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现有在认识上对个人储蓄养老保险还存在若干认识误区:个人储蓄养老保险只是包括城镇职工;个人储蓄养老是自愿的,不需要配套的规章制度、法规;个人储蓄养老必然由商业保险公司经办;个人储蓄养老与基本养老保险、与企业单位补充保险挂钩;把个人储蓄养老保险仅仅定位在减轻国家养老负担方面。基本对策:应当建立全民性的个人储蓄养老保险制度和个人账户。  相似文献   

李宏 《技术经济》2007,26(5):113-116
19世纪末德国社会保险制度的建立是现代意义上的社会保障制度诞生的标志。德国的社会保险制度主要由养老、医疗、失业、工伤以及护理等五大保险构成,其主要特征是立法健全、自治管理、统放结合和三方合作。战后尤其是20世纪70年代以来,德国社会保险制度逐渐面临着开支膨胀、老龄化问题严重等危机,德国政府积极探索改革之道,希望通过开源节流、增加制度中个人的责任等措施来缓解社会保险与经济发展过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

随着养老保险个人账户加快做实,个人账户运营管理的安全和效率成为做实后的最大挑战。为克服政府主导运营管理模式的弊端,结合个人账户的私有化产权特点和养老保险制度公共性特点,应构建政府管制下的“市场化委托管理模式”。该模式主要特征为:个人账户基金管理委员会和中央担保公司作为个人账户行政主管部门;赋予缴费者自主选择基金公司参与投资权力,以实现个人账户私有产权的效率、专业化分工和共赢目标;通过内部制衡和外部监督保障基金安全。  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of informal insurance in the presence of an intertemporal technology. It is shown that when an insurance agreement suffers from enforcement problems, constraints on individual savings behaviour can enable the group to sustain greater cooperation. This result provides a motivation for a variety of social norms observed in traditional societies which discourage ‘excessive’ accumulation of wealth by individuals. The paper also shows that social norms that discourage savings are more likely to benefit poorer communities and thus, paradoxically, cause them to fall further behind even as it serves a useful purpose.  相似文献   

Precautionary saving is the additional saving done by individuals to protect them financially in situations of uncertainty and reduce their vulnerability for negative shocks that may affect their consumption levels. This paper investigates the existence and extent of savings motivated by precaution in Mexico for people aged between 50 and 75, using data from the Mexican Health and Ageing Study 2003. The empirical strategy is based on a test of the direct relationship between the accumulated wealth and the uncertainty generated by the social security status, in particular the availability of health insurance, accounting also for the expectation to receive a retirement pension. The endogeneity‐corrected estimates do not yield results that unequivocally support the existence of private savings as a risk protection mechanism, implying that the public protection system has an important role in reducing the vulnerability of the population studied.  相似文献   

文章基于一般均衡分析框架,通过构建“统账结合”制基本养老保险的异质性跨期交叠一般均衡动态模型,引入国发〔2005〕38号文的主要内容,利用政策仿真、参数估值和敏感性检验等方法,重点研究了养老保险制度覆盖面扩展的收入分配和再分配效应,并进行了理论推导和实证测算。结果发现:(1)我国基本养老保险扩面具有明显的收入分配和再分配效应,且再分配效应是累进的,发生了从城镇企业职工为代表的高收入者向以灵活就业人员和农民工为代表的低收入者的收入转移;(2)个人账户发挥了平滑作用,有利于改善不同类型劳动者终生的收入分配,但不利于收入再分配的改善;(3)社会统筹账户具有较强的收入再分配效应,有利于改善不同类型劳动者的收入再分配,缩小收入差距。参数敏感性检验表明结论是稳健的。因此,进一步优化社会统筹账户有利于减小收入不平等。  相似文献   

人口年龄结构、养老保险制度与最优储蓄率   总被引:100,自引:3,他引:97  
近年来 ,中国城镇居民的消费倾向出现了大幅度的下降。为了解释这个令人困惑的现象 ,我们首先构建了一个可以把握中国养老保险制度之基本特征的叠代模型。我们进而发现 ,人口老龄化一般说来会激励居民增加储蓄。由于人口老龄化是计划生育政策的自然结果 ,它很可能是造成中国城镇居民储蓄倾向上升的一个重要因素 ,本文中的数值模拟结果为上述判断提供了一些依据。最后 ,我们对中国的黄金律问题进行了讨论。基于多种原因 ,我们认为中国目前的储蓄率并不是社会最优储蓄率的体现 ,降低储蓄率很可能成为一个帕累托改进。  相似文献   

