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本文主要以阿根廷、土耳其和印度尼西亚这三个发展中国家为例,通过介绍各自货币危机发生的情况和原因,寻找共性并进行总结,提炼出发展中国家容易引发货币危机的主要原因:长期面临高外债、高通胀、国家经济结构单一和外汇储备偿债能力不足。并针对这些原因,结合我国当前经济发展特点,提出了要未雨绸缪,避免发生货币危机的对策建议:即保持外债负债率整体可控,警惕外债债务率过高、保持外汇储备偿债能力充足,增持黄金等稳定的外汇资产和控制货币供应量,抑制通货膨胀。  相似文献   

本文分析了现行国际货币体系、国际收支失衡、汇率制度等与全球金融危机的关系,认为是各国实行的宏观调控和微观监管政策以及国际金融体系导致了危机。在现行国际货币体系下,国际收支失衡不会长期存在,浮动汇率制度有助于解决失衡问题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates possible determinants of currency crises in Turkey. We use three different techniques—namely, the signaling approach, structural model, and Markov switching model with monthly data for the period 1992-2004. The results show that money market pressure index, real-sector confidence index, and public-sector variables are significant in explaining currency crises. Hence, one can say that banking crises lead to currency crises. Central banks' real-sector confidence index may be a good leading indicator for currency crises.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了中外学者关于外汇储备对货币供应量与物价水平影响的不同观点;然后,基于中央银行的资产负债表和货币数量理论,对外汇储备增长对货币供应量对物价水平的影响进行了理论分析;最后,重点结合我国的实际,分别从短期和长期两方面对外汇储备对我国货币供应量与物价水平的影响进行了实证检验。  相似文献   

What kind of shock affects exchange rate dynamics? How much of an effect does the monetary policy have on exchange rates? To answer these questions empirically based on the currency crisis model, I use panel data on 51 emerging countries from 1980 to 2011, identify shocks, and apply instrumental variable methods. I found that both productivity shocks and shocks to a country’s risk premium affect exchange rates and a 1 percentage point increase in the policy interest rate is associated with a 1 percentage point appreciation of domestic currency. I further apply this method to Asian and Latin-American crises.  相似文献   

We suggest that the Asian financial crisis began because of theinconsistent exchange rate system and miss-management within Thailand. We showthat prior tothe Asian financial crisis the Thai Baht against the Yen followed the theoryofpurchasing power parity but the Baht against the U.S. Dollar did not. We givebriefsummaries of the papers included in this issue.  相似文献   

投机性货币冲击引发货币危机的条件及防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由投机性货币冲击所引发的固定汇率制崩溃给实行固定汇率制的国家(或地区)的经济发展蒙上了一层沉重的阴影。为此,本文运用国内外关于货币危机中货币投机性冲击理论的最新研究成果分析了欧洲货币危机和东南亚金融危机中投机冲击致胜的基本条件,进而提出了我国加入WTO后防范和化解人民币危机的相关措施。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the interrelation between the spot exchange rate of the Israeli currency, the new Israeli shekel, to the U.S. dollar, and the trading volumes of put and call options on the U.S. dollar in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. An increase in the trading volume of calls is positively correlated with an increase in the spot exchange rate of the dollar on the same day and the following day, but with a lower coefficient. Similarly, an increase in the trading volume of puts is related to a decrease in the spot price of the dollar on the same day of trade, with a smaller effect on the following day.  相似文献   

商业银行股份制改造已进入实质性阶段,以此为契机,中国金融体系改革也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,在经济、金融自由化的今天,我国将要面临的风险与外部冲击必然会增多。在此背景下重提货币危机,有着较为重大的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

Several twin crises occurred in the Turkish economy in the last three decades. In this article, we aim to analyze the link between banking and currency crises and to illustrate the essential determinants of these twin crises by developing a multivariate logit model for the period 1990–2013. The empirical findings show that Turkish currency crises are mainly due to excessive fiscal deficits, rises in short-term external debt, overvaluation of Turkish lira, and external adverse shocks; banking crises are primarily caused by excessive money supplies and bank short positions. The empirical findings also indicate that banking crises lead to currency crises, and vice versa.  相似文献   

世界外汇储备结构概览及比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过对世界外汇储备货币结构和资产结构的比较分析,以及对主要国际储备货币汇率变动同外汇储备规模之间的对比关系分析,评述了世界外汇储备货币结构和资产结构的变动特点;同时结合个别国家的经验教训,就“去美元化”问题和“外汇储备投资多元化”问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

We investigate evidence of state-dependent correlation between Mexican Brady bond and Mexican Equity Fund returns between November 1990 and March 2000. During this timeframe, the Mexican capital market can be characterized by three distinct periods: pre-Peso crisis (November 1990–April 1993), the crisis years (May 1993–December 1996), and a period of recovery following the crisis. We find a statistical increase in correlation of returns from these instruments during the period surrounding the Peso crisis, and show that the correlation preceded the collapse of the Peso by 20 months. We also find that common fundamentals fail to explain the source of this correlation. However, using a regime switching model, state-dependent investor perceptions embedded in the Brady returns can explain the correlation pattern. Our evidence implies that time-varying correlation between debt and equity securities may be driven primarily by state-dependent investor perceptions about bond risk.  相似文献   

