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生命对于每个人来说都很宝贵,所以我们要倍加珍惜,全身心地投入,对得起自己生命的时光,真切地为自己的生命负责。这个时代,人们都很忙。但此刻你在忙什么?有没有认清所忙事情的目的和意义?如果没有,那么无论你正在做什么,请暂时放下它,问问自己:我在忙什么?我的心在哪里?很多时候,我们会用固定的模式来理解生活,说这才是"享受":比如要有大房子,最好还配个大花园,有贤惠漂亮的  相似文献   

我时常听到很多朋友在说最大的梦想就是不用工作,有很多财富让自己去吃喝玩乐,享受人生。但凡有这种梦想的人我从未见过真正能够像他们所说的能够如愿以偿。我常对我的同事说:钱是四条腿的,人是两条腿的,人追钱永远追不到。只有钱追人才能追得到。  相似文献   

爱情——不要认为后面还有更好的,因为现在拥有的就是最好的。不要认为还年轻可以晚些结婚,爱情是不等年龄的。不要因为距离太远而放弃,爱情是可以和你一起坐火车的。不要因为对方不富裕而放弃,只要不是无能的人,勤劳是可以让你们富裕的。不要因为父母反对而放弃,你会发现因为这个原因而放弃的爱情,将是你一生的悔恨。其实对于爱情,越单纯越幸福。  相似文献   

“2001年,铜元局那片半山坡上肆意的疯长着各种各样的植物,如今,那里变成了高楼林立的现代居住区。”家住铜元局的张大爷回忆道。不错,一个名叫融侨半岛的项目逐渐浸透在越来越多重庆市民的心底——大社区、大配套、大生活、大空间成为了这个项目的代名词;而这个区域因为有龙湖地产集团的第一个跨江之作——龙湖·观山水而受到更多购房者的关注。随着南方东银、中丹爱地等实力开发商的进驻以及菜园坝大桥通车、轻轨三号线的施工将吸引更多购房者的眼球,让准备享受便捷生活的年轻一族大为兴奋——  相似文献   

他出身于军人家庭,年幼时曾梦想成为将军;中学的他,阅读了HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN WALL STREET一书,曾经有冲动创办一个价值至少6亿美元的国际化企业;大学的他,做过学生会主席,成为中国最早的网民之一并筹建网吧;现在的他则是资深的人力资源管理专家--上海贝尔(阿尔卡特朗讯中国区)公司人力资源部资源配置与招聘总监、原阿尔卡特亚太区全球绩效管理项目负责人.  相似文献   

石蓉 《企业文化》2010,(3):87-87
清晨,闹钟无比准时地把我叫醒,睁开眼睛,我知道,忙碌的一天又将开始了。有个哲人说过,享受生活是一种境界,所以,有人享受孤独,有人享受安逸,有人享受轻松,有人享受平淡,而我,也正慢慢地开始享受我的忙碌。  相似文献   

企业家们从前总是忙忙碌碌地工作,现在明确更懂得品味生活了。退休之后,好好享受生活才是最重要的。你怎样计划你以后的生活?  相似文献   

《广西质量监督导报》是由广西科学技术期刊编辑学会.广西质量协会主办的面向国内外公开发行的属自然科学类综合指导性期刊。是宣传党的方针政策.宣传《产品质量法》、《消费者权益保护法》及广西名特新产品.指导消费者识别商品真伪.引导积极消费,是广大科技工作者学术交流的园地。  相似文献   

“管理一个项目,成就一个精品”,秉承优良服务意识,宝景物业对于服务品质的追求精神,在每一个项目中得以完美体现。“宝景物业人”从关注细节出发,坚持创新永无止境,为业主创造和谱、轻松的生活,全面定义了物业管理品质标准!  相似文献   

赵燕 《秘书》2011,(12):26-27
大多数人都认同外在管理的重要性,比如公司需要管理,家庭需要管理,事业需要管理,却意识不到自我管理的重要性;有些人虽然能意识到对个人财富、时间、健康进行管理的重要性,却会忽略对自身的快乐进行管理。以下针对谭一平的《控制情绪:在工作中寻找快乐》(《秘书》2011年第3期)谈谈秘书应该如何管理自己的快乐,享受秘书工作。  相似文献   