Rising health care costs and declining personal savings rates are nearly synonymous with household medical debt. For some, defined contribution (DC) retirement savings plans provide a ready source of funds to meet these medical debts. We examine whether health status and health insurance coverage predict the likelihood of having a DC loan using data from the Federal Reserve's triennial Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) from 1989 to 2007. We find that poor health raises the likelihood that a household will borrow from their DC plans, even controlling for other forms of debt, access to credit, and whether households are covered by health insurance. Our estimates of the amount of the DC loan, taking selection effects into account, indicate that DC loan amounts are also influenced by health status; those with poor health borrow more from their DC plans. Apart from health status, once a household decides to borrow from their retirement funds, race and education also influence how much to borrow. We argue that public policy can improve the long‐term financial retirement security of households by offering more opportunities to save for medical emergencies, while cautiously maintaining the opportunity to borrow from DC plans. (JEL D12, D14, D91)  相似文献   

文章基于“十三五”规划建议提出适当降低社会保险费率的现实背景,从社会福利最大化视角,运用一般均衡模型对五种生育情景下不同退休年龄的城镇职工基本养老保险最优社会统筹缴费率进行测算,并分析降低社会统筹缴费率的经济效应。研究表明:(1)最优社会统筹缴费率随退休年龄的延长而下降,随人口增长率的上升而提高。0%-100%符合全面二孩政策规定的妇女生育二孩,使退休年龄为60岁时的最优社会统筹缴费率降到191.8%-196.3%,使退休年龄为65岁时的最优缴费率降到107.7%-116.4%。(2)除了受生育政策和退休年龄影响外,最优社会统筹缴费率对物质资本产出弹性、个人主观效用贴现因子和社会贴现因子的敏感性也较强。(3)降低社会统筹缴费率具有积极的经济效应,不仅能促进经济增长和增进社会福利,而且有助于完善我国多层次养老保险体系。因此,文章为降低城镇职工基本养老保险社会统筹缴费率的改革提供了依据。  相似文献   

目前,我国的养老保障机制采用以社会养老保险为基础的多渠道养老保险机制,家庭成员赡养、个人金融投资和养老保险就成为了三种主要方式。这一结论已经得到了学术界的广泛认可,然而我国不同养老渠道之间的比例和关系尚缺乏实证研究。家庭自主的金融资产投资、家庭成员之间的赡养效果还没有得到充分的检验。文章基于2008年和2009年的中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,首次运用2005年政策调整后的数据进行实证研究,对我国养老金财富、个人金融投资以及家庭成员赡养率之间的关系进行了分析研究。文章根据传统的世代交叠模型,针对现有数据,建立了一个三期世代交叠模型,然后分析了不同渠道养老保险收入对家庭储蓄率的影响。研究结果表明,基本养老金财富与个人金融投资对非退休人群的储蓄有显著的负向影响,退休者的储蓄率主要受家庭成员赡养影响,并且呈负相关的关系。  相似文献   

本文以我国养老保险的"统账结合"模式为例,探讨了社会保障制度对人口老龄化和人力资本投资的影响。根据本文的推导和验证,增加"统账结合"模式中个人账户的比例,将会对居民的人力资本投资产生一定的激励作用,并延缓其退出劳动力市场的时间,从而缓解人口老龄化对经济和社会发展带来的压力。另外,本文还在"统账结合"模型下,分析了人力资本投资与退休的关系,结果发现,增加人力资本投资,可以延长居民的劳动参与时间。由此,我国的社会保障制度应该在以下两个方面进行改革:适当增加"统账结合"模式中个人承担的比例;加快农村的社会保障体系建设,促进覆盖全国的社会保障体系的形成。  相似文献   

We study optimal social insurance aimed at insuring disability risk in the presence of linear income taxation. Optimal disability insurance benefits rise with previous earnings. Optimal insurance is incomplete even though disability risks are exogenous and verifiable so that moral hazard in disability insurance is absent. Imperfect insurance is optimal because it encourages workers to insure themselves against disability by working and saving more, thereby alleviating the distortionary impact of the redistributive income tax on labor supply and savings.  相似文献   