张彬 《济南金融》2009,(8):58-61
截至2009年一季度末,我国外汇储备已经超过2万亿美元,在金融危机的大背景下,面对美元的大幅贬值,如何合理利用我国巨额外汇储备成为人们关注的焦点问题。本文首先论述了对外汇储备的正确认识,并讨论了高额的外汇储备对我国国民经济带来的风险,最后从合理利用外汇储备的角度提出了一系列的政策建议,认为当前应利用高额的外汇储备来建立国家物资储备和国家主权养老基金,成立国家外汇投资公司或者建立外汇平准基金等。  相似文献   

In this paper we use UK data to present strong empirical evidence that explains the mixed results in previous studies with respect to the effect of financial distress on the demand for corporate hedging. We build on recent studies that have identified a strong link between foreign currency (FC) debt use and leverage. Given this relationship, we show that using leverage variables as proxies for financial distress and the failure to distinguish between FC debt users and non‐users causes misleading inference. More specifically, when we partition our sample of FC hedgers into firms that use and do not use foreign debt, we show that leverage variables are significantly related to the FC hedging decision for firms that use FC debt either in isolation or in combination with FC derivatives but not for firms that only use FC derivatives. This suggests that FC debt users are influencing these results. However, we also find that other financial distress cost proxies with no obvious link to FC debt use are significant determinants in the corporate demand for FC hedging, including derivatives use.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of currency crises on the industrial sectors of Korea, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. We find that the interval for the effect of the currency crisis on the industrial sector to disappear is around four years for Korea after the 1997 currency crisis; around five and seven years for Turkey following the 1994 and 2001 currency crises, respectively; and around five years for the Czech Republic following the 1997 currency crisis. For all three countries, the effects of the currency crises on the industrial sector disappear in a longer interval than does the effect of any other economic issue.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate whether reserve currency preferences have been a source of stability for the international monetary system. Our findings suggest that reserve-hoarding countries, especially the emerging/developing countries, tend to adopt a stabilizing diversification strategy in their reserve portfolio allocation, buying (selling) assets denominated in depreciated (appreciated) currency. The result is robust to both International Monetary Fund and Bank for International Settlements measures of quantity changes of reserve shares. The stabilizing diversification strategy reveals the fact that reserve-hoarding countries may fall into a "dollar trap," and escaping from it may cause more valuation loss of their existing reserve portfolios.  相似文献   

中华经济圈的货币合作与汇率协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两岸三地进行货币合作可进一步扩大区内贸易、降低交易成本和减少外汇储备.两岸三地在失业率、通货膨胀率、财政赤字、公共债务、货币供给等方面具有相关性和趋同现象.区内货币汇率具有相同的波动趋势,为中华经济圈的货币合作和汇率协调奠定了经济基础.  相似文献   

When analyzing the appropriate response for monetary policy during a currency crisis, it is important to keep in mind two distinct channels: the effect of raising interest rates on exchange rates and the direct effect of exchange rate changes on output. The first pertains to the monetary side of the economy as given by the interest parity condition. The second pertains to the real side of the economy. The interaction between these two parts of the economy derives the equilibrium output and exchange rate in the economy. This paper expands on the Aghion et al. (2000) monetary model with nominal rigidities and foreign currency debt, to examine the interaction between the real and monetary sides of the economy and to analyze the effect of monetary policy on the real economy. We find that the effect of monetary policy on exchange rate and output is theoretically ambiguous. This in turn suggests that the appropriate monetary policy response could vary among countries at any point in time, or for a particular country between two different periods.  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of official FOREX interventionsof the three major central banks in terms of the dynamics ofthe currency components of the major exchange rates over theperiod 1989–2003. We identify the currency componentsof the mean and volatility processes of exchange rates usingthe framework developed recently by Bos and Shephard (2006).Our results show that, in general, concerted interventions tendto affect the dynamics of both currency components of the exchangerate. In contrast, unilateral interventions are found to primarilyaffect the currency of the central bank present in the market.Our findings also emphasize a role for interventions conductedby these central banks on other related FOREX markets.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple signaling model of foreign currency borrowing that yields predictions about firm survival and performance during a currency crisis. Using a large panel of firm level data for South Korea we offer empirical support for many of the predictions of our model, while others support predictions that cannot be tested using our data. Our paper demonstrates that although firms that borrow in foreign currency are more likely to exit after the currency collapses, those that continue to produce perform better. Among them, the best performers are exporters whose foreign sales are more competitively priced under a devalued currency.  相似文献   

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