short pre-purchase search process. For the same reason, using Web browsing behavior to make inferences about current ad relevance is more accurate for low-involvement products. Prior brand exposure reduces information-value, even for relevant commercials, and therefore dampens ad relevance's effect on attention and ad exposure.  相似文献   


The authors report the findings of an experiment that investigated the influence of television programs on viewers' perceptions of television commercials. Specifically, program arousal and program pleasantness were examined as potentially important determinants of viewers' emotional responses to advertising. The experiment used a two (levels of program arousal) by two (levels of program pleasantness) design to assess the effects of the independent variables on viewers'perceptions of commercial pleasantness for a pod of four commercials. As hypothesized, an assimilation effect occurred in the high arousal condition and a contrast effect occurred in the low arousal condition. Implications of these results for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study – a naturalistic laboratory experiment – coviewing of TV commercials reduced their effectiveness (delayed proven ad recall) from 63%, obtained by single viewers, to 43%, for both coviewers. During coviewing, the ‘mere presence of another’ apparently distracts each coviewer's attention from the screen. The reduction in TV ads' effectiveness due to coviewing is equivalent to the loss from channel-change zapping, which reduces ad recall to 45%. More deleterious but less prevalent modes of digital video recorder-enabled ad avoidance are skip-button zapping, which reduces recall to 35%, and moderately fast zipping ( × 8 fast forward), which reduces ad effectiveness almost entirely, leaving only 6% recall. This study concludes with some practical suggestions for improving the effectiveness of TV commercials seen by a coviewing audience.  相似文献   

Considerable research evidence has indicated that humour has a positive impact on attention but no consensus is reached with regard to the persuasive effect of humour in advertising. Two hundred and fifty-four university students were recruited to watch five television commercials and respond to a structured questionnaire in this study. Results show that humour secures attention getting while disrupts message processing. Humour enhances message persuasiveness when the moderating variable need for cognition (NFC) is controlled. Participants with low NFC are easier to be persuaded by humorous commercials than participants with high NFC do. It is also found that repeated exposure to the same humorous commercial does not harm its persuasive effect. Male audiences regard humorous commercials as more persuasive while female audiences are the opposite. The study provides guidelines for advertisers/advertising practitioners who would like to employ humour in their communication at the same time it draws ethical concerns towards the increased application of entertainment-coated persuasion.  相似文献   


This paper explores the effectiveness of television commercials transmitted in Spanish with those delivered in English. The research contrasts advertising recall of commercials for an Hispanic population, comparing the recall of Hispanics watching programs in Spanish with Hispanics viewing programs in English. The research suggests that for Hispanics, whether Spanish dominant or bilingual, recall increases when advertising is broadcast in Spanish rather than in English. A counter-intuitive finding is that bilingual Hispanics recall Spanish-language ads to a greater extent than those shown in English.  相似文献   

The introversion-extraversion dimension of Hans Eysenck's personality theory, combined with the theory proposed by Daniel E. Berlyne that hedonic value changes with changes in arousal level, are used to examine the effect that high intensity advertising appeals have on the audience. It was hypothesized that advertising appeals presented at a higher stimulus intensity than the program in which they are imbedded (e.g., commercials presented at a higher volume) would have a differential effect on individuals due, in part, to whether they were introverts or extraverts. In a preliminary test of this hypothesis, participants were exposed to either a radio commercial played at the same volume as the program or to one that was played at a higher volume. Their attitudes toward the commercial and the product were assessed. The results indicate that there is a difference between introverts and extraverts in the resulting attitude toward the product based on the type of appeal to which they were exposed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of emotions, both ad- and context-evoked, on the effectiveness of commercials for not-for-profit vs. for-profit brands. Two types of emotional impact are taken into account: firstly, the emotional appeal of the commercial itself and secondly, the emotion evoked by the context in which the commercial is embedded. Effectiveness is made operational by both rational (recall, recognition) and emotional measures (likeability, understanding of the ad and reduced intention to switch the ad). The main research uses a 2 × 2 between subjects design where the context (warm vs. sad film fragment) and the type of commercial (warm vs. sad) were manipulated for not-for-profit and for-profit brands. The appropriate stimuli were identified in a preliminary study. The results indicate that, overall, sadness as an execution approach works better for commercials. This is in particular the case for the rational impact measures of the for-profit brands. For the not-for-profit brands, the emotional measures have significantly higher scores. Moreover, a context-evoking sadness proves to be the most responsive for the for-profit brands.  相似文献   

Although the effect of involvement with the program context is often cited as a key element in advertising processing, there is no consistent view concerning its role. This study attempts to clarify this point by proposing a conceptual model for the determinants of advertising effectiveness in televised sporting events that incorporates both enduring and situational involvement factors. The results of this study reveal that enduring involvement is directly and indirectly, through situational involvement, associated with advertising effectiveness. Moreover, the findings show that individual factors of enduring and situational involvement operate differently and play a distinct role in affecting the nature of advertising processing. Overall, this study suggests that involvement with the program context should be conceptualized as a function of both enduring factors and situational states, and contrary to previous assertions advertisers should not be deterred from placing commercials in involving programs.  相似文献   

认知心理学中的“时间总长假设”(Total Time Hypothesis)认为,人们掌握(主要指记忆)一定的信息所需要的时间是基本固定的。当总的时间长度固定时,对于这段时间的分配方式并不影响记忆的效果。本文对这个假设在广告行业中的应用进行了论证。文中所分析的数据采集于对美国观众在2002、2003和2006年进行的有关“超级碗”球赛广告的电话访谈。研究结果显示,当广告的时间总长固定时,广告重复的次数对广告的传播效果没有显著影响,从而印证了时间总长假设。文章对如何在广告媒体策划中应用这一结论也进行了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

Dance is an integral part of culture, as is consumption. However, there is a paucity of published research regarding the effect of dance on consumption. In particular, studies on how black social dance in commercials depicts culturally defining racial tensions and stereotypes, and its effect on Euro American consumption are scant. Consequently, qualitative research was employed to survey and interview a small group of Euro American respondents. A Diet Pepsi commercial served as the research text. A consuming value system reinforced the association of the dance with consumption of individual identity as cool; fractured conformity away from the defining macro social structure; and provided for resistive self and community identities. Three contributions result from the research. First, an alternative way of seeking knowledge through dance theory demonstrated dance's value for consumer's lives. Second, Holt's 2004 work was built upon. The dance demonstrated cultural myth recreation in a “macro dance” performed in the “micro dance” of everyday life. Third, ethnographic dance premises were extended and served as the research framework.  相似文献   


Advertising researchers have not investigated the impact of the imagery-evoking sound effects included in radio commercials on learning, feelings, and attitude formation. Results of the current study indicate that the inclusion of sound effects can increase imagery activity and that there is a relationship between degree of imaging and feelings. Further, it is found that imagery evoking sound effects can result in more favorable attitude toward the commercial and in improved recall and recognition of ad claims. Implications for theory and advertising practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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