农村留守老人生活照料状况实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着农村大量剩余劳动力流向城镇,传统的家庭保障功能逐渐弱化,而中国的农村社会养老保险制度尚处在改革探索过程之中,再加上留守老人群体自身的特殊性、相关社会制度支持度的不足,使得留守老人所能获得的养老资源,尤其是生活照料方面的资源日渐匮乏。因此,应完善集中赡养制度,支持社会力量办养老事业,建立留守老人"时间储蓄银行",发挥社区组织的功能,进一步提高农村留守老人的养老保障水平。  相似文献   

田家官 《财经科学》2010,(8):109-116
社会保险制度是社会保障制度最重要的组成部分,对于实现社会保障制度的功能起着重要作用。道德风险对于社会保险发挥其正常功能具有显著的消极影响。本文针对国内外社会保险制度实施中存在的形形色色的道德风险,探讨了社会保险道德风险产生的条件和特点,分析了社会保险道德风险产生的原因,提出防治社会保险道德风险的思路和对策。  相似文献   

The effects of the German unemployment compensation system on aggregate savings and the distribution of wealth are studied in a general equilibrium 60–period OLG model. The distribution of wealth is derived as an endogenous function of the parameters characterizing the unemployment compensation system, which comprises unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosengeld), unemployment assistance (Arbeitslosenhilfe), and welfare payments (Sozialhilfe), the latter two being subject to a means test. As our main results: (i) both aggregate savings and wealth equality are a monotone decreasing function of unemployment benefits; (ii) optimal unemployment compensation declines over the spell of unemployment; (iii) asset–based means tests are shown to reduce welfare if the allowable wealth level is below the average wealth in the economy.  相似文献   

全面建成多层次社会保障体系是党的十九大报告确定的重要指导原则,推进养老保险多层次协同发展是深化社会保障改革的重中之重。本文通过对基本养老保险实际费率和替代率的测算发现补充养老保险发展存在较大空间;通过分解个人账户基金现值及权益,尝试在多层次体系下建立不同养老保险制度间的转换衔接通道。本文研究发现,允许个人账户基金纵向转续是弱化多层次挤出效应的重要方式,能够在保证第一层次覆盖率的前提下促进二三层次扩面。  相似文献   

机关事业单位养老保险制度的人性化选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董黎明 《技术经济》2007,26(3):121-123
伴随着城镇企业养老保险制度的逐渐完善,建立机关事业单位养老保险制度无疑是目前社会养老保险工作中最棘手的难题。由于过去城镇内部养老保险“二元化”特征导致现阶段对机关事业单位试点和改革存在诸多的分歧,试图在过去改革试点和城镇养老保险改革的经验基础上,以最终建立全国统一的社会保障制度为目标,力图最小化转制成本,对机关事业单位养老保险制度建立的原则和框架问题做一些探索。  相似文献   

Population ageing is now an established demographic characteristic of many economies. Economists working in the endogenous growth theory tradition have sought to model the relationship between public pensions, financed on a 'Pay-As-You-Go' basis, and the growth in per capita incomes. The resultant intergenerational wealth redistribution from young to older people seems to decrease private savings, diminish capital accumulation, and lower the growth of per capita incomes. The underlying transmission mechanism appears to be a crowding out effect in private capital markets contingent upon the introduction of public pension systems. A growing literature exists on the interrelationships between public pension schemes, fertility rates and endogenous growth. Following Wigger's (1999) pioneering overlapping generations endogenous growth model, we extend this model to examine the effects of a savings subsidisation system on the rate of per capita income growth, fertility and voluntary intrafamily wealth transfers, where parents view children both as an insurance good and a consumption good. Moreover, children care about the consumption levels of their parents. An increase in contributions to a savings subsidised public pension scheme will crowd out private intergenerational transfers from the young to the old and thereby negate the usefulness of children as an insurance good.  相似文献   

当前中国巨灾事故不断发生,造成重大损失,这种状况呼唤着完善的巨灾风险保障体系的建立与健全。本文在分析中国巨灾保障体系缺失原因的基础上,通过总结与中国一样面临巨灾威胁的一些国家管理巨灾风险的模式,井结合中国实际,提出若干建立以巨灾保险为基础的巨灾风险保障体系的初步设想,以期使保险这种社会化风险管理手段在和谐社会构建中,更好地发挥其社会管理功能和“社会稳定器”作用。  相似文献   

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