尚品宅配的宣传手册赫然在扉页上写着“时尚不算什么,除非是可定制的时尚。”其实,可定制的也不算是时尚,N年以前,传统的老工匠们也是这样一对一地精雕细刻。所以,我们也不妨在这里拽拽地撂上一句:“可定制的时尚又算得了什么,除非有数码科技的一体化控制。”  相似文献   

As some leading-edge non-profits made initial strides in using the Web as a part of their fund-raising efforts, we began to see that ePhilanthropy also meant online outreach, e-mail campaigns, advocacy and more. Every day, the early adopters have pushed the envelope to redefine this new term.  相似文献   

<正>2005年前6个月,宝马集团汽车销量再创新高,与 2004年同期相比增长9.4%,达645,531辆(2004上半年: 590,980辆)。这样,2005年上半年成为宝马集团历史上 最成功的半年。由鉴于此,本期汽车广告创意选取了在宝 马历史上颇有里程碑意义的宝马3系的一则经典电视广告 创意推介给大家。  相似文献   

在地球之上的中国,有一群造车的"大象",以踏实和坚韧向全球市场冲击。勇往无前是中国造车人的执著,"大象"的驱动为和牵引力,更是驱动整个汽车产业前行的动力。大象起舞,就是振兴民族工业的梦想,更是中国汽车选车人翘首的自信。  相似文献   

Early supplier involvement and integration is important in product development on strategic as well as on operational, project and team levels. Saab Aerospace intended to achieve early supplier involvement and high level of integration on all levels in the redesign of the aircraft JAS 39 Gripen. The research underlying this article shows that the intended strategy was only achieved on the strategic level and not on the operational project and team levels. One major reason for this was that the design of the work breakdown structure (WBS) and work packages (WP) in the product development followed the functional and departmental logic within each company resulting in incompatible structures and preventing communication and information exchange. This article intends to explore how prevailing functionally designed WBS and WP structures created barriers and to demonstrate how supplier integration can be improved by designing collaborative WBS and integrated WP. The Dependence Structure Matrix (DSM) is introduced in order to analyze, visualize and manage interdependencies and information exchange between Saab Aerospace and its supplier on different levels of the WBS and in different phases of the development process, following the logic of interdependencies and information flow, in order to support a strategy focusing on integration of suppliers on the project and team level.  相似文献   

Women who complain about sexual harassment in a union work environment may find that they are the focal point of the union’s defense of the alleged harasser. The defense the union uses can be broadly defined as one of four: deny the event, blame management, blame society, and blame the victim. This study investigates the frequency with which these defenses are used and their relative effectiveness. Deny the event and blame the victim were used in more than 80% of the cases. Their use was not significantly changed over time. There was no significant difference in the arbitrator’s decision based on the defense used by the union. It is suggested that unions consider using the blame management defense because it is equally effective but does not have the same negative effects on the victim as denying the event or blaming the victim.  相似文献   

Quality of work life: perspectives and directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The values that quality of work life (QWL) has brought to the workplace are in danger of being lost, say authors Nadler and Lawler; to avert this danger, they debunk several "definitions" of the concept that miss the point, give it a precise definition, and spell out ways to use it successfully. They delineate six factors that they believe separate more successful from less successful QWL efforts. The first success factor is a perception of need--that is, in successful efforts organization members actually perceive a problem. Second, the problem is salient to the organization. Third, a structure for participation is created. Fourth, rewards are provided both for the processes and for the outcomes of QWL activities. Fifth, multiple levels of management are involved. And, finally, QWL involves all organization members in a way that avoids "we-they" rivalries. With these factors in mind, the authors conclude that three major components of QWL efforts must be managed well if they are to succeed: (1) development of projects at different levels; (2) changes in management systems and structure; and (3) changes in senior management behavior--that is, if the QWL effort is to be credible to organization members, there must be some specific, tangible QWL activity in which senior managers participate.  相似文献   

当我们抵达西班牙巴塞罗那市后,热情好客的巴塞罗那大学教授蒙托亚博士安排我们住进一家位于市中心的十几层楼高的埃特伊尔四星级大酒店.这座据说由国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇参与投资兴建的大酒店,从外观看豪华漂亮、气势非凡,与萨马兰奇所住的公寓大厦隔街相望.  相似文献   

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